An Island Christmas Wedding: A Novella

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An Island Christmas Wedding: A Novella Page 8

by Susan Coventry

  Jean nodded, appearing relieved that the conversation had shifted away from Matt and Beth. “Tony and I have been coming here for years. We just love it,” she said.

  Jess tightened for a moment, wondering what her dad must think of the DeMarcos. He had to know that they were well-off, although they didn’t flaunt it. During the wedding planning, Jean had asked Jess for Jim’s phone number so they could discuss the financing for the wedding. Shane had been more than willing to pay for everything, but Jean had insisted on contributing. Jess had been touched since she didn’t have her mother to help with the planning, but she’d wondered if Jim would be offended.

  Jess hadn’t been privy to their conversation, but Jean had assured her that it had gone well, and Jim had accepted her help. Other than the costs of the flights and their wedding attire, Jess and Shane hadn’t paid for anything else. She didn’t need to know the particulars—she was just happy that her father and sister had come, and now maybe the stage had been set for them to have a better relationship going forward.

  The group ate heartily as everyone broke off into their own conversations. At one point, the hotel manager came over to their table and inquired as to Jess’s condition. “I’m fine,” she assured the manager, “just pregnant.”

  “Congratulations!” he said before moving on to another table of guests.

  “I still can’t believe it,” Hannah said. “Our babies are going to be so close!”

  “Not necessarily,” Shane said. “They could fight like we did growing up.”

  “We didn’t just fight. We had a lot of fun together too.”

  “Yeah, it was fun pulling your hair and putting worms in your cereal bowl,” Matt said, grinning.

  “Really? You did that?” Beth said, scrunching up her face at him.

  “Just once. It’s not like she ate them.”

  “What about you and Jess?” Hannah asked. “What were you like as kids?”

  Beth and Jess both started to speak, but Jess said, “You go ahead.” She was curious as to what her sister would say.

  “I remember following Jess everywhere. Whatever she did, I wanted to do too. Whatever she wore, I wanted the matching outfit. I was kind of obnoxious, really, but mostly, she didn’t seem to mind. I looked up to her, and I still do.”

  “Oh, that’s so sweet,” Hannah said, and she looked over at Jess.

  Once again, Jess had teared up, and her throat was too tight to respond. Shane, sensing her distress, covertly squeezed her knee underneath the table.

  “Is that how you remember it?” Beth asked, leaning forward to better see her sister.

  Jess swallowed hard and said, “I remember you following me around, but I don’t remember being so gracious about it. I seem to recall a few hair-pulling episodes of our own.”

  Everyone laughed.

  “Siblings,” Matt said, “you gotta love ’em!”

  “Here, here,” Shane said, and he raised his juice glass. Everyone raised their glasses and then went back to finishing their meals.

  Once their plates had been cleared, Jess said to Jim, “Are you and Beth taking the same ferry over to St. Thomas?”

  Everyone except the honeymooners and Tony and Jean was leaving today, and Jess had assumed that Beth and Jim had coordinated their departure.

  Jim’s eyebrows rose as he peered down the table at Beth. “You haven’t told her?”

  “Told me what?”

  Beth exchanged glances with Matt and then said, “I’ve decided to stay on the island for a few more days.”

  Jess’s eyes widened. “Really? Why?” But based on the way her sister had been looking at Matt, she realized that it was a stupid question.

  Shane tilted back in his chair, folded his arms across his chest, and said, “Yeah, why, MATT?”

  “You’re an asshole,” Matt muttered, loud enough that Hannah and Jess heard it. But then he sat up straighter and announced, “Beth and I have both decided to extend our stay for a few more days to…uh…to…”

  “To get to know each other better,” Beth finished defiantly.

  Now, there’s the feisty sister that I know, Jess thought, and she couldn’t help but smile.

  Tony and Jean were suddenly sitting up straighter too, and Jean said, “Well, how nice that you were able to take some more time off. There’s certainly plenty to do here.”

  “I don’t think they’re going to be doing much sightseeing,” Shane teased, to which Matt responded by whacking him on the chest.

  “Maybe you two would like to come over to the villa and have dinner with us one night,” Tony suggested, always the gracious host.

  “I’d like that,” Beth said, smiling.

  “Does anyone need a ride to the boat dock?” Jean asked, directing her question to Jim and Ty’s family.

  “Nope, we’re all set. We’ll be leaving on the hotel shuttle in a half an hour,” Ty’s dad said.

  His statement served as everyone’s cue to leave. As they were filing out of the restaurant, Jess whispered to Shane, “Do you mind if I wait with my dad until the shuttle comes.”

  “Not at all. Do you want me to stay with you?”

  “No. I’d like a few minutes alone with him, if you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all. I’ll wait upstairs.”

  “Thanks,” Jess said, and she rose up on her tiptoes to place a quick kiss on his lips.

  “Hey, didn’t you two get enough of that last night?” Ty teased.

  “Never,” Shane replied.

  Beth had stayed behind too, and the three McCleans stepped outside into the warm island sunshine and sat on a bench to await the shuttle. An attendant stood by with a luggage cart, and Jess recognized her father’s old hard-shell blue suitcase that he’d had since she was a kid.

  Jim sat between his two girls and looked wistful. “I so wish your mother could have been here,” he said, repeating his sentiment from yesterday.

  Jess and Beth both nodded, and they were all silent for a moment.

  “I’m thinking about selling the house,” Jim said suddenly, startling them both.

  “Really?” Beth said.

  “Why?” said Jess.

  “What do I need that big house for? There’s nobody there but me.”

  Jess almost chuckled at his description of their modest three-bedroom ranch. She’d never describe it as a “big” house, although she had loved it there as a child. Of course, her mom had been around then too.

  “Where would you go?” Jess asked, afraid that he might say New York City.

  “I was thinking about a condo so I wouldn’t have to worry about outside maintenance. I’m getting too old for that stuff now.”

  “You’re not old, Daddy,” Beth said.

  “Honestly, I just don’t have the desire to take care of a house any more. I’m thinking about joining the senior center. I need to get out and meet people my own age.”

  And the surprises just keep on coming! “You still haven’t said where you’re moving to,” Jess pointed out.

  “Oh, I wouldn’t go very far. Michigan has always been my home. There are plenty of condo developments around Clarkston to consider.”

  Jess tried to keep her relief at bay, but Beth caught her expression. Beth cleared her throat and said, “I’m actually considering moving myself.”

  Jess was glad that she was holding on the to the arm of the bench. Otherwise, she might have fallen off. Who are these people?!

  “I thought you loved New York,” Jess said.

  “Well, yeah, but it doesn’t have everything.”

  “You mean Matt?” Jess realized that she sounded snarkier than she had intended to, but Beth just continued talking.

  “Not just Matt. I don’t know. Call me nostalgic, but I’ve been thinking more about home lately. And now that you’re pregnant, I don’t want to be one of those absentee aunts that only shows up at birthdays and Christmas, and…”

  Jess held up her hands. “Ok, ok. We get it.” Her sister always had a fl
air for the dramatic.

  Jim swung an arm around each of his daughter’s shoulders. “It would be great if we were all back together again, wouldn’t it?”

  Jess hadn’t realized how much she wanted that very thing until he said it. Sure, she had felt fulfilled with her job, her hobbies, her friends, and of course, her husband, but one thing had always been missing. It had always been there, lurking in the background, but she usually tried to tamp it down. It was almost too good to be true, but looking in her father’s eyes, and then in her sister’s, she realized that they wanted the same things she did. Love. Home. Family. Those were the most important things in life, and it looked like Jess’s family was going to get a second chance at happiness—finally!

  Chapter 13

  Over the next several days, the honeymooners settled into a blissful routine. Each morning, Jess woke up in the cushiony king-sized bed next to Shane with the warm breeze blowing over their naked skin as they’d slept with the balcony door cracked open each night. Often, they’d make love in the morning before breakfast, but recently, Shane had insisted that they eat first. Jess tamped down her frustration, knowing that he was just being protective of her and their baby. It was sweet, really. And speaking of sweet, Jess’s sweet tooth seemed to have kicked back in—big time! She’d been so diligent about her diet leading up to the wedding, but now that it was over, she’d started indulging in sweets again.

  “Yummm. How did I live without this for the past six months?” she asked one morning as she licked the chocolate frosting from her fingertips. Shane had ordered room service, including a tray of freshly baked pastries.

  Shane just stared at her, his eyes glazing over. It took Jess a minute to realize why he was in such a daze, and then she hammed it up even more, slowly inserting her index finger deep into her mouth and sucking until it was licked clean. When she popped her finger out of her mouth, Shane scooped her up off the chair and carried her to the bed, where he asked her to repeat the process on him!

  Every morning after breakfast—and their sexcapades—they’d shower together, and as they took turns washing each other (spending extra time on certain parts), they’d discuss how to spend the rest of the day. A few times, they’d called Hannah and Ty, and the four of them would go exploring together, such as when they went kayaking at the aptly named Honeymoon Beach.

  Jess had tried many new things since she’d been with Shane, including snorkeling and hiking the first time they’d been on St. John. She was excited to try kayaking too, as she’d never been before, and not surprisingly, neither had Hannah. Hannah was a self-proclaimed land-lover, and she usually opted to stay on the beach rather than dip a toe in the water (unless it was a swimming pool or a hot tub).

  “I’m so proud of you, Hannah,” Jess exclaimed as Hannah climbed into the kayak with Ty.

  “We haven’t even left the shore yet,” Shane scoffed.

  “Hey, the fact that I even agreed to get into this death trap should be enough,” Hannah snapped.

  Ty laughed. “It’s not a death trap, babe. Look around at all the kayakers. Do they look scared to you?”

  Hannah was seated now, and she was clutching the sides of the kayak so tightly that she was bound to break a nail. “Just get going before I change my mind!”

  “Uh, Hannah? You have to paddle too,” Shane reminded her.

  “Seriously? Well, this sounds more like work than fun.”

  Jess tried a different tact. “Remember when we went hiking together the last time we were here?”

  “Yeah, so?”

  “So, you started out complaining, but then you ended up loving it.”

  “Yes, but there’s one major difference,” Hannah said, “we were on dry land, and I knew exactly what was beneath my feet. Here, we’re surrounded by sharks, and with all this extra weight on me, I would be more than a shark snack. I’d be an entire meal!”

  Ty tilted his head back and laughed loudly, clearly not taking his wife’s fears seriously.

  “Han? You can’t tell me you haven’t noticed the lifeguards on the beach,” Shane said, eyeing one such buff-looking lifeguard perched in a tall stand. “If they spot any sharks, they’ll be sure to let us know.”

  “Great! That makes me feel much better. Thanks, Shane,” she huffed.

  A few minutes later, they were gliding out into the bay on clear blue water that was as smooth as glass, glinting like a million tiny diamonds under the hot tropical sun. Shane had taken extra time slathering Jess with sunscreen since she was prone to burning, even though much of her body was covered up for the expedition. She wore a swim shirt and swim shorts, and she had on the mandatory life jacket that they’d received at the rental building. Hannah, on the other hand, refused to cover up as much even though she was pregnant. She wore a black two-piece bathing suit, and her baby bump stuck out proudly, which had caused quite a few heads to turn as they’d strolled down the beach.

  In some ways, Hannah was much braver than Jess. She didn’t hesitate to flaunt her curves, although it was usually in good taste. Jess considered herself a late bloomer, and she was still learning how to be more confident in her own skin. Of course, Shane had helped her make great strides with that, just as he’d helped her overcome other fears.

  As Jess had expected, it didn’t take long for Hannah to loosen up, especially once they’d spotted a pair of sea turtles swimming just below the surface.

  “Oh my God. They’re so big!” Hannah trilled.

  “But not as big as me, right, honey?” Ty joked.

  “Why must men constantly compare everything to the size of their penis?” Hannah asked.

  Shane scowled at her and said, “Not everything, just most things,” which had them all laughing uproariously.

  They remained in the calm waters of the bay for about an hour, until Hannah started to complain that she was hungry.

  “We just ate!” Ty said, clearly not ready to leave.

  “That was hours ago,” Hannah retorted, and Jess had to agree.

  “Why don’t we take a break for lunch, and then, if you guys want to go kayaking after, Hannah and I can just hang out on the beach?” Jess suggested.

  Nobody could argue with that idea, so that was exactly what they did. After filling up on hamburgers and fries, Hannah and Jess spread out their towels on the white powder-sand beach while their husbands went back out on the water.

  Hannah had donned a floppy straw hat and large sunglasses and immediately pulled out a gossip magazine from her beach bag. Jess had brought along a paperback romance novel, but she couldn’t concentrate on reading. Plus, she felt like she was living her very own romance right then and there.

  Instead, she propped herself up on her elbows and watched Shane and Ty as they paddled further away from shore, talking and laughing amicably. The scene was idyllic, and at that moment, it was difficult to think about going home, where the temperature was in the thirties and they’d just gotten a fresh batch of snow. Matt had been sending them updates since he’d returned to Michigan a few days ago. Jess and Shane hadn’t seen much of Beth and Matt for the duration of their time on the island, but that had been expected. Each of the sisters had been occupied with her own man, although Jess still had a hard time believing that her sister’s man was Matt! Not that he wasn’t a great guy; she just didn’t see them as each other’s type.

  The honeymooners had met in the hotel lobby to say goodbye to Beth and Matt on the day they’d left. Beth had hugged Jess tight and whispered, “We’ll talk soon,” before she’d departed, holding onto Matt’s hand as if she had no intention of ever letting go. Jess was happy for them, and she was anxious to talk to her sister again once she got back home.

  “What do you suppose they’re talking about?” Hannah said, bringing Jess back to the present.

  She shrugged. “How much they love us?”

  Hannah giggled. “I don’t think guys talk about things like that.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

ow have you been feeling?” Hannah asked, changing the subject.

  “Not bad. My boobs are a little sore, but that’s about it.”

  “No more dizzy spells?”

  “Nope. Shane makes sure I eat on a regular basis.”

  “My brother is crazy about you. You know that, right?”

  Jess nodded, not bothering to hide her huge smile. “It goes both ways.”

  “I know, but have you wondered what’s going to happen once our kids are born?”

  Jess shifted her body to face Hannah. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, right now, we have the guys’ undivided attention, and vice versa, but once the babies come…”

  Jess had heard the complaints before from her friends who already had kids. “There’s no time for sex,” “I’m exhausted all the time,” and “The baby always comes first” were the most common laments. Jess hadn’t paid much attention before because having babies hadn’t been on her radar back then.

  “Maybe it won’t be as bad as people say,” Jess said, choosing to be optimistic.

  “I’m not saying it will be bad. It will just be different, that’s all,” Hannah mused.

  Jess wondered what Shane would have to say to that, and later, when they were alone, she asked him. They were lying in bed together, catching their breath after a vigorous round of lovemaking, when she brought it up.

  “Shane?” she began, swirling her finger around in his chest hair.


  “What do you think it will be like once our baby is born?”

  His hand was running over her auburn locks, and he halted for a moment. “Messy,” he replied, chuckling.


  “Yeah, as in babies make a lot of messes.”

  That wasn’t exactly what she’d thought he’d say, but since they were on the subject… “Are you of the mindset that men don’t need to change diapers?”

  “Ha! Not at all. I plan to share all the responsibilities,” he said. “Plus, my mom would kill me for taking that attitude!”

  Jess giggled, pleased to hear it.

  Suddenly, Shane leaned up on his side and peered down at her. “Were you worried that I wouldn’t help take care of our child?”


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