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Dragons of Asgard 3

Page 21

by Logan Jacobs

  After dinner was over, and we’d all had another couple of pints, I noticed Kas and Eira leaning against each other, and both of them were nearly asleep.

  “Why don’t you two head inside,” I chuckled softly. “I’ll be in soon.”

  “Alright,” Eira yawned and stretched. “I’m beat. It’s been a long few days.”

  “It has,” I agreed. “Go get some rest.”

  “Kas,” the redhead said, and she poked the strawberry-blonde. “Kas, come on.”

  “Mmmm, okay,” the Valkyrie grumbled, and she allowed Eira to pull her up by the arm and lead her to the small cottage.

  Blar stood up and yawned, too, and then he, Inger, and Uffe followed the girls inside. Svass had been asleep on Eira’s shoulders for some time, and I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s where she slept all night, since I doubted the redhead would remember to move her before she fell asleep. At this point, the little yellow dragon was more a part of the warband leader than she was her own separate being.

  “Asta,” I said with a small smile. “Did you want to go inside with Eira and Kas?”

  “No.” The white-haired elf girl looked at the cottage and then back at me, and her cheeks flushed with color. “Is it alright if I stay with you for a while?”

  “Of course,” I told her. “I’d love the company.”

  “Okay.” The elf girl bounded over and sat down next to me. Then she smiled wide and cocked her head to the side as she stared into the fire.

  I smiled, too, and together we sat and stared at the flames for a few minutes as we finished our mead.

  “I was hoping I would get some alone time with you,” Asta said, and she looked up at the stars.

  “Oh, yeah?” I asked as my brow furrowed with confusion. “Is everything alright?”

  I was worried about Asta since we’d gone to the dungeon she’d been kept in before, and I only hoped she wasn’t too upset by the whole ordeal. I would never want her to have to relive such a horrific time in her life.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” she assured me with a smile, and her cheeks once again flushed with color. “I was just hoping we could… spend some time together.”

  Asta placed her hand on mine, and I smiled at her not-so-subtle attempt to seduce me. She was so incredibly sweet and timid at times, it was hard to think of her as anything other than adorable.

  But underneath that sweetness, I knew there was a sexy elf just waiting to be unleashed.

  “I think that can be arranged,” I said, and I lifted her chin so her yellow eyes locked on mine before I lowered my lids and pressed my mouth to hers.

  Asta sighed against my mouth, and I felt my body respond to her sweet breath. The blood practically burned through my veins like a wildfire, and my cock pressed insistently against the seam of my pants.

  I wanted her, and I knew she wanted me, too.

  The white-haired elf girl reached her hands up to undo my braid and tangled her fingers in my strands, and her hands were all over my body as I kissed her deeper and gently nibbled on her bottom lip.

  “Mmm, Rath, I want you so bad,” she moaned as she pulled her mouth away from mine, and then she kissed along my jaw down to my neck.

  The feel of her mouth on my skin drove me wild, and my cock throbbed in response to the feel of her warm body pressed against me.

  I ran my hands down the curve of Asta’s back until they landed on her perfectly sculpted arse, and then I lifted her up and set her on my lap so she was straddling me.

  “Ohhhh,” she groaned, and she arched her back as I reached my hands around to cup her small, perky breasts. “I love when you touch me.”

  Asta placed her hands over mine and squeezed, and my cock twitched in response to her boldly spoken desire.

  “You’re so sexy,” I growled as I reached down and pulled her tunic off. Then I threw the garment behind me and delighted in the sight of her fully naked body on top of mine.

  Her small pink nipples were taut, and they led down to her perfectly flat and toned stomach. Further down still was her pristinely hairless pussy. I could see her folds were glistening with her want already, and I couldn’t wait to feel them for myself.

  I leaned forward and pulled one of her nipples into my mouth, and she tossed her head back and let out a low moan.

  “Ohhhh, Rath,” Asta moaned as her nails scraped down my back. “Yeeess, that feels soooo good.”

  I licked and sucked on her breast until she was panting with desire, and then I lightly pulled her nipple between my teeth and gave it a playful bite.

  Asta gasped, and she gripped my neck hard as she sucked in ragged breaths.

  “Mmm, you like that, don’t you?” I groaned, and I kissed my way over to her other breast.

  “Soooo much,” she breathed, and she grabbed my hand and yanked it down to her sweet pussy. “Feel for yourself. I’m dripping with need for you.”

  Asta pushed my fingers against her soaking wet slit, and my cock throbbed with anticipation and desire as I slowly slid my index finger inside of her.

  “Oooohhh, Raaaaath,” Asta moaned, and she gripped my neck again so my face was pressed against her breasts.

  “Fuck, Asta, you’re so tight.” I continued to lick and suck her nipple while I slid another finger inside of her.

  The white-haired elf woman rocked her hips back and forth on my fingers, and I could feel her pussy getting wetter and wetter until her juices were dripping down my palm.

  “Don’t stop,” she gasped suddenly, and I continued to push my fingers in and out of her until her body seized up, and her pussy clenched me tightly.

  Asta’s velvet walls spasmed on my fingers, and my cock throbbed to the point where I couldn’t take it any longer, so I yanked on the leather cord of my pants and freed my rock-hard erection.

  I carefully slid my fingers out of Asta, and then I pressed the tip of my cock against her swollen pussy lips and slid myself inside with one smooth thrust.

  “Fuuuuuck,” I groaned as I filled her completely.

  Asta gasped and dug her nails into my shoulders, and I could feel her pussy spasm on my cock while she continued to ride out the waves of her pleasure.

  “Rath,” the elf girl breathed as she collapsed against me once her orgasm had ended. “Oh, you feel so good inside of me.”

  She leaned back all the way, and then she placed her palms on my knees and her feet on the wooden bench beneath me so she could bob up and down on my cock.

  I watched as I slid in and out of her. Her red, plump mouth was slightly open, but her eyes were closed as she enjoyed herself fully, and her breasts bounced with each thrust.

  I grabbed onto Asta’s hips and allowed her to move at her own pace while I took in the sight of her riding my cock, but after a few minutes, I couldn’t take it any longer.

  “My turn,” I growled, and I pulled her to me so I could lower her onto her back in the grass.

  “Ohhh, yesss, Rath,” Asta purred, and she tossed her head back and bit down on her bottom lip. “Fuck me hard, please. I want your cock so bad…”

  I hooked my elbows under Asta’s knees so I could push them to her chest, and then I pounded into her hard until I bottomed out against her womb.

  Her pussy clenched me tightly as she let out a little screech of delight at the feel of me filling her so deeply.

  “Fuuuuck,” she moaned. “Rath, don’t stop, please… I’m going to… cooooommme!”

  Asta cried out as I slammed my cock into her as deep as it could possibly go, and her orgasm overtook her so all she could do was hold on tightly to my shoulders as her body was wracked with pleasure.

  “You’re so fucking sexy when you come for me,” I growled.

  “Ohhh, fill me up, Rath,” she panted as her pussy continued to spasm on my cock. “I want your hot come inside me.”

  “I know you do,” I groaned, and I slammed into her one more time before I allowed myself to climax.

  My cock spasmed and tensed as I filled Asta’s elven womb wi
th my thick seed, and the feel of her pleasure mixed with my own nearly made me blackout with fulfillment. Stars and bursts of color danced in front of my eyes, and I shuddered as lightning raced up and down my spine and set my nerves on fire. Our bodies and souls were entangled, and her pleasure was mine in that moment, just as mine was hers.

  Once we each rode out our orgasms, I held myself above her as I caught my breath. I could feel the sheen of sweat that covered my body as I tore in ragged breaths, and it was a few moments before I was able to crawl off her and roll onto my back in the cool grass.

  “Mmm, that was … nice,” Asta said, and she looked at me and laughed.

  “Nice?” I chuckled.

  “That’s why I’m laughing,” she giggled. “I couldn’t think of another word. I think our sex affected my brain.”

  “That’s probably it.” I smiled and shook my head, and then I reached over to brush a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

  Asta’s pale, slender body was illuminated with the firelight, and I could see how toned and fit she was. Her perfect hourglass figure and delicate facial features were highlighted by the shadows thrown from the fire, and my heart sped up again as I took in the sight of her.

  “What?” the elf girl asked as she bit her lip.

  “You’re just beautiful, is all,” I told her, and I rolled over to capture her lips with my own.

  “Thank you, Rath,” she breathed when we parted again, and she looked up at the stars. “You’re incredibly handsome… as… well…”

  The white-haired elf girl closed her eyes, and a second later I could see her chest rise and fall slowly as she drifted off to sleep.

  I smiled at her sleeping form, and then I got up and retrieved a blanket for us so we could sleep in the grass.

  As soon as I laid down near Asta, she rolled over and snuggled against my chest. Her naked body was warm against mine, and I looked up at the sky and enjoyed the feel of her pressed against me.

  As I watched the stars, I thought about the eggs the frost giants had gathered. There were no dragon eggs lying around in the wilderness ripe for the taking, so any eggs those arseholes possessed were stolen, and that thought made my blood boil with rage.

  Suddenly, a thought occurred to me, and a deep frown came over my face.

  Blar had been stolen, too.

  How long ago, I wasn’t sure, but someone in Asgard had his egg, which meant they’d either bought it from a dragon trader, or stolen it themselves. It seemed he’d probably been dormant for some time, but he’d been stolen nonetheless.

  I shook my head at the thought of my poor little blue buddy being separated from his mother, and I wondered if she was still alive and looking for him.

  Dragon traders didn’t seem to understand the level of intelligence and emotional recognition dragons had. Either that, or they simply didn’t care.

  Dragons weren’t mindless animals, they were able to feel as complexly as we could, and I’d seen firsthand how they treated their young. Mother dragons didn’t simply give up on their children, they searched for them, they grieved their loss, and they remembered their babies who were taken from them.

  The idea that these men would so willingly steal these babies completely baffled me. It would be like stealing Asgardian children, a crime which had never been committed, but one that would certainly be punished by death.

  And these dragon traders deserved nothing less.

  We needed to get those eggs, not only to keep them from the King’s hands, but to free the babies who’d been taken. I hoped the mothers were still alive, and I’d be able to reunite them with their children, but my gut told me that wouldn’t be the case for all of them. The frost giants had probably been building this egg supply for years, so there was no telling how many of the mothers had managed to survive this long.

  Jotunheim was incredibly vast, though, as we’d learned on our first trip there and our subsequent trip to find the well. We’d traveled for miles through the frigid temperatures, but thanks to Kas and Asta, we hadn’t felt the cold, only the soreness from walking on the slippery, icy terrain.

  My eyes closed as I thought about the eggs we needed to find, and how we would get to them. Ramir was our best hope, and I knew the sorcerer would be able to make us a map of Jotunheim. He was able to make us maps of everywhere else we’d needed so far, so I could only assume this wouldn’t be a problem.

  My mind drifted off to sleep, but as I entered the realm of dreams, I realized I was no longer myself. My body didn’t feel like my own. I felt cramped and small, and everything was dark.

  All I could feel was a sense of dread, but then a loud cracking sound startled me, and a small light broke through the darkness.

  Another crack rang through the air of the small area I was in, and even more light assaulted my eyes. It was so bright, I had to squint just to look at it, and even then it became too much, so I turned my head away.

  The loudest crack yet blasted my eardrums, and I let out a terrified little squeak as the walls of my little room came tumbling down around me.

  I realized then that I’d been in an egg, and pieces of the shell fell all around as I landed on my feet and shook my small body free of shell debris.

  I blinked a few times to allow my eyes to adjust to the light, but as soon as I was able to see, a new, even more powerful sense of terror filled me.

  More dragon eggs lined the walls around me, dozens of them, and I was suddenly cold, so very cold, to the point where I began to shiver. My paws seemed to be stuck to the floor beneath me, and I struggled to lift them from the shiny shelf they were on.

  I let loose a horrified squeak as I glanced around in a panic. I didn’t understand where I was. There was a yearning for comfort, for my mother, and for warmth.

  My ragged breath came out in white puffs as I took in my icy surroundings. I didn’t know what my home was supposed to look like, but I knew what it felt like, and this wasn’t it… I wasn’t home, but…

  Where was I?

  Chapter 14

  I scurried down from the shelf I was on, only to realize the walls and floors were made of the same material. It was a light-blueish color and incredibly shiny.

  The little dragon I was in didn’t know what the foreign substance was, but I knew immediately it was ice. This had to be where the eggs the frost giants had were kept.

  The walls were lined with eggs of all different colors, but as hard as I tried, I couldn’t sense whether or not they were dormant, not in my current body. All I could feel were the emotions of the little dragon I was in, and he was terrified out of his mind.

  The small creature tried to scurry across the floor toward the only exit, but the ice was too slippery, and he slid and slammed into one of the ice walls.

  Just then, footsteps rang through the cavern, and the little dragon let out a terrified squeak before it attempted to climb back up the wall to hide behind one of the eggs on the shelf.

  Everything was too slick, though, and instead of climbing up the ice, he only managed to get a few feet up before he slid back down to the floor.

  The footsteps grew louder, and his terror amplified with each resounding thud. Shadows filled the cavern, and a second later, two huge ice giants appeared in the doorway.

  One last terrified squeak echoed through the cavern, and I squeezed my eyes shut only to open them to my own courtyard.

  I drew in a huge, ragged breath and sat upright in the grass.

  “Rath!” Asta gasped as she was awoken from slumber, and the elf girl immediately gripped onto my arm and looked at me with panicked yellow eyes. “Are you alright? What’s going on?”

  “I saw them,” I panted. “I saw the eggs the ice giants have.”

  “You what?” Asta asked, and her yellow eyes darted back and forth as she looked me over. “In your sleep?”

  “Yes.” I nodded and licked my lips as I tried to center myself. “I was a newly hatched baby, and I saw the room where they keep all the eggs. I know where they a
re. Or, at least, I know what the room looks like…”

  “Oh, that’s great!” Asta smiled and ran her hands through my hair to calm me down.

  I glanced up at the sky to see it was nearly dawn, so I decided it was time to get up for the day. I wasn’t going to be able to sleep any longer even if I tried.

  I’d allow the girls to sleep a little bit longer, but I needed to get moving. My adrenaline was pumping, and my heart was pounding in my chest.

  “As soon as everyone is up, we’ll head to Ramir’s,” I told the elf girl. “I’ll make some breakfast so it’s ready as soon as everyone is awake.”

  “I’ll make tea.” Asta smiled.

  “You could sleep a little longer if you want,” I said, and I gently stroked her cheek. “I’m so sorry I woke you.”

  “Don’t be sorry,” Asta giggled. “I’m glad you woke me with such good news. We will be able to find the babies much easier now.”

  “I hope so,” I agreed, and while I understood this was good news to some degree, feeling the baby dragon’s terror didn’t exactly have me in an optimistic mood.

  I was eager to get going, to find that baby and free him and the rest of the dragons in the ice cavern.

  If the dragon I was in hatched of his own accord, that meant there were probably others in there ready to hatch as well.

  But how would the ice giants have retrieved eggs nearly ready to hatch? If they bought the eggs from Alfheim dealers, the elf King would have already bought them for himself, so the giants either went to Alfheim to get them, or the elf King wasn’t the only one who’d managed to figure out how to magically hatch dragons.

  I hadn’t heard anything about frost giants stealing eggs from dragon valley, but nothing would surprise me about the dragon trade anymore, and if the frost giants were in Alfheim, I wasn’t even sure the other dealers would know about it.

  Frost giants were large, but they weren’t stupid, and I wondered if they were using the same kind of magic the King was planning on using to try and hatch the eggs.

  Though, I supposed it was possible the dragon I’d been in had hatched on his own somehow. Perhaps my occupying him had woken him up.


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