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The Virgin's Contract

Page 105

by Angela Blake

  It made Kayla feel a little guilty. Sofia admitted she had a thing for Kayla a few years back and they did honestly try to be together but Kayla just didn’t feel it. She loved the sex and Sofia was the sweetest person she ever dated but it wouldn’t work. Kayla was straight and she wanted guys, no matter how hard she’d try to give it her all for Sofia.

  “I’m sorry So,” Kayla told her friend and planted a kiss on Sofia’s cheek. “I promise, you can always come over and bang me like a freak any time of the week.”

  Sofia found some consolation in that, “Hey, as long as we both stay happy right? Maybe Dean will want to watch sometime.”

  “Fuck you,” Kayla said flatly. “Don’t give us ideas. I like how it is now.”

  “Speaking of how it is,” Sofia pointed out, “do you live here now?”

  “Oh, yeah I do. He’s been helping me move my stuff here. I still got some shit left back at the apartment like my fridge and stuff. I told him we can just hire a moving company but he insisted on doing it himself.”

  Sofia nodded and went back to watching TV, “At least he’s trying to be a normal boyfriend. Remember David? Man, fuck that asshole. I couldn’t care less about how rich he was. He was such an asshole.”

  “Hey, you sure you’re okay here on your own?” Kayla asked as she got up. She had to leave and Dean was probably already at their meeting place, waiting for her.

  “I know my way out,” Sofia answered. She then pointed to her lips and puckered, “Bye. Have fun.”

  Kayla gave her friend a kiss on the lips then started getting dressed. She was actually going out on a date with Dean, something she thought they’d never do. She had assumed she’d just be the girl he comes home to but never sees. This was a nice change of pace from just having sex in his mansion.

  When she was ready, she left Sofia in the bedroom and drove out.


  The theater center was already packed. She found Dean waiting in line to buy tickets.

  “Dean Marshall, waiting in a line like everybody else,” she commented as she walked up to him. “I need to take a picture of this.”

  He laughed and handed her their popcorn, “You didn’t think all I do is work and screw girls, right? I do have a hobby outside the bedroom.”

  “I don’t know, you tell me,” she replied and ate a handful of popcorn. “What movie are we watching?”

  “It’s that new thing with George Clooney,” he answered, “a musical.”

  Kayla’s eyes grew wide with excitement, “How’d you know I’d like this? I freaking love George Clooney.”

  “Every chick loves George Clooney,” he told her. “Fortunately, so do I. You got everything ready at your place?”

  “Yeah, everything’s boxed up.”

  Dean wrapped his arm around her waist and hugged her closer, “How’s Sofia?”

  “In our bedroom, watching shit on Netflix.”

  “Using your account or mine?”

  “Mine,” Kayla answered. “She’s been binging that show with Thandie Newton and Chris Pratt. I liked it but I only saw Season One so far.”

  Dean hugged her tighter and asked, “How many seasons are there now?”

  “Four,” Kayla answered. “I couldn’t continue watching because I diverted back to finishing up Game of Thrones. Then I started watching that weird sci-fi thing you recommended last night.”


  She nodded, “I like it. The writing is really good but it’s kind of obvious that the budget wasn’t really up to par. It would’ve been better if they made it a few years later. Like a decade later.”

  “You know the guy that made it made The Avengers movie right?”

  “No freaking way,” Kayla commented. “That’s some cool trivia.”

  Dean laughed in agreement and stood behind her, this time hugging her with both arms around her waist.

  Kayla felt a warm sense of satisfaction begin to flood her senses as she stood in that line with Dean’s arms around her. She was actually happy and in a relationship, two things she never thought would go together. To make it even more amazing was the fact she achieved it with someone like Dean Marshall, the epitome of a rich, privileged bad boy.

  She looked up at him and found him looking back at her. She knew deep inside he still had some secrets and issues locked away but those could be stripped bit by bit. She knew she could trust him now. She knew she had him. She loved him.

  The line started moving and they made their way inside. As they walked into the darkness and to their seats Kayla let her mind drift into a well of peace. She was happy, she was content and she was not going to let this feeling go.

  “Dean,” she called right as they sat down.


  “I love you.”

  Dean hugged her tight, gave her a kiss on the cheek and whispered, “I love you too. I do.”

  That was all she wanted to hear. She squeezed his hands as they turned to the screen and watched.


  Blue Eyed Daddy

  Chapter 1

  Anya Sho sighed as she crossed one leg over the other and bent her head forward in concentration. Anya had just turned twenty-one, but instead of celebrating like she wanted to, she had a paper due in a few hours for a history class she was taking in college.

  When her best friend Lisa suggested she come over to her house for a study session, Anya had jumped at the chance to escape her dorm, and the weird smells that emanated from it.

  Her best friend of four years, Lisa, nearly tripped over her long legs on her way to the bathroom. Anya mumbled apologetically as she stared at her legs and wondered.

  She knew that she got her height from her mum’s side of the family. Her mum was a pure Russian with the traditional supermodel good looks, and even though Anya had inherited some of her mother’s genes-the blonde hair and blue eyes- that was where the similarities ended. Instead of being tall and willowy like most Russian women, Anya was simply tall, and what most people called heavy.

  She wasn’t exactly on the thin side, and she didn’t mind because most American women were practically starving themselves just to get that elusive skinny supermodel look, but Anya knew that a lot of men actually preferred curvy women. Women with a little more meat on their bones.

  Anya’s father, Han always told her that when she was growing up.

  A sad smile made its way to her face as she recalled memories of her father. He was a small man from China who had come to America to take over his family’s restaurant. He was a quiet sort of man, not the type you’d notice instantly, unlike her mother whose mere presence demanded attention. They were an odd couple, but evenly matched in ways most people wouldn’t expect.

  Which is why it was a surprise when he cheated on her. Anya supposed that in a way, she knew. Her mother worked long hours as a doctor, and her father waited up for her a lot, but doctors didn’t have set schedules, so more often than not, she’d come home late and go straight to sleep. Some days she wouldn’t come home at all.

  Anya and her sister Alyona didn’t mind because they loved their mother regardless, but she supposed it was different for her father, who must’ve craved companionship. Anya imagined his small form waiting up day in and day out for a wife who many people viewed as his superior.

  It had broken her heart when she found out he had cheated on her mother because in a way, it had felt like he had cheated on his whole family. The divorce had gotten ugly, especially because Anya’s mother wanted nothing more to do with him, and he couldn’t let go of her.

  When they finally got their divorce years later, Han had turned into a bitter man who frequently snapped at his daughters whenever they came to visit. He gradually started ignoring them and for a long time only stayed in touch with them just to ask them about their mother. Whenever it seemed like she was unhappy, he would try to weasel his way back in. Whenever she was happy, he cursed her name to the wind.

; Alyona had eventually gotten tired of this topsy turvy relationship they had with their dad. She told him that when he was interested in learning about who she was as a woman then he could call her, but until then she wanted nothing more to do with him. With that, she had packed up her things and left. She moved to a quiet street in Boston with her husband and two kids. She had made her peace with the fact that she would probably never have the kind of relationship she wanted with her father, and for that Anya envied her.

  Anya wished she was able to do the same, but for some reason, she was unable to.

  She constantly found herself being sucked into his web, drawn in by honeyed words and whispered promises that he always hinted at, but never seemed to make. Every single time he’d dash her hopes and bring her crashing back down to Earth. Every time he did that, she’d vow to herself that she’d put a stop to it, and yet somehow, each time she told herself to walk away, something kept her back.

  Anya began to nibble on the edge of her pencil as she underlined some things in her text book. Lisa emerged a while later with a tray filled with treats and coffee.

  “I brought reinforcements,” she announced as she balanced the tray on the edge of her hip and used her foot to shut the door closed.

  “You’re my hero.” Anya stood up and went to help Lisa set the stuff down. She met Lisa during her freshman year at college, they were both psychology majors. Lisa was Anya’s complete opposite.

  Bubbly, energetic and from a completely normal home life. There was just one thing they had in common. Both their parents were divorced, but where Lisa had made her peace with it, Anya sometimes wondered how different her life would’ve been if her parents had stayed together. Lisa was short, but she was thin in a way that most people thought came from starving herself, but in reality, she could eat like an elephant. She just had really good genes. She was very down to earth, and that’s what drew Anya to her. They might be as different as fire and rain, but at the end of the day, they were like sisters.

  “Maybe you should write an essay about me-Lisa the unsung heroine,” Lisa mused in between mouthfuls of food.

  Anya lifted an eyebrow as she tossed a pencil at her. “The unsung heroine of what exactly? Coffee and snacks?”

  She held up a finger. “Hey, now. Don’t forget that they’re what keep you going. Where would you be without my coffee and snacks?”

  “Good point,” Anya conceded as she curled her fingers around the mug of steaming hot coffee. She paused for a bit, blew and took a tentative sip, letting the hot coffee slide down her throat. Her entire body tingled as the coffee began to take effect.

  “So what happened with that guy you met at the bar the other day?”

  Anya scrunched her nose as she tried to recall his name. “You mean Ryan? Oh, it didn’t work out.”

  Lisa reached for her own cup of coffee. “Why not? He seemed nice enough. Besides, isn’t it too soon to call it? You’ve only been on like two dates.”

  “Two dates is enough time for me to determine the longevity of the relationship. Besides, he was too mainstream for my taste.”

  Lisa rolled her eyes as she set down her mug and glanced at Anya in exasperation, “You say that about all guys our age, An. I mean, don’t you think that you’re being a little unrealistic with your ‘too mainstream’ standard? We do live in the 21st century.”

  “So? That doesn’t mean I should lower my standards. Rather, it means that men should rise to the occasion.”

  Lisa cocked her to the side. “I get where you’re coming from, I do, but you know as well as I do that guys our age are more interested in getting as many girls as they can and partying. They don’t want to talk about Murakami or music or the way the sun bathes the world in a halo of purple and pink as it sets.”

  Anya looked at her in amused surprise. “I’m glad to see you listen to what I say.”

  “Sometimes,” Lisa gave her a sardonic smile, “but that’s because I know that despite your intensity that can sometimes be a little scary, you’re actually a very mellow person with a heart of gold.”

  “This isn’t another one of your attempts to get me to go on a double date with you and Patrick, is it?”

  Lisa had the grace to look sheepish. “Well, yes and no. You know I want to go on a double date with you, but you know I also want you to be happy.”

  Anya took a sip of her coffee and savored it before choosing her next words, “What made you think I’m not? Because I don’t buy into societal expectations? That a woman cannot be successful and happy without a man?”

  Anya placed the cup of coffee on the desk next to her before she turned around to face Lisa. She was met with a resounding whack as a pillow hit her squarely in the face.

  “Ompf!” She said as the pillow knocked the wind out of her. She pushed the pillow to one side and glared at Lisa who tried to look innocent.

  “I didn’t say you can’t be happy as a single successful woman. I’m just saying you can be happy with a guy too. Besides, with your standards, it seems like you’d have better luck dating older men.”

  Not that the thought hadn’t occurred to her. She was twenty-one after all. A Legal adult, and she was free to do as she wished, but most guys wouldn’t look at a woman who was still in university. They found them too juvenile much to her chagrin, so she just needed to find the right guy who would look past the stereotype and see her as she is.

  “And what’s wrong with dating older men? They’re seasoned, mature, cultured, and they know exactly what do in bed.” She added that last part with a wink.

  Lisa gazed at her in mock horror before she burst out laughing, “I guess you’re right. I mean I had to teach Patrick a lot of things when we first starting going out.”

  “Too much personal information, Lis.” Anya grimaced at the image of her best friend, and her best friend’s boyfriend going at it.

  “You’re the one who brought it up,” She said defensively.

  Anya rolled her eyes, “If I had known, I wouldn’t have.”

  “In that case, maybe you should date my dad.” Lisa said teasingly, “I mean he’s always spouting romantic stuff especially after he reads Keats, and I’m sure he’s at least heard of Dostoevsky. “

  “Oh, ha ha, very funny.” Anya glanced away uncomfortably wondering what made Lisa make that comment.

  The truth was that Anya often thought about Lisa’s Dad. It was hard not to. Russel was in his late thirties with jet black hair and piercing blue eyes. He and Lisa’s mum were parents when they were teens, so he was probably the youngest Dad she knew, and a lot of the times, it felt like she was talking to a cool adult not her best friend’s Dad.

  And definitely not a guy she was crushing on.

  They often chatted whenever she was at Lisa’s house if Lisa was busy, or if she was waiting for her. Their conversations got pretty heated, and they often jumped from one topic to the next in a way that made Anya’s insides tremble. He was always well dressed, and always smelled faintly of pine cones and something else she couldn’t quite put her finger on.

  Anya wasn’t sure if the crush was reciprocated because the second Lisa came in, Russel would immediately switch to Dad mode, but there were a lot of times when she’d catch him glancing at her for far too long, and she’d wonder.

  She once caught him staring at her lips, and she licked her lips nervously just to see how he’d react. His eyes darkened a fraction, and then he abruptly tore his gaze away and quietly left the room. He had been careful not to stare again. Perhaps because he knew that it was wrong to want her in that way.

  But she wanted him too.

  Even when logic, reason and every single thing in her mind told her that she was crazy. That these were some latent daddy issues she needed to resolve. She didn’t care. All she knew was that she burned for him.

  She wondered if he burned for her too. If the thought of her kept him up at night, sometimes filled to the brim with a desire that was both wrong an
d oh so right?

  Lisa snapped her fingers in front of Anya’s face, “An, hello? Earth to An?”

  Anya shook her head and gave Lisa a blank smile, “Sorry, I spaced out for a while there. What were you saying?”

  Lisa rolled her eyes, “Thinking about older men again, were you?” She wagged her finger mockingly at Anya. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “Throw me into a room full of hot older men and come back after two days?” Anya suggested sardonically.

  “That can be arranged, you know. The older men part might be hard to arrange, but hot men, that I can definitely work with.”

  “You’re not dragging me to another bar, are you?”

  Lisa pouted. “Don’t spoil my fun, An. Where else are you supposed to meet a decent guy?”

  “If he’s our age, at a bar, but as you so astutely pointed out earlier, guys our age just don’t cut it for me. They’re not guys. They are just overgrown boys. I want a man.”

  Lisa leaned back against the couch and tossed Anya a glance over her shoulder. “And just where do you suggest we find this older guy you speak of?”

  Anya frowned as she bit her bottom lip. She finally stopped chewing on it. “I have no idea.”

  “Let’s just get back to work, we’ll talk more about this later, ok?”

  Lisa twirled a strand of hair around her fingers as she idly picked up her psychology book from the floor. “You got it, by the way don’t forget that I’m taking you out for drinks tomorrow for your birthday. I’ve invited a few people along.”

  Anya gave her a look. “Lis, you know I appreciate the effort, but I don’t do well with people I don’t know that well. You know I’m shy.”

  Lisa waved away the complaint. “I know that, but don’t worry. They’re all people we know.”

  By people they knew, Lisa really meant people she knew. Anya could probably count on one hand how many people she knew. She always had a hard time making friends because most people misinterpreted her shyness as arrogance, and thus acted accordingly. She tried to get over it a lot of times, but it took a while, and usually if she tried too hard the first time, she ended up overcompensating, and the conversation would be strained and awkward.


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