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Dragons of Asgard 3

Page 15

by Logan Jacobs

  “Right,” I said. “I got the sense he’s lost members of his own family to the dragon trade. He was very concerned about the mother, which was why he offered to stay with her and look after her while she heals.”

  “It’s really incredible to me how dragons look after one another,” Eira said with a shake of her head. “I never expected that from them. I guess I wasn’t really sure what to expect, but they’re such giant creatures, it would seem normal for them to be somewhat territorial, but they’re not.”

  “I’m not sure it’s always been like that,” Preyna said. “They’re incredibly intelligent, and I don’t think they’ve ever had any sort of issue with one another, but I don’t think they’ve always lived in the valley as they do now. Before, when the world was safer for them, dragons traveled through portals often and would go to different realms to hunt, or even to live there. But now that nowhere is safe for them anymore, it seems they’ve banded together to try and make things easier for one another and keep each other safe.”

  “I guess that makes sense.” Asta nodded. “They’ve lived in the valley for as long as I can remember, but I’m not very old, either.”

  “How old are you?” Kas asked.

  “I’m seventy-two,” Asta said with a sweet smile.

  “Whoa,” Eira laughed. “I wasn’t expecting that.”

  “How old are you?” Asta inquired.

  “Nowhere near that old,” the redhead chuckled.

  Asgardians and elves aged very slowly, so seventy was still fairly young, but Asta was older than the rest of us, except Preyna, of course, and I was surprised by her age given her naive nature.

  Preyna took a drink of her mead, finally, and she turned to look at me with wide brown eyes.

  “This is delicious,” the sorceress said with a wide smile.

  “I’m glad you like it,” I laughed.

  “Mmm.” She took another drink. “This is much better than the ale Odin keeps in the castle. I’d gladly pay you to make some for my chambers.”

  “You don’t have to pay me,” I told her. “I’ll happily make you some, but it will take a few weeks.”

  “However long it takes is fine,” she chuckled. “I’ll eagerly await its delivery.”

  “Speaking of your chambers.” Kas frowned. “Should you be getting home, Preyna?”

  “Oh, right.” I nodded, and my brow furrowed with concern. “We don’t want to keep you. I’m sure Blar would be up for making one more portal.”

  “I’m not so sure about that,” Kas laughed and pointed to where the little dragon laid on his back near the fire and snored up a storm.

  “Mmm.” I shook my head and smiled. “Well, I can escort you home.”

  “That’s alright,” Preyna said. “My duties are fulfilled for the evening, and there are no council meetings tomorrow. I’d prefer to stay here with you all for the night. If that’s alright with you, of course.”

  “Oh.” I felt my face flush slightly with embarrassment at the thought of Preyna sleeping anywhere near me. “Yes, of course. We’d love for you to stay.”

  “Thank you,” the sorceress said, and she took another drink of mead but quickly swallowed and turned to me. “Mm, I almost forgot. Did Ramir get that spell done for you?”

  “Yes.” I nodded. “We have the man’s whereabouts marked on the map.”

  “Oh, good,” she said. “I suppose you’ll be leaving in the morning to see where he’s been.”

  “That’s right,” I agreed.

  “Then I shall accompany you,” the sorceress said nonchalantly, and she took another sip of her mead.

  Chapter 10

  “I’m sorry?” I asked, and my brow furrowed with confusion.

  The sorceress never failed to surprise me, but I was sure I’d misheard the beautiful blonde.

  “I’m coming with you,” she repeated, and it wasn’t a question, but rather, an announcement.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I said softly.

  “Are you telling me I can’t go?” Preyna asked, and she lifted her chin slightly as she regarded me coolly.

  Kas’ violet eyes landed on mine, and the Valkyrie raised an eyebrow at me.

  “The mission tomorrow could be very dangerous,” I warned Preyna as I ignored Kas’ glance.

  “I can handle myself,” the beautiful blonde sorceress said before she took another drink of mead.

  “I’m sure Preyna can handle herself,” Kas said with a nod. “She is incredibly powerful after all.”

  “Thank you, Kas.” Preyna smiled at her fellow sorceress.

  “I know she is,” I agreed. “I just don’t want to draw any suspicion with Odin or Freya at the castle.”

  “I already said, there are no council meetings tomorrow,” Preyna repeated. “I have the day off, so I’d like to come with you. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you didn’t want me coming along.”

  “It’s not that.” I shook my head. “I just worry about you being out in the field with us. Things can get very dangerous very quickly.”

  “I appreciate that,” Preyna said. “It’s been a while since I’ve been on a mission like this, but I assure you, I remember a thing or two about being in battle.”

  The blonde sorceress turned to wink at me, and it seemed I’d lost the fight. Preyna was bound and determined to come with us, and in all honesty, she was very powerful, and we could probably use her help. As long as it didn’t draw Odin’s attention, I didn’t see the harm in it.

  I was starting to think Kas’ comment about me accumulating women was right, but I just laughed to myself and took another drink of mead.

  The dragons all curled up next to Blar by the fire. Inger had her head on the little blue dragon’s belly while Uffe was curled up near his tail with Svass pressed against him.

  They all seemed incredibly tired, and I couldn’t blame them for being exhausted after the day we’d had. Not only had it been long because we’d been up before dawn, but it had also been emotionally draining.

  I knew all the dragons had been worried about the baby and his mother, we all had, actually, and that concern took a lot out of us. Luckily, it had all worked out, but still, even I was quite tired.

  The girls chatted while I finished my first pint of mead, and when I stood up and offered to get more, all of the girls requested a refill. I filled the cups up quickly, and then I made my way back to the fire with the freshly filled glasses.

  I took a large swig of the honey-sweetened ale and stretched my legs out to warm my feet by the flames.

  “If we’re going to go to the place where Ramir marked tomorrow, then we should leave early in the morning,” I said when there was a pause in the girls’ conversation.

  “Right,” Asta agreed. “We should probably head to bed soon.”

  “If you want, you can sleep in the cottage,” Kas told Preyna. “The rest of us will probably sleep out here by the fire. We’re used to sleeping outside.”

  “I’ve slept outside many a time before as well,” Preyna said with a smile. “I’d be glad to sleep out here with you all, too, if you’ll have me.”

  “Oh, of course,” Kas said, and her eyes went wide as she shook her head. “I didn’t mean anything by it, I just… well, we’ve seen your chambers at the castle.”

  “Yes, they’re quite nice,” Preyna laughed. “But I do sometimes miss the simpler things in life. When I was training, my father often took me to the woods, and we would camp out for days.”

  “Oh, I bet that was fun,” Asta said with a smile.

  “My father was never really big on camping.” Kas shrugged.

  “I can understand why,” Eira laughed. “Ramir’s not one to be without his big, comfy couch, it seems.”

  “That’s true,” Kas chuckled. “He prefers to be seated by the fire with a good book in his lap over anything else.”

  “I used to camp out all the time when I was on my own,” Asta offered. “Though, I’m not sure it was considered camping s
ince I lived in the woods.”

  “It must have been very difficult for you.” Preyna frowned.

  “It was alright.” Asta smiled and shrugged. “I learned a lot about different plants.”

  “It’s true,” I agreed. “Asta knows all about herbs, and she makes the best tea.”

  “Thank you, Rath.” The white-haired elf girl blushed and looked down.

  “Oh, I love a good cup of tea,” Preyna said. “I’d love to try some one day.”

  “Of course!” Asta perked up, and a huge grin spread across her face. “I’d love to make you tea. I’ll get up early tomorrow and make some for everyone.”

  “You don’t have to do that,” Preyna said. “I’m sure you’d like to sleep in.”

  “Not really,” the elf girl giggled. “We’re always up early, aren’t we, Rath?”

  “Most days,” I agreed.

  “Well, thank you.” Preyna nodded. “I look forward to it.”

  I hated to think about Asta living out in the woods alone like she had been before we’d met, but it was a part of her past that made her who she was, and I appreciated her for it. She was a very strong and determined woman, which was part of the reason she’d made it as long as she had out on her own. I’d never really inquired as to when her parents died, but from the sounds of it, she was without them for a long time before she met us.

  It was no wonder she joined our group so quickly when we found her, especially given her background with the elf king, and him throwing her in his dungeon for stealing some bread. With us, Asta knew she’d never go hungry, and I would always protect her, no matter the cost.

  Asta even soul bonded with me incredibly quickly, and I was truly very lucky to have her, Kas, and Eira in my life. Eira hadn’t soul bonded with me yet, but I hoped that would come soon, and I would wait as long as necessary for her to decide that was what she wanted.

  Maybe one day Preyna would decide that as well, but right then I couldn’t allow the thought to go any further. There was too much else going on, and the beautiful sorceress was still far out of my league, even though she was coming with us on our mission tomorrow.

  I slowly sipped my second pint of mead, and then I went into the house and gathered up some blankets and pillows for us all. I set up one large bed near the fire for Kas, Asta, Eira, and me, and I set up another one on the other side of the fire pit for Preyna. I doubted the sorceress wanted to sleep in the same bed with us, though I couldn’t say I’d mind.

  “Thank you, Rath,” Preyna told me as Kas, Asta, and Eira made their way to our bed. “I appreciate you making me my own bed, though I wouldn’t have minded sleeping with you all. It looks quite cozy over there.”

  Preyna flashed her pearly-white teeth at me, and I smiled at the beautiful sorceress, but I wasn’t sure what to say. The thought of her sleeping close to me was enough to make my heart pound, and my palms grew sweaty with nervousness.

  The girls all settled into bed, and Blar walked over to where Preyna laid on her blankets and curled up next to her.

  “Oh, are you joining me this evening?” Preyna laughed and stroked down Blar’s back.

  The little blue dragon rolled over so Preyna could scratch his belly, and she happily obliged.

  I just shook my head and crawled into bed with the girls since I knew they were waiting for me to join them before they actually fell asleep.

  Once I was in the blankets with the girls around me, I let out a deep breath and looked up at the sky. It felt good to be back home, even if I wasn’t sure how long we’d be here.

  Most of the time, I stayed up to keep watch while the girls slept, but here, I didn’t feel the need to do that tonight. We were home, and I knew we were safe.

  I heard a small huff, and I turned to see Preyna’s light-brown eyes staring at me from across the fire.

  When my eyes caught hers, she quickly looked down, and I saw her cheeks flush. I smiled to myself and then turned back toward the sky. It seemed the golden-haired sorceress was a little bit jealous, and the thought of that nearly made me laugh out loud.

  Preyna was absolutely stunning, and she could have absolutely anybody she wanted. She could even have me, if she chose to.

  I knew it wasn’t black-and-white, but still, I couldn’t imagine her needing to be jealous, ever. She was more than capable of obtaining any man she wanted, myself included.

  There had to be more holding her back than just her position at the castle. She was here with us tonight, after all, and I knew she wouldn’t be if she felt there was a chance Odin would find out about our mission.

  I supposed it could be her position with the council that held her back from being with me. We had to work together, and it would probably be incredibly awkward between her and the other council members if she and I were sleeping together. I wasn’t sure they would approve of such a relationship, and I most definitely didn’t want to cause Preyna any issues.

  Still, I had plenty to worry about without concerning myself as to whether or not Preyna and I would eventually get together. I’d leave that up to her for the moment. I was happy with the women in my life, and I was just grateful Preyna was on my side and an ally when it came to dismantling the dragon trade.

  I had to admit, though, it did feel good to see her a little bit jealous.

  The next morning, I woke up just as the sun made its first appearance over the hill, and I realized I’d slept in longer than I’d intended to. It was still early, and as much as I wanted to get a move on for the day, I was ravenous, and we had all day to get to Alfheim, so I figured we could spend a few minutes eating breakfast.

  The day before, we hadn’t eaten as much as we should have, and it had been a long, drawn out day with plenty of action to steal away our energy. Not to mention, the ale we drank before bed.

  The girls were still sleeping, so I got up and made my way over to the garden. I picked us out some fresh peaches and apples, along with some vegetables, and then I put some rice on the stove to cook, grabbed my fishing net, and headed down to the stream to catch us some breakfast.

  Once I got to the clearing where the stream was, I spotted Asta by a tree near the water. I thought she’d been sleeping with the other girls, but I guess I hadn’t paid as close of attention as to who was still in bed with me as I thought I had. I must have just seen Kas and Eira and assumed Asta was there as well.

  “Asta,” I said as I walked up to the white-haired elf girl.

  “Oh, Rath,” she gasped as she spun around and put her hand up to her chest. “I didn’t hear you coming.”

  “It’s okay,” I told her, but I pursed my lips all the same. “It’s just me this time. But you should always be prepared. Why didn’t you wake me up to come with you?”

  “You were sleeping so peacefully,” she explained. “I didn’t want to disturb you.”

  “It’s okay.” I smiled and kissed the top of her head. “I’d rather you wake me next time, please. I don’t like you being out here alone.”

  “You’re right.” She nodded. “I’ll wake you next time.”

  “What are you doing out here so early, anyway?” I chuckled.

  “I’m gathering herbs for tea,” she said, and she held up a small bunch of foliage that, even in its unbrewed state, smelled delicious.

  “Oh, I see,” I said. “I seem to recall talking about that last night.”

  “Preyna requested tea,” Asta said with a smile. “And I figured we could all use a nice cup after the day we had yesterday.”

  “Right,” I agreed. “Some tea sounds lovely. I was just going to catch us some fish for breakfast.”

  “Oh, well, I’m done getting herbs,” Asta said. “I can help you if you’d like.”

  “I don’t think I’ll need too much help,” I told her. “But you can stay here with me if you want to.”

  “That sounds nice,” Asta sighed, and she sat down next to the stream while I got the fishing net ready.

  Suddenly, I heard a rustle in the bushes behind u
s, and I spun around to see Blar coming through the trees. The little dragon stopped and yawned before he looked at me and cocked his head to the side.

  “Yes,” I laughed. “I’m catching us some fish for breakfast.”

  Blar licked his lips, and then he walked over to where Asta was seated, crawled into her lap, and promptly fell back asleep.

  “I’m not sure why he even bothered to get up in the first place,” Asta giggled. “If all he was going to do was go back to bed.”

  “I’m pretty sure he just wanted to make sure we were getting breakfast ready,” I joked.

  “Yeah, that does sound like him,” Asta chuckled.

  I took off my tunic and rolled up my pant legs before I stepped into the water with my net at the ready. The stream was cool on my legs, and I breathed in the fresh morning air as I relished in the feel of the crisp mountain water on my skin.

  I could see the small fish swimming around my feet, they were headed downstream toward the ocean, but there were plenty of them. Most of them were too small, though, so I waited until I spotted some larger ones, and then I carefully placed my net in the water and guided it toward them at just the right moment.

  I swooped the net forward and pulled it out of the water, along with three large fish inside of it.

  “Whoa,” Asta gasped. “That was fast!”

  “It’s just a matter of timing,” I told her with a wink.

  “Can I try?” she asked with a wide grin.

  “Of course,” I told her.

  Asta carefully picked up Blar from her lap and set him in the grass next to her. The small reptile huffed a little bit and opened one eye to glare at her, but then he nestled further down into the grass and went back to sleep.

  Asta’s tunic was short enough that she didn’t need to worry about rolling it up, so she simply glided into the water with a small splashing sound. There, in the morning light, she looked absolutely stunning. Her white hair reflected the orange glow of the sun above us, and her yellow eyes were a vision of beauty against the green of all the trees and grass in the forest. She looked like she belonged in the water with her long, beautiful hair that reminded me of the blinding white glare the sun cast on the ocean.


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