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Hope: A Bad Boy Billionaire Holiday Romance (The Impossible Series Book 1)

Page 107

by Tia Wylder

  If I was to continue, and at this point I had no other choice, I would need her assistance. As we were seated at the restaurant, I thought about how I would broach the subject after dinner. I had to be delicate so as not to scare her off, but I also needed it to be worth her while. Perhaps it was just me, but I felt a chemistry brewing between us. There was a connection there, one that I could use to convince her.

  I couldn’t help but notice the way the dress she was wearing complimented her body. I was a man of exquisite taste. An abundance of wealth seemed to do that to a person. I was extremely discerning when it came to women, and most often our revels were not fueled by something as poetic as love. No, typically my women were only interested in the luxuries that my lifestyle could afford, and the physical ecstasy that came with it.

  Passion, true passion, was an emotion foreign to me. Could Tanya perhaps be the one to show me what it was like?

  You of all people should know not to mix business and pleasure. The two could co-exist, but they had to be mutually exclusive. When you let your feelings bleed into your work, you start making bad decisions.

  We ordered drinks and food. I decided on the stuffed lobster tail. Tanya was unsure of what to order. I recommended the bacon-wrapped scallops, to which she agreed. All was going well, but I could tell she was nervous. Normally that wouldn’t bother me, but I knew how valuable she was. I had to make her feel more comfortable.

  “I want to thank you for earlier. You didn’t have to cover for me while I was in the server room, but your assistance made my job a lot easier,” I said.

  Tanya took a sip of her wine. “Of course. I just figured that people should respect you. Obviously you wouldn’t be stealing information, that’s just ridiculous.”

  “Right, of course.”

  I took a large swig of the wine from my glass. I couldn’t remember the last time a woman made me nervous, but Tanya seemed to cut right through my resolve despite her hesitations.

  “So, how long are you in town for?” she asked.

  “Until tomorrow, I have a flight that leaves in the afternoon.”

  Tanya seemed offended by my answer. She averted her gaze for a moment and I saw her lips tighten.

  “Is something wrong?” I asked.

  “I’m just trying to figure out what the angle is here. You invited me to dinner, bought me a fancy dress, and mentioned something about an opportunity, but you’re leaving tomorrow?”

  “I just wanted to thank you for your help earlier,” I said.

  Tanya shot me a gaze that tore through my white lie.

  “We both know it’s more than that.”

  “Yes, I suppose it is. I wanted to wait until after dinner before we discuss business,” I said.

  “I think we would both enjoy our food a bit more if you just told me what’s going on now.”

  I nodded. “Very well, I can’t argue with your logic. The truth, Tanya, is that I was stealing files from those servers.”

  She sat up straight and leaned back into her chair.

  “You’re kidding, right? That’s illegal!”

  I placed my hand over hers across the table. She didn’t pull back, so I still had a chance.

  “Please, keep your voice down. I’m fully aware of my actions, but I also think it should be illegal for them to pay you as little as they do and treat you like dirt. Wouldn’t you agree?” I asked.

  Tanya shook her head. “Those are two very different things.”

  “Are they? Businesses ruin the lives of people like you. Meanwhile, they cash their massive checks and remain unpunished? It’s time we leveled the playing field, don’t you think?”

  Tanya seemed to be curious, I had her attention now.

  “So what exactly is it that you do Zhang?”

  “I can’t tell you here, it’s not safe. What I can tell you is that I need your help,” I said.

  “You want me to help you do something illegal?” she asked.

  “Don’t look at it that way. I’m onto something big Tanya, and with your help I may just be able to achieve it. I assure you, every need or desire you have will be taken care of. You won’t have to live like this ever again. You don’t need to answer me now,” I said.

  The waiter arrived and placed the dishes in front of us. Tanya seemed to be in shock. I couldn’t read her or predict what she would do next.

  “Listen, Zhang, I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but I don’t know how to take all of this.”

  “I understand, I only ask that you take some time to think it over,” I said.

  Tanya cut into one of the scallops on her plate and took a bite. I hesitantly took a bite of my stuffed lobster tail. Normally I would relish in the flavors, but in that moment I was only focused on Tanya, on what she would say or do next.

  “Perhaps we can talk about something else?”

  Tanya nodded, but she didn’t say a word.

  “Do you have any family here? A brother or sister? Perhaps parents?”

  Tanya shook her head. “No siblings. My mother and I don’t speak; I haven’t heard from or seen her in almost ten years.”

  “What about your father?”

  “Never met him.”

  I finished my glass of wine and took a large bite of the dish in front of me. Sweat was pooling on my forehead. I could tell she was conflicted and her stress was bleeding over to me. I wasn’t incapable of empathy, but I never saw the need for it until now. Why was she affecting me like this?

  “What about you? Anyone else in on this game of yours?” she asked.

  “No, it’s just me. I’ve never trusted anyone enough to let them in,” I said.

  She softened a bit; perhaps more of my story would give her the context she needed.

  “I was born in Hong Kong, but I never met my parents. I grew up an orphan,” I said.

  Tanya paused for a moment and took a sip of her wine. She looked up at me and our eyes met. Curiosity was taking hold; I could see it reflected in her gaze.

  “How does one get into your line of work, Zhang?” she asked.

  “Well, let’s just say it’s not something I applied for. The type of work I do is something you fall into. The wrong place at the wrong time as it were. I’m just trying to make the best of the situation,” I said.

  We finished our meals and another two glasses of wine between the two of us. The drinks seemed to soften Tanya’s sharp edges. She was less reserved and more reasonable.

  “Did you leave room for dessert?” I asked.

  “No. I’d like to go home now if that’s alright with you.”

  “Of course, just let me get the check.”

  I waved the waiter over and paid for the food. I wanted to ask her for an answer, but I didn’t.

  Not yet.

  Chapter Five

  On the ride back to my apartment, Zhang closed the border between the driver’s cabin and the rest of the limousine. It was time to talk business, but I didn’t know where to begin. At the beginning of our date I thought I was being wined and dined by one of the most successful businessmen in the world, but now I felt like I was sitting in the car with a criminal.

  “Tanya, before we arrive, I’d like the chance to explain,” Zhang said.

  “By my guess, in this traffic, we’ve got about five minutes. Shoot.”

  “The only simple way to put this is that I’m a double agent. I was taken in by the Chinese government when I was a kid after hacking and stealing secure files from their servers from a library computer. They put me to work as an agent of corporate espionage. Trade secrets, insider trading, you name it. I made money, for myself, and for them. They gave me my own shadow corporation to run so I wouldn’t get caught, but I got sloppy. The CIA caught me in a lie and threatened to lock me up and throw away the key. I took immunity, and in return they had me start feeding them everything I sent to the Chinese. Pretty soon I started putting the pieces together, and that’s when I realized what they’re both planning.”

was a lot to take in, too much really.

  “So, what’s the big plan?”

  “Economic collapse. The U.S. doesn’t want to pay their loans to China, and China is tired of waiting. They both want to pull the rug out from the other. What they don’t realize is how it will destabilize the economy. Worse, there’s something going on in the shadows, something they either don’t know about or, something they’ve chosen to ignore. The information both sides want is enough to destroy the financial future of everyone in the middle class. However, this other party, this shadow government, is poised to take it one step further if America or China have their way. They will step in and do something, I don’t know what, but I know they want to collapse the entire world economy. They want it all to burn. I can’t let that happen, so I’ve stolen the documents myself,” Zhang said.

  So that’s the illegal part.

  “You stole them? Where are they?” I asked.

  “I can’t tell you, it’s too dangerous. If you decide to help me, though, I can steal the last piece and prevent all of this from happening. After this is done, I’m cashing out. If you come with me, you’ll spend the rest of your days living in paradise. One last job, what do you say?”

  He was either absolutely right or entirely delusional. Either way, he was offering me something that would take me away from all of this. How could I say no to that?

  It’s dangerous, but you feel something for him.

  It’s true, Zhang had an allure that I couldn’t deny. Even so, I wasn’t cut out for corporate espionage.

  “I don’t know Zhang, I want to help, but I just don’t think I’m cut out for all of this,” I said.

  I could see his heart sink, and I felt terrible. I didn’t know what else to say.

  “Well, it seems we are here. I’ll call you in the morning before I leave for the airport. If you don’t answer, then I’ll know. If you do, then I’ll pick you up on the way.”

  I nodded. “Thank you for dinner.”

  He leaned forward and brushed my cheek with his hand. His touch was serene and warming. His lips touched mine tenderly and I felt a chill slide down my spine. It was a short and poignant kiss, but it left me wanting more. It took everything I had in me to get out of the car and make that long walk up to my apartment.

  I walked inside and closed the door behind me. All the lights were off, which was strange because I usually left at least one on to avoid fumbling in the dark. I reached through the darkness to feel for a switch.

  “Move and you die,” a man said.

  My heart froze as my blood ran cold through my veins.

  “Who are you?”

  “Zhang Wu, how do you know him?” he asked.

  “We only just met, I don’t know him.”

  “You know what he did. Where are the files?”

  “I don’t know! I swear I don't know what you’re talking about!”

  “Not good enough!”

  A loud gunshot rang through the darkness, temporarily illuminating the apartment. The bullet hit just to the left of me, but something told me he could have killed me if he wanted.

  “I told you, I don’t know anything!”

  The door behind me exploded open and light flooded in. I felt a pair of hands grab me by the shoulders as two more gunshots rang out. I hit the ground hard and had the wind knocked out of me.

  “Stay down!” Zhang shouted.

  I heard pounding footsteps, followed by another gunshot. I heard Zhang cry out in pain as glass shattered. Once the shards hit the floor, everything went silent. I looked up as Zhang turned on the light. The apartment had been ransacked. All of my things were either broken or throw across the room. The back window was shattered and Zhang stood with his hand clutching a bullet wound on his left shoulder.

  “You’re hurt!” I shouted, running over to him.

  “It’s nothing, but we need to leave, it’s not safe here.”

  The reality of the situation hit me.

  “You saved my life,” I said.

  “I heard the gunshot as we were driving away. I didn’t know what else to do. I couldn’t let them hurt you.”

  I walked up to him and pressed my lips against his. I ran my hand through his thick hair and clutched the back of his head as our mouths embraced. It was even better than the first kiss; it sent fire through my body.

  “I’ll do it. I’ll come with you, Zhang,” I said.

  He smiled through the pain.

  “Good, come with me.”

  Chapter Six

  We rode back to Zhang’s hotel where we were met by a bodyguard that hurried us through the lobby and up the elevator to Zhang’s suite. I walked into the room and saw a luxurious layout with a kitchen, dining room, a living room with a massive flat screen and a long red leather couch.

  A pair of sliding glass doors lead out to a balcony that overlooked the city’s skyline. The luxurious finishes were befitting of a five-star hotel, but I was more concerned with Zhang’s well-being. The bodyguard took him into the bathroom and I followed. Inside was a tub large enough to fit at least three people. Zhang climbed onto the countertop as the bodyguard produced a med kit the size of a briefcase.

  “I’m guessing this isn’t the first time you’ve been shot?” I asked.

  Zhang shook his head as the bodyguard went to work cleaning the wound. He pulled off Zhang’s shirt and I had to resist gasping at the sight of him. His perfectly chiseled body was littered with scars, bullet wounds and gaping slashes. His back was the worst; it looked as if someone had whipped him relentlessly.

  “It’s alright; there are a lot of scars. The price of my position I suppose. I’ll only be a minute, feel free to grab a drink while you wait.”

  “I’d rather stay here,” I said.

  Zhang smiled. The bodyguard shot me a look.

  “I work better without distractions,” he said.

  I turned and walked out of the bathroom. On the left side of the living room, against the far wall, was a fully stocked liquor cabinet. After everything that happened, I could admittedly use a drink. I mixed together a simple vodka with cranberry juice, using some of the finest vodka I had ever laid eyes upon.

  The drink was heavily unbalanced in the liquor’s favor. The bite of the liquor scorched my throat as it slid down into my stomach. Zhang emerged from the bathroom with the bodyguard. He had a bandage on his shoulder, but otherwise he seemed alright.

  “You can go now,” he told the bodyguard.

  The bodyguard hesitated, but ultimately left. Zhang walked over to me and looked at the glass in my hand.

  “Vodka cranberry?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I was little overwhelmed with the options,” I said.

  His eyes traced a path from my head to my legs and back up again.

  “I know the feeling,” he said with a wry smile.

  I took a long swig from the drink.

  “We’ve both had a long night. I noticed the tub in there. Maybe we could draw a hot bath?”

  Zhang grinned. “I’d like that.”

  I walked into the bathroom and turned the knobs over the tub. Steaming water poured out and began to fill the basin. Zhang appeared behind me and I felt his hands gently press against my waist as his lips softly kissed the base of my neck. Desire flooded my body as he gently pulled one of the straps down my shoulder. He kissed softly, tracing a line down my shoulder as he pushed the other strap off.

  I let out a long sigh of satisfaction as he delicately unzipped the back of my dress. The garment fell to the ground, leaving me with nothing but my bra and panties. He took hold of my shoulders and turned me around slowly. His index finger started at my neck and ran down to the curvature of my breasts. He ran his hands across them as he reached around and took hold of the clasp in the back.

  He leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. He deftly unclasped the bra and let it fall to where the dress sat. I turned around and pulled off my panties as Zhang finished undressing. His body was beaten and scarred,
but despite his painful past, he still kept himself in impeccable shape.

  He gestured to the tub. “Ladies first.”

  I climbed into the tub and lowered myself into the soothing water. Zhang climbed in behind me and pulled me back toward him. He pressed himself against me as I heard him pick up a bottle from the side of the tub.

  “Lavender and jasmine oil. Would you like a massage?” he asked.

  I nodded and pulled my shoulder length hair to the side as he rubbed the scented oil across my back. The scents blended perfectly together as he pressed his hands into my back and released the tension in every muscle.

  “You have no scars, not a single one,” he said.

  I lowered my head as he massaged the base of my neck.

  “I have plenty, but all of my scars are on the inside,” I whispered.

  He finished and pulled me back onto him. His hands climbed up to my breasts and gently began massaging them. His hands moved with confidence equal to his personality. I closed my eyes and felt his touch as he cupped water into his hands and gently poured it down my chest.

  He held me close and whispered into my ear.

  “I’ll protect you, I promise.”

  We sat in the warm water until it began to cool. Zhang climbed out of the tub and I felt my heart racing as lust filled my mind. I climbed on to my knees and turned toward him as he stood on beside the tub.

  “Don’t go anywhere just yet. I don’t believe I ever properly thanked you for saving my life. Come here.”

  I curled my finger and watched as he stepped over to me. I reached up and wrapped my fingers around his thighs I opened my mouth and gently kissed the tip of his wet shaft. I brought my hand up and curled it around him as I lowered my mouth onto him.

  He sighed as he took all him into my mouth. I held him close as I pulled him out and took him in again. His fingers ran through my soaking wet hair as I found a steady rhythm. The scent of the oil filled the air. I looked up at him as he reached down and took my hand. He pulled me out of the tub and wrapped a towel around me.


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