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She's Mine

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “Huh, well, I’d suggest you be ready for some Drew because that guy has it bad, and he’s not even trying to hide it. I imagine by tomorrow, everyone is going to know that Drew was all over you tonight.”

  She cringed. “That’s what I’m hoping to avoid.”

  “I’m afraid you’re not going to avoid that. I’d just accept it.”

  Drew’s interest, even though it was sudden—she liked it. Was it wrong to like something like that? He kept touching her, and it made her uncomfortable because of how easily she was responding to it.

  Her body seemed to be so attuned to his touch that it scared her a little.

  She was a twenty-five-year-old virgin.

  No man had ever gotten her this wet before, and she doubted they ever would. Her body no longer felt like her own. She was going up in flames, and she didn’t know how to put it out.

  Raven had a feeling the only person who could was Drew.

  Chapter Three

  Drew had gotten another round of drinks, and discovered the girls’ drinks were on the house. He’d made it clear to Bobby that Raven belonged to him. He didn’t care what people said, but he wouldn’t have any of them hurting her.

  “You’re scaring her,” Brice said.

  He’d felt her shake in his arms, but not once had she tried to pull away. Raven was scared of the unknown, and for some strange reason she didn’t think he was being serious in his pursuit of her.

  That was okay. He was more than happy to show her that he meant business.

  “Worry about your own woman.”

  “I know I’m going home with Cathy tonight.”

  Drew was going home with Raven, even if it was just to take her home. He’d be happy to just do that.

  He noticed them coming toward them, and he watched her body. Her tits bounced with each step she took, and his cock ached just from looking at her. Raven had curves in all the right places, and it made him wonder if she’d take every inch of his cock. He would wipe out the whole memory of every other guy so that all she had was him.

  “Are we still playing couples?” Cathy asked, going into Brice’s arms.

  “You’ve got it, babe. Drew, it’s your turn.”

  “So it is.” They played another few games, and Raven slowly started to relax. Going against his better judgment, he stopped invading her space, and noticed that when he didn’t she was able to concentrate more. He made a note about that. If they were ever in an argument, he’d find a way to turn it around.

  His parents had lived happily for years, and he’d watched them argue, only to disappear for a few hours, and coming back looking closer than ever. It was only over time that Drew realized his parents were fucking out their argument.

  After Raven won them a game, the music was playing loudly, and Cathy begged to dance.

  Putting the pool sticks away, he held onto Raven’s hip and guided her onto the dance-floor.

  “I don’t know how to dance.”

  “It’s because you’ve never been shown by a real man.”

  “Are you the real man?” she asked.

  Placing her hands against his chest, he moved her onto the dance floor. “You tell me.”

  “I don’t judge a real man by his muscles. Anyone can have them.”

  “What do you judge a man by?” he asked.

  “Actions. They speak a lot louder than how much you can bench press. Do you go to the gym?”

  “Nope. This is pure solid muscle that I get from long, hard days at the ranch.”

  “You must love it.”

  “I do.”

  She smiled. “I like working with Cathy. I’ve only been doing it a couple of days, but it’s fun. I love working around food. I love food.”

  “I like a woman who loves her food.”

  “You do.”

  “Yeah, I find it a real turn-off when a woman sneers at food that a hard-working man or woman has put on the table. My dad said you didn’t need much in life, but the love of a good woman, good food, and family is all you need.”

  “I was really sorry to hear about your dad. I was in Italy when I got the news.”

  “Yeah, it sucked.”

  “I heard your mom is in a care home now as well.”

  “She is. I didn’t want her to go, but she was determined that I wasn’t going to be the one to look after her.”

  Raven nodded. “I can see that. Doreen was a force to be reckoned with.”

  “I imagine it’s how my parents’ marriage lasted. It’s one I hope to replicate.”

  “You want to get married?”

  “I want to get married and have kids.”

  The music turned to a slow dance, and he held her close as the song played.

  “I never knew you wanted stuff like that.”

  “I do.”

  “You haven’t settled down yet though. You’ve got a bad reputation for someone who wants to settle down.”

  Drew sighed. “The reputation I’ve earned I can’t deny, Raven. I wish I could, but the truth is, they were just toys to be used.”

  “You’re calling the women you’ve had sex with mere toys?”

  “They meant nothing, and they were about as useful as a toy. Boring as hell, too.”

  She chuckled. “I find that a little hard to believe.”

  “Believe it. I’ve never once tried to get them to come to a bar just so I could spend some time with them.”

  Silence fell between them. She stared up at him, and he gazed down at her. “What’s going on here, Drew?”

  “You know what’s going on here. You don’t need me to say it.” He glided his hands to grab her ass. “I never said anything to you about all the times you stumbled onto me giving my dick to another woman. You were too damn young, but even still, you always found me.”

  “I wasn’t too young that last day at the ranch,” she said.

  “No, you weren’t, but then, I wasn’t about to give you my dick once I stuck it in that other woman. You deserve more than that, and you weren’t ready to be mine.”

  “Be yours.”

  “Yeah, mine.”

  She averted her gaze and stared past his shoulder, seeing Brice and Cathy dancing.

  “I don’t think I’m ready for what you want.”

  Taking hold of her hand, Drew led the way out of the bar and around the back to where it was dark. No one would see them.

  “Drew, what is going on?” she asked.

  Only when he was sure that no one was around, he turned toward her, pressed her body up against the wall, pushing her hands high up. Then he took possession of her lips.


  Her lips were so soft, and they opened up just for him. Locking her hands high above her head, he stroked his hand down her body, only grazing over her large tits. They were huge, and he couldn’t wait to get a taste of them. He went down past her waist to her hip where he bunched up her skirt.

  Sliding a hand between her legs, he felt her moist panties.

  Breaking from the kiss, even in the darkness he saw her eyes. “This you can’t deny, Raven. Since the day you’ve been gone, I’ve been dying inside, waiting for you to come home.”


  “Don’t question it.” He slid his fingers beneath her panties and found her wet slit. “This is not something you get when you’re not interested. You can fight it all you want, and I accept that, but this here, this belongs to me, and you can’t deny that. No way can you deny that.”

  “This is crazy. It has been seven years. You’re a man-whore.”

  Drew found her clit, stroking over her nub. “I’ve been waiting for you, Raven. All these years, I never knew what I wanted until I saw you again. This fire has been between us for a long time, and you can try to run from it, but you can’t hide from it.”

  Using two fingers, he stroked over her clit, and he heard her cry out, the pleasure making her shake.

  He claimed her lips again, and he couldn’t not taste her. She was a fucking drug t
o him.

  “Drew, what are you doing?”

  Ignoring her panicked voice, he lifted up her skirt, sank to his knees, and moved her panties out of the way. The scent of her cunt was heady, and he was begging for a taste.

  “Spread your thighs.”

  “Drew, this is wrong.”

  She opened her legs anyway, and he held the lips of her pussy apart. Sliding his tongue through her creamy slit, he moaned. She tasted so damn good. He flicked his tongue against her clit, loving the taste of her. Sliding his tongue down, he was about to fuck inside her when her next words had him pausing.

  “I’m a virgin,” she said.

  Pulling back, he stared up at her. “What?”

  “I haven’t been with a man. I don’t know what will happen if you put your tongue there.”

  His cock got a whole lot fucking bigger.


  Raven couldn’t believe what was happening.

  She was around the back of Bobby’s bar, the notorious watering hole, and Drew was kneeling before her, licking her pussy. This was not even something she ever dreamed about. Not to mention the fact she had just spilled her virgin secret. Why couldn’t she keep her mouth shut? Of course she couldn’t, that would be too damn easy.

  “Did you save that sweet cherry for me?” he asked.

  “I don’t know.” She had thought about him a lot over the years, but she hadn’t expected much, especially not this … caveman. She’d never known Drew to act like this, not with anyone, so it was an entirely new experience for her.

  “I’m the one that’s going to claim that, Raven.”

  She wasn’t going to argue with him.

  “No other man but me. It’s mine. Say it.”

  “Say what?” she asked.

  He was doing that thing again that stopped her from having any coherent thought. Every time he touched her while they were inside the bar, she’d struggled. Now with his hands touching the most intimate part of her, he had her all confused. It wasn’t fair. Not what he was doing, nor the fact that she was caving to it.

  I want it.

  I want it so much.

  She’d never wanted anything so badly.

  “Tell me who is going to pop this cherry?” he asked.

  “You are.”

  “My name.”

  “Drew Reynolds.”

  “You’re going to give it to me?” he asked.


  Wow, him making her say the words, and responding to him was turning her on even more. She didn’t want him to stop, nor did she want his demands.

  His tongue went back to her clit, sucking on the hard bud, and she gasped out, biting her lip. She had to keep her sounds to herself. The last thing she wanted was to be caught like this.

  Glancing down, she really couldn’t believe that Drew’s head was beneath her skirt, nor that his tongue was at that moment dancing across her clit.

  Get used to it.

  It’s real.

  The pleasure was not something she was used to, and each stroke of his tongue made her wetter, and the fire he had started only burned brighter. Her body was not her own. It belonged to him.

  “I can feel you’re close. Baby, give me your cum.”

  Closing her eyes, she felt that tightening in the pit of her stomach that grew even more intense as his tongue did wicked things to her pussy.

  “Oh, God, Drew,” she said, moaning his name.

  He tongued her clit, and the pleasure was like burning fire in her veins, too hot to even comprehend, and then she was floating away. Each pulse sent her spiraling higher than ever before. She didn’t even know it was possible to see something so magical. Drew held her up, which was a good thing seeing as she probably would have fallen if not.

  When it was over and the orgasm turned into aftershocks, Drew flicked his tongue across her clit, and finally stood, putting her panties back in place and her skirt down.

  He kissed her again, and this time, she tasted herself. “That is how sweet you are, and I intend to spend a great deal of time licking your pussy.”

  Drew spoke after the kiss, and she didn’t know what to do.

  “Drew, Raven, are you there?” Brice said.

  “We’re here.”

  “Cathy and I are heading out. We just wanted you to know.”


  “You can’t. Cathy is my ride.”

  “Drew offered to give you a ride home. We took his truck, and Cathy is mine.”

  “Night, sweetie. See you tomorrow,” Cathy said.

  She heard them walk away and glared at Drew. “You planned this.”

  “Perfectly. Not bad for some dumb-ass rancher, huh?”

  “I’ve never called you dumb.”

  Raven had never thought of him as dumb either. Dumb and Drew didn’t go in the same sentence for her.

  He took her hand, and he walked toward the truck. “I know you haven’t. It’s just a thing. Ignore it.”

  “Did someone call you a dumb rancher?” she asked.

  “It goes with my wild, rebellious ways.”

  “So the women you’ve fucked call you dumb.”

  “Pretty much.” He opened the door to his truck, and he pretty much pushed her inside, locking the door so she couldn’t get out.

  Raven didn’t like the sudden hit of jealousy at thinking about him with other women. She didn’t own him, and yet, it upset her, the thought of those women hurting him.

  “You don’t have to worry. Those women meant nothing, and they thought they did.” He climbed behind the wheel, and started up the truck.

  “I live above Cathy’s bakery.”

  “We’re not going there.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’m not ending the night there.”

  Raven stared out of the window, and she really didn’t know what to do or say. “Drew?”


  “I don’t … I don’t know what you want from me.”

  “What I want is to continue tonight, and I don’t mean sex either. You were uncomfortable at the bar, and with Cathy and Brice gone, I figured I could show you my place.”

  “Nothing else is going to happen?” she asked.

  “Unless you want it to.”

  She sat back.

  Did she want anything to happen?


  Drew was like every single little fantasy she had ever thought up. He was possessive, in control, and experienced.

  He took hold of her hand, and she watched as his fingers locked with hers, pulling them together. “I didn’t know you saw me,” she said.

  “Of course I saw you. You’re not exactly quiet. I just wish I’d had the chance to see you before you left.”

  Raven believed if Drew had come after her, she wouldn’t have gone away. In the beginning she only ever intended to travel for a year. After a year, it was something she had to complete, going from each new place, and absorbing all of the culture before coming home.

  “There’s not been anyone else?” she asked.

  “I’m not going to lie to you, baby. I’ve fucked a lot of women. I’ll even point them out, and tell you about it. I won’t hide what I was.”

  “That’s comforting,” she said.

  “But that stopped the moment I got out of my truck today, and saw you stood behind that table looking so damn sexy even when you were lost.”

  “I didn’t look sexy.”

  “You looked sexy, baby, and seeing you back, I already knew this was how it was going to end.”

  He pulled up outside of his home, and she … liked it. It was a simple home with a wraparound porch, a large garage, which he pulled up outside. He turned off the ignition, and she unbuckled her seatbelt, climbing out.

  “Your house is beautiful,” she said.


  He dug some keys out of his back pocket, opening up the door, and flicking a switch. She didn’t expect to see his place clean.

  “This is your space.”


  He closed the door, and slid the lock into place. Locking her hands together, she waited for him to give the tour. He stood behind her, hands back on her hips, which seemed to be a theme with him. The first room was a large living room, complete with a couch, two chairs, and one of the biggest televisions she had ever seen. “I live modestly. I got that on sale back in November. I don’t spend a lot, and save up. I watch the games on it.”

  “That’s all?”


  “Isn’t it a little big for just a game?”

  “It’s football, Raven.”

  “It’s nice,” she said. “I don’t watch a lot of television.”

  “Neither do I.” Next he took her through to a large dining room. There was no table though. “I’ve got to find the right table. I was thinking about making one but I never seem to have the time.”

  From the dining room, he turned, heading back to through the living room, and coming out near a small study, until he took her to the kitchen. It was a large space, complete with a couple of ovens, and several pieces of equipment. Raven gasped, reaching out to touch the granite counter.

  “This is amazing,” she said.

  “Couple who owned the place before had just done the kitchen. All I needed to do was tweak a few things, and I think it came out just right.”

  “You’re really talented.”

  “I work well with my hands. It’s what I do.”

  She smiled. “Talented hands.”

  “I’ve got a lot of other ways to show you.” He came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Are you ready to see the upstairs?”

  “I’m not sure about this, Drew.”

  “Is this because of my reputation?”

  “No. This is because everything is moving so fast, and I don’t know how to slow it down.” She turned around, and stared up at him.

  He cupped her face, running his thumb across her lip. “I’d never hurt you.”

  She believed him. There was no doubt in her mind.

  “I just want to spend time with you.”

  Raven sighed. “You had my skirt around my waist less than an hour ago.”

  “I want to fuck you, Raven. I’m not going to lie. I want to be with you, fuck you, own you. This feeling you create inside me, I can’t even begin to put it into words.”

  “You don’t really know me.”


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