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Stag: A Masquerade Ball Romance

Page 4

by Angela Blake

  “I could make him a macchiato with the cinnamon rolls,” she murmured to herself, “Or maybe a spinach quiche and chai latte? What do rich playboys eat?”

  “The souls of innocent children?” Angela said from behind her.

  “What?” Rachel jumped in surprise.

  “You asked what rich playboys eat,” Angela replied.

  “Oh…” Rachel said putting down the woman’s order so she could box a pastry, “well this one’s different.”

  “Is he now?” Angela said peering at him, “is he the investor you were yodeling about?”

  “I wasn’t yodeling,” Rachel protested.

  “Whatever you say boss. So what have you decided?”

  “Any thoughts?”

  Angela turned to study Brendan, eyes narrowed thoughtfully, “Hmm, plain guy. Unassuming…but used to good quality. I’m thinking hot chocolate with sprinkles on top. And don’t forget the art.”

  Rachel perked up, “That is actually quite perfect,” she said gratefully.

  “Yeah well. I’m quite perfect.”

  Rachel just snorted, going to the counter to serve the woman with a huge smile on her face. She didn’t get a smile back but Rachel didn’t care about that. She knew how to impress Brendan now.

  “I know just the perfect accompaniment,” she murmured to herself as she began making his order. This was gonna be fun.


  Brendan’s heart was pounding in his chest as he watched Rachel worked. She seemed so excited and happy he wanted to laugh out loud just watching her. He wondered what had put that smile on her face and hoped he might have something to do with it.

  She walked toward him, balancing a tray carefully in her hands. She put it down on the table and he saw that she’d served him hot chocolate – his favorite drink – and a chocolate chip cookie.

  “Oooh, sweetness overload,” he said.

  “I hope you’re not one of those people perpetually on diet?” she said sitting down opposite him. He could feel the fur spreading on his hands in excitement. He’d learned that the change was linked to emotion and sometimes if he lost control, he would find himself covered with fur, horns growing from his forehead, hooves on his feet. It wasn’t common anymore but his teenage years had been a trial.

  “No, I’m never on diet,” he remembered to reply, “I have a very fast metabolism.”

  Yeah, he had the metabolism of a shape-shifter.

  “Cool,” Rachel said pushing the plate towards him, “So eat up.”

  Brendan picked up the cup and took a sip. He closed his eyes, savoring the orgasmic sweetness and foamy goodness of the drink.

  “Should I leave you alone with that cup?” Rachel asked. She sounded amused. Brendan liked it.

  “You’re the one who served me heaven in a cup. Don’t blame me for enjoying it.”

  “Oh no no, don’t let me stop you. I’m just going to sit here quietly.”


  Rachel’s could feel the ba bump, ba bump of her the pulse on her wrist, the tingling in her fingertips, the numbness in her face. She was on adrenalin overload at the moment and she had no clue what to do about it. It was a wonder that she could carry on a normal conversation. She could hardly hear what Brendan was saying over the ringing in her ears.

  But he was enjoying her food and that must be a good thing. She needed to capitalize on that. She hadn’t had a chance to write down a business plan yet but she had a few ideas. Besides this was just an initial visit, sort of look-see so all she needed to do at this point was impress him with her cooking skills.

  So far, so good.

  Rachel smiled, “So, what made you come earlier than planned?”

  She snapped her mouth closed after asking the question, wondering if it was the wrong thing to say.

  “I wanted to see you,” he said quietly and her heart simultaneously quieted and speeded up.


  “And I was in the neighborhood,” he continued with a shrug, his eyes avoiding hers. Her own widened as she realized he was lying. What would a rich kid be doing in this neighborhood? He had come to see her. And he was shy about it. Rachel almost cooed with how sweet that was.

  “Rachel!” Barry came bursting through the door and slid into the booth next to her, “Tell me everything. And bring me some coffee. Gosh I woke up early just to hear how it went. Lots of coffee,” he said breathlessly making Rachel laugh. His eyes darted to the man on the other side of the table and he nodded his greeting, “Hi.”

  Brendan gave a small wave, “Hey there.”

  Rachel took a deep breath, “Brendan, this is my good friend Barry. Barry, this is Brendan. We met last night.”

  Barry’s eyes widened, “You did?” he asked hand on his chest in surprise, then he jerked, moving backwards as if to get out of the booth, “Ooh, am I interrupting? Is this the morning after. Oh dear, excuse me, I’ll see you later.” He was already sliding away, trying to stand up a very smug smile on his face. Rachel just knew he was rushing home to tell Sergio.

  She wanted to call him back and explain but she didn’t want to ruin any potential deal by jumping the gun. Her hands stretched out, fingers opening and closing in tandem with her mouth, face horrified as Brendan watched with amusement. Barry was already halfway out the door, practically running.

  “I take it your alleged sex life is exciting news,” Brendan said making Rachel blush.

  “I’m sorry about that,” Rachel replied.

  “Don’t be sorry. It’s fine.”

  “Yes but he’s going to think that…” Rachel said helplessly.

  “I know what he’s going to think,” Brendan said with a smile, “I don’t mind. Do you?”

  That indeed was the question.

  Chapter Six: Flirting

  Rachel cleared her throat, looking anywhere but at Brendan. She didn’t know the protocol for potentially flirting with one’s possible benefactor.

  “Er, how’s your er, hot chocolate?” she asked.

  “Simply divine. I just might fuck around and take you home with me at this rate. Lock you in my kitchen and make you cook this for me every day.”

  Rachel giggled, her stomach fluttering with butterflies of both fear and delight. She felt like blurting out, “I’m a virgin!” just to see what he would do. Even if she and Gary Coleman had fooled around in the boys’ bathroom in high school, she still wasn’t sure what base they’d gotten to. Everyone said that losing your virginity was painful and she hadn’t felt much with Gary. So bitch she might be. Rachel gave a mental shrug, giggling at the thought.

  “What? You’re not going to say anything to my indecent proposal?” Brendan asked a teasing light in his eye. Rachel sat up straight in her chair realizing she hadn’t replied to his blatant statement.

  “Ummm, well, I was kind of debating with myself.”

  “Oh yeah?” he asked leaning forward, his eyes sparkling with interest.

  “Yeah. I mean, on the one hand…” Rachel trailed off, expression coy, making Brendan lean forward eagerly.

  “What? What? Tell me before I explode,” he said. Rachel laughed at him.

  “I mean, are you trying to keep me locked up like some sort of slave or do you want to ensconce me in endless luxury and all I have to do to keep it is make you hot chocolate?”

  Brendan’s eagerness abruptly dimmed and he leaned back, face closed, “I’m…sorry if I gave you the impression-” he began stiffly, looking anywhere but at her. Rachel’s heart sped up with anxiety.

  “Oh no, don’t apologize. I’m sorry. I took it too far. I really don’t know how to act. Please don’t be offended. Gosh, I can’t take me anywhere, my friend Sergio’s always complaining about my big mouth-” she was talking so fast, face flushed as Brendan watched her with wide eyes. However the stiffness of his body relaxed so she counted it as a win even as he lifted his hand to get her to stop talking.

  “It’s fine. I just…I guess I�
�m sensitive. People have said…things…to me.”

  “Things?” it was Rachel’s turn to lean in, “What things.”

  Brendan’s eyes dropped as his cheeks flushed dully, “Well,” he shrugged one shoulder, “they call me names…monster. Beast…”

  Rachel frowned, “Why would they do that? Was that when you were in school or…? Because you know kids can be stupid sometimes.”

  Brendan laughed bitterly but he did lift his eyes to meet hers so she took it as a win, “Actually, more like…people I thought were my friends.”

  Rachel’s face fell, “Really? People can be such assholes.” She said and then covered her mouth with embarrassment, “Excuse my French.”

  Brendan’s eyes lit up as he laughed in delight, “Don’t be embarrassed. I agree with you. People can be assholes…which is why,” he hesitated, glancing shyly at her.

  “Go on,” Rachel encouraged.

  “Which is why I need to make a request before we go any further.”

  Rachel frowned, not at all sure she liked the sound of that, “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “I need to ask you to do something for me.” Brendan said.


  “I need to ask you to…take a trip with me. To Ireland.”

  Rachel stared at him, “Beg pardon?” she asked.

  Brendan took a deep breath, “I need you to come to Ireland with me,” he repeated, “There’s a place called Newgrange I want to take you.”

  Rachel just stared wide eyed at him.

  He looked right back into her eyes.

  “Why?” she said eventually.

  Brendan sighed.

  “It’s hard to explain,” he said.

  “Try,” she replied.

  Brendan’s hazel eyes closed and he took a breath. Then he opened them and held her gaze, “I want to help your business and I’m willing to sign a paper saying so. I can’t really explain why I need you to come with me to Ireland. Call it an instinct, but I think you’re the one.”

  “The one…what?” Rachel asked beginning to wonder if he was crazy.

  “Can we just take it at face value please?”

  “Er, no. You’ve asked me to leave the country with you and then gone on to act evasive about why. Excuse me if I’m not jumping up to go pack.”

  Brendan sat back in the seat, his whole body slumping in seeming disappointment, “You’re right. I’m sorry. You don’t know me. I keep forgetting that. We should get to know each other.”

  “We should?” Rachel asked every nerve in her body ringing with alarm.

  “Yes. You’ll see that I am a perfectly sane human being who can be trusted. Why don’t we start with your business plan? Do you have it?”

  “Er, not in writing. I thought I had till tomorrow to lay it out.”

  “That’s okay. I can come back for it.”

  “Oh no, you don’t have to do that. I could just email it to you.”

  “I want to. Please let me.”

  Rachel nodded her head, not taking her eyes off him, “Okay then.”


  Rachel crept into the house later that night, trying not to wake her mother. She was so very tired. It had been a really busy day at the coffee shop after Brendan left and she still had to do her proposal so it would be ready to email by morning. She’d thought she would find some time in between the rush times to sit down and do it but the universe had other plans. The rush had not abated for more than five minutes at a time. All three of the Split Bean’s employees were swamped.

  Rachel wasn’t about to complain.

  “I mean mo’ money mo’ problems are some good problems to have,” she murmured to herself as she sat down on the dining room table and opened her laptop. Her mother had only agreed for her to get one to keep the business finances. She opened excel so she could access the profit figures for the last twelve months. She’d taken a business course online and had a rough idea about how to write a proposal but she was still so nervous. So much was riding on this.

  “What are you doing?”

  She jumped at the sound, turning around to face her mother.

  “Oh, hi mom. I’m just ah, writing a proposal.”

  Sarah’s eyes narrowed as she regarded her daughter suspiciously, “Proposal for what?” she asked.

  “Uh, I told you we needed invest-” she began to explain again but her mother cut her off.

  “What makes you think you could even write a proper proposal? You’re not very bright you know. Why don’t you leave that to the professionals?”

  A vivid memory of her mother throwing her five pound purse at her the one time she suggested getting professional auditors to do their books flashed across her mind, along with the accompanying ‘Are you stupid? How much money do you think I have?’ comment. She wanted to answer with a sarcastic comment but knew that that way lay madness. So she just kept her mouth shut and used the mouse to select all their monthly profit figures. It was the first time she’d really had time to do an analysis and she was happy that they’d made a profit for every month of the preceding year. That should be a point in their favor with Brendan…she hoped. Her mind flashed to his proposal; going to Ireland with him would just be mad.

  She bit her lip, thinking that she didn’t even have an idea where her passport was.

  A thud on the linoleum floor next to her chair made her turn her head, startled. Her mother had walked across the carpeted room, so quietly Rachel hadn’t heard. Or maybe she was just lost in her own head. Sarah Hart leaned in, frowning at the screen.

  “Who are you writing a proposal for anyway? This is a waste of time.”

  Rachel sat up straight, “Actually mom, I have an interested investor.”

  Her mother snorted, “Interested in what exactly?” she asked with a sneer, “What have you been doing? Spreading your legs for just anybody again?”

  Rachel stood up abruptly, face red with anger, “When exactly have I ever-” she began to say.

  “Oh cut the outraged act. Save it for those gullible gay boys who buy you things. I know better.” her mother said.

  Rachel’s fists curled and she was hard put not to say something extremely cutting. Just as she was about to let loose she caught the tremble in her mother’s hands, how bent over she was from the MS. She really didn’t need to be standing up for a long time.

  “Sit down before you fall down,” Rachel said instead and stalked off. She decided to have a shower to shake off her anger. Maybe by the time she came back, her mother would have gone to bed and she could finish her proposal in peace.

  As the lukewarm water beat tepidly down upon her head, she thought about Brendan’s offer. Leaving the country, leaving her mother? It sounded too fantastic to be true. And unrealistic, forbye. Her mother could not live on her own. Rachel couldn’t leave her alone.

  On the other hand, they needed this. If they were going to do more than just mark time, they needed this.

  It was a favor Brendan was asking of her. So it wouldn’t be unreasonable to expect him to facilitate things by finding a nurse to take care of her mother in the time that they were away. ‘Yes, that could work,’ Rachel thought and then reared back as she realized she was seriously considering doing what Brendan asked of her.

  “I have good reasons!” she said aloud to the bathroom mirror even as she examined herself in it. She was just twenty two years old and her breasts still stood up straight and perky on her chest. She had not a spare pound of fat on her frame thanks to the hectic pace of running a coffee shop and everything it entailed. Her waist was slim and her hips flared out just enough to fill her jeans quite nicely. She had a nice body she decided as she considered herself in the mirror. She was no Kim Kardashian but again, who was?

  She wondered if her body was why Brendan wanted to take her to Ireland. Did he want to…even as she cut the thought off, her hand drifted downward to cup her heat. Something throbbed down there and she shivere
d, thinking that she might not hate it if that’s what he wanted from her.

  But no.

  She straightened up, shaking her head. She would not sell her body. Not even for the coffee shop. If that was what he wanted, she was pretty sure he could get it at any escort agency.

  So what did he really want with her?

  Why was he taking her to Ireland?

  She sighed, reaching for the towel to dry off. The first thing she needed to do to show that she was more than tits and ass was come up with a killer proposal. She took her time getting into her PJs, trying to give her mother as much time as possible to go to bed.

  “It’ll be good to get away from her for a bit,” she murmured to herself with a sigh as she crept out of her tiny room, peering around the living room doorway to see if her mother was still up. The room was empty, her laptop lay closed on the dining room table and not a sound was to be heard in the apartment. She walked as quietly as she could, sat down on the chair and opened her laptop. It was time to get to work.

  Chapter Seven: Newgrange

  Rachel took her head phones out of her ears as the pilot announced that they were about to land. She straightened up in her seat looking out of the window. All she could see was clouds and she turned to Brendan, opening her mouth to complain to him, but he was still fast asleep, his mouth slightly open. She watched him for a minute, musing that no man should have lashes that long. It was criminal and a waste. She leaned in, looking more closely when she noticed that they were as multi-hued as his hair. They started out dark at the root and lightened steadily until they were almost blonde at the tip.

  “That has to be makeup,” she murmured to herself and Brendan startled awake. He looked around in confusion for a minute before turning to her with a smile.

  “Good morning,” she said to him with a grin and he returned it wryly.


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