Wishful Kisses: A Fountain of Love Novella

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Wishful Kisses: A Fountain of Love Novella Page 2

by Krista Lakes

  He turned to me and smiled. God, I already loved that smile. "Okay," Tony said. He offered me his arm, and together we walked down the street, arm in arm like royalty. I was just glad I got to touch him.

  "So what do you do in the Army?" I asked. I felt a little silly, but I wanted to know everything about him. I wanted to stay up all night learning everything there was to no about him.

  "Lots of things." He shrugged. "Our team specializes in protecting things."

  "You protect things? Then I feel very safe." I stepped closer to him, hugging his arm. "You know, because this is a very dangerous neighborhood and all."

  Tony glanced around at the bright streetlights, the well manicured lawns, and nice cars sitting in driveways. Several homes even had their windows open on the ground floor.

  "Don't you worry, ma'am. No one will harm a hair on your head," he promised gravely, puffing his chest out and frowning at a sinister-looking bush. "What about you? You said you're a student?"

  "I just graduated with my degree in art." I loved the way his arm felt under mine. He was strong. "I'm supposed to go to LA when we get back and intern with a film company. I'm going to help make movie sets. It's what I've always wanted to do."

  "Any plans to become an actress?" he asked. I laughed.

  "Actress? Me?" I shook my head fervently. "No. Besides a complete inability to act, I'm not exactly what Hollywood actresses look like."


  I turned to look at him, surprised at the sudden language.

  "You're gorgeous," he explained. He dropped my arm and stepped back, looking me up and down. Appraising me. I blushed, knowing his eyes were undressing me. I was pale, heavier than I wanted to be, and yet thin in my arms. My friends always said I was petite and tiny, but I never felt that way. I had never seen myself as beautiful. My best feature was my hair, but I was far from gorgeous. His face said he wasn't lying, though. I didn't know what to do with him looking at me like this, so I tucked my hands in my pockets and blushed.

  "Pose for me," he commanded, frowning at my hands hiding in my jeans. "Like an actress would."

  My blush deepened, but I struck my best model pose, throwing one hand up in the air and thrusting out a hip. He brought his hands up like he was holding a camera and took an imaginary picture.

  "Yup," he said nodding at the invisible camera shot. "Gorgeous. You'd take them all by storm."

  I dropped my arms and glared at him. "You have a silver tongue, sir," I teased him.

  "So I've been told," he said nonchalantly and gave a self-deprecating laugh. "Well, not really, but I like to think so."

  His almost shy smile took hold of my heart as he offered me his arm again and we continued to walk toward the condo.

  "So what do you think Dean and Matt's chances are with your friends?" he asked. I frowned, pulling back slightly. He smiled reassuringly at me. "I mean, I just want to know so I can buy them the appropriate ice cream when they get their hearts dashed to pieces."

  The idea of the big, muscled Matt crying into a container of ice cream was rather amusing. It wasn't something I could ever see happening.

  "Well, Jenny will go home with any guy who smiles and buys her a drink.," I answered honestly. "Rachel's fairly picky, but that Dean guy looks like just her type. She has a thing for blue eyes."

  "So, Dean has a shot with Rachel. That's good. He liked her, and Matt..."

  "Matt has a sure thing with Jenny," I interrupted. He raised his eyebrows at me. I shrugged. "I love my friends, but I do know their habits."

  I pulled out the keys from my pocket as we approached the front door of the condo. It looked small after the luxury of Tony's aunt's palace, but it was cozy and I liked it.

  "What about me?" Tony asked, leaning against the door frame as I unlocked the door and pushed it open. "What are my chances?"

  "Play your cards right, and you'll see," I teased. grinning at him. The guy was two steps from being inside my condo. He pretty much had a sure thing as well.

  "You mean like this?" He caught my arm, pulling me back onto the porch in a spin that landed me in his arms. He then palmed the back of my neck and pulled me into him, connecting our mouths in a kiss that took my breath away. His tongue traced the curve of my lips, begging for entry. I opened my mouth and let him kiss me more deeply, and holy cow, did he rock my world. The man could kiss. I hooked my fingers in the belt loops of his jeans, pressing myself into him. My world was spinning out of control with that perfect kiss, and he was the only solid thing I had to hold on to.

  He slowly released me from his kiss, leaving me gasping for more.

  "You're definitely on the right track," I whispered. He grinned, illuminating the night with his beaming smile. I stepped into the condo, my heart fluttering in my chest, glad that he was right behind me. This was going to be the best night of my vacation.

  Chapter 3

  Present Day

  There was a small grocery store on the corner of the street by my apartment on my way to the coffee shop. I stood in front of it for a good minute, trying to decide if I should buy some coffee for tomorrow now, or on my way back. I decided on "now" because on my way back, I would have my hands full of delicious mocha latte.

  "Hi, Kim," a happy voice greeted me from across the quiet store. Penny, one of the employees waved at me. She was a cute, little college student that had worked in the store for the past few years. Since it was the only place I shopped, the two of us had become casual friends. I waved back and headed in her direction. She was restocking the coffee.

  "Anything new I should try?" I asked, trying to start a conversation. I thought that maybe a little human contact might make me feel better. Less lost in the world.

  "Nah, just same old same old," she said with a shrug. "Well, unless you count this as new..."

  She thrust out her left hand. A small, sparkly diamond glittered on her ring finger.

  "It's beautiful," I said, taking her hand and peering at the stone. I hoped I sounded excited, because I certainly didn't feel it. It wasn't that I wasn't happy for her, I really was, but someone else's wedding was the last thing I wanted to think about with Tony on my mind.

  "It was Jeremy's grandmother's," she cooed, grinning at the ring. "He proposed last night. It was super romantic."

  "That's wonderful!" I let go of her ring and forced my face into a happy smile. I really was happy for her, just jealous. Incredibly jealous.

  "I thought we were going out because he just got this big promotion. He got a dozen red roses, because they're my favorite, and made reservations at Le Chez..." Penny continued, launching into a complete retelling of the entire night. I stood there, nodding and making the appropriate noises, but my heart wasn't in it. Sweet little Penny was getting everything I had wanted in life.

  "And then, my mom and dad showed up and I knew something was going on..."

  My family was gone. I didn't have any siblings, and all my older relatives had died off as the years passed. Since I had never married, I didn't have any other family. I had some good work friends, but many of them had their own families. I spent most of my evenings alone. As Penny gave every wonderful detail of the proposal, I couldn't help but compare our two lives. I felt I was coming up short. She was telling me all the things I had dreamed of having, but never would.

  "The whole restaurant was full of our friends and family, and he just stood up in front of all of them to propose. It was so sweet of him to think of all of it," Penny finished. She had a happy, wistful look on her face. I could see wedding dresses and flowers already floating through her mind.

  "I'm so happy for you, Penny." I picked out a bag of coffee and held it in the crook of my arm. "Congratulations."

  "Thank you! I think we're going to have a June wedding. My niece will be just old enough to be the flower girl. I'll be sure to get you an invitation!"

  "That is incredibly kind of you, thank you. I wish you all the best," I said, my voice cracking a little at the end. Penny was a sweet gir
l. I had even met her Jeremy once or twice, and the two of them seemed incredibly in love; it was my own lack of love and future that pained me. Penny had nowhere to go but up, and I had nowhere but down. I didn't want to hear any more of her perfect life. I was envious enough as it was.

  "We'll have dancing, so be sure to bring a date," Penny added. I managed a smile and a nod. I knew I wouldn't have a date. I could try, but I knew my heart wouldn't be in it. If my dreams of Tony recently were any indication, my heart had been given away a long time ago.

  "Congratulations again, Penny," I said, patting her shoulder and then bolting to the checkout line. I just wanted to get home and put my coffee away. I thought about just staying in, making the coffee in my single-serve pot, but the idea of a specialty coffee with whipped cream sounded so much better. I needed the treat. I needed something to look forward to, even if it was just a cup of coffee.

  I handed my bag of coffee to the cashier and tried not to think about the fact that my life's greatest pleasure was a cup of coffee.

  Chapter 4

  June 7th, 1990

  I lay awake, nestled in the curve of Tony's shoulder, listening to his steady heartbeat in the early morning. I had been awake for at least half an hour, just listening to him breathe. The sun was still just waking up herself, filling the room with a cold gray light that would soon melt into warmth.

  I was in love. I knew it already. The feeling filled me from the core of my stomach to the tips of my toes. Even my hair felt in love. I had never met anyone like Tony. He thought I was beautiful, smart, and so sexy. He could barely keep his hands off me. In addition, he treated me like a princess. He opened doors and pulled out my chair.

  I took a deep breath, taking in the smell of his skin. It was warm and had the aroma of sunshine. My hand traced the curve of his pectoral muscle, down the line of his abs, each of them perfectly sculpted and beautiful. He was like a Greek statue. I couldn't believe that he was here, in my bed. It had to be a dream. There was no way I could fall this head over heels in love with someone I had met just two days before. It wasn't logical. It was magical. It was fate.

  The alarm on the nightstand started to beep, destroying my morning of admiration. Tony groaned and opened one eye to glare at the offending clock. His fingers wiggled along the nightstand until he found the "Snooze" button. With the beeping stopped, he relaxed back into his pillow and I could feel him drifting back to sleep.

  "Wake up, sleepy head," I whispered and kissed his cheek.

  "Mmmph." He scowled a little.

  "Today is your fun boys’ day, remember?" I said gently, still playing with the muscles of his chest and abs. I circled one nipple on his pectoral, letting it harden as I played with it. "You were looking forward to this."

  "Well, now you've got me looking forward to something else," he mumbled, his voice heavy with sleep but filled with want. I giggled and kissed the soft skin where his shoulder joined his body. He was all muscle with just enough meat on his bones to make him look real.

  "Just think, motorcycles... loose women... money..." I shifted my position so I could take his nipple into my mouth, running my tongue along the upright nub. He groaned with pleasure.

  "You certainly do make getting up easier." I could hear a laugh hiding under his words. It took me a moment to get the dirty joke, but when it hit me, I smacked his chest. He laughed and grabbed my fingers, kissing the tips of each one. I bit my lip. Maybe we could get another romp in before...

  The alarm clock went off again. He was quicker finding the "Snooze" button this time since he was actually awake.

  "You are going to be late," I said, pushing at his ribs to roll him out of bed. Despite my best efforts, he didn't even budge.

  "What if I would rather spend my day with you? Here in bed?" He rolled onto his side and up onto an elbow so he could cradle his head in his hand. It made the muscles of his shoulder and bicep pop out. It was such a tempting offer.

  "I think your friends would miss you." I tried to keep from drooling while looking at his arms. The idea of having those arms on either side of my head again, his body writhing against mine...

  He leaned forward and kissed my forehead. "I'll see plenty of them in a week. I only have right now with you."

  My heart melted a little bit. But I knew he had been looking forward to this day for a long time. All three of them had. They had been planning it for weeks. While I loved the idea of getting to spend every second with him, I also didn't want him to flake out on his friends. They technically had dibs on him first.

  "You couldn't stop talking about how excited you were about this last night," I reminded him gently. "How grateful you were that your old neighbor was letting you borrow the bikes. Besides, the guys are going to be here any minute, and you are going to look funny answering the door like that."

  I nodded down to the tent growing in the sheets. He frowned slightly.

  "That," he said, eyeing the upright bed covering, "is entirely your fault."

  "Get up," I commanded, trying not to giggle.

  "Yes, ma'am," he answered, jumping out of bed. He didn't even bother to try and cover himself as he went around the room picking up his scattered clothing. I sat back and enjoyed the view. The man had an exquisite ass.

  "You sure you want me to go?" he asked, pulling the shirt down over his head. "I know the guys would understand... Jim will still give them the bikes, even if I'm not there..."

  "Go!" I told him with a laugh. "While you three are all off being macho, we girls have plans too."

  A loud knock on the door to the condo announced the arrival of the other two men. I could hear Dean shouting, "Frontera!" at the front door. Tony grinned and hurried over to kiss me one last time. His lips pressed against mine for far too short a time, and he stole a quick kiss on the top of my nose.

  "I'll see you this afternoon. Don't go kissing anybody else," he teased. I threw his pillow at him, which he easily dodged, darting out the door and down the stairs to meet his friends.

  Chapter 5

  June 7th, 1990

  I wasn't paying attention to my book. I wasn't paying attention to the people walking down the beach or the kids building a sandcastle at the house next door. No, I was intently listening for the roar of a motorcycle coming up the driveway, because that would mean Tony was back.

  Rachel turned over on her beach towel, letting the sun tan her back. She and Jenny looked perfectly at ease out on the beach. I sat on my towel, watching the waves and listening. I wondered if they were listening too.

  I heard them. To me, they were like rumbling thunder in the distance. But it got louder, and my heart sped up as the sound of three motorcycle engines revved up to the house.

  "They're here!" I practically shouted, throwing my book down on the sand and taking off for the driveway. The speed at which Jenny was on my heels told me she was listening for their arrival as well. Rachel was the last one to come up to the driveway.

  Jenny ran out into the street and hopped onto the back of Matt's bike, wrapping her arms around his broad chest as he began to drive up and down on the street.

  Tony and Dean were showing off for us. The two of them weaved back and forth in an intricate figure-eight that looked deadly. Dean motioned with his hand, and they switched from the death defying dance into a tight circle, chasing one another but never going anywhere. Their bikes were nearly parallel to the ground, spinning until I was dizzy.

  Tony pulled out of the spin, revving his engine as he drove to where I stood. I had my hands on my face in complete amazement. Not only was the guy good-looking and fantastic in bed, but he could ride a bike like he was born on one.

  "Wanna ride?" Tony asked, grinning at me. My face hurt I was smiling so hard. I nodded, and he pulled me onto the back of his bike. He revved the engine and took off his helmet, handing it back to me. I kissed his cheek and put it on. He revved the engine again, making me giggle and I held tight to his strong body.

  Rachel seemed hesitant to get on the
bike with Dean, but she finally did. Together the three of us raced up and down the quiet street.

  I loved how I felt so safe on the back of Tony's motorcycle. I was vibrating with the engine and holding onto Tony, pressing myself into him. It was almost as if the three of us—Tony, the bike, and I—were one. Tony and Matt pretended to rush one another, darting to their respective rights at the very last second. I could almost feel the breeze from Jenny's hair.

  Tony turned and together, he and Matt revved their engines and rushed toward Dean. I knew Tony and Matt were going to let Dean slide through the space between them. It was such a rush. I laughed, throwing my head back in exhilaration.

  "Let me off!" Rachel screamed, pounding her hand on Dean's back. He pulled quickly to the side of the road and she threw herself off the bike and into the grass. She fought off the helmet and looked like she was about to be sick. Dean hurried to her side with concern in his eyes. Matt and Tony stopped their daredevil antics and let their bikes idle in the street as we waited.

  Rachel shook her head fervently at something Dean said, and he nodded, taking the helmet from her shaking hands. He said something, and she gave him a week smile as he put the helmet back on and got back on his bike. He rode over to where we waited.

  "So, Rachel's not feeling up for riding," he said as if we hadn't been watching. "I'm going to put my bike in the garage. Will you make sure it gets back to Jim?"

  "Of course," Tony promised. "You go make sure she's okay."

  I gave him a silent hug. Dean nodded and steered his bike up to the garage of the big beach house. We watched him for a moment as he turned off the engine and started to jog to catch up to Rachel. I hadn't noticed, but she was almost halfway to the boardwalk.

  "Few more laps around the neighborhood, and then get some grub?" Matt asked. Jenny peeped over his shoulder like a Cheshire cat.

  Tony nodded and revved his engine. I felt the motorcycle vibrate underneath me, sending shivers of excitement up my thighs and pulsing on my nether regions. Between the sensation of the bike and being pressed against Tony, it wouldn't be difficult to find ecstasy.


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