An Island Christmas Wedding: A Novella

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An Island Christmas Wedding: A Novella Page 9

by Susan Coventry

  “, no, it’s not that.”

  “What, then? Tell me,” he urged, brushing her hair back off her neck.

  “It’s just…well…you know what people say about what happens once you have kids.”

  “What? Like no more sex?”

  Jess’s eyes widened. She had no idea why she ever bothered to tiptoe around a subject with him. He always seemed to know exactly what she was thinking. “Well, yeah, that.”

  Shane shook his head vehemently, his chocolate-brown eyes sparkling. “Not going to happen, babe. Not for us.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “How can you be so sure?”

  “Because I’m not going to let it. Are you?”

  “What? NO! Of course not.”

  “Well, there you have it. If I’m going to keep wanting you, and you’re going to keep wanting me, then we have nothing to worry about, right?”

  “You always make everything sound so simple.”

  “That’s because most things are,” he said, leaning closer to nibble on her neck.

  Jess tipped her head to the side to give him better access. They had just finished making love a short time ago, but her nipples had tightened, and she was ready to go again.

  “You’re still thinking. I can tell,” he said as he rolled a nipple between his calloused fingers. Shane had rough hands from working construction, but she loved them all the same—strong and sure, and adept at turning her on.

  “What about when I get fat? How will we make love when there’s a big belly between us?”

  “Very carefully,” Shane teased, sliding his hand across her chest to pluck the other nipple.

  “I mean it,” she scolded, although she was starting to lose her concentration.

  “We’ll get creative. We’ll read up on it.”

  Whenever Jess was worried about something, Shane would suggest they buy a book about it because he knew how much she loved to read. Not that she ever needed an excuse to visit the bookstore! Jess laughed, but a minute later, she was making other sounds instead. Shane’s nimble fingers had drifted down to her center, and he was stroking her gently along her damp folds. His philosophy in the bedroom was “ladies first,” but she couldn’t just lie there and accept his ministrations without pleasuring him too. She encircled his hard shaft with her palm and began stroking him too with the amount of pressure that she knew he liked.

  “See. Here’s an example,” he said, picking up the conversation where they’d left off.

  Jess’s brow knit in confusion. “Example? Oh…yes…right there.”

  “Um-hum. When your baby belly gets too big, we can just…oh…yeah…pleasure each other like this.”

  Their hands worked in tandem, and their lips met in a wet rush as they pushed into each other’s hands and climaxed, one right after the other. Afterwards, Shane hurriedly cleaned himself off with some tissues that were conveniently placed on the bedside table, and then he pulled her in close and held her.

  Most nights, they’d been able to watch the sunset from the beach or from their balcony, but they’d missed it tonight. The room was already dark, and the only sounds came from the fluttering of the curtains at the window and their breathing.

  “I love you,” Jess whispered against his shoulder.

  “I love you too, sweetheart,” he said softly, and then he put his palm on her flat stomach and said, “and you too, buddy.”

  It had become his new pattern, and he said some variation of it every night before they went to bed, always referring to their child as a he.

  “Are you going to be disappointed if it’s a girl?”

  “Not if she looks like you.”

  “Well, she’s bound to look like both of us.”

  “Hopefully, she won’t be as hairy as me!”

  “You’re going to be a great dad.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “The same way that you’re sure we won’t stop wanting each other. I just know.”

  “Goodnight, beautiful,” Shane said, smiling against her hair.

  “Goodnight, handsome,” she replied, and with her hand atop his that was still resting protectively on her belly, they fell asleep.

  Chapter 14

  “Merry Christmas,” Shane said, slipping his arms around her waist from behind.

  Jess had woken up before him that morning, and after throwing on her robe, she’d tiptoed out onto the balcony to watch the sunrise.

  “Merry Christmas to you too,” she said, leaning her head back to invite his sleepy morning kiss.

  “What were you thinking about out here?”

  “I was just enjoying the sunrise and wondering what Dad and Beth are doing today,” she said.

  Shane gave her a squeeze. “Are you missing home?”

  Jess had decided some time ago that home was wherever he was. She turned around in his arms and looped hers around his neck. “Yes and no. I love being here with you, but I’m also missing it a bit.”

  Shane nodded. “Next year, we’ll invite everyone to our house for Christmas. How’s that? And we’ll have two new babies in the family by then.”

  Jess smiled, loving that he always knew how to make her feel better. “That sounds perfect.”

  “So. Do you want to open presents now or wait until later?”

  Jess laughed at his childlike expression. “Well, since we’ll be meeting up with the family later, we should probably open them now.”

  “But first, have you eaten anything yet?”

  Jess rolled her eyes at him. “Yes, doctor. I ate a banana when I first got up.”

  “Ohhh…I would have liked to have seen that!”

  “Naughty boys don’t get Christmas presents.”

  Shane chuckled and led her back inside and over to the bed.

  “I thought we were opening presents first,” she said.

  “Now who’s being naughty? Just sit there and close your eyes.”

  Jess did what she was told even though she was tempted to peek as she heard him rustle around in his suitcase.

  “And no peeking!” Shane added as if he could read her mind.

  “You’re no fun.”

  “That’s not what you said last night.”

  Jess smiled at the memory of what they’d done the night before. At Shane’s suggestion, they’d role-played the parts of a naughty professor and his student. At first, Jess hadn’t been able to stop laughing, and she hadn’t thought she could go through with it, but then…

  “Hold out your hands,” he said, coming to stand before her.

  Jess cupped her hands and eagerly held them out. She had no clue what he’d gotten her, but he was a thoughtful gift giver, so she was anxious to find out. He set two small wrapped boxes in her hands and then said, “Ok. Open your eyes!”

  Jess opened her eyes and gasped when she saw the trademark teal blue boxes with the pretty white bows. She felt spoiled even before she unwrapped them, knowing what exquisite taste Shane had. He’d bought her a few other pieces of jewelry since they’d been together, and she loved them all.

  “Does it matter which one I open first?”

  “No! Just open them!”

  Jess was notorious for opening gifts slowly and deliberately, as if she wanted to savor the experience. “Ok,” she said, and she untied the ribbon on the larger of the two boxes. She flipped open the lid and halted, reading the small card Shane had tucked inside. Because I’ll love you for all eternity it read, and tears immediately sprang to her eyes.

  Shane kneeled in front of her and gently took the box from her shaking hands. “Let me,” he said. He removed the white gold infinity necklace and clasped it around her neck.

  Jess fingered the necklace and then flung her arms around him and hugged him tight. “Thank you so much. I love it!”

  He pulled back and said, “Open the other one.”

  Jess swiped a tear away and picked up the second box. When she flipped up the lid, there was another note inside that read: And baby makes three. Shane
lifted out the three-strand infinity bracelet and slipped it on her wrist.

  Jess’s tears ran down her face freely now, and she sputtered, “But you wouldn’t have known about the baby when you bought this.”

  Handing her some tissues, he said, “You’re right, but somehow, Hannah was able to unwrap the box without ruining the paper so I could tuck the note inside, and then she rewrapped it.”

  Jess wasn’t sure what was more impressive—that Hannah had been able to keep the wrapping intact or that she had been able to keep the secret about Jess’s Christmas gifts! “They’re both beautiful, Shane. I won’t ever take them off.” She wiped away the rest of her tears and patted the bed. “Now it’s your turn. Sit here.”

  “I love it when you’re bossy!”

  Jess giggled as she went to retrieve his gifts from one of the many tote bags she’d packed. She’d just bent over when she said, “Eyes closed.”

  “Damn! I was enjoying the view.”

  “After you open these, you can enjoy the view up close,” she teased.

  “Fair enough.”

  Jess placed one box in his hands and set the other one on the bed beside him so that it bumped up against his legs.

  “Hmmm,” he said, feeling the box next to him. “Intriguing.”

  Jess smiled, knowing how much he was going to love what was in that box. “Ok. Open the one in your hands first.”

  Unlike her, Shane tore off the red and white Macy’s wrapping paper to reveal a watch box inside. “Ah-ha!” he said as he took out the high-end sports watch and clasped it around his wrist. Shane wasn’t much into fashion or jewelry, but he always wore a watch, and he’d admired that one when they’d been in Macy’s a few weeks before their wedding. Jess had gone right back the next day and bought it for him.

  “Do you like it?”

  “I love it. Thank you,” he said, pulling her down for a kiss.

  “Now the other one,” she said, pointing to the box on the bed. “This one is kind of a joint gift.”

  “Hmmm.” Shane ripped open the candy cane wrapping paper to uncover a pink and white striped Victoria’s Secret box, and a devilish grin broke out across his stubbled face. “Now we’re talking,” he teased.

  He quickly yanked off the lid and pulled out the contents—a sheer black teddy with a deep vee in front and a thong in back. Shane had pointed it out to her in a Victoria’s Secret catalog and had said, “You’d look hot in this!” Jess had scoffed at the time, but then she’d decided that if he wanted to see her in something like that, who was she to deny him? Most nights, they slept naked, or if it was really cold, she’d wear a pair of sweats, so she could indulge him in this even though she found the price exorbitant for how little material there was.

  “Try it on for me,” he said, his eyes twinkling like Christmas lights.

  “Right now?”

  “Why not?”

  “But we haven’t eaten breakfast yet.” For some reason, she was experiencing a wave of shyness. She’d never really considered herself sexy before, but Shane was working on changing her viewpoint. She’d always thought of herself as pretty in a pleasant, wholesome way, but he saw her as much more than that, and he never hesitated to tell her.

  “Pretty please,” he said, batting his absurdly long lashes (for a guy).

  Jess wanted to resist, but she couldn’t. Besides, she’d bought the thing, so she might as well wear it! “Ok, fine. But then, breakfast.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Jess took the scrap of material into the bathroom and locked the door behind her. It would be just like Shane to sneak up on her while she was changing. She hung her robe on the back of the door and shimmied into the teddy, reaching back to tie the ribbon around her neck. Surveying herself in the mirror, she said, “Oh. Wow.”

  “Jess? Did you just say something?” Shane called.

  “Be right out,” she called back to conceal her habit of talking to herself. She twisted her body around to see the back and said, “Oh, boy.”


  “I’m coming.”

  When she stepped out of the bathroom, Shane was lounging on the bed, his hands clasped behind his head, waiting. Now he sprang upright and whistled. “Holy…”

  Emboldened by his reaction, Jess did a little pirouette, turning around so he could see the back.

  “Moley,” he finished, his voice husky.

  When she turned back around, his eyes were on fire, and he was stalking toward her.

  Jess swallowed hard, her nipples peaking against the thin material. “What about breakfast?” she asked even though she’d forgotten all about food.

  “Breakfast can wait,” he said, pulling her forward against his rock-hard body. His hands reached around to cup her bare bottom, and he squeezed as his lips descended on hers.

  Her teddy and his briefs didn’t provide much of a barrier as he rubbed his erection against her core. He backed her up against the wall next to the bed, and she squirmed in anticipation, knowing that this wasn’t going to be one of those slow, gentle lovemaking sessions. This was going to be hard and fast, which was fine by her.

  Moments later, her teddy was on the floor along with his briefs, and he was buried deep inside her, her hands pinned up against the wall.

  “Love this. Love you,” he murmured as he dipped his head down to suck a nipple deep inside his mouth.

  Jess’s grip on his shoulders tightened, and for ten seconds, she worried about leaving marks, but then she tipped her head back and let go, writhing and moaning, as they came undone, locked together until their tremors finally subsided.

  Chapter 15

  “Merry Christmas, everyone,” Shane called when they entered Tony and Jean’s villa a few hours later.

  Jean had insisted on making a traditional Christmas dinner for them with all the trimmings. The only thing missing was snow!

  “Come on in,” Tony called from the kitchen.

  “Mmmm. It smells good in here,” Jess said, breathing in the familiar scents of Christmas.

  Hannah and Ty were already there, and Hannah rushed up to Jess and hugged her while Ty and Shane shook hands.

  “I see you’re wearing your new Christmas gifts,” Hannah said, admiring Jess’s jewelry.

  “Not all of them,” Shane said, winking at Jess.

  He and Ty exchanged smirks while Hannah lifted Jess’s wrist to inspect her bracelet. “I have to admit that my brother has good taste,” she said.

  Jean came out of the kitchen to greet them next, wearing an apron with candy canes printed on it and looking lovely as always. “Merry Christmas, you two,” she said, and she gave them each a hug. “Dinner will be ready soon.”

  Tony joined them, wiping his hands on a kitchen towel. He leaned in and kissed Jess’s cheek before giving Shane a manly hug. “Glad you could make it.”

  “Wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” Shane replied, giving Jess a squeeze.

  Jess felt another twinge of homesickness as she thought about her Dad and Beth. As far as she knew, they weren’t spending Christmas together, because Beth had to get back to the city. When Jess had called Jim earlier to ask what his plans were, he’d mentioned going over to his friend’s house, who was also a widower. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. You just enjoy your honeymoon, and I’ll see you when you get back,” he’d said, but Jess still felt guilty.

  Just then, her phone pinged, and she pulled it out of her purse, thinking it might be her dad again. When she saw it was a text message from Beth, she walked out onto the terrace to read it. As she came back inside, they all glanced up to see her smiling.

  “What is it?” Shane asked.

  “Everybody, come and look at this,” Jess said, holding out her phone.

  There on the screen was a picture of Beth and Matt, arm in arm, in the middle of Times Square. Beth had put a Christmas frame around the photo and had written Merry Christmas from NYC above it.

  The DeMarcos all started talking at once, as they were
known to do.

  “Did you know Matt was going to New York?” Tony asked Jean.

  “I had no idea,” she replied.

  “I’m not surprised at all,” Ty said.

  “Wow! How weird. What if Matt and Beth end up together? That would make her Jess’s sister and sister-in-law.”

  “Just because he went to New York doesn’t mean he’s going to marry her,” Shane pointed out.

  Hannah scowled. “I seem to recall another brother of mine showing up unexpectedly when Jess was in St. John the last time, and look at you now!”

  “She’s got a point,” Ty said, grinning at Shane.

  “But it’s too soon, isn’t it?” Jess asked.

  Jean smiled at her. “When it’s right, it’s right,” she said and went back into the kitchen.

  “That’s my boy,” Tony added, chuckling as he followed behind her.

  The four honeymooners sat down on the plush couch and discussed the situation further. Well, at least Jess and Hannah did—the men were already onto a different topic.

  “You should call her,” Hannah urged.

  “No! I’m not going to interrupt them.”

  “But it’s Christmas. You’re meant to call your family on Christmas.”

  “I’ll call her later,” Jess said, and she tucked her phone away.

  A short time after, Jean called, “Dinner’s ready!”

  Everyone gathered around the table while Jean and Tony brought in platters of food. Once they were all seated, Tony said, “Let’s hold hands while I pray.”

  This was another tradition in their family that Jess had become quite fond of. Religion hadn’t played a big part in her life after her mother had died, and she’d found that she missed it. Since she and Shane had become a couple, they’d started attending his church, and it had filled a hole in her that she hadn’t even realized was there.

  “Dear God, thank you for the food we are about to receive and for your many blessings throughout this past year. Please watch over our family as we enter a new year, and especially our two unborn grandchildren. Amen.”

  “Amen,” everyone repeated.

  And then the noise level rose as they passed the plates and bowls heaping with food—baked ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberry sauce, vegetables, and rolls. As always, Jean had made enough food for a small village, and she’d already made plans to take the leftovers to a shelter in Cruz Bay.


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