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Truth About Tequila (Surviving Absolution #3)

Page 6

by Nikki Belaire

  He kisses his mom’s cheek and hugs his sister. “Where’s Dad?”

  “He’s helping Alex.” Diana smiles at Gina. “Millie and her husband run a snorkeling and scuba diving shop. A large group showed up at the last minute. Since we were getting everything ready, he went out with them. William likes to help when he can.”

  Shame coils with relief in his gut. Although he loves his father, it’s nice to enjoy some time with his family before the interrogation begins. A few minutes of peace until the criticizing ruins his evening.

  After glancing at Gabby cleaning up her mess, Millie raises her eyebrows at him. “Would you guys like a drink?”

  They follow her into the kitchen, where she deposits Henry into a playpen and uncorks a bottle of pinot noir. He pulls out one of the bar stools for Gina. Pink flushes her cheeks as she sits, smoothing her skirt over her legs. She takes a long drink from the wine glass Millie gives her and wraps both hands around the stem. “Dinner smells wonderful.”

  Millie smiles at her before turning back to the roasting dish. “I hope you’re hungry. I think I got a little carried away.”

  His mom slides into the seat next to Gina, whose shoulders tighten under his hand. He gives her soft squeeze. The first time he’s ever seen her nervous.

  “So, what do you do Gina?”

  “I own a small chain of wellness boutiques. We specialize in massage, yoga, herbal remedies...”

  He almost chokes on his drink while she talks. What the fuck? How did he not know this? Her face lights up, describing her business to his mom, glowing from her approving expression as she nods.

  “How fabulous. I love entrepreneurs, especially women-owned businesses. Are you an LLC?”

  Even though she’s retired, the lawyer lurking inside bursts out, peppering Gina with questions. All meant well, but a little over-whelming. Yet, Gina’s smile grows brighter. She doesn’t need rescuing this time.

  “I’m also getting ready to open a small gallery, featuring some fresh new artists.”

  “That’s so exciting!” She clasps her hands together, a shudder of approval rolling through her. “Do you paint as well?”

  Now, it’s his turn to jump in, unwilling to let her modesty prevent his mother from knowing the truth. “Gina’s very talented. She’s even painting a mural for the nursery at Nick’s new house.”

  Diana’s mouth pinches at his name, more from worry than disapproval. Most of the time anyway. She’s sharp enough to know his world is dangerous, yet doesn’t voice it like his father. “How is Nick?”

  “Good. Happy.”

  “Well, I can see why. His new wife is beautiful. Is she really as nice as she seems?”

  Millie’s laugh floats from the other side of the island. “Mom won’t admit it, but she’s been stalking her on all those gossipy websites and magazines.”

  Redness creeps up Diana’s face, and she rolls back her shoulders. “I’m only looking for Max in the pictures. Can’t a mother be proud of her son?”

  Even through the teasing, the tightening of his chest loosens. Rarely does he impress her. Mothers usually prefer special forces to mercenaries.

  “Sure, Mom.” Millie smirks and winks at him. “That’s all it is.”

  As they laugh, Gabby runs in clutching her art supplies to her chest. His heart swells at his niece’s enthusiasm. “Who wants to color with me?”

  Millie shakes her head. “Sorry, sweets, but I’m busy with dinner.”

  Gina pushes back her chair and kneels down next to the child. “I’ll color with you.”

  They sit at Gabby’s small table and chair set. Crayons tumble onto the scratched surface from Gabby dumping the box, a few dropping to the floor. Gina smiles before swiping them from the tile. She taps the red against Gabby’s brown and smiles. “I’ll do the flowers while you do the horses.”

  “You’re wonderful with her, Gina.” Diana leans over her granddaughter’s shoulder, watching them work. “Do you have any children?”

  “I had a daughter, but she passed away right after she was born.”

  Ice freezes his body at her soft voice. The business is one thing, but a child? She holds all this pain and never once told him. Doesn’t trust him with her sorrow. He runs his hands over his face. No matter how willing he is to try, maybe the concrete is too thick for him to penetrate.

  Diana shakes her head. “It’s difficult isn’t it? We lost Millie’s twin to SIDs. Never fully understood what happened.” She squeezes Gina’s hand, her voice hollow at the memory. “Somehow you find a way to go on, but you never really get over it.”

  Gina nods, her eyes shiny with tears as she takes a deep breath and returns to the picture.

  Chapter 7

  “She broke her crayon.” Gabby looks up at her grandmother, an incredulous frown darkening her sweet face. “She went out of the lines.”

  Gina forces herself to give the little girl a small smile. “I’m sorry. It was an accident.” A similar disappointed expression crosses Max’s face. She’s in trouble with him too. “I can get you another...”

  Her voice betrays her, and she takes a deep breath, her trembling hand dropping the broken pieces. The words just tumbled out. She’s never uttered them out loud. But, when Diana asked, she panicked, unable to lie. Not to these nice people who make her feel welcome and show interest in her, learning about what she wants to be, unaware of who she really is. Now, she can’t take the confession back.

  “Hey, sweets, why don’t you set the table?” Millie’s soft voice pierces the quiet. “You can sit next to Gina if you want.”

  “Okay!” Gabby hops up, her chocolate curls bouncing, more crayons dropping to the floor from her jostling the table. “I want my princess plate.”

  “Can I talk to you for a minute?” Her stomach drops at Max’s soft voice in her ear. This is it. He’s going to ask. Want to know what happened, hear the horrible details. Or worse, offer his sympathy. His soothing voice gentle, full of pity and sorrow. Neither of which she wants or deserves.

  She accepts his outstretched hand, but keeps her eyes on the floor. Unable to look at him or any of them. Maybe she can call a cab. Go straight to the airport. Fuck her bags and art supplies. Nick can hire a real artist to finish the mural, and she can go home. Alone. Where she belongs.

  The front door closes behind them, and she steels herself for the reprimand or apology or condolences to begin. Sprinklers lining the small yard come to life, iridescent streaks shooting from the pulsing heads. Soft green grass perfect for the kids to play on when they’re not at the beach. Maybe Gabby likes to swim. Wears those funny plastic floaties on her arms. Cute little goggles. Pink bikini with ruffles on the butt. Easier to focus on life in paradise rather than Max’s hands sliding around her shoulders. Anything to keep from thinking about his chin resting on top of her head.

  Her arms remain at her sides. She doesn’t want to hear it, doesn’t need to know how sorry he is or how pathetic she seems.

  He remains quiet. Not a word or a sigh. No snarl of aggravation. Just his arms holding her close. Not thrown into the air from frustration or anger. Embracing her. Giving her the one thing she needs. For once, she gives into it completely. Her body softens, and she lets him support her, bear her burden. And, he never falters. Takes it all. No hesitation.

  A light breeze carries the melody of the wind chimes, entwined with Gabby’s musical laugh from the kitchen. The only indication the rest of the world still exists. A reminder the peace is only temporary. She should step back, give him an explanation. Or apologize. Or offer to leave. Yet, she can’t pull away from his tender affection. Fearful this may be the last time she receives it.

  “We’re not very good at this, are we?”

  She snuggles against his shirt at his whisper, allowing her hands to slide up his back and return his hug. “At what?”

  “Relationships.” His lips press against her hair. “I think people are supposed to talk and tell each other stuff when they’re dating.”

nbsp; “Is that what this is?”

  Fear coils through her stomach. It would take only one word for her to shatter, for all her will power to evaporate.

  “It’s what I want. Do you?”

  Her breath catches in her throat. He says the words she longs to hear. But, it’s hard to believe they’re true. Difficult to accept when there was never any hope they could be real. “Yes.”

  “More than just sex?”

  “We’re good at that part.”

  “Yeah, we are.” Laughter tickles her skin, releasing some of the tension pinching her neck and shoulders. “Maybe tonight we can do both.”

  The huskiness in his voice weakens her knees for the second time in five minutes. How fast can they eat and get the hell out of here? “Sex first.”

  Another deep laugh shakes them both. “I’m willing to make the sacrifice if you are.”

  A small gasp escapes her mouth at his knuckles running down her cheek, his gaze meeting hers, melting a little bit of the fear clenching her heart. Maybe this can work. She lays her head on his chest again, breathing in his essence, always soothing her with his mystifying fusion of strength and gentleness.

  His body tenses under her hands at the door slam behind them. A tall man lifts his chin in greeting to them, his short dreadlocks bobbing like Gabby’s ringlets. “It’s good to see you, Max. Let me get this stuff, and I’ll be in.”

  The lift gate of a white mini-van slowly rises as he walks down the driveway and steps behind the vehicle. An older version of Max climbs out of the passenger side. His dark hair streaked with white, yet his sharp jawline and piercing green eyes reveal his energy. He strides toward them, a smile crossing his face as he looks from Max to her.

  “You must be Gina. I’m William. Nice to meet you.” He gives her a quick peck on the cheek before patting Max’s shoulder. “It’s been too long.”

  “I know. I’m sorry.” Max nods, slow and deep, almost guilty. “Work.”

  Funny how adults revert to childhood mannerisms at the reprimands of their parents. Even ones who aren’t intimidated by anything or anyone. She squeezes his hand. Totally understands his discomfort. Her dad makes her feel small too.

  “If that’s what you want to call it.”

  William’s mouth sets in disapproval, and he shakes his head. Fire blazes through her at his words, not fully comprehending the implication but the insult rings through clear. Max is the best at what he does, an outstanding reputation that keeps all of them safe. Just saying his name generates murmurs of awe, head bobs of respect.

  Max shrugs his shoulders, acquiescing to his father’s slight. “It’s a job like any other.”

  “No, being a member of the military elite is a real job. You had dignity and honor, not--”

  “Hi, I’m Alex. Sorry we’re late.”

  She returns his smile and handshake, grateful for the man’s interruption. He gives Max one of those weird guy hugs, their arms between their chests so they’re not fully embracing. Sadly, it has more warmth than his own father’s touch. Maybe her dad’s not as bad as she thought. At least she knows he loves her.

  William breaks his gaze with Max and gives her a small smile that doesn’t reach his squinting eyes, disgust still floating under the surface. “Have you enjoyed your visit so far?”

  Max’s hand curls around her fingers, a protective gesture matching the ferocity of her loyalty to him. She strokes his thumb before answering, absorbing his self-control. “Yes, thank you. Your son is very good to me.”

  His eyebrows lift while his mouth remains pinched. Probably better for him not to say anything else, or she wouldn’t be able to hold back her fury at his condescension.

  Alex nods toward the door, gesturing for her to go first. “Smells like soup’s on. I hope you’re hungry. My wife loves to cook and gets carried away sometimes.”

  Anger replaces her shame from earlier. William’s arrogance a sharp contrast to Millie and Diana’s graciousness. No wonder Max stays away. She leads the men into the kitchen, the rich aroma of roasted meat making her stomach growl. Alex strides straight to his wife, his nuzzle of her neck while she slices pineapple onto a sectioned plate in primary colors dampens some of her irritation. A smile crosses her face at Gabby running to him and jumping in his arms. He cuddles her and bends to pick up Henry. A happy reunion even with an asshole father-in-law among the group.

  Diana’s soft hand brushes her shoulder. “Gabby has you next to her. I hope it’s okay.”

  She smiles, hoping her sentiment come across as genuine as it’s intended. “It’s perfect.”

  Gabby plops next to her, wrinkling her nose at the vegetables on her plate. The little girl leans into her. “Mom said you have to eat the asparagus or you don’t get dessert.”

  “It’s not too bad. I promise.” Gina taps a stem against Gabby’s and takes a bite. “See?”

  Warmth radiates from her skin at Max’s hand sliding onto her lower back, his knuckle stroking the edge of her skirt. She presses into his fingers, smiling to herself about teasing him later over his obsession with her thongs. Maybe likes them even more than her being naked. Men are so obvious even when they think they’re clever.

  William hands Max the platter of meat, his gaze boring into his son. “I had breakfast with Marshall the other day. He said Paul’s receiving a Medal of Honor.”

  What the fuck? Why won’t this guy let it go? He’s disappointed – we get it. Shut the fuck up.

  Diana gives her a tight smile. She thinks it too, yet remains diplomatic in front of company. “Max and Paul grew up together. They were in the military together too until…”

  Max nods, his jaw twitching although his expression stays neutral. “Good for him.”

  “Yeah, he’s a good man, a good soldier. Made a commitment and stuck with it.” Tapping his fingertips together like a steeple, William nods, conveying a nonchalance no one believes. Millie cuts up Henry’s food, while Alex passes a bowl to Diana. No one willing to stand up to his bullshit spiel. “Lovely wife, two sons, prestigious career. He’s done well for himself. Easy to see why Marshall’s proud of his son.”

  “Dad? Do you want some more wine?” Millie holds up the bottle, nodding toward her father, attempting to play peacemaker.

  William shakes his head. “No, honey, I’ve had enough.”

  “Me too.” Max’s voice a whisper against her hair before he pushes back his chair. “Excuse me. I need to make a call.”

  She starts to stand up too, her appetite lost amidst the torment of the man she loves, yet pauses at Gabby’s small hand wrapping around her pinky. “Maybe we can play princesses after we’re done.”

  “Yeah, I’d like that.” Her pounding heart swirls at the huge smile lighting up the child’s round face. Their friendship restored with the simple promise of make-believe. If only, she could ease Max’s pain so easily.


  Max’s head droops forward at the squeal of the screen door behind him, Millie’s flip flops swishing against the wooden slats. “Sorry. I just couldn’t take any more.”

  She drops down next to him, slipping her sandals off before letting her legs dangle over the side too. “I understand. I felt sorry for Gina. Her head was flying back and forth between you and Dad like a tennis match. She’ll probably have whiplash tomorrow.”

  “She almost broke my hand squeezing it so tight. She’s pretty strong when she’s angry.”

  “She’s wonderful.”

  Yeah she is. Realizing it even more during their travels together, he nods and takes another long drink of wine.

  “She loves you.”

  The liquid catches in his throat, and he swallows hard to keep from spewing it on her. “I don’t think so.”

  “I know so. The way she looks at you. The way she glows when she hears your voice and her defensiveness over you.” She nudges his shoulder, conviction filling her voice. “Gina may be tough, but I think that’s why you like her.”

  So different from the other woman
who weighs on his mind. Thinking of her smile as they toured the house. Hopeful she’ll like her surprise and feel safe. He tosses the last of his drink into the water rippling below them. Damn, he’s a fucking bastard. “It’s not that simple.”


  He shakes his head. He’s a dick, but his sister doesn’t have to know. At least not completely.

  “Come on. What?”

  His gut clenches at her earnest expression. She loves him and wants to help. One of the few people who actually does. “Is it possible to love two women at the same time?”

  “Yes.” She meets his gaze, a hesitant smile conflicting with her furrowed brow. “Especially when they're as different as Shae and Gina.”

  Fire races through his body. She can’t know that. “How did you--?”

  “Mom’s magazines. I’ve seen the pictures of you with her. I can tell.”

  Fuck. He’s so screwed. He rubs his hands down his face. “Hopefully no one else does.”

  “Nah, just me. I’m your sister. You can’t hide it from me.”

  Somehow that doesn’t make him feel any better. Not only does it make him a dead man, but an asshole to one of the few people he truly respects. “I didn’t mean…It just happened.”

  “I know. You can’t control it.” Her smile grows. “Take Alex and me. I swore I would never do the whole wife and kids thing and now look at me.”


  “Yeah.” Her hand taps the back of his. “What makes you love her?”

  He glances back at the closed door. Needing to confirm Gina’s inside. He would never recover if he hurt her again. “Shae’s sweet and easy going. When I’m with her, I feel happy, content. Like the only calm I get in this fucked up world.”

  He shrugs his shoulders. Now he sounds like a girl. What the fuck?

  “And, Gina?”

  A smile crosses his lips, thinking of that smart ass smirk of hers. “She’s a challenge. Always leaves me wanting more, trying to figure out what the hell is going on in that beautiful head of hers. I want to break the wall she has around herself and get to the softness I know that’s inside.”


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