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Love Me Always: A Romance Anthology

Page 2

by Peyton Banks

  Soraya sat in the chair placed in front of his desk. Kincade took a seat on the edge of his desk so he could be near her.

  “How are you this morning?” he asked, lifting his cup back to his lips.

  Soraya gave a soft smile and shrugged. “It was good until Mr. Johnson called this morning, hollering.”

  Kincade grunted. John Johnson had been a pain in the ass for a while now. Kincade was going to have to deal with him. He didn’t take too kindly his clients giving his employees shit. That may be how he ran his business, but that was not how Kincade worked. John was known to be a mean son of a bitch. Rumors floated around about some of his dealings that bordered along the lines of illegal.

  “Did he say what he wanted?”

  “No.” Soraya shook her head. She took a sip of her coffee before setting it down on the desk. “He’s demanding you call him today. I think I lost some of the hearing in my ear from his yelling.”

  Kincade filed that comment away in the back of his mind. John Johnson officially had his full attention now.

  He wouldn’t stand for anyone berating Soraya.

  “Don’t worry about him. I’ll take care of him,” Kincade promised.

  Soraya’s eyes widened for a second then dropped to her little notebook. She began rattling off items on her list. The woman was organized like no one he had ever seen.

  They went over everything she had written down.

  “This weekend is the retirement party for Duncan,” he mentioned.

  “Yes, I think everything is settled. The caterers just did final confirmation, and the—”

  “I want you by my side during the party,” he interjected.

  Soraya paused and stared at him. Kincade knew Soraya didn’t realize how sexy she was when she bit her lip like she was doing at the moment.

  He had to fight the urge to snatch her up from the chair and cover her mouth with his. Her plump lips called to him, and he was dying to get a taste of them.

  “But I’ll already be there,” she replied softly. She slowly reached up and tucked her dark strands behind her ear.

  “Are you bringing a date?” He gripped his cup tight, not thinking about that until now. He set it down next to him to prevent him from crushing it.

  Soraya had volunteered to help plan the party for the Chief Legal Officer. Duncan had been with the company for thirty-five years, and he’d finally decided to retire to enjoy life. It was an honor for Kincade to throw the party. His mansion was spacious enough, and he had used it for plenty of business gatherings.

  “Well, no.”

  “Then it is settled. You’ll be on my arm for the event.” Relief filled him. It would have been a little awkward if he had to have security not admit her guest.

  “But, Mr. Hamilton…” She blinked then jumped up from her chair. She clutched her notebook to her chest with a worried look.


  Damn the rules.

  He snagged her arm and brought her flush to him. The sparks between them were electric, and he knew she felt them. This wasn’t something they should ignore.

  Her gasp filled the air.

  He bit back a groan at the sensation of her body molding to his. His hand settled on the small of her back.

  “Say my name, Soraya,” he murmured.

  Her beautiful brown eyes were wide, and her lips parted. He slipped his other hand up to cup her cheek.

  “Kincade,” she breathed.

  He leaned down and pressed his lips to Soraya’s. He gently coaxed her mouth to part to allow his tongue to enter. She hesitated at first but she grew bolder, sending her tongue to duel with his.

  His cock hardened at the sound of her moan. She melted against him, returning the kiss with the same fever. Kincade tilted his head to the side and deepened the kiss.

  Her notebook fell to the floor.

  It went ignored.

  Her hands ghosted up and gripped his shirt. Kincade took advantage of her closeness to let his hands roam her supple ass. It filled his large hands and still spilled out. Her full breasts were crushed between them as she tried to get closer to him.

  His cellphone sounded behind him, bringing him back to reality.

  Kincade tore his mouth from Soraya’s. They were breathing hard and didn’t say a word.

  Her eyes were wide and out of focus. She blinked a few times, and he instantly knew when she came to the realization of what they had just done.

  “Oh my God,” she whimpered.

  He held her tighter, refusing to release her.

  “That has been coming for a long time.” He grinned and dropped another kiss on her swollen mouth.

  Unfortunately, he was going to have to send her out to go back to work. If he didn’t, she was going to find herself spread out on his desk.


  His cock swelled even more at the sound of his name on her tongue.

  “Everything is going to be okay, Soraya.” He stood and gently undid her balled fist from his shirt. He grinned at her stunned expression. “I’m going to take care of you.”

  He ran a hand one last time over her plump ass and groaned. Her body fit perfectly with his.

  “But we shouldn’t—”

  He swooped down and kissed her again. He didn’t want her to think of anything but what was burning between them. He was going to have to make her understand that rules didn’t apply to him.

  This kiss was harder and deeper.

  Fuck, she was as sweet as he knew she would be. He couldn’t get enough of her lips now he’d finally got his taste.

  She whimpered when Kincade released her mouth. He smoothed a finger across her cheek.

  “You feel this between us?” He pressed his erection against her stomach.

  She bit her lip and leaned into him.

  He had to end this now, or neither of them would be working today.

  “Yes,” she exhaled.

  “We are going to explore this, Soraya. I promise you won’t have anything to worry about.” One last chaste kiss, and he gently pushed her away. He scooped her things and handed them to her. “Later.”

  She spun around and scurried from the room. She glanced back at Kincade one last time before disappearing through the door.

  Kincade adjusted himself.

  By the weekend, he was going to be balls deep inside his assistant.


  “So who kissed who first?” Paris screeched. Her best friend worked for Hamilton Financial, too, but was not lucky enough to be invited to the private retirement party.

  “I don’t even remember,” Soraya admitted. It was the day of the celebration, and she had still yet to figure out what she was going to wear.

  Paris lay across Soraya’s bed with a wide grin. Her friend was a gorgeous light-skinned black woman with her hair kept in a short bob with deep-blonde highlights. She was around the same build as Soraya and loved fashion. She would be considered a hipster with expensive tastes.

  “So one kiss, and that was it? He didn’t spread you out on his desk and have his wicked way with you?”

  Soraya glanced over her shoulder at her friend and rolled her eyes. Those scorching kisses two days ago still resonated inside Soraya.

  If he had picked her up and put her on his desk, she wouldn’t have objected. Kincade had kissed her within an inch of her life.

  We are going to explore this, Soraya. I promise you won’t have anything to worry about.

  Her core clenched at the memory. The feeling of Kincade’s strong hands running over her body while he devoured her mouth had her panties drenched. She was even surprised she was able to walk out of the office on her own.

  She had been a basket case since.

  “You read too many romance books,” she teased.

  “I’m sorry, but right now, this is a classic billionaire romance in the making.” Paris snorted.

  Soraya laughed and returned to her closet. She stood with her hands on her hips and looked at the few dresses she ha
d. Maybe she should run out and go get something new.

  “I think we need to go shopping,” she muttered.

  “You think?” Paris quipped. “You will be on the arm of a very successful businessman who will have other rich people surrounding you.”

  Her friend made a good point.

  “They are rich, I’m not.” She chuckled. She had done well for herself and wasn’t hurting. She didn’t have Hamilton money, but she was financially comfortable.

  Her doorbell sounded.

  “You expecting someone?” Paris sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed.

  “No.” At least she didn’t think she was. She walked toward her bedroom door and took in her image in her floor-length mirror. Her hair was still wrapped up in her silk scarf while she was dressed in a soft t-shirt and leggings.

  It was early Saturday morning, and she wasn’t due to arrive at Kincade’s house until around five.

  “Well, if we need to run out, we should go now. What time is your hair appointment?” Paris asked as they strolled down the hall toward the stairs. Soraya had purchased a small home a few years ago in one of Dallas’ exclusive suburbs.

  “Eleven.” Soraya took the stairs and headed to her front door. She glanced out and found a woman standing outside with a package in her hands. Opening the door, she looked at the visitor curiously. “Good morning. Can I help you?”

  “Mornin’. Are you Soraya Stevens?” She was dressed in a business suit and heels. Her red hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, and her makeup was flawless.

  “Yes, I am.” Soraya sensed Paris behind her.

  “Then this is for you. Can you sign on the line, please?” She handed Soraya a tablet.

  “Who is this from?” Soraya asked, signing her name. She gave the tablet back.

  “Mr. Kincade Hamilton.” She passed the massive package and an envelope to Soraya. “Have a great day.”

  Soraya kicked the door shut and turned to find Paris standing behind her with a wide grin on her lips.

  “What the hell is this?” Soraya muttered.

  “Let’s open it.” Paris hopped around and clapped. Her friend was acting like a little kid at Christmas.

  Soraya carried the large box over into the living room and set it down on her coffee table. The box was white and had a red bow on it. She held the envelope, taking in her name scribbled on the front in Kincade’s bold handwriting.

  Tearing it open, she took out the single sheet of stationery with the Hamilton letterhead on it. The thick paper had a masculine design and represented everything Kincade was.

  “What does it say?” Paris moved to her side and looked over her shoulder.


  Please don’t think me too bold. I want nothing but the finest for you. Here’s a gift to wear tonight. My driver will pick you up at four-thirty.


  “Girl, you better be putting out tonight!” Paris roared laughing.

  “Paris,” Soraya exclaimed. She gripped the stationary and watched her friend fall on the couch in tears.

  She bit her lips and tossed the paper down to reach for the package. She tore the ribbon off and tossed it on the floor. Kneeling beside the table, she opened the box and paused.

  Nestled in soft white lace material was a black dress. Soraya’s breath caught in her throat. Paris grew quiet as Soraya reached in and pulled it out of the box. She stood so she could allow the material to hang.

  “Damn, the man has taste,” Paris murmured.

  Soraya was in love with it. She had to agree with her friend. Kincade knew how to pick out a dress. It was a strapless gown with a sweetheart neckline, a beaded bodice, and a floor-length skirt with a high slit.

  She had shoes that would be perfect for it.

  “Oh my.” She sighed.

  Kincade just earned a gold star in her book.

  “It’s so beautiful.” Paris came to stand by her and ran her hands over the fabric. Well, we don’t have much time to get you waxed and plucked.”

  “What?” Soraya sputtered with laughter. She clutched the dress to her and turned to her friend.

  “Have you looked at those eyebrows?” Paris asked, resting her hands on her hips. She waved a hand in front of Soraya and shook her head. “We have to get you ready, honey. You’re hopping into bed with a billionaire tonight.”

  Paris took her by the shoulders and directed her back toward the stairs.

  “Where are we going?” Soraya asked. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach at the thought of seeing Kincade tonight.

  The sexual tension in the office was heightened even higher. Soraya’s concentration was blown. She couldn’t stop thinking of that mind-blowing make-out session in Kincade’s office. The feeling of his hardness pressed up against her soft curves had her strung tight.

  “Since he got the main item for you, we need to go lingerie shopping.”

  They jogged up the stairs and went back into Soraya’s bedroom.

  “I have plenty. I don’t need to go purchase any more.” Soraya headed toward her bed and laid the dress out.

  “A night like this requires new. You need to go pick out some that will look perfect on his bedroom floor.”

  Soraya’s gaze cut to her friend.

  Dammit, she was right.

  “Let me get my purse.”

  “Fine party, Kincade,” a loud, boisterous voice announced. Kincade’s ten-thousand-square-foot home was overrun with hundreds of people celebrating the retirement of a great man. Classical music floated through the air from the string quartet in the corner of the ballroom. The man of the hour was making his rotation through the room at the moment.

  Kincade was happy for Duncan. He considered the older man a mentor and was truly happy that Duncan was ready to start the next phase in his life.

  Kincade turned to see Raymond Armstrong walking toward him with his wife on his arm. Armstrong sat on the board of trustees and was a great support.

  “Thanks for attending. I didn’t hear you were back in town.” Kincade held out his hand for him.

  “I wouldn’t miss Duncan’s retirement send-off for nothing.” Raymond laughed. He took Kincade’s hand with a firm grip. The older man had sat on the board since Kincade’s father, Ronald, was in charge. “You remember my wife, Doris.”

  “I do. Hello, Mrs. Armstrong.” Kincade smiled at the woman dressed in a dark-blue dress. Her white hair was coiled up in a tight bun. He took her hand in his and brought it up to his lips.

  “Charming as always, huh.” The woman blushed, taking her hand back. “How are your parents? I didn’t see them.”

  “They are currently in the Mediterranean enjoying the retired life.” He glanced over, and his breath caught in his throat as his gaze landed on Soraya, making her way to him. The crowd parted to allow her through. All night it had been hard for him to keep his eyes and hands off her. The dress he’d chosen for her highlighted her thick curves. That slit was driving him insane. It allowed him to have a very enticing sight of her thigh.

  Her warm brown skin glowed in the black dress. Her makeup was flawless, and her hair was in a complicated updo with a few strands escaping around her face and the base of her neck.

  He caught other men eyeing her, and he stood up straight, meeting their gazes to warn them off. His hardened glare did the trick. Each of them turned away immediately.

  The entire night he had kept one eye on her as she circulated the room. He knew without question she was introducing herself and making connections. The woman certainly had a business sense to her that rivaled his.

  “You’ve met my assistant, Soraya?” Kincade asked. He held out a hand to her.

  She put her smaller one in his, and he pulled her close. He didn’t give a damn what it looked like. He wrapped an arm around her waist to hold her to him.

  “Hello,” Soraya greeted the Armstrongs with a perfect smile. “Soraya Stevens.” She shook both of their hands.

  “I had heard you had gained a
Brainiac, Kincade, but they left out how beautiful she was.” Raymond chuckled.

  “That’s so kind of you. I’ve learned so much in the six months I’ve worked with Mr. Hamilton. I’m just thankful for the opportunity to take on the clients he’s given me.” Soraya pressed against him.

  The scent of her floral perfume reached him, and his cock twitched and awakened.

  “It allows me to focus on other accounts now that I have her,” he murmured, resting his hand on her hip. “Clients love her. She’s making me look good.”

  “Well, I do have to say, you two make a lovely couple,” Mrs. Armstrong mentioned. Her eyes flicked back and forth between Kincade and Soraya.

  He tightened his grip on Soraya and allowed his lips to widen into a grin.

  “I’m trying,” he joked. Soraya elbowed him in the side. “But she’s playing hard to get.”

  “Don’t make him chase you too long, girl.” Mrs. Armstrong giggled. The music shifted to something slow and sensual. She turned to her husband. “Raymond, take me out on the dance floor.”

  “Of course, my dear.” Raymond nodded to them before whisking his wife away, leaving them alone.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?” Kincade asked. He spun her around to face him, leaving his hand on her hips. Now that she was in his grasp, he didn’t want to let her go. “You were not supposed to be working but enjoying yourself.”

  “I am. You have a beautiful home.” Soraya tilted her head back to meet his gaze.

  He drew her flush to him. He leaned down and brushed his lips against her ear.

  “After everyone’s gone, I’ll give you a personal tour.”


  The last guest made their way out the door. Soraya was functioning on pure adrenaline. The only people now in the house were the cleanup crew Kincade had hired.

  Soraya stood out on the landing and waved to the president of Chestnut Banking. She had been in a deep conversation with him and his wife as they’d waited for the valet to fetch their vehicle. She now had a personal meeting lined up with him to discuss working with him.


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