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Tempting Fate (The Blake Boys Book 9)

Page 4

by Rhonda Laurel

  He kept an eye out for Cassidy. He’d been there a half hour, and he still hadn’t seen her. One of Hanna’s friends seemed to be moving closer to him every few minutes, so he broke from the group and moved to the other side of the room. There wasn’t a long line of women in his past. Unlike his brothers, he wasn’t very good at juggling them. He liked to get to know a woman and see if they had anything in common before hitting the sheets. Sometimes he felt out of place, looking to make a genuine connection with someone while his friends were having casual relationships. He’d tried a few times but it left him feeling empty inside. Besides, he had his dating laser beam trained on Cassidy Shaw since the first day he saw her. And it looked like she wasn’t going to show again.

  He glanced at his watch. It was almost eight.

  He needed some air so he ducked out onto the terrace. Maybe he could get her number from Hannah before he left. He turned to speak to yet another old friend when someone tapped him on the shoulder.

  It was Cassidy, looking absolutely radiant in a strapless plum dress. His mouth went dry, so he took a big gulp champagne.

  “I told you I would make it.” She smiled at him.

  “Cassidy.” He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. “I’m glad you weren’t a caffeine-fueled figment of my imagination today.”

  “Here I am, in the flesh. You can pinch me if you want.” She laughed.

  Channing reached out and did just that. “I just wanted to be sure.”

  Cassidy blinked. “So how’s life in Texas? Enjoying your new position with your family’s company?”

  “I am. But I don’t get to rest on my laurels just because I’m a Blake. I know people don’t believe it, but I pull my own weight.” He felt like he had to say that. She was the last person he wanted to think that he was some pampered rich boy who did nothing all day.

  “Anyone who knows you wouldn’t believe that for a minute. You worked harder than any of us, even when you didn’t have to. I always admired that about you. It shows great character.”

  “Thanks.” So she noticed. “So, where’s Mark?”

  “He’s floating around here somewhere berating everyone for not being green. You’d think he got a kick back every time someone bought a biodiesel car. Word of caution, if he asks you if you used one of your family’s mega fuel consuming jets to come here, just tell him you rode a bicycle from Texas.”

  “My car in DC is a hybrid, so I may be in the clear.” He laughed. “So what have you been up to?”

  “Just keeping my nose to the grind stone. When you’re a small fish in a big pond, you put in the hours and hope one day someone will recognize it.”

  “I was surprised to hear you went with a big firm.”

  “Really? Why is that?”

  “I thought you’d strike out on your own and get paid in some interesting, sitcom-like ways from your clients.”

  She crossed her arms over chest and glared at him. “What are you trying to say? That I can’t cut it at a prestigious firm?”

  “No, that’s not what I meant.” He held up a hand. “I always believed in your ability to practice law. I just couldn’t see you denying someone representation because they couldn’t pay you in a traditional way, hence getting paid in chickens or free massages.”

  “Oh.” She relaxed. “When you say it like that, it makes more sense.”

  She was the same Cassidy. Fiery and still gorgeous as hell. “I think you were looking for an insult. You miss fighting with me?” Channing raised an eyebrow.

  She rolled her eyes at him. “My life has been pleasantly dull without you.”

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” He gave her a wicked grin. “And I thought we’d buried the hatchet after that nasty incident where you almost blinded me with that lethal snowball.”

  “You mean when you conned me into taking care of you?”

  “I had to wear an eye patch for a week.” He covered his eye with his hand. “I started talking like a southern pirate and everything.”

  “I read all of your study notes and lengthy book chapters aloud to you. Which was odd, because when we met, you didn’t seem like an erotic romance type of guy. And don’t forget all those sandwiches I fed you. I’ve never met a man with such an appetite. I needed a vacation after I nursed you back to health.” She put her hand on her hip.

  “Serves you right for almost damaging the most beautiful jade eyes you’ve ever seen.” He’d heard her telling one of her friends that little tidbit on the phone one day. “Your words, not mine. I think you were talking to your friend Wendy.”

  She bit her lip. “So you were an awful patient and nosey. I did everything but give you sponge baths.”

  Channing’s mouth went dry. Why didn’t he think of a sponge bath? Tyler had given him the idea to milk the injury for all it was worth, and it had worked like a charm. There was no harm in telling her the truth now.

  “I have a confession to make. My eye wasn’t hurt that bad. It was fine after about two days.” He scratched at his beard.

  “What!” Her eyes widened.

  “Hold on now.” He didn’t like the way she was gripping that champagne flute. “You were taking such good care of me, and I…liked it.”

  “I was scared you were going to call your mama on me. As you threatened to do many times like you were five years old.”

  “Well, it worked.”

  “You are a class-A jerk and a mama’s boy.”

  Channing moved closer to her and ran his thumb along her jawline. “My stunt did get you to spend some time with me.” When she looked up into his eyes, he swallowed hard. Those doe eyes got him every time. “Want to tell me where you disappeared to last year?”

  “Why do you want to know? Did you miss me?” Cassidy looked up into his eyes.

  “As a matter of fact I did.” Channing kissed her with such wild abandon that he thought the earth had moved. Cassidy slid her hands under his suit jacket and gripped his shoulders. He put his hands on her petite waist and pulled her closer. She smelled fantastic. He could feel the softness of her body as she pressed against him.

  “There you are.”

  They pulled apart when they heard a familiar voice from the terrace door. Channing turned to see Hannah standing in the doorway. Channing couldn’t believe his eyes when Emma came up behind her wearing a black cocktail dress.

  “I knew he was around here somewhere,” Hannah said, then went back to the party.

  He furrowed his eyebrows. “Emma, what are you doing here?”

  “I thought I’d surprise you. You said you were going to be in DC so I thought I’d come join you.” Emma came over. “Aren’t you going to introduce us?”

  “Emma, this is my friend Cassidy. Cassidy, this is Emma, an old friend from Texas.”

  Channing saw the disappointment flash in Cassidy’s eyes as she plastered on a smile and shook Emma’s hand.

  “Nice to meet you Emma. If you’ll excuse me, I promised Hannah I’d help her in the kitchen.” Cassidy shot him a dirty look, then scurried off.

  “She’s seems nice,” Emma murmured.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I thought it would be a nice surprise. Aren’t you happy to see me?” She ran her hands along the lapel of his jacket.

  “I told you I’d be in touch when you got back to Texas.” He pulled her hands off.

  She sighed. “I thought this would prove to you that I’m serious about having a relationship with you.”

  “Did you ever stop and think if that’s what I wanted?” He glared at her.

  Geoff came out onto the terrace. “I told your friend Emma you were still here. It was good she could surprise you and make it to the party. I was hoping you didn’t leave without saying good-bye.”

  “Of course not,” Channing said, forcing the smile into place. “I’m so happy for you and Hannah. You two deserve all the happiness in the world.”

  “Thanks. Listen, I’ve been playing host all evening. I feel like we didn’t real
ly get to talk. I wanted to get together with you before you left to catch up.”

  “How about lunch at the Cannery tomorrow? My treat,” Channing said.

  “Even better.” Geoff laughed.

  “I’m sorry to cut the evening short, but Emma and I must be going. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Channing gave his friend a hearty hug. Without so much as a glance at her, he escorted her back inside and worked his way through the crowd toward the door.

  Channing scanned the room for Cassidy, but he couldn’t find her anywhere. He said his good-byes to Hannah and the gang and confirmed the time for the lunch date with Geoff. He pulled Hannah to the side, and after dodging a million questions, she finally gave him Cassidy’s phone number. As he hugged yet another friend, he could see Cassidy heading out, hurriedly pushing past people. He tried to zip through the crowded room with Emma on his heels, but it was too late. Cassidy was gone.

  * * *

  Cassidy finally took a deep breath once she was inside her apartment. After rambling off a flimsy excuse to her hosts for her early departure, she’d retrieved her coat and made it to the door before Channing could find her.

  What was she thinking, kissing that the jerk? And he had a girlfriend! Each time she thought about locking lips with that lothario her blood boiled. How could she have been so foolish? A man like that always had someone, and she felt like an idiot thinking perhaps he was single because she’d been fantasizing about him so long.

  She sent Mark a text apologizing for ditching him and offered dinner next week as a consolation for her rude behavior. Last time she saw him he was chatting up some attractive venture capitalist and pulling him away from the flirting would have been too cruel. At least someone was getting some action tonight. She just wanted a hot shower and a hypnotist to wipe her memory clean of the evening. She retrieved a cup of strawberry yogurt out of the fridge and a spoon from the drawer, but she really wanted a martini. When Hannah had put that champagne glass in her hand tonight she’d been so tempted to sip. But she resigned herself to holding it in her hand and taking a good whiff.

  She sank down on her ivory couch, hoping she didn’t get clumsy. That would really top off her night, a ruined couch and humiliation from a certain Texas lawyer. Her phone began to ring, so she retrieved it from her evening bag. It was a Texas area code. It had to be him; she never got calls from that part of the country. How the hell did he get her number?

  It rang again. This time it was Mark. When she didn’t answer, he sent a text saying he’d call her when he left the party. Why couldn’t she find a stand-up, environmentally conscientious guy like Mark? So what if he was gay. Channing didn’t know it, but Mark had had a really big crush on him when they lived across the hall from each other. She listened plenty a day to Mark lamenting about his feelings for the Texas hunk.

  Cassidy put away the dishes, then went into the bathroom to give her face a good scrub. She removed her clothes, thinking what a waste it had been to spend all afternoon getting ready. And she hated that she did all of that primping because she knew she’d be running into Channing. By the time she crawled into bed she was exhausted. She didn’t want to think about this night or Channing Blake ever again.


  Channing checked his watch for the third time as he paced in front of Anna Beth’s desk. He was waiting for J.J. to finish up a conference so they could go home. They’d been carpooling lately which he enjoyed, chatting with his big brother during the commute, and normally he wouldn’t mind the delay. But he’d planned his evening very carefully. He was going to call Cassidy for the twentieth time this week and try to get her to listen to him. He sent flowers daily to her office and home along with heartfelt notes of apology.

  Emma, on the other hand, was an entirely different story. After talking into the wee hours the night of the party, she couldn’t understand why he felt like she’d invaded his privacy by barging in on him. He asked her repeatedly how she knew he would be there, and she finally admitted that she’d checked the alumni Web site and found the engagement announcement. Hannah was the daughter of a senator after all, and Emma pieced together that they were the couple he was referring to and that he would be there.

  “Your brother should be finished soon. He was blindsided by that call,” Anna Beth said as she tidied up her desk.

  He smiled. “These things happen when you’re the boss.”

  “So how does it feel to be an uncle again?”

  “Great.” He whipped out his cell phone and showed her a picture of Teri-Lyn holding both Jack and Matt.

  “Those two are so adorable.” She smiled. “Have you been hit the baby bug yet?”

  “That would be putting the cart before the horse.”

  “I have to admit I’ve been thinking about it lately.” She bit her lip.

  “Seeing anybody special?”

  “No, I haven’t had a date in ages. I’ve just about given up. There are too many frogs out there disguising themselves as princes.” She laughed.

  “The perfect person for you is out there. You can’t give up.” He sat on the edge of her desk.

  “Maybe my standards are too high. I haven’t found anyone who can live up to my expectations.”

  “What are you looking for in a man?”

  She glanced over her shoulder in the direction of J.J.’s office. “Someone’s who’s handsome, kind, accomplished, considerate, and loyal.”

  “Nothing wrong with wanting a man to have those qualities. When you do find him, it will be well worth the wait because you didn’t settle.” He smiled.

  Anna Beth blinked. “You really think so?”

  “I’m sure of it.”

  J.J. appeared, ready to leave. “Sorry that took so long.”

  “No worries. Anna Beth and I were just lamenting about being single.” Channing smiled.

  “She’s one of a kind. I don’t think any man will ever be good enough for her.” J.J. winked at her.

  * * *

  When they entered the parking deck, J.J. and Channing spotted Bo getting into his Jaguar.

  “C.J., we’re still on for Thursday night?” Bo yelled.

  “You bet.” Channing gave him a thumbs up.

  “You two are dating now?” J.J. shook his head as he got into the car.

  “Ha ha.” Channing turned on the engine and made his way out of the parking garage.

  He waded through the heavy downtown traffic, and twenty minutes later he was turning onto the highway.

  “So how are things working out in the guesthouse?” J.J. asked.

  “I love it. It’s spacious, and it gives Mama and Daddy their privacy.”

  “Maybe it’s time you picked a spot on the ranch and start building your own home.” J.J. said.

  “I want to take my time and pick the right location.” He often rode around the ranch, scoping out ideal places to build his home.

  “Well, it’s only a matter of time before Daddy’s going to ask what you’re waiting for.”

  “I think moving into the guesthouse gave me a reprieve. He and Mama can get frisky as much as they like with me out of the way.” He laughed.

  “Don’t remind me.” J.J. shook his head. “Have any plans tonight?”

  “I’m going to try to get in touch with Cassidy again.”

  “Still no luck?”


  “You really like her, don’t you?”

  “Are you kidding me? She’s maddening, beautiful, loves a good fight, and always has to be right.” He grinned.

  “Right up your alley.” J.J. chuckled.

  “Unfortunately Emma’s surprise appearance at the engagement party has made any further progress impossible.”

  “Did you ever stop and think maybe Emma sensed you were into someone else and strategically planned to be at that party?”

  “What on earth for?”

  “She’s campaigning pretty hard to pick up where you two left off.”

  “I’ve been thinking maybe she was r
ight to cool it. You know she changes the subject whenever I mention Seth.”

  J.J. scratched at his beard. “So he and Penny’s relationship may still be a sore spot for her. Everyone barely came out of that alive. They were the ‘it’ couple after all, then it all imploded, and everyone scattered to their corners.”

  “She came to Seth and Morgan’s wedding. I thought she was past it. Hell, Morgan and Penny are even civil to each other.” He sighed.

  “People heal in their own time. How do you feel about her? Emma, I mean.”

  “Like she’s trying too hard. She went to New York, and since that new life didn’t pan out for her, she wants to come home to reliable, old C.J.” He gripped the wheel.

  “If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my relationship with Eden is that friction is not always a good thing. Yeah, it’s exciting and can be sexy at times. But when two people want different things, there’s nothing you can do about it except evaluate whether you want to spend your life at odds with each other. Don’t waste years like I did.”

  Channing nodded. “So what are your plans for the evening?”

  “I’m going to have a nice quiet dinner with Jack and Samantha Jane. After he has his bath and settles in for the evening, we’re going to look at a missing person’s case she’s working on for the justice network she helps in her spare time.”

  “I gotta hand it to you. I thought once the baby came, you and Sam were going to go at it like gladiators over her continuing to work.” Channing laughed.

  “She’s passionate about her work. I’d be an idiot to fight her on doing something she loves. But I won’t waver on her taking a safer position with Regency. I don’t intend to raise our son alone, and she knows that.”


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