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Baby Fever (A Real Man Book 3)

Page 5

by Jenika Snow

  He grunted, and my pleasure increased. Dex held my hips so tightly the pain had me gasping out. But it was the pleasure that overrode everything else.

  “Fuck. Yeah.” He thrust into me once, twice, and on the third stroke, he shoved deep and hard into me before stilling. “God, I’m going to come, baby.” His nails dug into my skin, and I came, my pussy clamping down hard on his dick. He filled me up with so much of his seed, I swore I felt it as he came.

  “Mine. You’re mine forever, Eva.” He jerked above me, still coming.

  Then, after a few seconds, he covered my back with his chest, and his breath, coming out in hard pants, bathed my flesh in this humid, arousing sensation. Dex pulled out of me, and I couldn’t stop myself from collapsing onto the mattress. I breathed hard against the sheets, trying to get my heart to still its rapid rhythm. Dex lay beside me, pulled me close, and placed his hand right between my thighs.

  “I want my cum to stay in you, Eva. It belongs inside of you.” He kissed the curve of my shoulder.

  My skin was damp with perspiration, but it was nice because I knew exactly why I was sweaty. Dex pushed his finger into my pussy, and I shook and moaned.

  “I want it inside of you,” he murmured as he pushed his seed back into my body when it started slipping out of me.

  “God, Eva,” he said huskily.

  This warm feeling filled me when he leaned down and kissed the top of my head.

  I didn’t know what the future held, no matter what either of us said, but I knew one thing… this felt pretty damn good.

  Maybe this all should have felt more confusing, more insane. But to be honest, it felt like the most perfect thing in the world.

  And I didn’t want to let that go.


  I lay beside Dex, listening to his deep, even breathing. It could have lulled me to sleep, but I was too deep in thought to get any rest.

  I shifted, but he made this deep grunt, rolled over toward me, and wrapped his arm around my waist. He pulled me in close to his hard body, and I melted against him, loving that even in sleep, he wanted me close.

  All of this felt so foreign in a sense, but it also felt right, like this was right where I was supposed to be. I lifted my hand and smoothed my fingers over the definition of his biceps. His muscles flexed beneath my touch, and he made this deep sound in his throat, one that sounded like he was thoroughly content and happy.

  It’s exactly how I feel right now.

  I shifted once again so that my chest was pressed to his. He slowly opened his eyes, and if possible, he looked even sexier with that post-sex, hazy look of relaxation covering his face.

  “Hey, you,” he whispered, his voice so deep, so husky it speared right into me.

  “Hey right back.” I lifted my hand and cupped his scruff-covered cheek, smoothing my fingers along his face.

  “This is real,” he said without making it a question.

  I stared right into his eyes.

  “This is real,” he said again and placed his hand on my belly. “Everything I said was the truth, Eva.” He leaned in and kissed me, and I felt my heart flutter a bit. “I won’t let you go. You’re mine.”

  I’d jumped head first off a cliff, and although I didn’t know what the future held, I was looking forward to reaching the bottom … because I knew Dex would be there.



  Five weeks later

  I held the plastic bag in my hand, my fingers wrapped tightly around it, and my heart thundering.

  Over the last month or so, Dex and I had been inseparable, or rather, Dex hadn’t wanted me out of his sight. We spent our free time together, but it wasn’t just having incredible sex—even though he was insatiable, and I was more than okay with that. He lavished attention on me, showed me a bad boy could have a softer, gentler side, too.

  His protectiveness might not fly with some women, but for me, I was all about it. Heck, his jealousy over a guy even looking at me, the fact he wanted to stake a claim, even if that was glaring at said guy and wrapping his arm around me in ownership made me feel pretty damn wonderful.

  “That you, baby?” Dex called out from somewhere in the house, and I took a deep breath. We weren’t living together, but I spent a lot of time at his place, and when I wasn’t here, he was at my house.

  “Yeah,” I called out. I didn’t want to tell him what I was doing, especially if it came back negative. I don’t know why I didn’t just come out and tell Dex I was taking a pregnancy test. We never used protection, and we both knew what the result could be because of that.

  He was hoping for a baby, and he made no secret of that.

  And even though I’d never actually told him I wanted that too … I did.

  I went into the bathroom, shut and locked the door, and pulled out the pregnancy test. Maybe I should have gotten more than one, but I didn’t want to be a freak about this. I also didn’t want to get his hopes up, or mine for that matter, by saying anything. I’d been late plenty of times in my life, and it had never been because I might have been pregnant.

  I read the directions three times, although I was pretty sure this was all self-explanatory. I’d also seen enough movies with chicks peeing on the stick and waiting for the results that I knew the drill. But still, I read the damn pamphlet again and again.

  When I pulled out the stick and eyed it, my heart started beating double time.

  I did the whole unwrapping, taking the cap off, and before I did the whole peeing on it thing, I stared down at this little white and purple test.

  After getting my thoughts as clear as I could, I finished it off, put the cap on, and set it on the counter. While I waited for it to do its thing, I washed and dried my hands and then stared at my reflection. My hair was piled up on my head, the heat making things unbearable. I lowered my gaze to my breasts. They were fuller, so sensitive even wearing a bra was a little uncomfortable.

  After I figured enough time had passed, I reached out to take the stick off the counter. My hands shook, and my heart momentarily stopped. I looked down at the little clear window, my throat tightening even further at the results.


  I stared down at it for long seconds, making sure I was reading it correctly. On instinct, I placed a hand on my belly and looked at my reflection again. The woman who stared back at me had wide eyes and a look of shock on her face. It was after the initial surprise left me that I felt excitement.

  I was pregnant.

  I’m pregnant.

  I turned around, unlocked the door, and pulled it open, and standing on the other side was Dex. He looked a little worried, maybe thinking something was wrong since I had hauled ass to the bathroom. But then he looked down at the test I held. A moment of silence passed, almost like time stood still, like this moment was frozen.

  I lifted the test up so he could see the window, and although he could read it fine, I was sure, I still said, “I’m pregnant.” Those words hung between us, and slowly he looked up from the stick to my face. “I’m pregnant, Dex.” My voice was nothing but a whisper, and before I knew what was happening, he had me in his arms.

  He had a hand on the back of my head, holding me to his chest. The warmth of his breath moved the hairs on the side of my face. He was tense, and now I was worried maybe something was wrong. Maybe he was having doubts? But before I could move or say anything, he pulled back an inch and looked down at me.

  “You’re pregnant,” he said with a smile on his face, and I felt all the tension leave me.

  “Is this crazy?” I asked, but I was smiling, feeling elation finally rise up, when just moment ago, it had been masked by my nervousness.

  He cupped my face, stroked his thumbs along my cheeks, and the happiness I saw on his face made me love this man even more.

  “You know how much I love you, Eva?” He kept stoking my cheeks, and I knew he wanted me close. I could feel it in his touch. “I love you so fucking much.” And surprising the hell out of me once agai
n, Dex dropped to his knees in front of me and rested his forehead on my belly. “My woman. My baby.” He pushed my shirt up and kissed the skin below my belly button. He looked up at me, the seriousness on his face evident. “Marry me,” he said, and I was speechless.

  “We don’t have to get married just because I’m pregnant—”

  He stood up, interrupting what I was saying. Taking my hand in his, Dex pulled me down the hall to his bedroom. He let go of me, walked over to the dresser, and when he opened it and pulled out a small black ring box, my heart jumped in my throat.

  “I don’t know when I planned on asking, Eva, but it’s not because I wasn’t sure.” He turned around and showed me the ring. “I’ve had this for a couple of weeks, but was going to wait longer so it didn’t look like I was crowding you.” He moved closer to me, and I knew my body was shaking. “I also wanted to make this special, and for you to be sure what you wanted when I asked.”

  I breathed in sharply.

  “I want you, not just as the mother of my baby, but as my wife.” He pulled the ring out of the box and slipped it on my finger. “Marry me, Eva. You’ve already made me the happiest man in the fucking world, but I want this so damn badly, too.”

  I didn’t want to cry, but God, I could feel it coming on. He placed his hand on my belly, smiling. “Yes,” I whispered. He leaned in and kissed me.

  “I think we’ll be pretty kickass parents.”

  “Yeah, I think so, too.”


  Four months later

  There it was … my baby. I squeezed Eva’s hand and looked at her. She was staring at the ultrasound monitor. She had this rounded belly, and I wanted to cover her skin, run my hand over the swell. My baby grew in there.

  God, I love this woman so much.

  “Do you want to know the sex?” the tech asked.

  Eva looked at me then. “Do you?” I could hear the excitement in her voice.

  I reached out and took her hand, giving it a squeeze, and nodded.

  It took a few seconds while the tech was doing more measurements, more typing, but then she pointed to the screen. “Right there,” she said and looked at us. “It looks like it’s a boy.”

  My heart jackknifed in my chest, and I looked at Eva. She was smiling from ear to ear.

  “We’re having a boy,” she whispered, and I couldn’t stop myself from cupping her face and kissing her. I didn’t give a shit if the tech was seeing this PDA. I’d always show my affection when it came to Eva.

  The tech started cleaning off the gel from Eva’s belly, and when that was done, I placed both hands on either side of her swelled stomach and leaned down to kiss her skin softly. Eva placed her hands in my hair, smoothing her fingers over my scalp.

  I turned my face so I could see Eva. “I love you, baby.”

  She smiled in return. “I love you, too.”

  God, what I felt for Eva grew every single day.

  It was the best fucking feeling in the world.



  Five years later

  Life really had no meaning for me without the love of a woman and the laughter of my children filling my head.

  And that’s what I had.

  I was the luckiest fucking man in the world.

  I pulled Eva in closer to me, buried my face in her hair, and closed my eyes as I inhaled. She smelled incredible and felt so damn good in my arms. I slipped my arm around her and spanned my open palm on her belly. She was big and round with our fourth child. I was insatiable when it came to her and filling her with my cum; putting my babies inside of her only made me want her more.

  I wanted her constantly, and seeing her healthy, glowing, and pregnant with what was mine, had proprietary need and possession claiming me.

  She’d always be mine, no matter what.

  Eva was due in about a month, and although she was probably sick of me wanting her like a fiend, she always let me have her. But then I made sure I had her coming twice before I got off.

  I started rubbing her belly and felt my baby kick. I smiled. God, I loved this. She placed her hand on mine.

  “I didn’t wake you, did I, baby?”

  She hummed softly and turned around to face me, although she made a little grunting noise in the process. “No.”

  Her sleepy smile had my cock getting hard once more. I knew she could feel it prodding her thigh, but she didn’t give me a hard time about my voracious appetite when it came to her.

  The years had gone by in a happy blur for me, and I did my best to make sure Eva and my kids were happy, safe, and cared for. I was the provider, and although Eva was more than welcome to work, she preferred staying home with the babies.

  I rubbed her belly again, and my little girl kicked again.

  “You think you can handle this baby girl, Dex?” She had her eyes closed, but a little smile covered her face.

  With Jackson, our five-year-old, and Harlow and Mav, our twin three-year-old boys, this baby girl coming into our lives was another blessing. But it also had every protective instinct coming out full force in me.

  “If I can handle you, I can handle anything.”

  She opened her eyes and chuckled.

  “But I do have some ground rules.”

  She lifted an eyebrow. “Oh yeah?”

  “No dating for her until I’m dead.” Eva chuckled a little harder. “And if a guy comes to the house asking her out, I’ll show him my gun collection right before I break all of his bones.”

  She started laughing, the sound hitting me right in the chest. Seeing her carefree, even if she thought I was joking, had me feeling so fucking good.

  “You don’t even own any guns,” she finally said, and wiped a tear from the corner of her eye.

  “I’m buying stock in an arsenal as soon as she’s born.” I leaned in for a kiss. I slid my hand along her neck, cupped the side of it, and tilted her head back to really delve inside. She tasted sweet and fruity, and my cock jerked in response. We were both naked, and her big tits pressed against my chest.

  “I’m sure the boys will be pretty protective of their baby sister, as well.”

  I grunted. “They better be.”

  I started kissing her again, and as the seconds passed, all I thought about was this moment.

  “God, I could take you again right here, baby.” But I wouldn’t because she had to be sore from the loving I’d given her just half an hour ago. I picked up her hand and kissed her ring finger. Her wedding ring scraped against my lips, and I kissed the rock again.

  “If I could marry you all over again, I would, baby.”

  She smiled, her sleepy expression taking on a heated, more aroused look.

  “Want to pretend it’s our honeymoon again?”

  I chuckled, and I was more than willing to give that a go. It might have been years since we’d gotten married, but for me, it felt like the first time every time with her.

  This woman and my children were the reason I lived.

  I looked down at Eva, seeing the love reflected back at me.

  “What?” she whispered after I’d been staring at her for long moments.

  “I love you so fucking much.” I smoothed my fingers over her cheeks. “I’d die for you. Do you know that?”

  She leaned forward an inch and kissed me softly. “I know.”

  Pushing down the blanket, I exposed her bared, rounded belly. I leaned down, ran my lips along her flesh, and framed her roundness. She ran her fingers over my hair, and I shivered at her touch.

  My wife.

  My life.

  “Are you still happy?” I asked. I asked her this same question often, not because I didn’t think she was, but because I loved hearing her response.

  “More than I could describe in words.”

  “You’re mine,” I said and looked up at her. I pulled her closer and just held her.

  There was nothing more important than the woman in my arms, my baby in her belly, or the sons she’d
given me.

  “It’s you.” I stroked my fingers along her arm. “It’s always been you.” I leaned down to kiss the soft skin on her shoulder. “And it’ll always be you.”

  The End

  Coming Soon: Experienced

  Coming September 2016

  He’ll show her how a real man treats a woman…


  I've never known how good it could feel to be taken care of by a man who knew what he was doing.

  Until I was with Hugo...


  I was older than her, and she was so innocent. Sabine had never been treated the way a female should. I've wanted her for so damn long and now was my chance.

  Now it's time for me to show her how a real man takes care of a woman...

  Lumberjack excerpt

  She hasn’t been with a real man … until now.

  I could blame my insatiable sexual appetite on the fact I’d been dry in that department for years, but the truth was there was something about Vivian that had all of my self control snapping right in two.

  We’d fucked so hard and fierce last night that I was surprised that I could even get hard, but the fucker between my legs was standing at attention. When I saw she’d been watching me cut wood, staring at me like she was picturing me naked, all I could think about was bending her over the deck railing and fucking the hell out of her.

  And I planned on doing just that.

  Pleasantries and me being a gentleman could happen when I’d sated both of our needs. And I knew she wanted my dick all up in her, because the look she gave me screamed ‘fuck me now’.”


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