Cowboy Payback
Page 12
Rock hard. Throbbing. Because all the blood in his body was now concentrated in his groin.
He recaptured her mouth, and she went up on tiptoe, wrapping her arms around his neck again as she pressed deliciously against him.
Yeah. Hell, yeah.
She continued to try to climb up his body as her lips parted, tongue sliding to his, hot and frantic. He groaned into her mouth and pressed her against the nearest wall, grinding into her again and again.
God, how he wanted to take her right there. He stroked her ribs and brushed his thumbs lightly over the mouth-watering nipples poking through her tank top. Making him dizzy. Crazy.
He stepped back, grabbed the hem of her top, and ripped it over her head. Her fingers trembled against his skin as she pushed his shirt up to his shoulders. He yanked it off the rest of the way and was reaching for her when the cell phone went off in his pocket, vibrating dangerously close to his erection.
Muttering a curse, he fished out the cell and eyed the caller ID. He was gonna kill his brother.
“Hey, Finn,” he said, his mind grasping at any stray bits of gray matter left in his brain.
“You okay, bro? Sounds like you’re out of breath.”
“Just got back from camping. Where are you?” He ran a hand over his head and tried to focus on anything other than a half-naked, glorious chest heaving in front of him.
“Home? Now?” He slammed his gaze into Trisha’s before she walked across the room.
His brother laughed. “Yeah. Is that a problem?”
“What? No, of course not. I just thought you were due in this evening.”
“No, late afternoon, which it is.”
“Yeah…so…tell me, how did your test go?”
Ah, codeword for Mom is near.
“How are things with your fiancée?” his brother asked, changing the subject.
About to get real good before your damn call. And if the playful, heated look gleaming in Trisha’s eyes as she pulled a condom out of the nightstand was anything to go by, then he’d say they were still headed toward…
“Good,” he replied, stalking closer. They’d be better in a moment.
“Mom said dinner will be ready in an hour, but get here sooner. I have an announcement to make.”
Brett cocked his head. “Care to tell me now?”
“Nope. Just get here before dinner—”
“Okay. See you then.” He hung up without waiting for a reply, tossed the phone on the bed, and followed the giggling woman into the bathroom.
Forty-two minutes later, Brett pulled up in front of the main house exhausted, satiated, and hungry. Not exactly in that order.
Trisha Jennings was a formidable woman. He slid his gaze to his silent passenger, and a shaft of pride washed through him at her satisfied appearance. Her shoulders were no longer stiff, her mouth quirked up into an unknowing grin, and her gaze was soft and warm, almost dreamy.
“You good?”
That dreamy gaze met his, and his heart slammed against his ribs. Her warmth hit him like a ton of bricks.
“Yes. Very. You?”
He nodded, and smiled, but his brother’s non-committal answer was beginning to take its toll, even dulling his post-great-sex euphoria.
A soft hand covered his and squeezed. “Hey, what is it? What’s wrong?”
He stared at her, not sure how much he should say. It was a family thing, but…hell…the woman knew him better than he knew himself at times. And he found he actually wanted to share this dilemma with her, to bask in the support he knew she’d give without a shadow of a doubt.
“It’s Finn,” he said, drawing in a breath, preparing to let her in on his secret. “He and Cammie weren’t in Texas. They were in California, at the Coronado Naval Base for his physical to get back into the SEALs.”
Trisha frowned. “Oh…wow. Cammie’s first fiancé was…”
“I know.” He nodded. “She lost Tom…and now my brother, the idiot, might be putting her through the same shit again. Although, Finn had decided not to go through with the evaluation, but you know Cammie, she made him. He should’ve told her no and stayed in Texas.”
The woman holding his hand never ceased to surprise him. Instead of nodding and agreeing, she lifted his fingers to her mouth and pressed a kiss against his knuckles. “She made him because she loves Finn. You don’t try to change the person you love. You support them.”
Something caught deep in his chest, and for a moment, Brett just stared into Trisha’s beautiful, open gaze. Warmth seeped into his bones and held tight. He had no idea what the hell was happening.
Two dates, that was his limit. Brief interludes left no time for emotions, just physical satisfaction. But even though he and Trisha technically hadn’t gone on any dates, she’d been living with him for seven days now. He’d never been with a woman this long before and had no idea how to respond to these strong feelings she evoked.
The door to the house opened, and his brother and Cammie stepped outside, along with Terry and his mom.
Brett blew out a breath and motioned toward the house with a nod. “Guess we’ll find out how Finn did soon enough, but just so you know, Mom and Terry don’t know he even took the physical.”
She squeezed his hand. “I won’t say a word. But you do know you can always talk to me, right?”
The woman had such a kind heart. It was one of the things he liked most about her.
“I know. Thanks. And same goes.” He squeezed back before releasing her to get out of the truck and greet his family.
As the girls squealed and rushed forward to hug, he turned his attention to his brother. He’d already decided not to dress the idiot down for tossing him into this fake engagement to Trisha. The predicament was actually giving him the opportunity to help her mend. So, he cocked his head, studying, searching for clues as to the outcome of the trip.
Dark hair was the same, worn longer than a military cut, but not so long that it hit Finn’s collar; gaze was still clear and shrewd, body wasn’t rigid. In fact, his brother appeared relaxed and…well…happy.
That could go either way.
He stepped onto the porch and stood toe to toe with Finn, shaking his hand, waiting for his sibling to throw him a breadcrumb. Nothing.
But there was something…
He narrowed his gaze, mirroring Finn’s expression, as he released his brother’s hand and stepped back.
“You look different,” he said, echoing Finn.
“No, I don’t.” Again they spoke in unison.
Cammie laughed. “Must be a twin thing.” She stepped close and pull him into a hug. “Now, cut it out, or I’ll have to knock your heads together.”
And she would.
Brett laughed and hugged his best friend close. “Good to have you home. You okay?”
“Yes.” She nodded and pulled back to stare into his face. “I’m good.”
She looked it. Brown gaze twinkling, shoulders and spine relaxed, just like before she’d left for Coronado. Damn. He still had no clue.
“I owe you an apology, Trisha,” Finn said, hands on her shoulders as he drew back from a hug.
She frowned, a half-smile tugging her lips. “What for?”
“For dragging you into the middle of Operation Payback with my brother.”
“Operation what?” She slid her gaze to him and Cammie, then back to Finn. “I really wish someone would tell me what that was all about, but if you’re apologizing for helping me use Brett as a fake fiancé to my parents, then don’t.” She smiled and traded places with Cammie. “I needed him, and he’s worked out real well.”
Finn stilled, and his shrewd gaze narrowed as he stared at Brett, then Trisha, who slipped her arm around his waist, settling her warm curves against him nice and close. He really loved nice and close with Trisha.
When his brother’s gaze crashed back into his again, B
rett glimpsed a flash of disappointment and anger before a neutral expression fell in to place.
He knew.
Finn knew he’d disregarded his warning not to have sex with Trisha. Brett understood his brother felt responsible for her, but what his sibling didn’t know was that the woman had proposed the fling. Not him.
He slid his gaze to his mother and Terry watching everyone with a smile. This was not the time or place to get into that discussion.
“Let’s take this inside. The dinner your mom worked on all afternoon is just about ready.” Terry held the door open for everyone. “I believe you said something about an announcement, Finn?”
As they headed toward the living room, Brett’s gut twisted. He was happy for the interruption, but now he had to face the possibility that he’d thrown Cammie back into the hell she’d gone through with her first fiancé. Her dead fiancé. If that turned out to be the case, it was his fault. He was responsible for getting her and Finn together.
Then there was their mother.
He shifted his gaze to the woman still smiling as she settled on the couch with Terry while he and Trisha took the loveseat and Finn and Cammie remained standing hand in hand.
He hoped to God his brother wasn’t going to remove that smile. It was nice to be home with his mom and see her happy and anxiety-free for a change.
“Before our announcement, I have a confession to make to Mom and Terry,” Finn said, staring at the frowning couple.
Everything inside Brett tightened, then twisted. A warm hand settled on his, loosening his fingers and some of the tension from his body. He sent Trisha a quick nod and waited for his brother to continue.
“A confession? What kind of confession?” His mother glanced from Finn to Cammie, hopeful light shining in her eyes.
Christ. She probably thought they were expecting. He was going to kill his brother if he crushed their mom.
“Cammie and I weren’t in Texas this week. We were in California…at Coronado.”
“Coronado?” His mom blinked, her gaze bouncing from Cammie to Finn. “But why?”
“I had an appointment for a physical to get back with my team.”
“Ah, hell, Finn.” Terry sat back, scowl pinching his face, but then it disappeared with an exhale, and he cocked his head. “And? How’d you do?”
Chapter Eleven
Brett hadn’t realize he’d squeezed Trisha’s hand, until she glanced at him and squeezed back.
“I passed.”
Of course he did. Finn had worked his ass off. Overcame the odds. Then there was Cammie. She’d helped her fiancé train the two months prior to Brett’s return. She, no doubt, pushed the squid hard. Hell, he didn’t think he’d ever seen his brother looking better.
Regardless of his opinion on what Finn should do, the man’s accomplishment against unquestionable odds deserved to be rewarded. Brett stood and held out his hand. “Congratulations, Finn. I know how important this was for you, and how hard you worked to regain the use of your leg the past few years.”
He shook Brett’s hand, big grin splitting his face. “Thanks, bro.”
“Yes, congratulations,” Terry said, rising to his feet and thrusting out his hand. “You always did set lofty goals and accomplish them.”
His brother continued to grin. “Thank you, sir.”
“I’m proud of you, Finn.” Their mom approached, tears in her eyes. “I just want you to be happy.”
Terry stepped aside, and his brother hugged their mother close.
“Thanks, Mom. I am happy. And Brett was right. This was important. The Navy was my life.” Finn released her to slide his arm around a beaming Cammie and kiss her temple. “But not anymore. I turned them down.”
“What?” This time Terry blinked at his brother as if he’d grown another head. “You made it back into the SEALs, then turned them down?”
Thank God. Apparently, his brother had a clue.
Brett smiled as relief sucked the tension from his body like a vacuum, then he slapped Finn’s shoulder. “Good for you. Smart man.”
He stepped back, finding it much easier to breathe than just a few moments ago. Trisha’s warm hand found his again, and yeah, now he felt even better. He glanced down at the pretty woman standing by his side and returned her smile.
“I didn’t raise any dummies,” his mother stated. “So, what’s the announcement the two of you wanted to make?”
He watched his brother glance at Cammie as he drew her in close to his side before returning his attention to everyone. “We want to get married here at the ranch. In a month. Do you think you and Aunt Lettie can work your magic and get one planned in four weeks?”
“Absolutely!” His mom went a little crazy then, hugging and kissing Finn and Cammie, Terry, him. Trisha.
“Good because we wanted to have the wedding while Trisha was still here,” the bride-to-be said, transferring her gaze to the woman still holding his hand. “You leave in five weeks, right?”
Brett’s gut tightened as if punched. For a few stupid moments, he’d forgotten that part. She wasn’t really living with him. She was at Royal Pines temporarily for the rest of the summer. They were just having a fling.
He rubbed at his chest, not bothering to dissect the reason behind the tightness. It would pass.
“Yes.” Trisha nodded. “I leave the second week in August.”
Cammie smiled at his temporary fling. “Then would you be my maid of honor?”
She inhaled and released his hand to hug his future sister-in-law. “I’d love to.”
Finn stepped close, big grin on his face. “Guess I’m supposed to ask your ugly mug to be my best man.”
“Takes one to know one, you goof.” He snickered and exchanged a back-slapping hug with his idiot brother. “I’d be honored, especially considering I was the one responsible for the two of you hooking up.”
“True.” Finn stepped back to hug his fiancée while still holding his gaze. “Thank you, again, for being such an ass.”
“Yeah, I still can’t believe you did that,” Terry said, smile turning into a chuckle. “Man, Brett, you should’ve seen Finn’s face when his ‘present’ walked out of Gus’ kitchen at the Lonesome Steer. It was priceless.”
His mother groaned. “And I can’t believe I made it worse.”
“Okay, I have the feeling I’m really missing something here.” Trisha’s gaze bounced from face to face before settling on him. “What exactly did you do, Brett?”
A smile tugged his lips, but he fought it off, donning an innocent expression instead. “What do you mean? Why do I always get the blame?”
She smirked. “Because it’s usually always you.”
“Hah. She’s got your number, son.” Terri slapped him on the back.
“Come on, I’ll explain it all to you while we help get dinner on the table,” Cammie said, slinging an arm around the frowning woman as the girls followed his mother out of the room.
Finn walked over to the bar in the corner and poured two fingers of bourbon into a rocks glass. Brett wondered briefly why his brother needed such a strong drink before dinner. Maybe the former SEAL was only putting up a good front about his decision not to reenlist.
He walked over to him, studying his brother’s body language. Smirk on his face, shoulders and spine relaxed, the guy didn’t appear to need alcohol.
“You okay, Finn?”
“Me? Hell, yeah. Couldn’t be better. Why?”
He shrugged, nodding toward the booze his brother capped. “Just wondering why you needed a drink.”
Finn’s grin widened into a full-fledged smile. “This isn’t for me. It’s for you, bro,” the idiot said, sliding the glass to him.
“Me?” He reeled back. “What the hell for? I’m fine. Look, if you want to chew me out about Trisha, go ahead. Trust me, I don’t need a drink to deal with one of your rants.”
Finn sobered. “I admit
I was pissed when I realized you were sleeping with Trisha after I specifically asked you not to.”
“Ah, hell…” Terry muttered, dropping onto a bar stool.
Brett lifted his chin, waiting for his brother to get to the punch line. “But…?”
“But after watching the two of you the past fifteen minutes, I realized I didn’t have to worry about you hurting the woman, because you have feelings for her, too.”
He reeled back, then snorted. “Of course I have feelings for her. She’s been a good friend for years.”
His brother threw his head back and laughed. Laughed.
What the hell’s so damn funny?
When Finn finally sobered, he glanced across the bar at Terry. “Jesus, was I that clueless?”
“Yes.” The foreman chuckled.
“What in the world are you two talking about?”
“You, you knucklehead.” His brother reached across the counter to punch his shoulder. “Your feelings run a hell of a lot deeper than friendship. Monica’s coming this week. Trust me, Trisha won’t have to do a damn thing. Once that woman sees how you act around your fiancée, she’ll back off on her own.”
“You’re nuts.”
Terry shook his head. “No, he’s right, son. You’re hooked and don’t even realize it. It’ll be an easy sell for Trisha’s parents this week, too. Her dad called this morning. They’ll be here Thursday.”
“You may want to move your woman from your bed and into this house by then, though,” Terry continued. “I don’t think her dad will approve of your current living arrangements.”
Brett nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. He wouldn’t. I’ll make sure she’s settled in here by then,” he said, refusing to even acknowledge the lead ball settling in his gut at the thought of being separated from her soft, warm curves.
“It’s okay.” Now Finn was cupping his shoulder. “You’ll get a clue. It’ll hit you like a ton of bricks, then you’ll readjust your goals and carry on.”
“You’re an idiot.”
“Takes one to know one, bro.” Finn chuckled, throwing his earlier words back at him. “You may think you’re fine now. You have everything under control. You don’t need Trisha in your life permanently. A few weeks in your bed are enough because it’s just physical…”