Training Trevor: An ABDL Age Play Romance (Safe Boys Book 3)

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Training Trevor: An ABDL Age Play Romance (Safe Boys Book 3) Page 10

by Laurie Lochs

  "Yes, Da-Da. Baby is more happy than ever in his life."

  My heart couldn’t take it anymore. I left the train track on the carpet and scooped Trevor into my arms. I brought him to my lap and brushed my nose across his. Trevor's eyes fluttered beneath me and he burst into giggles.

  "Butterfly kisses, Da-Da. You're giving me butterflies."

  I grinned and stroked Trevor's cheek. "Yes, little one. Daddy wants to give baby Trevor all the butterflies in the world."

  "Baby like," Trevor whispered, fluttering his eyes before me. I ran my thumb over his soft cheeks and caressed his earlobe, sending tingles through his spine. His body trembled beneath me.

  Suddenly, I felt something poking into my stomach. When I glanced down, I saw that Trevor's cock had grown loose from the onesie.

  "Sweet boy. You've let your worm escape."

  Trevor open his eyes. "What happened?"

  "Your little earthworm," I whispered, bringing my hand to his lips. "It's bumping into Daddy's tummy."

  Trevor's jaw dropped. "Oh," he said in a soft voice. His cheeks were bright red. ”Sorry, Da-Da. I didn't mean to let my worm out of the garden.”

  "It's okay, baby," I whispered, stroking his face. "It's no problem. It's no problem at all for Daddy."

  I caressed his soft pajamas until at last I reached his cock. In one soft movement, I wrapped my fingers around it and teased the head. Trevor's body fluttered beneath me and softly thrust into my palm. He moaned softly, and I felt his balls heave into his body as I gripped his cock in my palm.

  "It's so good," Trevor whispered, his voice rough. “It’s so soft, Da-Da.”

  "Yes, little one," I whispered, bringing my nose to his chin. "Sweet boy is making Daddy very happy. But remember, little angel. Sweet boy can tell Daddy to stop at any time."

  Trevor broke into a shy grin. "Yes, Da-Da. If Trevor is uncomfortable, he will let Daddy know and Daddy will stop, just like he promised."

  My heart soared. "Thank you," I whispered, fondling his cock. "You're making Daddy so happy.”

  It made me feel so good to know that my sweet boy understood consent. I kissed him and he quivered beneath me.

  With my right hand, I gripped the small of his back and pulled him close. I didn't stop stroking him, caressing his body and running my fingers over his cock. Trevor closed his eyes. I studied his beautiful cock in the light of the playroom. It was soft and smooth, and a light blue vein ran underneath the shaft. It was almost translucent, as if I could slip underneath the layers and taste the nectar underneath. Instead, I gently massaged the shaft, running my fingers up and down the length, which only caused the boy to tremble all the more. Because I could see Trevor was uncut, I didn't worry I might chafe him, because his gentle foreskin acted as a natural lubricant and prevented him from getting sore. I slipped a second finger through the opening in his onesie and massaged his taint.

  But Trevor suddenly gasped. "No, Da-Da. That’s Trevor's special place."

  I immediately withdrew my hand and brought it back to his cock. “I’m so sorry, sweet boy. Thank you so much for telling me," I whispered, kissing his cheek. "That's exactly what sweet boy needs to do any time he is uncomfortable. Tell Daddy and he’ll stop. You did the right thing by telling me your limits, little one."

  Trevor blushed. His eyes flitted open. "Well…" he began, a slight smirk on his face. "I wouldn't quite say it's a limit. It's just that…"

  "You don't need to explain yourself, little one. You can tell me to stop at any time and I'll listen. I respect your boundaries and would never want to make you feel uncomfortable."

  "No, no," Trevor said, blushing. "It's not a limit. It's just that, well… Oh, God. I'm so embarrassed to say."

  My heart sunk. It was obvious Trevor was beginning to come out of little space. But I didn't want him to feel embarrassed about telling me anything. He needed to know that I could be his confidant, and that nothing would embarrass or throw me off.

  "You can tell Daddy anything. You can say anything and Daddy won't judge."

  Trevor took a sharp breath. "It's just that, well… Every time I think of you, I'm the one who takes charge. I'm embarrassed to say that because I also like being a little so much. This has been one of the best afternoons of my life, and I couldn't be more thankful. But…"

  I filled in the missing words for him. "But you're not a bottom, right? And you think that littles or Subs have to be bottoms?"

  Trevor bit his lip. "Yes, Daddy. I've never heard of a little who wants to top."

  A wave of relief rocketed through me. For a second, I thought Trevor was going to say something entirely different, like that he was regretting being a little. But this was something I'd already jerked off about, especially after he told me about Charlie from Spanish class, who he used to fantasize about pressing up against the window and breeding. Trevor's being a top was something I’d considered with an open mind.

  "Little one," I said with a grin, "you don't need to be worried. While it's not common for a little to be a top, there’s nothing strange or wrong about it. A good Daddy would never stop talking to his little because he would rather top. A caring Daddy would take all of his little’s needs and wants into consideration, and then make an informed decision about what to do and how to best please his boy. Does that make sense, sweet one?"

  "Yes, Daddy. But it still doesn't sound like you're interested in that."

  It was my turn to blush. "There's something I've been hiding from you too, little one. But you can't blame me for it, because it's not something I knew I needed to hide until we met."

  Trevor's eyes widened. Go on.

  "It began when you told me about your fantasies from high school. I knew right then and there that you weren't a traditional boy. It's true that most littles don't dream of pressing a boy they like against the wall and taking them in the middle of Spanish class. But it's a good thing that I'm not most daddies, either. Because when I got home that night, I couldn't stop thinking about how sexy your fantasy was, sweet boy… In fact, I almost wanted to be the one you were thinking about in your mind. I wanted to be the one you fucked in front of your Spanish class."

  Trevor's jaw dropped. "You mean like… You wanted to be Charlie?"

  "Yes, sweet one. I imagined what it would be like for you to take my hole.”

  A shutter rocketed through Trevor's body. "But… But did you like it?" he asked, his eyes wide.

  I squeezed my eyes shut. "Yes, sweet boy. Daddy liked it more than you could ever know. Daddy thought about it so much.”

  Trevor moaned and wrapped his soft arms around my waist. He could barely fit them around, but I sucked in my gut and so he was able to rest his head on my chest while he wrapped me in a soft hug. "Thank you so much, Daddy. I'm so glad we had this discussion."

  "Yes, sweet boy. Like I promised, I wanted to say everything straightforward and direct so there would be no room for ambiguity. I know a lot of people think that it takes the fun out of relationships but I needed to make my stance clear to you, so you knew what was in my heart."

  Trevor grinned and planted an angel's kiss on my neck. My cock throbbed in my pants but I tried to shift Trevor out of the way so he wouldn't feel it. I took no notice of the fact that his cock was still very much out in the open and leaking pre-come.

  "I'm glad too, Daddy. I feel so close to you right now."

  "You're such a special boy, Trevor. Everything about you makes Daddy fill up with love."

  We sat like that for God knew how long. When I woke up, Trevor's cock was no longer hard. I tucked it back in his onesie and helped him clean up the train set. When we were done, I offered him the final part of my gift.

  "Sweet boy," I whispered. When we'd finished packing up the playroom. It was spotless, just like my boy. "I want to offer you one last thing. It's perfectly okay if you say no, and I won't mind at all."

  "Say it, Daddy."

  I grinned. "Daddy would, well… If baby likes, and if baby doesn't already have pl
ans, Daddy would like to invite baby to spend the night."

  Trevor's jaw dropped. His eyes flitted around the playroom.

  Oh fuck. You pushed it too far, Ash.

  And my heart sunk to my knees.

  Chapter 21


  I cleared my throat and stared into Ash’s eyes. Was it true? Daddy wanted to take me home? I tried to parse his face for any sign of deceit. But I found nothing but kindness everlasting.

  So I said the only thing I could think of. “Yes, Daddy.”

  Please take me home and bring me to your castle. I want to do everything you want to do.

  Ash burst into a grin. “You sure, baby boy?”

  “Yes," I whispered again, my heart flitting in my chest. “Yes, God yes.”

  Ash kissed my cheek. "When we get home, I promise I'm going to tuck you into your very own bed. I refuse to put any expectations on you that might make you uncomfortable. I don’t want you feeling obligated in any way.”

  "What do you mean?"

  “Well,” Ash said, "I know a lot of men might use this situation to take advantage of you. But that's the last thing I want to do. When we get home I'm going to give you a comfy room all to yourself. You don't have to ‘do anything’ to stay the night. There is no quid pro quo. You don’t have to pleasure me in exchange for a room. When we wake up in the morning, I’ll cook your favorite breakfast and we’ll have the best day of our lives."

  "I'm confused, Daddy,” I whispered, my voice soft. “You don't want to sleep with me?"

  "That's not what I'm trying to say, sweet one,” he said as we cleaned the last of the play room. He led me into the Dungeon by the hand. “What I mean is that if you don't feel comfortable doing anything, you don't have to do it. I'm not going to pressure you into anything at all."

  I bit my lip as his words sunk in. "Okay, Daddy. I think I understand."

  Ash led me out of the club. When we reached the car he opened the passenger door and usher me in. But before we left, his jaw suddenly dropped. He gripped his throat. “Wait here,” he commanded. He ran back into the club and grabbed something from a closet by the front door. He brought it to the car. My heart stopped when I saw what it was.

  It was a booster seat, but one that was big enough for littles like me. I ran my fingers over the plastic and watched as Ash installed it in the car. I couldn't believe how lucky I was. My Daddy had not only given me an amazing afternoon, and my very own pacifier, but was keeping me safe in case we got into an accident. In this moment, I wanted to give him my whole heart.

  "Sit, sweet boy," Ash said, leading me to the booster seat. He fastened my buckle and strategically placed the pacifier in my mouth so I would have something to calm me throughout the journey. I stared into his brown eyes and tried to shake myself from the amazing dream. But it wasn’t a dream. He was my Daddy.

  Ash climbed into the front seat and, after a quick stop at Wendy's for milkshakes, he took me home.

  When we arrived he unbuckled me from the booster seat and led me up the driveway. "Does baby like his strawberry malt?” he asked, leading me to the house by the small of my back. A wave of tingles washed over me and I nodded quickly. I still couldn't speak because of the pacifier, so Ash removed it from my mouth and placed it in his pocket.

  "Yes," I whispered, taking a sip of the milkshake. It was delicious. "Baby likes it very much."

  "Daddy is glad to hear that. Just wait until baby sees the bedroom Daddy’s prepared for him."

  My heart trembled. I clenched my thumbs as Ash led me into the house and into a room at the far end of a hallway. It was a magnificent house. We were in the suburbs, which was weird because I'd pictured Ash in a dingy apartment in the inner-city. But this was a veritable three-story new development that he said he bought from a local real estate agent named Kyle. The home wasn't in a seedy neighborhood at all. I felt safe. If there was any problem, one of the neighbors would be glad to help.

  Ash led me into the house and guided me to the bedroom. "This is your room, boy. As you can see, the bed is clean and the linens are fresh. If you wait outside, I'll bring you stuffed animals and everything your little heart desires."

  My cheeks burst into flames. "Where did you get stuffed animals?"

  Ash grinned. He opened his mouth to speak but then I remembered I didn't need him to tell me. He’d already told me he'd had little stay with him before, and perhaps he even once had a full-time little. I wondered if Ash and I’d ever get to that point. Was that something he’d ever want again? It was possible that the last full-time little he’d had didn't go well, and perhaps he was hesitant to give it another shot. I sufficed myself with knowing that, even if I wouldn't be Ash's forever, we were still going to have a wonderful night… Even if he wasn't exactly putting any moves on me.

  I wandered around the house while Ash prepared the room. When I came back, I was astonished to see that there was a whole family of stuffed animals snuggled tight in the bed. And that wasn't all. The wallpaper around the bed was a light blue color, and there was an enormous mobile hanging over the bed. If I wanted, I could reach up and play with it while I slept, or if I woke up in the middle of the night and had a scary dream. I could bat it with my fingers and run my fingers over the wallpaper with light blue teddy bears and care bears that would warm my heart. It was a perfect play room for a little like me. Ash had done the right thing by bringing me to this room.

  "It's beautiful, Daddy."

  Ash grinned and ruffled my hair. "I'm so glad you like it, sweet boy. It makes Daddy so happy to hear that."

  My cheeks burst into flame. I inched towards Daddy and softly wrapped my arms around his waist. He held me in the doorway for what seemed like forever. At last, he got down on one knee and looked me in the eye.

  "Sweet boy," he began, "would you like to watch an animated movie?"

  My heart trembled. "Yes, Daddy. But…"

  "What is it?"

  "I only want to watch it with you."

  I held my hands behind my back and waited for Ash's response. I thought that he might want to watch a movie with me, but I was still shy to ask because there was a chance he’d say no. And I very much wanted to watch an animated movie, something like Toy Story or the Good Dinosaur, which I'd seen once but only sort of paid attention to. If Ash had it or could find it online, that was the movie I wanted to see. But only with him.

  Ash’s face burst into a grin. "Of course, baby. I'll go to the kitchen and make snacks. Then, we can snuggle up on the couch and find the perfect movie. I have one in mind I think you'll like."

  I grinned shyly. Ash stood up and grabbed my hand. His fingers graced the blue onesie he'd put on me in the playroom. He brought me down the hallway and into the entertainment room, where there were posters from famous movies like Star Wars hanging on the walls and a flatscreen TV. I was so excited I almost screamed; but I forced myself to stay calm and content myself with holding Ash's hand.

  "Wait here," Ash said, leading me to the couch. He produced two Mexican blankets from a nearby closet and handed them to me. "When I come back, we’ll pick a movie."

  I grinned and sunk into the suede seat. I closed my eyes and entered my little space. I couldn't believe I was here in Ash's house, about to watch a movie with my Daddy. It was like the gods had conspired to give me good things for once and not ruin my life. For the first time, the worries about where I'd stay after auntie kicked me out and my future as a singer fell to the wayside. All that mattered was I was in Ash's house and that he wanted to watch a movie with me. If I got lucky, he'd want to do more.

  I closed my eyes for an eternity. At last, Ash returned with a big bowl of buttery popcorn. My mouth watered. He set the popcorn on the coffee table and flicked on the TV, but not before reaching into the bowl and giving me a handful.

  "Oh my God," I murmured as he fed me. "This is so good."

  Ash laughed. "I'm glad you like it. It's my specialty."

  "Fuck," I whispered, wiping my hand on my ones
ie. I popped another piece in my mouth. “Please write it down for me. I need it so badly"

  "If you stay with me, you won't need the recipe. I'll make it for you whenever you want."

  Was he serious? Oh my God. I couldn’t take it. I moaned and gently crawled onto Ash's lap. He wrapped his hand over my waist and held me snug. I inhaled his musky scent. It complemented the buttery popcorn well. With his free hand, Ash flicked on the TV and selected a movie. "Look," he whispered, pointing to the screen. I glanced to the TV. "Does Trevor think this movie looks good?"

  My jaw dropped. Was it really it?

  "Good Dinosaur?" I whispered, unable to contain myself. Wasn't that the exact movie I’d wanted to see just moments ago when he was showing me the bedroom?

  "Yes, little one. It's the perfect movie for a Daddy/boy snuggle night."

  My heart melted. I nodded frantically, burrowing myself even further into Ash's lap. He pulled me even closer and wrapped the Mexican blanket over us. He flicked on the movie. In no time, we were watching the Good Dinosaur and he was lulling me to sleep in his arms.

  Chapter 22


  I woke up several hours later with Trevor's beautiful little angel arms wrapped snug around my body. I couldn't help but smile as I ran my fingers through his hair. He was the sweetest boy, and he'd fallen asleep nearly 30 minutes into the movie. After I’d finished the bowl of popcorn, I held him close the entire time.

  When it was time to wake up, I gently nudged his shoulder and peeled him from my lap. "Open your eyes, little one," I whispered, gently brushing the hair from his pale forehead. "It's time for Daddy to take you to bed."

  Trevor smiled. He didn't open his eyes, so I wrapped him in the Mexican blanket and picked him up in my arms. I flicked off the TV. After shutting the door of the entertainment room behind me, I brought him to his bedroom where I softly deposited him into his bed and kissed him good night.

  "Sleep well, my little prince," I whispered, kissing my boy on the forehead. Trevor's eyes fluttered beneath me. He was still caught in that in-between space between reality and dreamland. His little legs kicked in the air, and I draped the duvet over him and tucked him in. From the gaggle of stuffed animals I brought in, I selected a teddy bear with a heart sewn onto his paws and slid it beneath Trevor's soft arm.


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