Book Read Free

Mind Game

Page 9

by Iris Johansen

  Did you notice anything else? Something that struck you as different about the place?

  No. Silence. Except it felt … kind of golden.


  I don’t know. Just an impression. She went on quickly, But I thought that island might be important. It was pretty far away. I wasn’t sure if I could swim that far. But I might try it anyway the next time.

  Don’t do it.

  I’ll do what I please. You don’t seem to be helping.


  She was silent for a moment. I have to leave here. Santara’s hurting me. He’ll make me break my promise.

  Because you’ll have to do what this Santara is trying to force you to do?

  No, don’t you know anything? I’d never do that.

  Then what are you saying?

  I promised. But I get so angry and I think that I have to do it. And they’ll hurt him if I don’t do it.

  Do what, Lisa?

  Kill them. Kill them all.

  What the hell was she supposed to say to that? Lisa might just be capable of doing what she wanted to do if Jane believed Caleb. But it brought up a host of questions. Would Lisa’s fledging talent be enough to take down the people she was facing? Caleb had kept it smothered and she was only now aware of its power. If she tried and didn’t succeed, it could get her killed. And Caleb had said that the people who held her mustn’t be made aware of her capabilities. Added to the fact that there were all the psychological and moral ramifications. But there were all sorts of complications in communicating with Lisa.

  And are you going to tell me to whom you made that promise?

  Why? You have to know already. I feel him whenever I reach out to you. It’s Seth Caleb.

  Okay, but you haven’t been very forthcoming about anyone or anything concerned in all this.

  I didn’t have time. I didn’t trust you to protect him. But I may have to trust you. Things are … changing.

  I can see that by the bruises, she said drily. How badly are you being hurt, Lisa?

  Silence, then: Not bad. I’m fine. I just need to get out of here.

  I’m not sure I believe you.

  Believe what you like. I’m fine. And I might be able to stop them without you.

  I don’t think that’s wise. I believe you have to do what Caleb wanted you to do. We’ll work out something else.

  What? The question was passionate. It’s all about him. They want me to call Seth and tell him to come here. And not to warn him that anything is wrong. I’ll never do that. I’ll never let anything bad happen to him. Not ever. No matter what they do to me.

  Love and passionate dedication and the willingness to sacrifice. It was all there in those few sentences. Jane was unbearably touched and she could feel her throat tighten.

  As I said, we’ll find a way to get around it. Just don’t do anything that could get you killed until we figure it out. You may not have any respect for me, but I’m going to make sure that I get you out of this.

  Silence, then: I suppose I might have respect for you. Seth must think you’re okay, to have such a strong link with you. You were the only one I could reach when I was trying to get help.

  And avoid reaching out to him.

  He mustn’t come here. You promised me it would be only you.

  I’ll keep my word, unless you give me permission to break it. She added, But you know Caleb will be looking for you. He cares about you as much as you care about him. Don’t you think that it would be safer not to let him go at it blind?

  Not if you get me away from here right away. She was silent; then she suddenly burst out: He knows, doesn’t he? That’s why I’m not having any trouble keeping you with me. That’s why you’re trying to persuade me to let Seth help me.

  Jane felt an instant of pure panic. So much for Caleb’s assertion that Lisa wouldn’t guess that he was involved. Now she didn’t know which way Lisa would jump.

  Look, I kept my promise. I just had to know more than you were telling me. I didn’t even know he was your brother until I pinpointed the resemblance. And Caleb already knew something was wrong. You must have known he would when you cut off your link to him. He’s been searching for you.

  Only you!

  I told you I’d keep my promise. I won’t let him come near you. But he’s not going to stop until he knows what’s happening.

  Listen to you. You’re asking me to trust you. I don’t like having to trust anyone.

  I know that, but you don’t have many options. Neither do I. I can’t let you be alone in this.

  There was no answer, and Jane was holding her breath.

  I don’t want to be alone. Then Lisa went on quickly: Not that I’m afraid, but I might need someone else to take care of Seth if something happens.

  Then I’ll volunteer for that, too. Just don’t think you have to face this by yourself. Okay?

  Okay. The word was definitely grudging.

  Then I need to ask a few more questions and then we have to work out a strategy. Agreed? She didn’t wait for an answer. Where were you when you were taken?

  At the Romano estate. I went to bed one night, and when I woke up, I was on a helicopter and had a bad headache. And my hands were tied behind my back.


  I don’t know about that. Maybe.

  Were your guardians taken with you?

  No, I was alone at the estate except for a couple servants. Teresa and Gino went to Rome two days before that. The only one on the helicopter was the pilot and a man who said his name was Leon Santara. He said that I wouldn’t be hurt as long as I did what he said. Then a couple hours later he blindfolded me and later we landed here. That’s how it started.

  And how did it go on?

  They treated me okay for the first few days. Gave me a bedroom, fed me. But Santara kept bringing me into this tower room upstairs and threatening me, telling me what I had to do.

  And what was that?

  Seth. I told you: He kept saying I had to call Seth Caleb and tell him I needed him to come here. It was all about Seth. They didn’t want me; they wanted Seth. He kept saying that they didn’t want to hurt him. That they only needed him to do something for them. But they think I’m just a stupid girl and will believe any lies they tell me. Why should I let him get hold of Seth? she added fiercely, And that’s why it has to be only you. I won’t give him Seth.

  Shh. Jane could sense the anger and force that was electrifying the girl. You don’t have to keep repeating that. But I think you know that Caleb can take care of himself.

  No one will use me to hurt him. I won’t let that happen. Even if I break my promise to him.

  What promise?

  Ask him. He’s the one who made me give it. But he’s wrong, he’s wrong.

  Then I’m sure that the best thing would be to let—

  Santara! Panic. He’s coming! I have to go. I hear him in the hall.

  At this time of night? Are you sure?

  Of course I’m sure. He hasn’t let me sleep much the last few days. He’s opening the door. He’s coming into the room and he—

  Lisa was gone.

  Jane drew a deep breath and slowly closed the sketchbook. A disturbing and revealing episode and she still didn’t know enough to have a clue about finding Lisa. She would have to wait and see if she could learn more the next time.

  She glanced at the clock. It was 4:35 in the morning.

  He hasn’t let me sleep much …

  Bruises. Sleep deprivation. What else was in store for Lisa?

  And it was clear she wasn’t going to be able to give them what they wanted. Not a promising picture.


  Ask him. He’s the one who made me give it.

  And she would, but she wasn’t going to jump up and run down to Caleb’s tent again tonight. It was close enough to morning to lie here and try to get her thoughts together before she exposed herself to the disturbing force that was Caleb.

  She reached out and turned off her lant
ern. She lay staring into the darkness while her mind skidded at top speed from thought to thought. Lisa. Caleb. What they were together and apart. How she was involved with both of them and was somehow caught in the middle.

  But it was that last fact that was the only important thing. Caught in the middle and she had to ignore everything else and concentrate on extricating herself and Lisa from the center of this mess.

  Okay, she thought. Go over everything and see what you can come up with before you talk to Caleb.

  * * *

  But she was too on edge to wait any longer than six before she left her tent and walked down to the campfire.

  Caleb was already there, fully dressed, his hair wet from the shower. “Fresh coffee.” He handed her a cup. “But I wasn’t about to cook you breakfast. You can eat later. I wanted to talk to you before Jock and MacDuff surface. You’ve kept me waiting long enough, dammit. I saw your light go on at four.” He took the sketchbook from her and flipped it open to the new sketch. “Punishment escalating,” he said grimly. “They’re getting impatient. She’s probably not only refusing to do what they want but giving them a bit of verbal abuse. Lisa is never shy about making her thoughts known.”

  “So I’ve noticed.” Her lips tightened. “And it makes me sick to see her like this. Is there any chance I can convince her to keep her mouth shut until I can find a way to help her escape?”

  “Probably not.” He lifted his eyes from the sketch to meet her own. “But I could do it. If you give me the chance.”

  “Don’t be too confident. Your influence might be waning. She’s not at all certain that your advice is either smart or desirable.”

  “Indeed?” He shrugged. “I’m sure you’re going to elaborate.”

  “You bet I am.” She quickly and concisely went over her recent communication with Lisa and ended by saying, “And the word wrong was used very emphatically when connected with you, Caleb.”

  “And you enjoyed it enormously.”

  “I enjoyed the chance to prick your ego, but I’m not enjoying anything else about this,” she said wearily. “And if I could turn you loose on Lisa to work your magic, I’d do it. But I could tell I was skating on very thin ice when she found out that you’d already become involved on even this limited basis.”

  “I could convince her.”

  “I won’t take the risk.” She paused. “What promise did she make you, Caleb?”

  “You probably have a good idea. I worked with her on initiating her talents when she was a youngster. But I made her promise she would never free them until I judged the time was right and gave her permission.”

  “And reinforced it with that mojo you use on occasion.”

  “It was necessary,” he said through set teeth. “Look, as long as no one knew she wasn’t normal, she wouldn’t be treated as a freak by anyone in her circle. She had a chance of what they call ‘living a happy life.’ What was more important as she grew older and the talent grew, is that it protected everyone around her from a minor temper tantrum that could prove deadly.” He paused. “And Lisa from being victimized or used by anyone who might want to employ that talent.”

  “Like her sister, Maria?”

  He nodded. “And Maria had no talent.”

  “And you, Caleb. Did anyone try to make a victim out of you?”

  “Of course. But thanks to my dear parents, who made me suspicious of who and what I was, I grew up to be wary of everyone around me.” His lips twisted. “I assure you, I was such a son of a bitch that no one ever had the slightest chance of victimizing me.”

  “But according to what Lisa said, this Santara told her that the reason they wanted to reach you was because they needed you to do something for them.”

  “Which could have been a complete lie. I have a lot of enemies.”

  “That’s what Lisa thought. But why go to all the bother of kidnapping her just to get hold of you? Why not go for you directly if they want to kill you?”

  “And your point?”

  “I don’t know. Only that they’ve asked for no ransom. They want Lisa to get you in a position where you see how helpless she is. That’s very persuasive if you want to barter something. Perhaps Santara wasn’t lying.”

  “Possibly,” he said. “Or maybe he was.” He finished his coffee. “Either way, we have to find out where they’re keeping her. I’m starting with the Romanos, who conveniently left Lisa alone on the estate for two days before Santara went after her. They supposedly went to Rome, but I couldn’t find any trace of them when I was looking for Lisa. If the estate was closed up within a couple days of the time when Lisa was taken, they would have had to sign contracts or give verbal orders to get it done. I’ll track it down.” He added grimly, “Or track them down.”

  “You think they may be involved?”

  “It’s looking that way. I told you that the Romanos had no liking for me. If they’re using Lisa to get to me, then they certainly know what they’d get for their money. Maybe they’re earning a little extra cash setting me up for one of my more than plentiful enemies.” His smile was reckless. “Or perhaps they found a use for the freak that they considered so disgusting. We do have uses, don’t we, Jane?”

  He was no longer talking about Lisa, and Jane wasn’t going to let him go there. “Back off. I made a mistake. But this isn’t about anyone but your sister. You saved Eve and Michael and I’m going to do my damnedest to help Lisa. Neither has anything to do with the other.” She turned away. “I’m going to make breakfast for everyone and then I’m going to call Eve and Joe and tell them what’s happening. Are you going to help Jock and MacDuff today?”

  “Until noon. Then I’ll be on the phone checking out Santara.” He was silent. “And I really need to link with Lisa. It sounds as if she’s ready to—”

  “No. I think she’s stronger than you think, stronger than she thinks. But we do have to get her away from that bastard who’s abusing her.” She paused. “I don’t want to have to wait for her to use those sketches to bond with me. Can you find another way to make it happen? Can I go to her?”

  He raised his brows. “If you let me come along.”


  “It’s the only way. You’d be satisfied because it would be visual, as well. Actually, you’d be coming along with me.” He smiled. “You’ve been down that road before with me, but it would be a little different. No mind games. Just a clean link with Lisa.”

  “And risk her breaking with both of us.”

  “Trust me.”

  She shook her head. “I’d have to be desperate.”

  His smile faded. “It may come to that. Don’t wait too long. I’m trying to go along with you on this, but there are ways that I can—” He stopped as he saw Jock coming toward them. “Don’t wait too long.…”

  * * *

  “Caleb…” Eve said thoughtfully when Jane had finished. “Yes, I can see the resemblance there, now that you bring it to my attention. It was just that none of us was expecting it.”

  “I’ll second that,” Jane said curtly. “We didn’t know Lisa existed. He lied to us.”

  “Yes, he did. But I imagine that Caleb has had to lie a lot in his life just to survive.”

  “You’re defending him.”

  “No, but I’m trying to understand him. I think you’re getting a new view on Caleb, too.”

  Jane couldn’t deny it. “But it doesn’t alter the fact that all of us still have to find ways to survive Caleb. And he doesn’t allow anyone close enough to understand what drives him. Certainly not me.”

  “He let you know that he cares about Lisa. That may be a breakthrough for him.”

  “Look, Eve, this isn’t about Caleb. It’s about Lisa. Caleb is only important because he can help us to help her.”

  “But from what you said, getting her away may depend on giving Caleb to this Santara.”

  “I didn’t say that.” The idea sent panic through her. “Not that Caleb wouldn’t be able to take care— But we�
�ll find some other way to—”

  “Shh, I know that’s not on the agenda. I’m just trying to clarify the problem.”

  “I didn’t phone to dump all this on you. I just wanted to let you know what was happening and update Joe on what we have to be on the lookout for.” She changed the subject. “How’s Michael doing?”

  “Magnificently. Right now he’s discovering the intricacies of building a skyscraper from his blocks. Nothing simple for Michael. But he’s missing you.”

  “I miss him.” She added lightly, “And his parents. I have to go now and see if I can lend a hand with those lights down in the mist. I’ll keep you informed.”

  “Do that.” She paused. “Be careful, Jane. I know this situation is driving you crazy, that you have to stand by and not be able to help that girl. Just don’t make a move without letting us help.”

  “Right now, I can’t make any move. I don’t know where she is, dammit.” She added grimly, “But I’ll find out. Bye, Eve.” She hit the button to end the call.

  Try not to think about Lisa for the next few hours, she told herself.

  She was terribly frustrated and there was a cold feeling in the pit of her stomach. She wanted desperately to reach out and find a way to do more for Lisa.

  Before it was too late.

  She got to her feet and headed down the bank toward the mist.

  I’m coming to see you, Cira. I need to think of someone who has already lived their life and solved all their problems. I wish you could give me a hint how I can do that.…


  “Stop worrying.” Joe slipped his arm around Eve and drew her closer on the couch. “I sent out a message to Interpol to be on the alert for anything connected to the Romanos or this Leon Santara. It’s all we can do right now.” His lips brushed her temple as he added wryly, “And I don’t imagine that Caleb is going to stop at Interpol to find Lisa. His contacts aren’t nearly as law-abiding, but I’d bet they’re so afraid of Caleb that they’ll come through for him.”

  “That doesn’t mean they’ll find her in time,” Eve said. “Or that Jane’s going to wait if she’s given even a hint about where Lisa is. She’s terribly frightened about her.”


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