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Darkland Elf: The World of Elf, Book 2

Page 19

by Terry Spear

  "Man, I need one of those. I wonder if yours could chase away the trolls too." Balen sounded in awe.

  Viator felt the same way. He wished they could arm all his people with a crystal amulet. He did recall though that the opinicus was not afraid of it. Maybe not the griffin either.

  Between the two of them, they freed the fishnet from the rocks and carried it back to shore.

  "What happened? I didn't see the mermaid but once," Eloria said.

  "Thankfully, the amulet kept her at bay. I imagine now if the one we had encountered before had reached you when you were swimming in the water—if the creatures from the island of mist hadn't taken off with you and imprisoned you in their castle—your amulet would have chased her off." Viator lifted he fishnet off the sand again. "The same with the one in the cave of crystals. Let's return to the memorial and take this with us so the mermaids can't carry it back to the rocks again for the next unsuspecting elves."

  "Viator, your wings are even more transparent," Eloria marveled.

  "He is a prince," Balen reminded Eloria.

  "My wings are more translucent." Viator examined his wings, surprised. "It was worth removing the net to protect others too. Yours are also, Balen."

  "What if we drop the fishing net on the rocks again?" Balen asked. "Do you think we'd get more credits if we went after it again?"

  "You can try, but I'm not going to test it," Viator said. "You carry the net and I'll take Eloria back to the memorial."

  Balen agreed and they all flew off together, the sky hiding behind building clouds. "I think we might be in for some rainy weather."

  Viator hoped not. They would be grounded until the rains let up.

  When they finally reached the green wizard memorial, Viator figured they'd only have time enough to check out one more quest before they had to see Zorak and have dinner with him.

  "We have accomplished something to do with the green wizard's symbol, the amulet, the coiled rope, and the fishing net," Balen said. "We have the dragon symbol, shadow, and mist left."

  "Unless we've already dealt with the dragon when we rescued Eloria from the ledge below her window at our castle," Viator said.

  "Maybe we did the mist one already too. I keep thinking that it has to do with the green isle of mist," Eloria said. "You freed the other elves and the mermaid. Now that the island has disappeared, you can't do that quest."

  "We've had several quests dealing with water. Even finding the crystal that had plunged into the water," Viator said.

  "And the poison in the water," Balen added. "But we haven't had any quest to do with fire. Which makes me think of a dragon's fire."

  "The shadow symbol is glowing on this door," Eloria said.

  If Balen was right about this having to do with the shadow elves, Viator hoped that they wouldn't try to lock Eloria up, once they realized why she was there. They went through the door and on the other side, they were in woods that he recognized. "You were right. This is the shadow elves' territory."

  The shadow elves could even be following them now, hidden in the trees, not showing themselves, sending word to the king to see what he wanted to do about the intrusion.

  "Good. Then I can see Persephonice and finish my mission," she said.

  "Somehow, I feel that all of this has been part of your mission. What if she wants to return to your world?" Viator asked. "We've only believed she wouldn't."

  "She can't. Neither of us can. Zorak took away our ability to return to the ship or to contact them when they're within range."

  "You're really all right about staying here with us?" Viator realized that might be some of the reason she was staying here. Not because of him but because she had no choice.

  "I don't have a choice, but it doesn't matter. I doubt Persephonice will want to leave and I would never have tried to force her to go back to the ship. Which means her father would have abandoned me here anyway."

  Balen shook his head. "We are glad you are here, even if you can't remember to include our titles when you address us or speak of us to others."

  Eloria smiled. "I'm glad to be here with both you and the prince, even if the prince's parents are not happy about it."

  "I will work on that," Viator reassured her.

  They hadn't traveled far when they were suddenly surrounded by warrior elves, both male and female, dressed in clothes that blended in with the woods. One moment they weren't there and the next, they were. Viator wasn't surprised. Rumors said that's how they got their name.

  "Prince Viator, Lord Balen, and…?" Prince Cronus asked, the crown prince of the shadow elves, as he eyed Eloria with intrigue. "You are like the other one."

  "Persephonice? She is my best friend." Eloria smiled.

  King Sar was Prince Cronus's father, and Dracolin's father, Lord Palmoran was the king's chief advisor. Viator hoped they wouldn't take offense to Eloria's being here.

  "She is Eloria," Viator quickly said. "Truly a friend of Persephonice."

  "From Persephonice's home world? Have you come to take her away from Dracolin and our people?" Cronus asked, looking ready to arrest Eloria and take her prisoner, sounding as though he didn't trust the human.

  "No. I'm here to ensure she is happy and to renew our friendship."

  "You must understand that I don't trust you, nor will my father or Dracolin's." Cronus and several of the warriors escorted them to their village.

  Viator suspected the only way that they could convince the shadow elves that Eloria had come in peace was if she didn't steal Persephonice away from them, and Eloria instead returned with him to his own kingdom. Which remained a tenable situation with his own mother and father distrusting her.

  When they finally reached the king's court, they discovered King Sar was actually conducting court business. But he dismissed all his courtiers upon seeing the red-haired girl with his son and Viator and the others. Lord Palmoran was also present.

  "What do we have here?" the king asked, narrowing his eyes as he studied Eloria. "Another one like Persephonice?"

  "Her friend," Cronus said. "So she says."

  "Are we to welcome you, or imprison you?" the king asked, sitting back against his throne.

  "You should welcome me," Eloria said, sounding sure of herself, before Viator could say the same. "Yes, Persephonice's father sent me to locate her and convince her to return to the ship. But Prince Zorak destroyed the means we have to either contact the commander or return to the ship. I have learned Persephonice is married to one of your men, and I'm fairly certain she is happy here and wouldn't want to leave anyway. I still have to see her for myself, and I'd love to renew our friendship."

  "So you say that you are both stuck here, until her father sends others of your kind," the king said, sounding angry.

  "It's possible, but he won't be returning for me. Just Persephonice."

  The king raised his brows.

  "I haven't done as he commanded me, and I'm sure if he sent more people, he would only take Persephonice back. Or at least try. I would be on my own."

  "Eloria is staying with me," Viator quickly added, so that no one would get the idea that Eloria might be interested in joining the shadow elves. She was his.

  "I thought you were betrothed to Sendal," Cronus said. "Eloria can stay with us, since her best friend resides with us."

  Viator was amused that Cronus would say so, even though his father didn't appear to agree with them harboring any more of these humans. "Rumors only. Unfounded rumors."

  Balen scoffed. "My sister will be a terror."

  "And the king and queen?" King Sar asked. "Your mother and father? How do they view this…arrangement?"

  "She is the one destined to turn my kingdom upside down, according to our prophecy." Viator figured it didn't matter if the shadow elves knew the trouble she was for them. It was their prophecy after all.

  King Sar's mouth gaped, his eyes widening. He looked as though he was horrified at the news, yet a small smile lifted the corner of his lips an
d he appeared glad that she wasn't staying here. Prince Cronus looked amused also.

  "Is Persephonice here?" Eloria asked.

  "She is still in the northern reaches." King Sar sat taller. "If you want to see her sooner than later, you'll have to go there and meet up with them. But you'll need warmer clothes than you now wear."

  "We can loan you some clothes," Cronus said. "And if you're not prepared, we'll gather food supplies for you. We’ve been worried it’s taking them too long."

  "Thank you," Viator said. "Balen and I are good for clothes but Eloria might need something warmer. And we really hadn't prepared to be gone for too long." He was thinking about how they were supposed to return to the high elves' castle for dinner. "If you wouldn't mind sending word to Prince Zorak that we might miss dinner with him, we would be grateful." He had considered returning to see him before they left, but he'd rather do this now, as eager as he knew Eloria was to meet up with her friend. He was just as eager to resolve this situation between the two women, finish his quests, and then deal with his parents' issue of taking Eloria in as their daughter-in-law.

  "Thank you." Eloria sounded relieved that she was going to see her friend and Viator was glad to help her out in any way that he could.

  "Make it happen." King Sar dismissed them then.

  Cronus said to the three of them as they left the court, "Viator, you and Balen come with me to gather what you think you'll need in the line of food. Eloria, you can go with Helena. She will help you dress more warmly."

  "Thank you," Eloria said, and then Helena led her to another abode.

  Cronus led Viator and Balen to the main kitchen of the shadow elf castle and said to Viator, "If you find another one of these extraordinary humans, send word to me, won't you? I seem to always be too late to catch one of my own. Where did you capture her?"

  "Sontran's Cliff."

  Cronus's eyes widened. "The same place where Dracolin found Persephonice?"

  "Aye, the very same place. Prince Zorak actually rescued her from the blue elves, and I took her hostage before he could do so."

  Cronus smiled.

  "But then the river elves threw her from the cliffs and Lars was fuming mad. He wanted her for his own."

  Cronus shook his head. "Do you think she will bring trouble to all of us when Persephonice's father realizes neither woman is returning to him?"

  "I do. We will either have to hide the women away or face our new foes."

  "They have abilities none of us do," Cronus warned.

  "And so do Eloria and Persephonice. They can teach us how to repel the invaders from our cliffs."

  "You have no prophecy about that, I take it."


  "The cooks will set aside whatever meals you need," Cronus said, half to Viator and half to the royal cooks. Then he said to Viator, "You will tell me if you find another one of these creatures, won't you?"

  "You would have to both suit each other, and I doubt your father would agree to you marrying anyone other than another shadow elf."

  Balen pointed out the food they would need and nodded. "Viator's father and mother don't agree with Viator's choice. They've banished Eloria from the castle."

  "Yet you still intend to keep her for your own?" Cronus looked like maybe he had a chance with her yet.

  "They seemed to be tied together no matter what." Balen pointed to rolls and nodded to the cook.

  "I noticed your wings are nearly transparent. You are both coming of age."

  "Just a couple of more quests." At least Viator was hopeful. "What is it that Persephonice and Dracolin are attempting to accomplish in the northern reaches?"

  "They are trying to resolve issues between the snow giants and the ice dragons. I can't imagine anything more difficult than that."

  "Maybe we can help them." Though Viator didn't know how they could.

  Balen glanced at him, sharing the same view, that he didn't know how they could manage either.

  "Can Eloria speak with other creatures like Persephonice can?" Cronus asked.

  "Aye. She can talk to the dragons. She can call on the dragon who won’t be tamed."

  Cronus clamped his gaping mouth shut, shook his head, and folded his arms. "I want one of those."

  "The dragon who cannot be tamed?"

  "No, one of these land-bound mermaids. Eloria can swim?"


  Cronus sighed. "I will be more vigilant, searching the cliffs daily, if not to look for another one of these remarkable women, to alert our people if warriors come to try and take Persephonice home. She thought that her father had given up on her."

  "We will let her know that he hasn't and maybe she can tell us what we need to do to deal with more of them, should they show up." Viator just hoped it would never come to that.


  Eloria selected clothes that she could wear so that she would be comfortable in the cold: winter boots, a warmer winter cloak, leg bindings, and a tunic lined with fur with a fur hood. The female elf warrior also gave her a backpack that, when Eloria filled it with her clothes and the warm weather gear, it was as if she was holding nothing at all.

  "My gifts to you," Helena said.

  Eloria gave her a hug, surprising the woman, but she smiled in return.

  "I am a good friend to Persephonice. I would be the same for you. Dracolin's former girlfriend, Tslian, is still angry he would take an outsider to be his mate. But I enjoy Persephonice's company. She is a true friend in every way."

  "I'm glad to be your friend as well."

  "Viator will be your mate?"

  "If all goes well, yes. Persephonice is happy with Dracolin?"

  "Oh, yes. The two of them are inseparable. They couldn't be happier. I'm a warrior. What is your occupation?" the elf asked.

  "A warrior also. But my job is to persuade others to do what is right without resorting to violence."

  "Oh, that's what Persephonice does." Then Helena frowned. "Is that why her father sent you? To persuade her to return without resorting to violence?"

  "Yes, and because I'm her best friend. But her father won't get his way this time."

  "I would like to go with you, but my job is here, protecting the shadow elf realm. Good luck to you."


  A knock on the door sounded and Helena answered it. "She is ready. Good luck to you, my lords."

  "Your wings will be all right in freezing weather?" Eloria asked Viator and Balen. She wasn't even sure they could call a dragon to their aid if they needed one.

  "Aye. They withstand snow, just not rain." Viator took her hand.

  "We have to be careful of ice though," Balen warned. "But our warm cloaks will protect our wings when we're not flying. Once they are fully transparent, they will be as if they don't exist and will withstand all weather conditions. Which is why it's imperative that we complete our quests."

  "That will be good." Eloria noticed that Viator was no longer insisting that he do the quests first so that his wings would be transparent sooner, and she was glad that he and Balen could do this together. She was a bit apprehensive of going into the northern reaches and meeting enormous giants and trying to persuade them to not kill them outright though. She was proud of Persephonice for helping the creatures of this world find peace. Eloria could think of no greater vocation than that.

  They said goodbye to Prince Cronus and Helena and several other warrior elves before they took to the sky while Viator carried Eloria on his back.

  "Do you ever weary of carrying me?" Eloria asked.

  "I am honored. I never thought I would have the opportunity to share this kind of intimacy with a mate of mine, whom I thought would be a winged elf and flying on her own."

  "What will we do if Persephonice's father sends a whole bunch of warriors to search for her?"

  "We will prevail. We have for a few millennia," Viator assured her.

  But she wasn't reassured. Her people had vastly superior technology compared to the elves. She feared for
them. But she would stand against her people to protect the elves the best she could.

  "How will we even find Persephonice and Dracolin?" She hoped Viator had some clue. She could imagine them flying around until Viator and Balen were exhausted and not ever finding them.

  "Prince Cronus gave us directions. There's only one place where the snow giants and ice dragons live in the same vicinity. As long as Persephonice and Dracolin are still there, we should find them."

  They flew for about an hour and then spied snow-covered mountains dotted with caves. "Ice dragons'?" she asked.

  "Possibly. I hope that your reputation with the dragons reaches this far north."

  "Aww, but you and Balen also aided the dragonlings' rescue, so hopefully we'll all receive a good reception."

  That's when they saw five dragons flying in their direction. They were almost impossible to see because of their silver, white, and pale blue scales against the snowy sky, a soft scattering of snowflakes falling about them. She'd seen snow before and loved it. She'd love it more once she was sure they'd all be safely done with this quest.

  "Do they shoot ice?" Eloria supposed she should have asked that before.

  "Fire. The creatures up here are well protected from snow and ice, so the dragons have fire to heat things up. They're checking us out, making sure we're not here to harm them."

  Balen glanced at Viator and Eloria. "Your crystals are both glowing, which could be a good sign or bad, depending if the green wizard was friends of these dragons."

  The dragons hovered in the chilled air several hundred feet away.

  Then one moved in their direction and called out, "You are like the other, but not."

  "Persephonice? Is she here?" Eloria asked.

  "She can speak with the dragons," Balen said, as if he'd forgotten that she could.

  "I am Rollin, king of the ice dragons in this region. Merkle, king of the snow giants in this territory, has taken the overseer Persephonice and the warrior Dracolin hostage. We cannot free them. But we can tell you where they are, if you do not know. Can you help them? They were trying to aid us in finding peace with the giants. King Merkle is a hardheaded giant and I doubt we can resolve our issues."


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