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She's Mine

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Raven never told him of any of the women giving her a hard time, which he didn’t like. He’d prefer for her to be open and honest with him. Cathy told him not to worry about it, and that she had Raven’s back.

  Neither woman should be having to defend herself.

  He hated being a cause for any of their upset.

  Entering the bar with Brice behind him, he saw both women standing, with three men close to them. They were talking, and Raven was smiling, but he didn’t like it.

  “How about we go somewhere quiet to continue this conversation,” the big guy said, reaching out as if to touch Raven.

  Drew grabbed his hand before the fucker could even put a finger on his woman. “Don’t touch what doesn’t belong to you.”

  “I don’t see a guy here claiming her. Besides, I heard she was free pussy.”

  Raven gasped.

  Drew saw the sneering look on the bastard’s face, and that was it. Seeing red, he slammed his fist against the bastard’s face.

  “Take it out of my bar,” Bobby said.

  “Drew, stop it.”

  Brice got the door, and using all of his strength, he shoved the man out of the bar. He didn’t want to ruin Bobby’s bar, and he didn’t have enough money for any damages.

  “What the fuck did you say?” Drew asked.

  “Was told if I wanted some ass, I just had to come to this bar. Girl’s pretty, and I could use some action.”

  Drew didn’t know him and could only assume he was passing through.

  “A nice woman told me. She had a bit of class to her,” the guy said.

  “Francine?” Raven asked.

  Slamming his fist against the man’s face, he saw that Brice, along with another local, was holding the other men back. He wrapped his fingers around the man’s neck, holding him tightly. “You apologize to my woman. She’s mine, do you understand? You insulted what belongs to me, and that shit is not happening.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “She didn’t hear you.”

  Drew released his throat so that he could speak clearly.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Get the fuck out of here,” Drew said. “You’re not welcome, and I suggest you be careful what strange women are offering.”

  He watched as they scarpered away.

  “They were just being nice,” Cathy said. “They offered to buy us a drink, but we declined. Then they started talking about being out on the road.”

  “It’s simple. Francine saw a way to make me miserable,” Raven said. “She succeeded. To complete strangers, she’s spewing lies.”

  “I don’t give a fuck what you think. I’m going to deal with this shit. I’m not having you deal with that kind of shit.”

  “Just leave it, Drew.”

  “Do you have any idea what they could have done to you if you’d left Cathy and the main bar?” Drew asked. “They could have raped you, thinking you liked it rough.” Tears filled her eyes, and the fear kicked him in the gut. Reaching out, he pulled her close to him, kissing the top of her head. “I’m sorry. I just, fuck, I can’t have anything happen to you.”

  “I’m not in the mood for the bar. Will you take me home, with you?” she asked.


  “Raven, are you sure?” Cathy asked, biting her lip.

  “Yeah, I’m sure. I’m not going to let this spoil anything.” Raven left his arms to give Cathy a hug. “I’m sorry about that.”

  “Don’t you apologize to me, Raven Howard. This was not your fault, but the result of a spiteful bitch that needs to be put in her place!” Cathy stared at him, letting him know that she expected him to handle this.

  It was a Friday night, and with Raven being with him, there wasn’t much that he could do. He was so fucking angry.

  Raven walked toward him, taking hold of his hand and smiling. “Let’s go home.”


  He liked that.

  Taking her toward his truck, he knew that Cathy would take care of Brice. He helped her inside, and rounded the truck to climb in himself. He started up and pulled away from the bar.

  “Are you mad?” she asked.

  “I’m pissed off. I knew Francine was a bitch. She’s fucking married. I didn’t expect her to take this to the next fucking level. I don’t accept what the fuck she’s doing.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Fuck, baby, you’ve got nothing to be sorry about,” he said. Reaching out, he took her hand and held her tightly.

  “It was very brave of you to do what you did,” she said.

  “You’re not going to curse at me, or call me shit for defending you?”

  She shook her head. “Nope. I can’t do that anyway.”

  “Why not?”

  “I thought it was hot. You really do care about me, don’t you?”

  “Of course. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “I told Cathy we didn’t have sex.”

  He glanced toward her to find her smiling. “And?”

  “She said I should marry you. If I’ve snagged the notorious Drew Reynolds, and I haven’t even slept with you yet, then I’m doing something right.”

  “Baby, you and I both know I’ve been yours for over seven years.”

  “You waited for me. I mean, you didn’t wait for sex or anything. You waited for me without committing to anyone else. That, I do find very romantic.” She rested her head against the chair.

  Pulling up outside of his house, he turned off the ignition, and climbed out. He rounded the truck to help his woman out. She slid down his body, and he couldn’t help but moan as she seemed to touch every single part of him with her hot little body.

  “Oops, sorry,” she said.

  He stared into her eyes, seeing the twinkle, and also the arousal. “What’s going on here, Raven?”


  He closed the truck, and taking her hand, he followed her into his place, flicking on the light. Closing the door, he turned to see Raven had removed the dress she was wearing, and she stood in front of him, wearing only a pair of sexy, lacy panties. Her bra was gone. His dick went from flaccid to rock hard within seconds.

  “Fuck,” he said.

  “You wanted to know what was going on,” she said, stepping toward him. “I’m ready, Drew. I was ready before those men came into the bar. I’ve been ready for a long time.”


  “I want us to have sex. There’s no other man for me. I only want you.” She stared up into his eyes. “You’ve been very patient with me.”

  “I love you,” he said.

  She paused. “What?”

  “I told you, I love you. I’ll wait for whatever you need. Just being with you gives me a rush.”

  “You love me?”

  “Yes. Does that shock you?” he asked, reaching out to cup her cheek. She looked so damn sexy that it was taking every single ounce of his control not to take her there and then. It had been a couple of months of them together, and even though they’d brought each other to orgasm, he was desperate to be inside her, fucking her, claiming her, making her his.

  “I, um, I spoke to Seymor, and I asked if you could have the weekend off.”

  “You did?”

  “Yeah, I figured this weekend, you and I, we could make up for some lost time.” She pressed a kiss to his lips. “I love you, too.”

  Drew pressed her against the nearest wall, slamming his lips down on hers, and claiming her lush lips. She tasted so damn good, and he couldn’t get enough of her. He never wanted to stop tasting her. “Mine. You’re all mine. I fucking love you,” he said.

  “You’re very possessive,” she said, giggling. “I love it.”

  “Get used to it. I don’t like anyone having what’s mine, and you belong to me.”

  She sighed. “Good. That’s what I want. I thought about you all the time. I want you to be my first.”

  “I’ll be your first, and I’ll be your last.”

  Taking h
er lips once again, he ran his hands down her body, not being able to get enough of the feel of her.


  Raven had been ready for a long time. She’d wanted Drew, but her mother had told her to be completely sure of herself before she made that commitment. Francine and the women he used to fuck had come in trying to create trouble for her, and she’d ignored them. There was nothing more she could do for them to see that they didn’t have a chance in hell with her man.

  “My first, and my last. A lifetime?”

  “You got it.” He kissed down her neck, making her gasp as his lips grazed her collarbone. He had a little stubble, which brought goosebumps out all over her flesh. She moaned his name, gripping the shirt, and tugging it over his head. It broke their connection to get him naked, but it was so worth it.

  Running her nails down his back, she cried out as his lips sucked on her nipple. He held the breast up and flicked the tip with his tongue. “I love your tits. I’ve been imagining them swaying above me while you ride me. It’s a fantasy of mine.”

  “Then I can’t wait to live it for real.”

  He released a little growl and picked her up.

  She squealed, trying to hold onto him as he carried her toward the stairs. “We’ve got time to fuck everywhere else. The first time with you, it’s going to be in my bed, where I can watch you, claim you, take you.”

  “That’s a lot you want to do.”

  “I’ve been living on fantasies for a long time.” He kicked open his bedroom door and dropped her on the bed.

  Raven giggled as he tore her panties off and opened her thighs wide. In the next second his lips were on her clit, and all kind of thought fell away. The pleasure was instant, hot, and made her burn even more for him. She loved it when he used his tongue, making her hotter for him, begging him for more.

  “Feels so good.”

  He sucked her clit into his mouth, and there was a spark of pain, which he soothed with his tongue. “I could lick you all day long.”

  “Please don’t stop.”

  “I’m not stopping. I want you to come on my face twice before I even think of putting my dick inside you. I need you to be soaking wet.”

  “I already am.”

  “Not enough for me.”

  He ravished her clit, sucking, flicking, biting, and teasing her. Drew prolonged the pleasure, not giving her an orgasm.

  She couldn’t hold in her pleas anymore.

  “Please, Drew, I need you.”

  “You want an orgasm?”


  “Then push that pussy up to me, and show me that you want it. Make me know what you want.”

  She started to rock up to his face, and his strokes took her to whole new heights. It was better than she ever imagined, and the pleasure was out of this world. When she finally went over the edge, Drew was there to catch her, holding her tightly. He didn’t stop though. He went from one orgasm to another until she was mindless, panting, and unable to whisper a coherent thought. Only then did he stop, moving away from her. She watched as he wiped his face, licking his fingers as if not to lose a single drop of her cream.

  He hadn’t removed his jeans, and she watched as he revealed his hard cock. His hand moved up and down the length, showing her exactly how aroused he was, and also how big he was.

  She was a little nervous, and told him so.

  “I’m going to take this really slow for you, baby. You’ve going to love every second of it.”

  Raven believed him. He’d never done anything to make her doubt him, and she wasn’t about to start doubting him now.

  Once he was completely naked, he moved up the bed, resting his hands on either side of her head. “I don’t want anything between us.”

  “I’m on the pill. I know I’m clean as well.”

  “Why are you on the pill?” he asked. “Not that I mind. I don’t want us to have kids yet.”

  “I don’t want kids yet either, but I needed the pills to help regulate my periods.”

  “I’m clean. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. You’ve got to believe that.”

  She smiled. “I do, Drew. I can’t remember if I said this to you earlier but I love you, too. So much. It’s scary at times.”

  “I never thought I’ve love someone the way I love you.” Drew kissed her lips. “You’ve taken this hole inside me, and you’ve given me a reason to breathe again, to want to be something better.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “I know it’s the wrong time to cry, but what you just said is so beautiful.”

  “It’s the truth. How I feel about you, there’s no going back from this. I love you, Raven. I’ll do anything for you.”

  “Make love to me, Drew. Make me yours completely.” She spoke the words clearly even though her cheeks were bright red, and she’d never been so blunt before in her life.

  Drew made her feel like she could be anything, do anything. He gave her a reason to believe.

  He pulled back, and she moved to her elbows to watch him. He pumped the length several times, and she was mesmerized by his pre-cum spilling from the tip. He rubbed the pre-cum into the head, and down the shaft.

  “Are you sure? I don’t want you to have regrets.”

  “I’m not going to regret this. Please, Drew, make me yours.” If he didn’t take her, she was going to push him to the bed and show him exactly what she wanted to do.

  He placed the tip and length of his dick between the lips of her pussy, and started to fuck her, rubbing against her clit, each touch causing her to moan. He’d already given her two orgasms, and she didn’t think she could handle a third, not yet.

  “Watch me, Raven. Watch me take you.”

  She looked down between them and was amazed to see his cock move toward her entrance. He pressed forward, and the pressure was tight, and the pain instant.

  Raven couldn’t hold in her whimper, and Drew tensed.

  “I’m so sorry,” he said.

  He burst through her virginity, and she screamed his name, the pain stilling her on the bed. He cupped her face, kissed her lips, talking to her. “I love you, baby. I love you so much. You’re mine now. You belong to me, and I know how damn lucky I am. I’m not going to let anything happen to you. You’re mine.”

  Slowly, the pain between her thighs started to lessen, and he listened to him talk, loving her with words.

  She wriggled her hips, and he cursed. “Don’t.”

  “I want you to move. Please, Drew, take me. I want to belong to you.”

  “You do belong to me. You’re mine. Totally and utterly mine.”

  “Show me,” she said.

  He took possession of her lips, and she had noticed he liked to do a lot of kissing. She loved the feel of his lips on her body, the pleasure from having him near her. He sent nerve endings tingling, and made her forget every part of herself.

  Drew pulled out of her pussy. He went slowly, and each touch only sent her need further up.

  “You’re so damn tight.”

  “It’s all for you. Every part of me is for you.”

  He slammed back inside her, and any kind of pain she felt from the first thrust was wiped out by the pleasure.

  Drew was long, thick, and he filled every part of her.

  “You’re so wet,” he said.

  He moved his hand between them, and she cried out, loving the feel of his fingers teasing her clit.

  “I want you to come with my dick still inside you. Come on, baby, give it to me.”

  Raven didn’t think it would be possible even as he brought her to a third orgasm. He fucked her in long, slow strokes. Drew wasn’t in a rush to speed things along. He took his time, kissing, stroking, and drawing another orgasm from her before he finally took them both over the edge together. She felt the pulse of his cock as he filled her up. Throughout it all, he kissed her, loved her, and Raven was in no doubt that this man was the one for her.

  “Did I mention that I love you?” he said.

e smiled. “That was amazing.”

  “I wanted your first time to be the best.”

  “I’ll remember this time forever, Drew.” She stroked his cheek, loving the fact she could touch him whenever she wanted. “Can we do it again?”

  Chapter Eight

  Drew pulled out of her tight pussy and saw the signs of her virginity spilling onto his bed sheets. Virginal blood mixed with his cum dripped from her pussy.

  “Hold on,” he said.

  Entering his bathroom, he started to run a bath, adding in some soothing salts, hoping that it would help to ease any pain for her. Fuck, he’d never had a virgin, and he hadn’t planned for this. He didn’t know when Raven would be ready to take their relationship to the next step, but he had thought that he’d be more prepared than he actually was.

  Entering the bedroom, he found her trying to tug the sheets off the bed.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, tugging them out of her hand.

  Without waiting for her to respond, he picked her up, and carried her into the bathroom. Putting her on her feet, he tested the water, satisfied that it was warm enough.

  “Get in the bath.”

  “No, that is embarrassing. I want to go and clean it up.”

  “I don’t think it’s embarrassing. I think it’s fucking hot. Now get in the bath, and relax.”


  “Raven, I intend to spend the entire weekend fucking you, and the only way that is going to happen is if you’re prepared to take me. If you’re in pain, I’m not going to do that. We won’t be having all that fun you promised me.”

  “It’s gross.” She climbed in the tub and sat down.

  “It’s not. What I see when I look at that, is a woman who waited for me. You’re mine. I’ve never had a woman that was mine. They’re always looking for someone else, someone who is bigger, better, with more money.”

  “I don’t want that.”

  “You don’t expect fancy shit. We spend so much time together, and not once have you left me feeling like an unworthy dumb-ass rancher. I love you, Raven. I should have stopped you from leaving years ago. One of my biggest regrets was caving to that woman in the shed. I didn’t want to be with her. Seeing you, I wanted you, no one else.” He tilted her head back, and he forced her to look at him. “After all this time, you have no idea how amazing you are. You see me. My dad, he’d have been proud to have you as a daughter in law.”


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