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Beautiful Moves: A Motorcycle Club, Shifter, Romance (Shifting Steel Book 3)

Page 3

by Stephanie West

  Wolf wasn’t a total prick; he knew people fell on hard times. But he also wasn’t a push-over. The curvy little Ice Princess, with the yippy micro mutt, might be hot as hell, but that didn’t mean shit. No doubt she knew how smokin’ she was, and used it to get away with crap all the time. Wolf had met more than a few chicks, who thought they were entitled.

  Wolf’s inner beast growled at the accusation he leveled toward Little-Miss-Straight-Laced.

  Forget it, he lectured his inner wolf.

  His cock had done his thinking for him, one too many times, and it never turned out good. This was no different. Besides, any woman who could shut her emotions and body down, the way the Ice Princess did, couldn’t be trusted.

  Yet still you’re wearing this monkey suit to impress a woman who looks like a sexy librarian.

  Wolf did a double take at a chick walking down the sidewalk, as he pulled into the apartment complex.

  Of course, Wolf groaned. It was none other than Little-Miss-Straight-Laced. What the hell is she doing walking in those heels? There wasn’t much in the neighborhood besides homes. Where is she coming from? Please tell me she’s not out for a leisurely stroll, wearing that? Is she so full of it that she can’t throw on a pair of jeans and tennis shoes? As he recalled, she had been wearing something similar when he first met her. What’s with this chick?

  Wolf was glad his windows were tinted, as he pulled into the parking lot and watched his neighbor enter the office. It was a good sign she didn’t go rummaging through the desk.

  At least she’s not a thief.

  Instead, she sat nibbling on her full lip, before getting up and pacing impatiently.

  She certainly doesn’t look poor. Maybe she spends all her money on fancy clothes.

  Her expensive looking dress suit was a mix of professional and provocative. The tiny jacket exposed the curve of her neck, as it met her shoulder. Wolf’s canines itched as they punched down in his mouth. He salivated at the thought of taking a nip of her delicate flesh.

  Her tight-fitting skirt, clung to her pert ass as she paced. She was wearing a set of black high heels, and the kind of pantyhose that had a seam running up the calf. Wolf pictured a lacey garter holding the stockings up.

  God, those things should be illegal. The image of those indecent stockings and fuck-me heels draped over his shoulders, as he... Shit man, get it together, before you walk in there. What is your preoccupation with this one?

  Her hair was up in a prudish bun again. It was a damn shame she forced those soft brown tresses into a knot, especially when it looked so good falling around her shoulders. Wolf recalled how she looked last night, with her loose damp hair, and the robe clinging to her curves. The thought of winding his fist in her hair and holding her head poised over his cock, had him straining in his pants. Those glossy red lips would look so good stretched around his dick.

  You’re doing it again. Damn it.

  Wolf shook his head when he realized he’d spent half an hour sitting outside trying to get a bead on the woman, and the only thing it had earned him was a hard-on.

  Son of a bitch.

  Wolf got out of the car, and adjusted his jacket to hide his wayward libido. Otherwise, she’d take one look at him, and know she had him right where she wanted him. Wolf put on a stern unaffected expression as he entered the office.

  “Bella Roulant” Her name rolled off his tongue and she turned with a surprised look.

  “Yes. Call me Ella. So, you own this place?” She asked, appearing slightly surprised.

  “Yes. My sister, Char, said you needed to meet with me, Bella.”

  Wolf refused to call her by the shortened version of her name. Not only was the name on her lease gorgeous, like the woman, but Ella was a nickname, and as much as his inner beast wanted to get familiar with Little-Miss-Straight-Lace, they weren’t.

  Ella stood and presented her small hand. Her long delicate fingers, with manicured nails, hung in the air, waiting for him to shake. Wolf took her hand, and instantly a strange shock moved up his arm, as she gripped him in her firm grasp. Ella was stronger than she looked.

  Wolf’s beast decided to make itself known. Most of the time he had a handle on his primal side, but every now and then something sent it surging to the forefront. Sex and violence being the biggest triggers.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”

  “Wolf.” The reply came out sounding deeper than he intended.

  “Thank you for meeting with me, Mr. Wolf. Sorry that Wright bit you last night.”

  “It’s just Wolf, not Mr. Wolf, and don’t worry about your pup.”

  Wolf still held her hand, trying to determine why Ella made his beast come to attention with a simple touch. It’s not like he hadn’t touched gorgeous women before. Shifters didn’t have trouble in that department.

  Ella lowered her eyes and Wolf realized he’d been staring at her. The shy look caught him off guard.

  “Okay, Wolf, thank you for meeting with me.” Ella extricated her small hand from his much larger one, and the strange sensation disappeared. “I’ll get straight to it, and not waste your time. I’m going to be rather late on my second month’s rent. I am willing to pay a late fee if possible.”

  Wolf practically had to shake himself to get his beast under control. It was begging him to grab hold of her again.

  “I appreciate that you let me know. But you just moved in, and you’re already going to be in arrears?” he asked, attempting to not let too much of his animal leak into his voice.

  “Yes. I’m sorry. I feel awful asking this.”

  “Rent’s not that much. If you don’t have the money now, what makes you think you’re going to have it later? And then again the month after that?”

  Wolf watched as Ella’s face hardened and that barrier went up. It was like a light switch had been flipped, leaving him in the dark. It was uncanny and disconcerting.

  “You are correct. I will have my things out by the end of the month.” Ella nodded curtly.

  Wolf caught a flicker of something in her eyes as she turned to leave.

  On one hand, he had to hand it to her, for not bawling and trying to manipulate him with tears. He’d known more than a few chicks that used waterworks, when their tits didn’t work to get them what they wanted. Instead, Ella sucked it up with just a small slip. But on the other hand, her stoic response pissed him off more than if she had tried the weepy routine.

  What the hell kind of woman shoves down her emotions so effectively? How does she do that? Some Shifters weren’t even that good at shielding themselves.

  “Is that it? You’re just giving up, and moving?” Wolf found himself demanding.

  Ella turned and looked at him. The veiled pain that snuck past her calm mask nearly leveled him, before she again schooled her features.

  “Would it matter? You don’t know me from Adam. And I don’t know your situation. You probably need every dollar you earn to pay the mortgage. Thank you for your time.” Ella pivoted toward the door on her stiletto heels.

  Man, she’s one tuff cookie.

  “Bullshit,” Wolf barked and Ella gasped. She was indeed straight-laced if cussing offended her. “You can’t give me a single reason why I should extend you a favor?”

  “Wolf, my excuse shouldn’t matter.” Ella straightened her shoulders. “I assumed that by coming to you openly, if you could afford to help me and were so inclined, you would. You say that you cannot. I accept that. No argument.” She was aggravated, but she also appeared tired.

  Wolf felt like a dick, but he refused to apologize. Ella was a conundrum. There was something about her that needled him. Ella attempted to leave, again. It was apparent she didn’t like conflict.

  “Hold it,” he insisted. Ella paused. “I didn’t say no. I asked you what makes you think you’re going to have rent later, if you don’t have it now? It was an honest question.”

  Ella turned back around and eyed him. Her brows scrunched in consternation. It wa
s actually pretty endearing. Wolf liked the fact he was getting to her. Even her scent had spiked, giving off a sharp, slightly savory aroma.

  “If you must know, I just graduated with my bachelors in interior design.” Ella looked a little old to be fresh out of college, but it took some longer than others. “And I was offered a job today. It doesn’t start for another few weeks, but when it does I’ll be able to pay you.”

  Wolf repressed the grin he felt tugging at his mouth, seeing Ella’s hands on her hips, in a confidant and somewhat defiant stance. Her spirited attitude had Wolf’s inner beast straining toward her.

  “Congratulations. So, where’s this job?” he asked with sincere interest.

  “A place called Perkins and Will, in Chicago,” Ella replied, looking a bit discombobulated by his earnest inquiry. She shifted uncomfortably on her feet.

  Wolf suddenly realized Ella had been walking back from the Metra station earlier wearing her swank little interview outfit. She probably didn’t even own a car. She must really be desperate if she was living this far outside Chicago, renting from his shitty little apartment complex.

  Wolf glanced at her oversized shoulder bag with a thick binder sticking up

  “What do you have there?”

  “My portfolio.”

  “You mind if I take a look?” he asked. Ella frowned but dug out her portfolio anyway. “Have a seat. I don’t know how you can possibly stay upright in those shoes,” Wolf commented as he flipped open her binder.

  “Um, okay.” The crease in her brow deepened as she sat.

  “These are nice. You have a wide variety of interiors. This mural is really good. It’s not over the top like most.” Wolf admired the picture of a bathroom turned Zen garden.

  “Thanks,” Ella mumbled.

  Wolf looked over, and was stunned to see the flush in her cheeks. She was embarrassed. Again, he was shocked. Ella was so put together; modesty seemed contradictory to the way she carried herself.

  “It looks hand painted,” he commented.

  “It was.”

  “Well the artist is talented.” Wolf studied the photograph.

  “Thank you,” Ella replied quietly. Wolf watched her cheeks turn an even deeper shade of red.

  “You painted it, didn’t you?” he asked.

  Wolf almost missed her subtle nod. Ella was talented. Why did that embarrass her? With her barrier dropped, there was something erotically compelling about Ella. The primal side of him again shifted beneath his skin. The mysterious woman peaked his curiosity and incited his hunting instinct.

  “Here’s the deal. I have a job for you. I need work done on my clubhouse. In exchange, I will cover your rent and utilities, till your job starts and you get your first paycheck.”

  Ella’s mouth dropped open, shocked and confused by his sudden offer.

  “Are you sure?” she stammered.

  Wolf was a bit stunned himself. He’d completely intended to stand his ground. He couldn’t let people walk all over him, even gorgeous women. An alpha had his reputation to uphold. But then his mouth opened and out came the offer.

  Well this way the clubhouse will look less like a garage sale.

  If he was honest, he liked the idea of seeing Ella more often, and maybe riling the unflappable little female. Wolf couldn’t resist the impulse. His mouth cocked up at the corners in a raffish smile.

  “You may not want the job after I show you the clubhouse.”

  It wasn’t so much the building as the occupants that might be an issue. Then again, exposing Little-Miss-Straight-Laced to the pack might be entertaining.

  “No. I’m sure I can do the job. Thank you.” Ella smiled and it transformed her face.

  Ah, damn, he groaned, lost in her beauty.

  Wolf almost felt bad for wanting to tarnish her polished veneer.

  “You should look at it before you agree. It’s probably a bit different from what you’re used to. It’s a motorcycle club.”

  “Oh, okay.” Ella was still smiling but now she looked thoughtful.

  Wolf ushered Ella to his car before she could change her mind. He was glad it didn’t take long to get to the clubhouse on the edge of town. He had a hard time keeping his eyes on the road. His gaze was drawn to Ella’s legs. Her dark skirt had ridden above her knees, giving him a peek of the lacey top of her stockings, and a scant bit of her creamy thighs.

  Ah hell, you ARE a bad man. She’s like a nun in the body of a stripper, he rebuked himself while clenching the steering wheel.

  Wolf swung his Charger into a parking spot up front, then went around and opened Ella’s door, before she beat him to it.


  Ella wasn’t sure what to make of Wolf as she watched the small town go by, from the passenger seat of his sports car. It was a bit of a surprise to discover he owned the apartment complex. She didn’t know what she expected, but she certainly hadn’t pegged the sexy biker as a real estate investor. Then again, she didn’t really know Wolf.

  Ella was positive Wolf was going to turn her down, and she’d have to find a new place to live, probably in an unsavory neighborhood. Wright’s little stunt the night before certainly hadn’t helped her cause any. She was beyond disappointed after having such an awesome day, but she refused to whine or beg. Ella prided herself as a survivor, and rarely asked anyone for help. She didn’t believe others should suffer at her expense.

  Wolf then flipped the script on her, getting mad that she refused to make excuses. Ella couldn’t understand why he cared to know the reason she couldn’t make rent.

  I guess if you’re going to give handouts, you want to know it’s for a good reason. I’m not some addict, frittering my rent money away on drugs. But how would he know.

  The next thing she knew Wolf was complimenting her portfolio, making her blush, and offering her a job.

  Wolf was a hard man to read. But, there was one thing she knew for certain; he was a rogue. The way he prodded her until she talked to him, was unsettling. Wolf had a disarming effect on her, every time he drew near. What’s more, her reaction seemed to amuse and rile him further.

  Wolf pulled into a large parking lot at the edge of town, and Ella looked at the building he called a clubhouse. It wasn’t exactly what she expected, when she thought of a biker hangout. This was a two-story Art Deco building, constructed of creamy glazed brick. There was a wood privacy fence that extended down one side, and appeared to encompass a large area out back. Beyond that was a copse of mature trees. The property was nice and looked well cared for. Ella suddenly wondered if Wolf had manufactured a reason to help her.


  “You know, you don’t have to take pity on me,” Ella commented as she looked at the exterior of the clubhouse.

  The building was in good shape. He had work done on it last summer. The interior was a different matter. It hadn’t been touched since the early seventies.

  “This isn’t a pity job, believe me,” Wolf assured her.

  Wolf had to resist the urge to place his hand at the small of her back, as he escorted Ella inside. Ella stopped when they entered the main room. Her eyes widened as she looked around.

  Wolf groaned. He forgot he told Vick and Tony to start tearing the damaged drywall out. There was so much plaster dust, it looked like it snowed inside.

  “Yeah, I guess you do need a little update. What happened over here?” Ella strode forward to examine the busted-out studs and pipe between the main room and the bathroom.

  Wolf couldn’t admit what actually happened. Human men didn’t toss each other through walls.

  “I think it was the earthquake,” he offered.

  Ella choked, instantly turning bright red. Wolf wasn’t sure, but she looked embarrassed for some reason. It was an odd response, but women were strange, especially this one. Ella’s expression shifted again.

  “Look, Wolf, don’t fib to me. This isn’t earthquake damage.” Ella stated, appearing peeved as she pinned him with a stern gaze. “And if it was, damage of
this kind would mean other structural problems, that a little paint and tile won’t fix.”

  Shit! Busted.

  She turned and ran her hand over a broken pipe that bent inward.

  “You said this is a motorcycle club. Are you sure someone didn’t run a bike through this wall?” Her left eyebrow rose, challenging him to lie to her again.

  Why didn’t you think of the motorcycle excuse? A Mensa candidate you are not, Wolf.

  “You caught me.” Wolf held his hands up in resignation. “I didn’t want to scare you off so soon. Things can get a little wild around here.”

  Emphasis on the wild part.

  “Wolf, I can’t design something that will work for you, if you aren’t honest with me about your needs.” She pointed at the giant hole.

  Oh, I have needs, Princess.

  “I apologize. That makes a lot of sense,” he replied. A rotten inclination entered Wolf’s head. “You know, the best way to see what things are like, would be to come to a party. Well it’s not really a party, as much as a run of the mill Friday night.”

  “That would give me an idea how you use the space.”

  Ella looked toward the pool table, entertainment unit, and the new dumpy couches and tables, that were moved in to replace the broken ones. Wolf was a bit embarrassed by the pathetic sight.

  As Ella turned, she stumbled over a crowbar. Wolf reached out lightning fast, and gripped her around the waist, before she fell flat on the floor. Ella’s eyes widened as she looked up at his face, and Wolf realized he had a solid grip on her full ass.

  Time stood still as Wolf looked down into Ella’s hazel eyes. The flecks of green in her irises sparkled like tiny emeralds. The air seemed to vibrate as he held her. Ella licked her glossy red lips, and Wolf very much wanted a taste.

  “Um,” Ella squeaked.

  “Sorry about that. Are you okay?”

  Wolf released her, though he hated doing it. Ella’s pert little behind felt right in his hands. He imagined clutching those lush globes as he made Little-Miss-Straight-Laced come unglued beneath him.

  “That’s okay. Thanks.” Ella cast him a shy smile.

  Her guileless response made him want to reach out and grab her again. His inner wolf agreed.


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