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Jumping in Puddles

Page 2

by Barbara Elsborg

  “Why do you want it?” he asked. “You never wear rings. You never wear jewelry, come to that.”

  “It’s exactly what my mother’s been looking for. I have to get it for her.” Ellie was torn between trying to look cool about it and absolute desperation that she not miss out on the purchase. She could get her own bidder’s number, but some inner sense was telling her not to. She’d learned not to ignore her instincts.

  “Is there something I’m not seeing?” Bernie frowned at it through the glass.

  “It’s just a pretty ring.”

  He fell silent as the auction started, and they moved to the back of the room where he preferred to stand. Ellie’s heart began to pound even harder as the auctioneer rattled through the lots. Almost every item started with a commission bid, and alongside the auctioneer, clerks sat in front of laptops communicating with Internet buyers.

  Bernie made the winning offer for a Cartier bracelet but lost out on the other items much to his obvious annoyance. They crept closer and closer to the lot. Ellie had been watching the crowd, noting what they bid on. She recognized a few of the dealers. If one of them bought the ring, at least she’d know where it was, but if it went to an Internet or commission buyer, it was as good as lost again. Unless she broke into Dacre’s to check their records. Oh God.

  “Lot one hundred and twelve,” said the auctioneer, and Ellie crossed her fingers behind her back. “A pretty rose-gold-and-diamond ring. Twenty-two-carat crown gold. A large number of tiny diamonds nicely worked. Possibly Russian. I have a commission bid of two thousand pounds.”

  Ellie felt sick. The bidding went up in spurts, and Bernie stayed silent. When the offers slowed and the auctioneer played with his gavel, she nudged Bernie, and he glared.

  At four thousand pounds Ellie verged on throwing up. Bernie came in a four and half, and the person left bidding against him was on the Internet. When the bidding reached five and not Bernie’s bid, Ellie’s heart swapped places with her stomach. That was it. She’d lost.

  She imagined herself getting arrested for breaking into Dacre’s. “Keep bidding,” she whispered.

  “Five two,” Bernie called.

  One of the guys on the computer nodded to the auctioneer. Damn and blast, another bid.

  “Any advance on five three?” asked the auctioneer.

  “Five four,” Bernie said.

  Oh God, what is he doing? Ellie knew she needed to grab his arm and stop him, but she couldn’t. She also knew Bernie wanted her to owe him for this.

  When the man on the computer shook his head, Ellie barely held back her gasp of relief. The auctioneer looked around the room for new bids, and Ellie wanted to yell at him to hurry. As the hammer came down, she squeaked. Fantastic, but apart from the extra four hundred, that was another…er…seventy-two pounds on top of the nine hundred buyer’s premium.

  Bernie smiled at her. “Now do I get to see your underwear?”

  She kicked him in the shin, but not hard.

  “Ouch. I suppose you want me to get it for you right this minute?”

  “Please. Think you can sweet talk Maureen into providing the name of the seller?”

  He looked at her suspiciously. “Something you’re not telling me?”

  A version of the truth might stop him asking more questions. “The ring was stolen a long while ago along with some other items.”

  “Stolen?” Bernie visibly paled.

  “Hundreds of years ago.”

  He gritted his teeth. “It doesn’t bloody matter how long ago. Nemo dat quod non habet. You can’t sell what you don’t have. Any sale can be undone where it took place in bad faith.”

  “But the whole thing depends on someone knowing and asserting rights in the item after it’s been bought. You haven’t bought it, so you won’t lose out.”

  Bernie narrowed his eyes. “That’s cunning.”

  “You wouldn’t keep it, would you, Bernie? You did me a favor.”

  He might have kept it if he knew how rare it was, how important it was to her, what she’d do to get it back.

  “Wait out here while I charm Maureen.”

  When he emerged, Ellie held out her hand. She needed to hold the ring. Keep it close. Not let it out of her sight. Ever. Ever. Ever.

  “In Vito’s,” he said.

  “Fine.” She let her hand drop.

  She walked with him around the corner to the bar, convinced Bernie was going to get robbed, or a building would collapse on him, or an alien spaceship would whisk him away before he’d handed over the ring.

  He sat her in the corner, and when he came back, he was carrying champagne. Oh God. What does he want? Apart from the obvious. He poured two glasses and held one up to clink against hers.

  “What are we toasting?” she asked.

  “How luscious you look in that dress. How grateful you are I bought that ring. How much you owe me.”

  She counted out a hundred pounds in notes she’d been given that morning for repairing a necklace, ripped up the check Bernie had given her, and wrote one for the balance. It left seven pounds and fifty pence in her account.

  “No commission?” Bernie asked.

  “Don’t push it. I’m sitting here having a drink with you. That’s reward enough.”

  He pouted, and Ellie smiled. She leaned forward and whispered, “Red panties trimmed with lace.”

  He spat his champagne back into the glass.

  “That was attractive,” she said.

  Bernie wiped his mouth. “You don’t play fair.”

  She held out her hand. “The ring. The seller?”

  He took the envelope from his pocket, held the ring between his finger and thumb, and peered at it. She could hear her heart thumping. He stared into her eyes, and she met his gaze.

  “Technically, it belongs to me,” he said, eyeing the money and check on the table.

  “Stop messing around, Bernie. Stolen, remember? It’s a risk.”

  “You swear this isn’t some fabulously special piece worth half a million?”

  “I swear.” It’s actually priceless, though not in this world.

  He held her wrist and put the ring in the center of her palm. Ellie snapped her hand shut and almost caught his fingers.

  “Whoa, Ms. Flytrap. You going all Lord of the Rings on me?”

  “We wants it; we needs it,” she whispered and curled her body around her hand.

  “You’re freaking me out.”

  She laughed, but she was freaking herself out too. A wave of heat swept over her, and she pushed the ring deep into her pocket. “Who was the seller?”

  “Lord Carlyle. Owns a stately heap in North Yorkshire.”

  Ellie mentally filed the information, stayed long enough that Bernie didn’t feel short-changed, and caught the train home with the ring burning a hole in her pocket. But not literally. She kept checking.

  Chapter Two

  Jago crawled out onto the roof of the pile of crap that masqueraded as his home and a national treasure and was instantly soaked in the ferocious downpour. He gritted his teeth, brushed wet hair from his eyes, and slithered down the tiles to where the turret roof was attached to the building. The weather vane on the peak, topped by an arrow, spun in the wind looking as if it was about to rise in the air like a child’s toy. The damn thing would probably spin his way and stab him in the chest.

  He scanned the roof, and his gaze snagged on a lighter-colored section that revealed the reason water currently leaked through the ceiling of the hexagonal room below. He crawled over to retrieve three slate tiles that had slipped, relieved to find none broken, and dragged himself up to jam them back into place. Only a temporary measure because this part of the roof needed restoration. Well, get into bloody line.

  Leaning back against the slope he’d slid down, he wedged his feet on the turret, looked up into a relentlessly gray sky, and blinked water from his lashes. When distant thunder rumbled, he stiffened. Up on a roof wasn’t the best place to be in a storm. But maybe
he ought to wish for a bolt of lightning to finish him off. He was as crazy as Canute, the long-dead king of Anglo-Saxon times, who thought he could command the sea to retreat, because Sharwood Hall crumbled beneath him as predictably as a sand castle overrun by an incoming tide.

  This place had been continuously occupied by his family for four hundred years. It had withstood civil war, idiot ancestors, two fires, two world wars, but it seemed unlikely to outlast Jago’s tenure. Throughout his childhood, his father had made him promise that he’d never sell Sharwood. It wasn’t a promise he could keep without a miracle. A lottery win, except he couldn’t afford to buy a ticket. Divine intervention, except he didn’t believe. A rich woman, except he wasn’t much of a catch. He had a title but no money, responsibility for a stately home that was no longer stately, and his career was a distant dream.

  He looked down to the bottom of the drive and the gatehouse where Henry lived. The guy had been head gardener for as long as Jago could remember and was quite simply his lifeline. After Jago’s parents died, somehow, and he still didn’t understand how, Henry had paid the huge inheritance tax bill. It was an extraordinarily generous thing to do, because if he hadn’t, the government would have taken the house. Yet perversely, if Henry hadn’t paid it, he wouldn’t be in this mess. Everything in his life seemed to be a case of double-edged swords. Ironic that crossed swords were part of the family crest.

  Jago stared through the rain at the gray fields rolling away into the horizon. All that land had once supported Sharwood. Now the only income was from four lodgers. If he sold, he’d wipe away most of his problems in one fell swoop, but not all. His parents had bequeathed the gatehouse to Henry for as long as he wanted to look after the garden. There was no way Jago would turn him out even after he couldn’t do the job, but would a new owner want him?

  Henry probably expected to die here. He loved this place more than Jago’s father ever had. His father had seen it as his duty to care for Sharwood, but never loved it. At times, he’d actively hated it, so why he had been so insistent Jago never sell it? An outmoded sense of family honor? Jago hated and loved Sharwood in equal measure and depending on how the balance shifted, he was determined to keep it or determined to sell it. But the feeling of being trapped, the constant creeping misery that consumed him, the weight of the unyielding shackle on his life and choices could only push him harder in one direction. I have to sell.

  There was a flash of lightning, and as he pushed himself up, he spotted a red figure dart in and out of the line of yew trees before disappearing. He stretched to see where the person had gone, and both feet slipped. His backside hit the tiles, and as he continued to slide, he grabbed fistfuls of air, trying to find something to hang on to. When his boots landed in the gutter and stopped his descent, he gasped in relief, his heart thumping wildly. Shit. He wasn’t ready to die quite yet. But as he tried to pull himself up, the guttering shifted with a crack louder than the thunder. Jago scrambled backward like a crab with a speed that surprised him until he straddled the ridge. From there he edged his way to the window and threw himself inside.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

  He lay groaning on his back on the bare wooden floor. That had been close. He didn’t like going on the roof at all, let alone when it was raining, but the wetter the plaster became, the more chance the ceiling would come down, and the more expensive it would be to fix. Hard not to wish the whole building would come down in a way that left him blameless. He pushed himself to his feet, closed the window, and headed for the turret room.

  The drip of water into the saucepan had slowed, but the patch of ceiling bowed slightly. Good thing there was no furniture or paintings in here to ruin. He’d moved everything he could into secure rooms that lay under the restored roof.

  He dripped his way to one of few habitable rooms in the forty-five-room, fifteen-bedroom house. The solar, the hall’s formal dining room, now served as his place to sulk, eat, sleep, and wank. Every time he entered it, his depression worsened. It was like student accommodation, and at thirty, he was long past being a student. His friends wouldn’t recognize the angry guy he’d become. It was this damned house. It had already cost him too much.

  It was only when his gaze settled on his father’s red sailing jacket that he remembered why he’d slipped, apart from the fact that he’d been thinking about selling, and this house seemed to find a way to threaten him or someone else whenever he dared consider it. Had there been someone messing around by the yew trees? He didn’t recall Henry having a red jacket. He ought to go and look. He could hardly get any wetter, but there was little to steal in the garden.

  Middle of bloody June, and it was cold and pouring. The house was freezing, but he couldn’t afford to put the heating on until November. Maybe December. Jago stripped and left his clothes where they lay. He wrapped a towel around his waist in case he met one of his lodgers, not that they’d care, but he didn’t want to give any of them ideas, especially Charles, who definitely fancied him. He shivered as he padded along the corridor to the bathroom, his fingers mentally crossed for hot water.

  Jago stood under the shower and turned it on. He was out of luck. Nothing new there. He suspected some family curse ensured luck never crossed the threshold. Certainly, his ancestors hadn’t been known for their happy smiling faces. He’d joined the club. While he didn’t believe in the supernatural or in curses, there was something weird about Sharwood. Yesterday, he’d discussed selling the place with a developer, and today he’d nearly fallen off the roof. Then there’d been that time when the floor gave way in the bedroom when he was showing a guy round, and they’d both ended up in the hospital. The occasion the window broke as he opened it, and he’d almost bled to death all over a potential purchaser who unsurprisingly changed his mind.

  It wasn’t just him either. Two potential buyers had pulled out. One suffered a heart attack on the steps of Sharwood. The other had required stitches after a piece of decorative molding had hit him on the head. There had been no reason for that molding to fall. But that hadn’t been the worst thing that happened. He blanked his mind. Not going to think about Marianne.

  He soaped himself as fast as he could, using inexpensive shower gel to wash his hair. Everything he bought was cheap or reduced. He’d become an expert in household economy. He knew the cheapest places to shop, the best times to pick up reduced items. He’d perfected the art of existing on as little as possible.

  Thoughts of losing his mind in a leisurely wank shriveled as fast as his cock in the arctic flow. The moment he’d rinsed his hair, he turned off the water and reached for his towel. His chest tightened. He was sick to death of this place, his life, his bleak future.

  So sell it. He braced for some creature bursting through the wall to scare him into taking the thought back. Then laughed at himself, although the sound was hollow. “Promise me you won’t sell,” his father had said. Had the same sorts of accidents happened to him?

  The offer the developer had made yesterday had been insulting, yet still tempting. Preston wasn’t the only property developer interested in Sharwood. They hovered like bloody vultures over a dying corpse, swooping down to take a peck every now and again, the amounts offered falling rather than rising, as if they sensed he and the building were in extremis. Preston was more persistent than the rest and currently offering the most. Maybe he should discuss it again with his brother before something happened to put Preston off. At least they’d walk away with something.

  But Jago would also walk away with a mountain of guilt that after four hundred years, he’d been the one to let the place go. Amazing that family honor still had such a strong hold even in these modern times. The responsibility of preserving the hall for future generations and for the country was ingrained in him. As the eldest son, it was simply his duty, and he knew most people wouldn’t understand. He wanted to walk away, yet he couldn’t. Either way, sell or not, this place was going to kill him.

  He stomped back to his room and searched throu
gh untidy piles of clothing for something clean. The pants he uncovered appeared badly creased rather than dirty, but when he put them on, they hung loose on his hips. He knew he’d lost weight but hadn’t realized it was that much. Survival largely depended on vegetables from Sharwood’s garden left on the doorstep by Henry. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d eaten meat.

  Jago tried not to look in the mirror anymore. He’d once been vain enough to consider himself attractive to the opposite sex; now he’d scare off any decent woman. He tugged a blue shirt from inside a discarded sweater, sniffed under the arms, and pulled it over his head.

  When he looked around at his stacked and heaped possessions, odd pieces of furniture, unmade bed, surfboard, CDs and no player, DVDs and no TV, and the pile of dirty mugs and plates, misery settled on him like a thick woolen blanket, heavy to the point of suffocating. What’s the fucking point? Sharwood was his prison, not his home. He was stuck here out of an outmoded sense of duty and responsibility driven deep into his psyche by his father. Jago wasn’t sure how much longer he could carry on before he was as worn down as the building.

  He’d spent the day rubbing at stone mullions in the turret room, actually thinking he was making progress, and now the ceiling might collapse. The four people he’d kept on as lodgers after he’d thrown out his brother’s so-called friends were supposed to work on the hall in return for paying less. Yeah, that worked out well. He had to badger them to do anything. But at least they paid on time, which allowed him to heat the water and buy essentials. Though not pay for a decent haircut. He dragged his fingers through his hair.

  Jago hunted for socks, tugged them on, and shoved his feet into his boots. He didn’t want to stay inside this house a moment longer. He needed to cheer himself up before he slid so far down the rabbit hole he couldn’t find a way out. He zipped up his father’s old jacket, grabbed his wallet and keys, and went downstairs.


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