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Striking a Balance (Thalia Book 2) (The Thalia Series)

Page 12

by Jennifer Bene

  “Oh, fuck, Thalia!” Her moan against his cock as he thrust into her throat had him groaning loudly along with her, his fist tightening in her hair, before he continued to thrust inside her throat seeking his own pleasure. Her skin was electric from the fourth orgasm, her head was spinning as she tried to refocus her attentions on his cock thrusting in and out of her throat. Then the pleasure between her thighs switched in an instant from insanely satisfying to brutally overwhelming.

  Thalia tried her best to lift off the vibrating pad against her clit, but her ankles were tethered and she could only make it less intense, not release it completely, and the fullness of the vibrator and the plug were relentless. She began to beg wordlessly for it to stop, but his thrusts into her throat were more effective than any ball gag. If she wanted she could snap her fingers three times, she knew that, but she didn’t want to safe word. Even as a painfully pleasurable fifth orgasm crept up on her.

  “Hold on, hold on.” His words soothed her as he growled them between gritted teeth, he thrust hard and she held her breath as he buried himself in her throat and spilled his seed. His fist tightened in her hair as he came and commanded, “Come for me, pet!” Her orgasm slammed into her as he pulled back enough that she could taste him on her tongue. She stole a breath and then swallowed as light burst behind her eyes and the pleasure rose against the razor edge of pain. He slid from her mouth and she was gasping, raw and exhausted as her body quivered and she realized she was crying from the intensity. Everything was too sensitive, and her legs shook with the quivering effects of so many orgasms.

  She begged. “Please, Master, please, take them! Take the vibrators away, please. I can’t again, I can’t!” Thalia’s voice was cracking as he ran his hand down her back and flipped off the vibrator and the little clitoral stimulator pad before taking them away. He tugged at the plug and she pushed to help him remove it. His hand caressed her ass and she knew how wide open she looked from behind, and how much he liked to look at her.

  “Shhh, it’s alright. Deep breaths. You were perfect, baby.” His soothing touch traced down her back, her sides, her legs, and he slowly eased her down from the over-sensitive edge she had been at. “How do you feel now?”

  Thalia took an unsteady breath, and evaluated herself. For the last few days the fear of meeting Master Kalen had left her wound up and miserably tense. Now, her muscles were so well-worked and relaxed that she couldn’t feel any of that lingering stress. The haze of the orgasms had her mind warm and fuzzy, without a hint of the anxiety she’d felt. James had known just what she needed today. She smiled against the horse as he unclasped her ankles and massaged them, before doing the same with her wrists. “I feel much better, Master, much better.”

  “Good.” He leaned her up and kissed her hard, his mouth making her moan again as he leaned her back. “Do you feel ready to meet Kalen?”

  A distant part of her tensed at the idea still, but she just wasn’t capable of feeling the anxiety at the moment and she was unendingly gratefully to James for that. “Yes, Master, actually, I do.”

  After hours of planes, trains, and automobiles where James did his best to keep her calm, they were finally on the gravel road that led to his friend’s property.

  “You remember what’s going to happen when we get there, yes?” James was holding her hand across the car as he glanced at her.

  “Master Kalen will inspect me, he’ll touch me. He has many other guests and it’s possible they could be there too. I’ll behave, I promise.” Despite the incredible stress-relieving morning James had given her, her stomach was still in knots now that meeting Kalen was moments away.

  “You know I wouldn’t let anyone near you that I didn’t trust implicitly. Don’t you?” His voice was serious, and she knew it was true. She nodded and he squeezed her hand and returned his eyes to the road. Thalia also knew that anyone he’d been friends with for so many years would have to be a good man. She had no reason to be afraid, but logic didn’t really have a place in her anxiety.

  She saw the long line of stone before she noticed the gate. His property was bordered by high cobblestone walls. In the expanse of countryside around it, it seemed like a sudden fortress. There were no signs, no labels, nothing to identify the property. The gate itself was sturdy and James paused the car before it. Thalia noticed the camera just before the gate swung inward to allow James to move the car up the long drive. His hand tightened on hers as a grouping of houses and buildings came into view. Two houses dominated the end of the drive where it looped back on itself in a circle. They were beautiful old manses that were close enough to be sisters but not identical.

  “Just remember to obey Kalen like you obey me.” James pulled the car to a stop on the circle in front of the left hand house.

  “Yes, Master. I will.” Her voice shook but it had nothing to do with a fear of Kalen himself, but of what he could do. She knew his opinion was important to James and she had one chance at a good first impression. She smiled at him and he smiled back and ran his thumb across her bottom lip before he kissed her. James’ hand slid to the back of her neck and her lips parted for him as he deepened the kiss. His tongue swept into her mouth and she moaned while she leaned towards him across the car.

  She didn’t want to lose him.

  He bit her lip softly before he sat back and smiled, and then his eyes moved past her to the entrance of the house and his face split into a grin she had never seen on him. Mischief and excitement. He opened the car door and shouted, “Kalen!”

  “James!” The man who answered was huge. He must have also been over six feet except where James was lean and fit, this guy looked like he bench pressed cars. Thalia had never been attracted to overly muscled men, but this guy – he had a thick beard and looked like he was about to bust out of his button down and look good doing it. His sleeves were rolled up and she watched as his powerful arms swung around James as they slapped each other on the back.

  James looked like the picture of civility, still in a suit, still gorgeous, his hair perfect, and next to him was a man who looked... wild, and whose voice boomed across the lawn. “Let’s get a look at her! Thalia, out with ye, girl!” He shouted and she fumbled with the door before she hopped out and moved towards him.

  The little yellow dress clung to her in the breeze and she stumbled slightly in the black heels. Grace had never been her strong suit, it was why she’d started yoga. When she got near them she started to kneel and she heard Kalen’s booming laugh, it made her jump. “No, no, no. Up, now lass, up!” James supported her elbow as she stood back up, he smiled at her but she was bewildered at what she was expected to do.

  Don’t screw this up.

  “I’m sorry, Master Kalen, I -”

  “No need to have ye kneeling out here, let’s get inside.” He smiled warmly at her and she made herself smile back before dropping her eyes. They walked inside the house to the left of the drive and Thalia was instantly in love. It was clearly a nice house, they were wealthy, but it was cozy and welcoming at the same time. The foyer opened into a wide living room with three couches facing into a broad, low table with a huge fireplace completing the square.

  As soon as they were inside Kalen shut the door and Thalia dropped into a kneel, the hem of her dress riding up on her thighs. The men both continued into the room a little as they talked.

  “It’s been too long, James.” Kalen’s voice was booming even inside, apparently this was his normal volume.

  “I know, I know. It’s hard to get away sometimes.” James spoke in his clear voice, but it was filled with warmth. They were obviously good friends. Old friends.

  She didn’t think she’d ever wanted someone to like her so much.

  “Well, Maggie is making dinner, I knew ye’d be hungry by the time ye got here. So why don’t we get the formalities done with so we can enjoy the meal.” There was a pause and she felt their eyes on her. “Look at that, she’s already kneeling!” Kalen’s booming laugh made her jump.

nbsp; “Ah, yes. Thalia, stand up.” James’ voice was reassuring as he walked over to her. She took his offered hand and stood, but he clasped their hands and didn’t let hers go. She appreciated it more than words could express.

  “Right. In here now.” Kalen said as he moved into the living room where the low center table dominated the space. “Did James tell ye what happens when a sub first arrives at Purgatory?”


  “Ye- yes, Master Kalen. Inspection.” Her voice was shaking more than she wanted it to, she wasn’t afraid, she was just nervous. Really fucking nervous.

  “Good girl. It’s a pretty dress, lass, but I need ye to strip.” His voice still rumbled, but it had shifted and she could hear the Dominant in him.

  Thalia liked the yellow dress. It was a simple dress, chosen specifically for this purpose.

  James released her hand and she pulled it off over her head in a single movement, folding it against her lap as she slid the shoes off. She stacked the shoes against the wall and laid the dress atop them. So many people had seen her naked, in person and on Marcus’ feed, that it didn’t faze her as much as she thought it would when she stripped off the cream colored bra and underwear. Once she was done she relaxed her arms at her sides. James leaned back against the wall as Kalen held his hand out for her. Her eyes stayed on James for a second and then he nodded to her, his eyes darkening with arousal.

  He wanted to watch her.

  Her mouth was suddenly dry and she tried to swallow as she took Kalen’s hand and he tugged her forward.

  “Kneel up here.” Kalen issued the command and pointed at the low table waiting until Thalia shifted onto it. He stood next to her and her breath caught as his fingers brushed down her arms. “Hands behind yer head.” She interlaced her fingers, and Kalen leaned down in front of her and smiled. “Yer gorgeous, ye know that?”

  Thalia opened her mouth to reply and found herself tongue-tied and blushing bright enough that she felt the heat flood up her chest and into her cheeks. Kalen brushed his thumb over her cheek and tilted her chin up. A shiver ran through her and he chuckled.

  “Lovely. Thalia, be a good girl and be still for me.” His voice was commanding, and she felt her pulse pick up and her breathing increase. His fingers traced down her side and she focused inward so she could keep herself from moving. “While yer here if I ask ye to ‘present’, this is the position I want, understand?” His hand brushed the side of her breast, before he cupped the weight of it and she bit her lip as she fought the urge to lean forward.

  “Yes, Master Kalen.” Thalia tried to speak evenly but she gasped when he pinched her nipple, he held it and then pinched sharper and she caught herself before she arched into his hand. Opening her eyes again she saw the flush in James’ cheeks and heat flooded her, pounding between her thighs. His eyes were that dark green he always had in their playroom, sliding down her body in such a way that she could almost imagine the ghost of his touch.

  Kalen released her nipple and brushed her bottom lip with his thumb before slipping it between her open lips. She closed her mouth around it on instinct, running her tongue over the pad of his thumb before sucking softly, keeping her eyes locked on James. “Wonderful...” Kalen mumbled as he pulled his thumb from her mouth and pinched her other nipple, making both pink buds erect.

  This is so intense.

  Thalia’s mind was a whirlwind of sensation as Kalen released her and slid his hand behind her neck, pulling her forward so she bent at the waist.

  “Down.” His deep voice struck a chord inside her and she submitted as he guided her head to the table. “When ye hear that command, put yer arms out in front and yer head down. Good, now lay yer head to the side on yer cheek.” She tilted her head and extended her arms in front of her. Kalen moved behind her and she kept her eyes on James against the wall, his erection was apparent and she swallowed the moan that rose inside her as she felt Kalen’s touch slide over her ass. His hand moved between her thighs and she clenched her eyes shut as she felt his fingers slip between her lips to find her juices already flowing. He made a low sound in his chest – a mixture of surprise and amusement. “She’s soaked, James.”

  “Thalia is incredibly responsive, aren’t you, pet?” James’ voice was thick with arousal and pride and it almost made her squirm – she wanted his hands on her, she wanted him in front of her so he could touch her too. Clenching her fists to regain control she took a steadying breath.

  “Yes, Master.” Thalia whimpered, and then Kalen slid a finger inside her and she tightened against him. He worked his finger in and out inside her slick heat and she found herself panting, then a second finger joined and she heard the whine escape her lips. She wanted more, and she pushed back against his touch.

  “Stay still.” He pulled his fingers back and spanked her sharply. She yelped and nodded against the table, taking steadying breaths as his hand returned between her thighs. One more torturous dip inside her pussy, where heat was coiling dangerously, and then his fingers slipped from her and rolled over her clit.

  “Oh god...” She hissed between her teeth and reached for the edge of the table, gripping it to control her reactions as pleasure thrummed through her. Her eyes moved back to James to find his steady stare on her body, moving down the smooth slope of her back. Kalen continued to roll his fingers over her clit, and his other hand dipped two fingers inside her. She whimpered, the urge to push back, to rock her hips into his touch was almost irresistible. Shots of pleasure came from her clit and rebounded as his fingers curled down and brushed over that bundle of nerves inside her. A moan burst from between her lips and she bit down on it.

  “Yer doing well, lass. Keep it up.” Kalen removed his fingers from her pussy and he dragged her juices back to the rosebud of her ass. After James’ attentions that morning she was ready as Kalen pushed against her and then slid his finger inside her tight ring of muscles. She moaned and tightened and his efforts redoubled over her clit until her legs were shaking in her efforts to stay still.

  Too much. Too much sensation. Kalen’s deft fingers, James’ heated stare, the intensity of the judgment Kalen could make on her.

  Everything built, the heat inside her raged and a tension coiled in her belly.

  Oh no.

  “May I please come, Master Kalen?” The question came out in a panicked rush as he pushed her further towards the edge. The powerful thrumming of pleasure he was creating with each roll of his fingers over her clit and his insistent push inside her ass made her whimper.

  “No, Thalia.” He removed his hands instantly and she relaxed against the table. Half-regretting that he hadn’t continued, but internally proud of herself for not embarrassing James in front of his friend. “Present.”

  It took her brain a second to process the command and remember what it meant, but she remembered. She pushed herself back up and interlaced her fingers behind her head again. Kalen was smiling at her as he grabbed her hips and turned her to face him at the edge of the table and he slid to his knees in front of her. Thalia’s breath caught as he leaned forward, his breath brushing over her mound. He was going to -

  Kalen stopped suddenly and his whole body jerked back. The look on his face was terrifying, full of rage. What happened?! He growled, his face reddening and his voice booming as he stood quickly and turned towards James. His voice was on the edge of shouting, “James, ye know I respect ye a lot. Always have. For who ye are as a man, and a Dom, and for how ye’ve always treated yer subs, but if ye don’t feking explain why this girl has the Williams brothers’ mark in the next ten seconds, I’m going to kick yer head in.”

  Thalia’s heart stopped. Kalen didn’t know? Her eyes moved sharply to James who seemed calm as he raised his hands, holding them out in front of him. “Kalen, I can explain.”

  “Explain? What the bloody hell, James?!” Kalen was shouting now.

  “Just listen to me. Yes, I bought her from them -”

  “Stop. If this was legit, ye would have told me
. Get out of my house, James.” Kalen pointed at the door and Thalia felt like the floor dropped out from underneath her. No, no, no!

  “How about we talk about this first? Just let me explain what happened, Kalen. Come on, you know me!” James had stepped forward, clearly trying to keep the situation calm, but Kalen got in James’ face fuming with barely contained rage.

  “And ye know me! So how about ye NOT bring a rape victim into MY house and ask me to make her yer submissive!” Kalen roared as his arm swung back for a punch, and Thalia covered her mouth as he brought it forward swiftly.

  “Kalen!” James shouted and brought his arm up to block Kalen’s strike. He pushed him back in a quick movement, and Thalia was stunned by how fast James had moved. Since when did he fight anyone – ever?

  “OUT!” Kalen roared and James shifted to his side, farther into the house.

  “NO! Bloody listen to me!” James tried one last time to calm Kalen down – then all hell broke loose.


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