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Chronicles of Eden_Act X

Page 39

by Alexander Gordon

  “I think she’s feeling it,” Clover worried.

  Triska grunted and shook her head before slamming her hand on the table, the girl then staring at the relic in shock with an open mouth as her breathing became rapid. She felt the sensation very clearly, like her entire body was on the brink of having an orgasm. It was as if Daniel’s magic was summoning her monster energy and causing it to literally erupt throughout her to a dangerously high degree.

  “Let go of it, let go!” Falla urged.

  Triska turned red as she strained to hold in her voice, the girl’s hand trembling while her finger remained frozen on the steel rod. Her body wasn’t responding, she couldn’t let go of the rod as the powerful waves of pleasure kept rocking through her relentlessly. After feeling her breasts becoming overly sensitive to just her shirt resting on them and her panties becoming soaking wet she screamed while arching back, the girls all staring in surprise as she moaned loudly while her banging her hips against the table.

  “Triska!” Specca cried out.

  The cambion shrieked and shook her head before throwing herself away from the table with all her might, collapsing down on the ground gasping for air while everyone quickly rushed over to her.

  “Triska, are you alright?” Doku urgently asked.

  “Oh my… god…” Triska coughed out. “Wha… that… wh… I…”

  “Triska?” Alyssa said kneeling down and holding her co-mate’s head in her lap. “Speak to us. What happened?”

  “I think we can see what happened,” Clover mentioned gesturing to Triska. “The same thing that happened to Specca and Star. Whoever touches that thing gets knocked flat on their ass with mind-blowing pleasure.”

  “Triska, are you going to be okay?” Luna worried as she held Triska’s hand.

  “I can’t… think straight,” Triska breathed out. “I never felt… anything like that before.”

  “Did it feel better than Daniel?” Falla nervously asked.

  Triska gulped and tried to steady her breathing then remorsefully nodded with closed eyes. The girls looked at her in shock as she whimpered and coughed.

  “It did,” she breathed out. “It felt… too… amazing.”

  “I told you,” Specca sorrowfully reminded her.

  “No way,” Falla said looking to the others. “How could anything make us happier than Daniel?”

  “She just touched it with a single finger,” Alyssa added. “It wasn’t even for a minute.”

  Triska shakily caught her breath then glanced over to something next to them, her expression showing surprise then as she couldn’t believe what she was seeing.


  “Kitten?” Doku asked looking over to the side then back to Triska. “Do you see her right now? Is she talking to you?”

  “She’s paralyzed,” Triska marveled. The girls jumped in surprise while Triska saw her counterpart lying on the ground near them. Her image was heavily blurred now however the sight of her face was clear enough to show that she had been struck with the same overwhelming pleasure that Triska was. Perhaps more so as the demon’s spirit was lying on the ground with a twitching wing and a frozen expression of shock on her face. Her mouth was opened with drool coming from it, her eyes were wide and unfocused as they stared upward, and her body twitched now and again as she seemed to be reeling from what had hit her.

  ‘Kitten? Kitten, can you hear me?’

  Kitten merely gasped weakly while being unable to move, the demon’s mind struggling to refocus as she had been sent to the floor in overwhelming ecstasy the second Triska had touched the artifact.

  “It knocked her straight down, even in my own mind,” Triska worried. “She can’t even talk to me right now.”

  The girls looked to each other in disbelief then back to the table as they helped their co-mate stand again, all eyes focusing on the trinket that was just lying on the bench while having a very unsettling aura to it now.

  “What the fuck is that thing?” Clover demanded.

  “How could it instill such pleasure in us from the mere touch?” Specca worried.

  “Where did it come from anyway?” Falla feared while Luna hid behind her wing.

  “I wanna touch it next,” Cindy declared with a big smile.

  “NO!” the other girls yelled at her.

  “Aww, but I wanna feel good too,” Cindy pouted as she cradled Snapper, the swarm gnawing on her sandy arm with tiny growls and kicking feet.

  “Don’t you dare touch that thing,” Clover ordered. “You are not ready for something like that at all.”

  “We’re not even ready for it,” Specca added. “It’s too much for any of us to handle.”

  “It’s scary,” Luna whimpered.

  “It’s rather concerning,” Doku worried.

  “It’s evil,” Falla cursed.

  “It’s unbelievable,” Triska panted as she slowly calmed down.

  Star meowed and shook her head.

  “It’s dangerous,” Alyssa agreed.

  “It’s something you shouldn’t be touching at all,” Twilight spoke in their heads.

  “Twilight?” Doku said looking up. “Is that you?”

  “AHHHHHHHH!” Cindy screamed as she started punching her head in. “There’s a voice in my head again! Make it stop!”

  “Calm down, Cindy. It’s me, Twilight. I spoke to you this morning, remember?”

  Cindy stopped and blinked then looked up with a disfigured head while Snapper was watching her curiously with twitching antennae.

  “Oh, that’s right,” Cindy recalled, then smiled brightly while her head began reforming. “Hello again!”

  “Twilight? What is that thing?” Specca asked pointing to the relic.

  “It’s called luststone, something that shouldn’t be played with by any. Would somebody mind explaining why my library is a mess upstairs and why that particular artifact is lying on the table right now?”

  “We sort of… came across it,” Specca nervously said with a weak smile. “And sorry about the mess upstairs. Clover and I got a little… carried away earlier. We’ll clean it up, I promise.”

  “You were the one who got carried away,” Clover mentioned with a raised eyebrow.

  “Twilight, what is that?” Alyssa asked pointing to the rod. “It made the girls go crazy when they touched it.”

  “You mustn’t touch that ever!” Twilight ordered. The girls jumped as the reaper had actually raised her voice to them. After a moment she spoke again in a gentler tone. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled like that. But you must understand that artifact is very dangerous. It’s not meant to be handled by anyone but myself.”

  “We’re sorry,” Specca apologized. “The book opened by accident and it fell out. We didn’t know what it was. And this book is written in a language I’ve never seen before, we didn’t know what to make of it.”

  “I see. Listen to me, girls. You’re welcome to browse my library and read what you like, I have no problem with that. But you must take care with what you come across. There are tomes of various spells and incantations that shouldn’t be read by those who are not aware of the dangers they hold, and there are some that contain unique relics and trinkets that are being studied. If you do not know what something does or its purpose, or cannot read the book at all, then I want you to put it back where you found it and move on. I don’t want you girls being hurt, it would break my heart to see something terrible befall you out of simple curiosity.”

  “We’re sorry,” Specca said again. “We’ll be careful. I’ll be careful what books I take for reading. I promise.”

  “What is luststone?” Alyssa asked. “I’ve never heard of that before.”

  “It’s a very rare and powerful remnant from ages long past. To an ordinary human it does nothing at all, though I’ve learned it feels somewhat lighter to them than one would expect it to. However if a monster touches it they will instantly succumb to its terrifying control.”

  “Its control?” Clover repe
ated as the girls gathered around the table and looked at the luststone carefully.

  “It resonates with a monster’s own energy, their inner nature at the very core. You girls felt it when you touched it, didn’t you? The intense pleasure if fills your being with, it’s unlike anything else in this world, I assure you.”

  “It was beyond anything I’ve ever imagined,” Specca recalled. “I’ve never been so horny in all my life, it was… unbearable.”

  “It even dropped Kitten like a rock,” Triska commented. “And she’s inside my mind.”

  “Luststone is said to have been created by demons of lust, creatures of insatiable carnal appetite. That piece you have there is all it would take to bring any monster in Eden to their knees in sheer ecstasy. The slightest touch and your body will be ignited with overwhelming passion that you’ve never thought possible.”

  “Can I touch it now?” Cindy asked reaching out for it.

  “NO!” the girls again yelled at her.

  “Don’t touch it, Cindy,” Twilight pleaded. “You don’t understand. Luststone does create pleasure with those who come into contact with it, but it’s extremely dangerous. It will excite your inner nature, entice it, call to it more fiercely than you could dream. But in doing so it will rob you of your will, you’ll become enslaved to the pleasure in no time.”

  “I couldn’t fight against it,” Specca remembered. “I couldn’t move my tail away, if anything it kept pressing against the luststone to keep me reeling in ecstasy even though I didn’t want it. My own body wouldn’t listen to me.”

  “Very few have come into contact with luststone in the wild. Of those who have most fell prey to its influence very quickly. They became unable to part with the luststone, either by choice or not, and they lost their minds completely.”

  “It broke them?” Clover worried.

  “Reduced them to wailing souls who slowly killed themselves with the strain of its power. Their inner nature burned them out from the inside.”

  “Good lord,” Specca breathed out as she covered her mouth. “That could have been me, couldn’t it? If the girls hadn’t gotten the luststone away from me…”

  “You would have died, Specca. The stress would have been too much for your mind to take and eventually your body. You would have died on the floor long after you lost all memory of who you were.”

  Specca gulped and nervously backed up while Luna and Clover held onto her, the girls staring at the luststone with more fear now as they realized just how dangerous it could be.

  “Of the few that lived from its influence,” Twilight solemnly continued. “They were never the same again. Prolonged exposure to the luststone corrupted them, turned them into sex-crazed monsters beyond what their inner nature compelled them to be. It drove them insane with lust, so much so that only the luststone could ever satisfy them again.”

  “Where the fuck did that stuff come from?” Clover asked pointing to the relic.

  “I’m not sure, that’s why I’ve been studying it. It’s a very dangerous thing in this world, something that needs to be better understood so as to defend against it.”

  “It really is evil,” Falla said backing up with her sister.

  “Twilight,” Triska cautioned. “The way this luststone looks, it bears a striking resemblance to your key.”

  “I have noticed that. It makes me wonder if my prison was created by those who brought the luststone into this world. Though the walls of my cell don’t appear to be made of it since they certainly do not make me feel good in the slightest.”

  “Since we’re on that subject, how did you come to be imprisoned?” Triska asked looking up. “I’ve been meaning to ask you but the right moment never came up. How did you get there? Who trapped you there?”

  “I’ve also been quite curious about you, Twilight,” Specca mentioned. “I was actually searching for any records of you or your monster race in those books. I’ve gone through many of the tomes in this library yet not one of them ever mentioned you.”

  “I’m not in any of the books,” Twilight sighed. “I’ve been erased from the history of Eden as far as your records reflect. I was caged in my prison and intended to be forgotten by the world with the passing ages.”

  “What happened to you, Twilight?” Doku asked.

  “Long, long ago I was imprisoned in what was known as the City of Eden. Long before the surrounding desert took it back, long before any of you were born, I was chased into this accursed cage and locked away by human monster hunters.”

  “Monster hunters,” Alyssa repeated as the girls remembered their own encounter with hunters recently.

  “I never harmed a single soul in my entire life,” Twilight lamented. “I never did anything but strive to learn more about the world, of its magic and mystery, of the life it allowed to flourish. I just wanted to learn. But… I’m a monster, there’s no denying that. And as such I was the world’s enemy.”

  “Twilight, I’m sorry,” Triska gently said.

  “My cage was locked, my key was divided and scattered across the world, and my name was burned from the history books. Humans buried me in Eden and waited until I was forgotten, waited for me to rot in this jail, waited for me to become no more. Although I am able to survive on magic and knowledge I cannot last forever like this, and I’ve been trapped in this cage for so long while growing weak with each passing day.”

  “You poor girl,” Doku whimpered.

  “Thankfully my good little helpers weren’t trapped with me. I was able to talk to them still, to hear their lovely voices, to learn what was happening in the world around me. With enough rest I’m able to peer through the seal around my tomb and catch glimpses of life still thriving in Eden, of a world that I hope to return to should I ever be freed.”

  “So this city they sealed you away in, who built it?” Triska asked. “And the key they used, what kind of magic did those hunters use?”

  “This place I’m trapped in was built long ago in the past, by makers I’m not sure of to this day. The key to this place was forged by others, the humans merely used it to seal me away. To be honest I’m not sure whose home was turned into my tomb, nobody ever came to take it back.”

  “I see. So it was humans that sealed you away,” Triska regretted. “I’m sorry for how they-”

  “Don’t apologize, Triska Raylight. Although I never harmed a human in my life plenty of other monsters have. Your kind acted out of fear and self-defense, an understandable thing given how monsters have treated you. I’m just thankful there are humans like Daniel Sorres who would actually give someone like me a chance at life. I hope his mission to bring peace between mankind and monsters succeeds so that I too may walk Eden in the sunlight without fear.”

  “He will succeed,” Triska promised her. “We’re going to help make his dream a reality. And we’re also going to get you out of that cage, Twilight. You’ve helped us time and again, you’re a true friend in our eyes. We won’t let you be forgotten in this world.”

  “Triska Raylight… thank you. Thank you so much for those kind words.”

  “Just know that when we do let you out you’re not joining us in Daniel’s harem,” Alyssa jested with a smirk. “All those positions have been filled.”

  The girls laughed a bit along with the reaper to that while Snapper just mauled Cindy’s chest with tiny snarls.

  “I understand, Alyssa,” Twilight kindly spoke. “Truth be told… I would actually be a little intimidated to be in bed with him. As I’ve seen with you girls he can be quite the monster himself. I… don’t think I could handle such a man like you girls can, I’m actually quite delicate.”

  “He really is a monster in some ways,” Falla mused with a coy smile.

  “Yeah, but he’s our monster,” Luna giggled.

  Star meowed and showed a sly grin as she thought about something with tails slowly waving behind her.

  “He’s really nice. I like him,” Cindy agreed before hugging Snapper close. “So does Sna
pper. She likes him too.”

  “He really is amazing, always knew that about him,” Alyssa agreed.

  “Yeah,” Triska said looking down and gently holding a hand over her waist. “Our man really is something else.”

  “I’m fine not being his lover in life,” Twilight assured. “I’m just lucky to be a friend to you all. That alone is all I need.”

  The girls nodded then looked back to the luststone on the table. Specca opened its book while Alyssa used her magic to levitate the dangerous rod over into its slot within the tome. Closing the book Specca set it down on the table and patted it gently before glancing around to see the other girls relaxing a bit now that the luststone was put away.

  “I don’t think I’ll be going through this book anytime soon,” the nixie remarked with a smirk.

  “Good,” Clover quipped. “Don’t need you peeing all over the library again.”

  “Clover!” Specca whined with a deep blush. Clover smiled weakly and rubbed the back of her neck while Specca hid behind her hands with an embarrassed groan.

  “Sorry,” Clover nervously said. “Didn’t mean to… um… it’s not like you were in control then or anything… and at least you were feeling good while doing it, we could easily tell with the way you were spraying everywhere-”

  “Just shut up already!” Specca yelled at her.

  Clover cringed then noticed the girls slowly shaking their heads at her while Cindy was showing a confused expression, the elf biting her lip and seeing Specca hiding in her hands again with a low whine. After a pause Clover walked over and hugged the nixie while whispering in her ear.

  “I’ll make it up to you with another massage,” she quietly said, with Specca glancing to the elf between her fingers. “I’ll be your luststone tonight, Specca.”

  “Clover…” Specca breathed out. Clover lowered her hands and winked at the girl before gently wiping her tears away, the nixie smiling a little at the elf before seeing the other girls watching them curiously.

  “This is kind of weird to see,” Alyssa plainly said.

  “I agree,” Falla commented. “I distinctly remember that elf being the last one any of us would have chosen to be our co-mate with Daniel.”


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