Training Trevor: An ABDL Age Play Romance (Safe Boys Book 3)

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Training Trevor: An ABDL Age Play Romance (Safe Boys Book 3) Page 9

by Laurie Lochs

  "Trevor," I said when we finally got to the Dungeon. I stared into his eyes. The boy didn't back down. He stared at me like he knew exactly what I was going to say. But I pressed on, because I promised myself that I would be direct and upfront with him, and would let nothing get caught in the crosshairs. I didn't want Trevor to get the wrong impression. I needed to be direct. ”There’s something… There's something I need to tell you.”

  A soft smile formed on his lips.

  "Ever since I saw you perform at the nightclub, I wanted to get to know you. At first, it was only to have you perform at the talent night. But seeing you perform last week, well… I can't fight it any longer, Trevor. Not after the way you fit so snug into my arms the day we played in the club."

  Trevor blushed. Go on.

  "As I am still technically overseeing your upcoming performance, I need to make it clear that whatever you say here will not be used against you in any way. I want to make you an offer and give you a gift I put together myself. If you choose not to accept, there will be no bad blood between us. I’ll hand over the reins to Stephen, who’ll walk you through the performance and give you anything you need. You won't have to talk to me or be around me again. The truth is, Trevor… Well, what I'm trying to say is—”

  Trevor open his mouth to speak and so I immediately stopped talking. But he didn't say anything. He was waiting for me to continue.

  “I’m trying to say I want you to be my boy."

  There it was. The truth was out. Trevor could do with those words, what he wanted. He could store them in the innermost chambers of his heart or he could cast them to the wayside and leave them on the street outside of the club for the city trash men to pick up. I fully expected him to do the latter. But instead, Trevor shot me a glance that could only mean he'd liked what I had to say.

  "I want to do it," he whispered at last, staring up at me with inquisitive eyes. “I-I thought I hurt you too much after I left that afternoon. But I’ve wanted a Daddy my entire life. A-And now I know there’s nothing to be afraid of. I want a Daddy… And I want you to be it."

  "You mean it, Trevor? You know, you don't have to say that just because were paying you."

  “No. I mean it. I want you to be my big man."

  At once, a wave of warmth washed over me. I stared at Trevor and finally convinced myself that he wasn't lying and that he meant every word he said. I walked to him and immediately threw my arms around him, bringing him to my chest. I savored his scent. He smelled of fresh things and big dreams. "My boy," I whispered, holding him tight. Trevor's body grew limp in my arms. He surrendered and let himself go. No doubt, he was thinking the same things I was. Maybe he was even wondering what took so long.

  At last, I broke our embrace and looked Trevor in the eye. “Sweet boy," I whispered, running my fingers across his cheek. He let me do it. "Daddy has a gift for you."

  Trevor gazed at me with a gripping intensity that could only be described as starstruck. I did the only thing I could think of, which was to take his hand and lead him to the playroom.

  "Here's your gift."

  But when I glanced up, I saw Trevor's face had fallen. He sniffled and stared at his feet.

  Oh, fuck. Tears were forming in his eyes.

  Chapter 19


  I tried to blink the tears from my eyes but it was no use. I felt so stupid. I didn't want Ash to see me crying so soon. Especially over something so ridiculous as a gift.

  "What's wrong, sweet one?” Ash’s voice was soft and caring.

  "No," I whispered, staring at my feet. "It's nothing. It's just that…"

  "It must be something. Are you scared?"

  I let out a soft laugh. "No. I am… I'm grateful."

  Ashes faced immediately relaxed. I took the opportunity to explain myself.

  "I'm grateful, Ash. I don't know what you planned for me but I know I'm going to love it. No one has ever done something for me like this in their lives. The last gift I received was from my aunt but it was only a make-up present for threatening to kick me out. It was a pair of argyle socks that I’ve never worn in my life. But this… Wow. This is the nicest thing anyone's done for me."

  “But you don't know what I'm giving you, Trevor. For all you know it could be another pair of argyle socks.”

  "No," I agreed, "I don't. But the truth is I don't care what it is. I've received so little gifts in my life, Ash. I'm just… I'm just so grateful."

  Ash looked me in the eye and parted in my hair. He rubbed my earlobe and then brought me into his arms. Immediately, my body relaxed, and I felt the tension go out of me and seep into the floor. Ash’s arms were firm, thick, plush. For a second, I lost myself in his arms, lost myself in his gentle body that felt like a cuddle bear. I ran my fingers over the small tuft of chest hair poking out of his shirt and burrowed as far as I could into his chest. I inhaled his salty musk. Everything about him was so soft and cozy. I wanted his firm arms around me forever.

  Just when I thought Ash was on the verge of slipping his fingers into the back pocket of my shorts, he broke the embrace and whispered something I'd never forget. "Little one," he said, "Daddy brought you a gift."

  "Wait…" I said, "you really bought me something? I thought you just joking. Or, sorry… I thought this was the gift.”

  Ash grinned and pulled it present off the shelf. My jaw dropped when I saw it had a ribbon and a boat.

  "No, Ash… This is too much."

  "It's for you, sweet boy. Please open it. I would feel horrible if I had to bring it back to the store."

  I giggled and took the present in my hands. It had baby blue wrapping paper and a beautiful white bow. On the paper, a small label had my name printed in block font. I didn't know if Ash wrote my name or if the sales attendant did, but I wasn't complaining either way. With a trembling finger, I peeled back the tape keeping the present in the paper and pulled the wrapping paper apart.

  "Go on, little one."

  I squeezed my eyes as tight as I could and stuck a finger inside the package. My heart raced. It almost felt like I was running my finger over a small patch of clouds.

  "Open your eyes."

  I did as told. When the play room came back rushing into view, I saw I was holding a beautiful rocketship onesie that looked perfect on my body.

  "Oh, my God," I gasped, letting the paper fall to the floor. I held the onesie out before me and studied it in the light of the play room.

  Ash grinned and parted my hair. "It's for you, sweet boy. I picked it out because it goes great with your eyes.”

  My heart swelled. I looked up and saw Ash was staring at me with the utmost affection. I was on the verge of shedding a tear when Ash suddenly reached out and wiped it from my eye before it had a chance to fall. "Thank you," I whispered, softly wrapping my arms around Ash's waist. "This means the world to me, Daddy. Really."

  Ash pulled me close and held me. A moment later, he sat on a wooden rocking chair and pulled me onto his lap. I let my body mold to his. The spot on his knee more comfortable than a pillow. "Why don't you change into that?" Ash whispered into my ear.

  A wave of chills shot through me. "Does Daddy want me to change into my onesie right now?"

  Ash nodded and traced the nape of my neck with his lips. "Yes, sweet one. Daddy will go to the other room so baby boy can get dressed."

  My heart swelled at the thought that Ash wanted to give me the privacy to get comfortable. But I knew that if I was going to change, I didn't want to be alone. I'd never worn a onesie before, and I wanted Ash to help me change into it. He was my Daddy and I needed him to do his part.

  "No. I need you to change me, Daddy. I-I don't want to do it myself."

  Something throbbed in Ash's shorts. He quickly transferred me to the other knee so I wouldn't be able to feel it. "Are you sure, sweet boy? Even if you get naked?”

  I nodded quickly. “Yes, Daddy. I don’t want to do it alone."

  Ash lifted me from his lap and brought me to
the center of the play room. "Thank you," he whispered, peeling back my shirt. "Thank you for trusting Daddy to do this for you, sweet boy. You've made Daddy very proud knowing he has your trust."

  I beamed and giggle.d Ash took this as the signal to undress me. He peeled back my shirt and pulled it over my head. My nipples hardened in the cool air of the playroom. When he'd folded my shirt and set it on the counter, Ash returned to my shorts and unbuttoned the top. He unzipped them and let them fall to my thighs. They got stuck around my knees, so Ash got on one knee and pulled them all the way down. He lifted my left leg so I could slip out of the shorts, and then did the same with the right. I was standing in the playroom with Ash in front of me in my underwear.

  My boy underwear.

  The underwear that had little dinosaurs on them and cute things. I hadn't known Ash would want to be my Daddy, but just in case — or perhaps just because they helped me feel safe — I came prepared.

  Ash gasped when he saw my underwear. "These are so precious, dear boy,” he whispered, running his thumb over the band. My cock, now fully extended, responded in kind, but he ignored this and continued massaging the fabric.

  "Thank you, Daddy. I wore them just for you."

  "Don't lie to me, sweet boy. You’re precious enough without being cheesy."

  I giggled and covered my face. "So sorry, Daddy. I will only tell the truth from now on."

  Ash grinned and peel back the band of my boxers. I gasped as he ran his finger down my hip, tracing the flesh and cupping the bone in his palm. I moaned let my head fall back over my shoulders. Inch by inch, Ash peeled the underwear from my midsection until my cock burst free from the fabric and bumped him in the chin.

  My eyes shot open. "I'm so sorry, Daddy. I didn't mean for that to happen."

  "It's okay, little one. These things sometimes happen. Here," he continued, pulling my underwear down to my feet. We performed the same dance we’d done seconds earlier when trying to get rid of my shorts. In no time, I was standing butt naked with my hands locked around my back. "Now, sweet boy is ready to were his new onesie."

  My cheeks burst into flames. "Thank you, Daddy.”

  Running his fingers over my thigh, Ash slipped me into the onesie until I was covered in the soft, plush fabric. My cock jutted out, but Daddy didn't pay it any attention. He was more concerned with putting me in the clothes he’d bought me. There would be plenty of other time to experiment and to touch me in places we both wanted, but for now we were content with the pajamas.

  At last, Ash snapped the onesie into place and took it all in. His eyes glistened with tenderness and warmth. "It's perfect, sweet boy. Let Daddy take you to the mirror so you can see how it looks on you."

  “Yes please, Daddy. I want to see how I look in the rocketship onesie.”

  Taking my hand, Ash led me to the mirror and let me see everything. I ignore my cock jutting out of the fabric and focused only on the beautiful rocket ships and soft, blue fabric of the onesie. It was absolutely perfect, more so than I could’ve dreamt of in my life. Thinking quickly, I spun around and softly wrapped my arms around Ash's waist. "Thank you, Daddy. You made me happier than you could know."

  Ash grinned and ran a hand through my hair. "Just wait, little one. Wait until you see what Daddy has in store for this afternoon."

  My heart quickened. I glanced into Ash's to see if there was any hint of deception or malice. But there was nothing but trustworthiness and kindness. I let him lead me to the far end of the playroom. My jaw dropped when he pulled out a second gift.

  Chapter 20


  I grinned as I stared into the boy's earnest eyes. He was so excited and shy. The first present had been a hit. I could only hope the second would have a similar effect.

  "Baby boy," I whispered when I’d pulled the small package from the bookshelf. I placed it on top of a box of building blocks that I put together just for us this afternoon. It was going to go perfectly with everything else I’d planned and I wanted to make sure he got this present before we dove into the activities. "This is a second gift to complement the onesie. I don't know if you've ever worn one before, but I know many Littles like you enjoy using these. It's not to silence you nor is it to keep you entertained. Littles sometimes use these because it makes them feel safe and loved."

  Trevor nodded. He was hanging onto every word.

  "Open," I commanded, handing him the small cardboard box with the ribbon and the bow.

  Trevor blinked and looked at the package. He peeled back the paper. He removed the contents. His mouth burst into a grin the second he saw what was inside.

  "It's a pacifier, Daddy."

  "Yes," I said with a smile. "A pacifier for Daddy's little angel. Does baby like?"

  "Yes," Trevor cried, looping his finger through the plastic. "It's perfect, Daddy. You did such a good job."

  My heart fluttered in my chest. "Come to Daddy," I whispered, retreating to a chair by the crib. "Let Daddy put it in your mouth."

  Trevor dropped onto his knees and crawled towards me. When he arrived, he smiled and placed his chin on my knee. His eyes were squeezed shut and he looked like he was in little heaven. I ran my thumb over his lips and let him test that first. I'd already seen how he responded to my thumb but I wanted to make sure nothing had changed since the last time we played. If we were going to build a train set — which was my third big surprise — with something in his mouth, I wanted to make sure it didn't make him feel uncomfortable and that he knew it wasn't because I didn't like hearing him talk, but because it would help him get further into little space.

  Trevor flicked his tongue over my thumb and brought it into his mouth. He moaned and rubbed his lips over the tip of my finger. I massaged his teeth and gums. Like before, he enjoyed every second of it and didn't want to stop for the world. Eventually, however, I withdrew my thumb and pried the pacifier from his little fingers. After rubbing the nipple across his lips, I inserted it into his mouth and let it mold to his face. Trevor immediately relaxed and his expression melted like a river of hazelnut chocolate. This was paradise.

  "Does baby like?"

  Trevor sucked on the pacifier. Though he couldn't respond, I knew from his expression that he was fully in "little" mode. He was experiencing regression and felt more safe and comfortable than he had in a long time. I picked Trevor up from the floor and placed him on my lap, kissing the nape of his neck and holding him close to my chest. Trevor melted into my body and our two bodies became one. Then, I spun him around and gave him the greatest gift I could think of.

  "It's going to be like before, sweet boy," I whispered, "but this time, there's no limit. You don't need to worry about sex or anything more than play. I've arranged for Stephen and Veronica not to come in the rest of the afternoon, so we have as much time as we want to play together. You've already seen the train set, which we played with a bit last time you were here. But in these boxes, we have so much more than trains and I want you to play with everything. Now that you're my boy, these are as much yours as they are mine."

  Trevor beamed. He rubbed his eyes and nodded silently. I pressed my lips to his forehead and plopped him back on the floor.

  "Now it's time to see what you like playing with best. Do you want to start with the trains again?"

  Trevor blushed and nodded. He crawled towards the plastic box where we kept our train sets and I helped him remove the white lid. I selected a large, wooden track we could spend all afternoon putting together. I laid the pieces on the floors for Trevor so he could better access them. He grabbed one of the train tracks and built his world.

  I decided to get on my knees next to Trevor and help him find the correct pieces to put the train set together. After an hour or so, he glanced up at me with the most intense look of gratitude in his eyes. It was almost like he was crying, or close to it. But I wouldn't let him cry, not now. With a wink, I wiped his eyes and pulled him in for a hug. "You're my boy, little one. Daddy thinks you're the specialist boy in
the world. You’re everything he's ever wanted in his life."

  Trevor melted even more. His left hand let a piece of the train track he was holding clatter to the ground. He crawled into my arms and burrowed into them. He was like a baby joey coming home to his mother's sac.

  We built trains for a long time. By the end of the afternoon, our track expanded all over the playroom. I'd never seen another little devote himself so diligently to trains before. It was the biggest track I'd seen in my life. Now it was time to mount our trains.

  I selected a light blue wooden train for Trevor and placed it on the track. "Are you ready, little one?"

  Trevor nodded and glanced up at me shyly. I grinned and placed the train on the track.

  "It's time to make the train go zoom,” I whispered, bringing Trevor's hand to the little engine that could. He blushed and his right arm trembled. I massaged it and placed the train on the track. We moved the little red steam engine around the wooden track. We moved the train through the obstacles we'd set up — like the police station and fire truck we’d left on the track — and passed under chairs we pretended were mountains. When we got to the crib, Trevor suddenly collapsed and laid on his belly. I poked him in the side, but he didn't want to get up. His soft eyes were closed. Was he lost in dream land?

  "Get up, little one. It's time to bring the train back to the station."

  But Trevor didn't move. He only squeezed his eyes even tighter, and smiled through his pacifier. At last, he looked over his shoulder and blinked at me. Thinking quickly, I crawled next to him and remove the pacifier from his lips.

  "What are you thinking, baby boy?"

  “Da-Da," he whispered, staring into my eyes. "Baby like train."

  My heart withered. “Does this make baby happy?"


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