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The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire Series Boxed Set

Page 19

by A. K. Michaels

  “Oh, I’m not sure, I’ll ask Josef.” Peri got off the bed and moved to the bedroom door. When she opened it and walked through, with Tania right behind her, she saw her men sitting with their eyes glued to the door.

  From the looks on their faces, she realized they must’ve been listening in. Bugger, could a girl not have a little privacy?

  Josef did his lip lift on one side and stood up, making his way towards them, still with the slight smile.

  “Nine am please, Tania. I’ve phoned your manager. You have a paid holiday tomorrow, so when you’re done helping Peri in the morning, you have the rest of the day to yourself.” Josef moved to hand Tania a wad of cash. Her reaction surprised him, and it wasn’t often he was surprised.

  “Uhm, no thanks, sir, but I was just helping a friend. I don’t need cash for that.” Tania blushed slightly at Josef’s scrutiny and looked down at the floor.

  Josef wasn’t sure he had heard right. The girl was refusing his tip? This was something new to him. Most folks took whatever cash he offered, quickly. This girl, Tania, just went up in his estimation of her, and he smiled properly now.

  “Thank you, Tania. We’ll see you tomorrow morning.” Josef was still smiling at her, as she lifted her head and the blush deepened, as she looked at him.

  “Yeah, see you tomorrow, Peri.” Tania managed to get out before hurrying to the door.

  As Tania left, with a blush on her face, Peri moved to sit on the sofa next to Gabe. He immediately pulled her into his arms and lifted her onto his knee. She cuddled into his warm, hard, body and settled down, realizing she was tired.

  “Maybe you should have an early night? Tomorrow is going to be a big day, for all of us.” Josef stood behind the sofa, and his hand was slowly stroking her long, glorious hair.

  “In a minute, Josef! I want my woman in my arms for a minute,” Gabe protested, knowing that he wouldn’t be spending the night with Peri. Something which he wasn’t happy about, but knew they had to let her rest.

  Once the mating and bonding started, none of them would get much rest. With everything Peri had been through, with Daiki’s murder, he knew she was drained. He understood they had to let her rest, he just wasn’t happy about not being able to touch her till the next day.

  Peri snuggled closer and Gabe’s arms held her tight against him. He could almost feel her tiredness coming at him in waves. Josef was right. She needed to rest.

  Josef’s head turned towards the door, hearing heavy footsteps outside, his senses going on high alert, as there was a loud knocking.

  Gabe frowned, as he looked at Josef then the door, who was that? They didn’t exactly get people just dropping in, and with the extra security, nobody should be knocking without them knowing it first.

  As Josef’s frown morphed into a small smile, the Wolf relaxed, still holding his mate in his lap, as his friend moved to answer the door.

  He turned his head to watch, as the Vampire moved towards the door, opening it wide to allow entrance to the person there. Gabe’s eyes widened, as he saw Ronan, Director of the Supernaturals Enforcement Bureau and a very large Vampire. Josef was his sire, so he relaxed, knowing there was no threat to Peri.

  “Although it’s nice to see you Ronan, what are you doing here?” Josef asked, as he followed the large man into their lounge area.

  “Nice to see you, too, Josef, Gabe...and I assume this little thing is Peri, your mate?” Ronan smiled down at the female in the Wolf’s lap. She was staring at him with wide eyes. He was, after all, six feet six and wide as a house, so wide eyes was probably the least of the reactions he usually got.

  “Great to see ya, Ronan, what you been up to?” Gabe asked with a cheeky grin.

  “Uhm, hi,” Peri managed to get out, her eyes taking in the sight of this man-mountain in front of her. His light brown hair was a little messy, but she wasn’t sure if that was just the way he wore it, or if he had been running his hands through it. His eyes were dark brown, and she saw a little sparkle there, his smile making it all the way into his eyes. He didn’t seem to be a threat, both of her men obviously knowing him, but jeez he was downright scary.

  “Oh, I’m fine, Gabe, just fine. Catching the bad guys, as usual,” Ronan said, still with a smile, as he sat down on one of the sofas.

  “You didn’t answer my question, what are you doing here?” Josef asked, still standing stiffly. It wasn’t normal for Ronan to just drop by, and as he was Director of the SEB, he guessed it had to do with what had happened at Daiki’s dojo.

  “Ever the graceful host, Josef. What do I need to do to get a drink around here?” Ronan laughed.

  Josef poured a large measure of his best whisky and gave it to Ronan, as he moved past to sit on his own chair. He kept his eyes on his young Vampire, well, young compared to him. Ronan was over three hundred years old, a baby compared to Josef.

  “So guys, I was in the area...”

  Gabe snorted. “Yeah, right. I’m sure your office is in Denver, or thereabouts.”

  “Okay, you got me, I was...intrigued...yes that’s the word, intrigued by what happened in San Francisco, and the information that you had a mate – to both of you. That was something I just had to see for myself, a mate to both a Vampire and a Wolf? Now I see you sitting here with the lovely Peri on your lap. Well, I have to say Wolf, I’ve never seen you looking happier, and you are the most beautiful Witch I've ever come across.” Ronan ended with a wide smile, his gaze still locked on the female on Gabe’s knee.

  Gabe did something that none of them expected...he growled, low, deep down in his throat and gave a feral snarl to go along with the growl.

  Peri looked up into his face, saw the beast inside attempting to get out, and the struggle her Wolf was having. She placed one of her hands on the side of his face, caressing it softly, trying to calm his beast.

  “Hey! Don’t get all heated up, Wolf! I’m no threat to you or your mate.” Ronan said this while still smiling, and then he saw it...the minute the girl’s hand touched the Wolf’s face and the calmness she brought to him, even if he was still scowling at him.

  “Ronan, enough! Do not play games, and do not annoy the Wolf. He is strung as tight as I am at this moment, and it will not take much to make either of us snap. Not something you would want to happen, Ronan, not at all.” Josef barked out and was glad when he saw Peri’s touch quieten his friend’s Wolf.

  “Okay, okay, sorry guys. Just having some fun. I apologize, Peri. Truly. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Well, okay, but please don’t do that again. It wasn’t funny,” Peri replied, more than a little peeved.

  “Oh, he won’t, trust me on that,” Josef said in an ice cold tone.

  Ronan looked to his maker, a lopsided smile on his face. “Sorry, so, why don’t we get to the point of my visit, what’s going on, Josef? You know I don’t like having to clear up any messes, regardless of who made them.”

  “You won’t have to clean up anything. I’m dealing with it.” Josef sounded even colder, if that were possible. Peri shivered at his tone.

  “Why is that? What’s going on? You know I need to be kept informed of any situations that can I think an explanation is in order.”

  “Peri, as you know, came into our lives in a rather unusual manner, and we realized she was our mate. However, she had to escape an abusive home life – a very abusive home life – and her father is a powerful Witch, who has been hunting her ever since. It was he that sent the two Mages who attacked outside of the dojo. It is him that we will be dealing with.” Josef knew Ronan, knew that he was just as well telling him what was happening. He would only dig into everything, if he didn’t tell him, plus, there was a slim chance they may need his help.

  “Ah I see, well obviously that’s your business guys, just try and not make a scene in a populated area. Those things are always harder to clear up, or cover up, whatever the case requires. Speaking
off the record, you know you can count on me if you need help in this?” Ronan raised his eyebrow at his sire.

  “I know, Ronan, I know. However, this is something we have to do ourselves. The three of us, together. I can assure you that we will not orchestrate anything in a public place. However, if we are attacked in public, then we will, of course, have to deal with that.” Josef relaxed slightly, knowing the man was offering an olive branch. Usually all business in his position of Director of the SEB, it was nice that he could still count on him, if the need arose.

  Ronan was nodding his head. “Well, the offer’s there, if you need it. Right, I’ve got to get going, lots to do.”

  The huge Vampire stood up and shook Josef’s hand before moving towards the door. He didn’t even attempt shaking Gabe’s hand, which the Wolf was grateful for, his beast still uptight and he didn’t know how he would react, if he came close to his mate.

  Josef opened the door. “Thank you for the concern, Ronan, and the offer of help. It is appreciated, my boy.”

  Ronan smiled at Josef’s use of his pet name for him and nodded his head. “Take care, all of you. Hope to see you again, Peri,” he shouted over his shoulder, as he left the penthouse.

  Gabe snarled and held her tighter on his lap.

  “At least we know we can call on him, if needed,” Josef said, as he sat back down on his chair.

  “We don’t need him,” Gabe said, still not liking the way the man had stared at Peri.

  “The option is there, that’s all we need to know for now. Anyway, I’m sure we had agreed that Peri was to have an early night?” the ancient Vampire said pointedly.

  His friend gave a little chuckle before standing up, with Peri cradled in his arms, and walking to her bedroom. She didn’t protest, when he lay her down onto the bed and pulled a cover up over her.

  He leaned down and kissed her nose. Not trusting himself to go anywhere near her lips. He wasn’t sure he could turn and walk out of the room, if he did.

  Josef stood at the door watching, and his heart swelled with feeling. He couldn’t wait until they were bonded.

  He needed this little Witch, as much as he needed blood to survive. She was ingrained deep inside him, and he was desperate to taste her blood.

  He knew it would affect him greatly. Knew it would bind them together forever. Knew he loved her with all his being. Knew he had to keep her safe.

  “Sleep well, little Witch,” Josef said, before turning around and heading to his office.

  He wanted to speak to Liam about him training Peri, after the mating. He had an idea about that and wanted to run it by his head Witch. Thoughts tumbled through his head, as he sat down behind his desk and hit speed dial on his phone.

  Josef wanted all this done and dusted before the morning. Tomorrow he wanted to focus entirely upon Peri and their bonding. He wanted these plans in place, so that when it was time, everything ran as smoothly as they could.

  Josef was on the phone to Liam and some others for quite some time, and when he came back through, Gabe was sitting, nursing a large whisky. The Wolf looked more than a little put out that he wasn’t lying next to their Peri. However, Josef could clearly see in the Wolf’s mind, he understood. Gabe knew Peri had to rest. She had gone through a lot in the last few days.

  “How are you, Gabe?” Josef asked, as he poured himself a single malt.

  “Okay, just want to get this over with. My Wolf is desperate to mark her. Shit, it’s wanted to mark her since that first night. It’s just a strain keeping it leashed.” Gabe took another sip of his whisky and let out a large sigh.

  “Yes, that was obvious when Ronan was here,” the Vampire almost, but didn’t quite, chuckle.

  As Josef passed by the back of the sofa, he placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “I know, Gabe. I am the same. But, she needs to rest. Tomorrow isn’t too far away. She’ll have the spa girls here first thing and then we’ll have a nice meal. Well, you two anyway. I want her to eat at least twice more before we proceed. She needs to gain strength, Gabe. We need to make her healthy and strong.”

  Gabe nodded his head, as Josef took his normal seat opposite him. “I know. I was wanting to speak to you about after. I mean, about her father and those other fucks. I know you want to annihilate them, but if she’s as strong as Liam thinks, then maybe we should let her do it?”

  Josef tried not to smile, after all, he had come to the same conclusion. Josef was certain that Peri needed to do just that. Her pain at Daiki being murdered was vast. Josef was of the opinion that dealing with those who had done that would help Peri heal.

  “Yes, Wolf, I agree. It will be difficult, but I think we need to help her in this. With us at her side, we can keep her safe, but let her deal with those involved in Daiki’s slaying.” Josef sipped his whisky, thinking on the plans he had just put in place while on the phone.

  “Good. I thought I was going to have to argue with you on that, Jo. I’m glad you see it the same as I do. It’s not going to be difficult – shit, it’s going to be fucking damn near impossible. But we have to do it, for her.” Gabe couldn’t even begin to think how hard it was going to be. He knew his Wolf would want to protect Peri at all costs.

  “I understand completely, Gabe. We will work together, friend. We will make sure she is safe and aid her in her quest for vengeance.”

  Josef sent his senses out towards Peri. Good, she was sound asleep. He could hear her even, deep, breathing, as she slept soundly. She was going to need that rest, for tomorrow was going to be a very exhausting day for her.

  Chapter 5

  Peri slept soundly, out for the count for nearly ten hours. She woke to the smell of food coming in through her open bedroom door.

  As she rubbed her eyes and looked, she saw Gabe standing with a huge smile on his face, and a huge plate of food in his hand.

  “Come on, Peri. Up you get. Food’s here.” Gabe smiled before turning around and heading away from her door. He was hungry, as usual, and the smell of the food was making his mouth water.

  Peri stretched and yawned before making her way to the master bathroom. After a quick pee and brush of her teeth, she made her way, nervously, through to the main apartment. After all, today was going to be a huge turning point in her life.

  She was going to get not one, but two, mates.

  Gabe was already in his seat at the table and tucking into a huge mound of food. Peri’s eyes widened, as she took in all that he was eating. Gabe was always hungry and had a large appetite, but this was even more than he usually ate.

  Gabe saw her looking at his pile of food and gave her a very cheeky grin. “I’ll need my strength for later.”

  Peri blushed at his inference to the upcoming mating and sat down in her seat, the one at the head of the table with Gabe and Josef on either side of her.

  Josef watched his little Witch, saw the blush, and knew how nervous she must be. “Just ignore the Wolf, Peri. I’ve ordered quite a bit of food, so take what you want.”

  Peri gave the ancient Vampire a small smile, as she reached for a plate and started to put some food onto it. There was just about everything that could be ordered for a breakfast. From bacon to hash browns, eggs, sausage, toast, French toast, pastries, fresh fruit, juice and coffee. Peri was sure there wasn’t an item on the menu that hadn’t been ordered.

  She took some food and juice and started to eat. A lot slower than Gabe was shoveling his food into his mouth. The Wolf kept glancing at her, and she saw just how eager he was for today to progress.

  She wanted it too. She was just a lot more nervous about the whole affair. She was not sure of just what was going to happen, and she sure as hell had no idea of the difference it would make to her life.

  Josef did though. He knew what bonding with this beautiful and powerful Witch would do, to him anyway. He would be bound to her for eternity. Bound so close that he thought he would find i
t difficult being apart from her for anything other than very short periods.

  He realized that the ice that had encased his heart was nearly all gone. Nearly, but not quite. He was certain that after today it would be gone forever. His love for his Witch so vast, that at times it scared even him.

  As Peri reached for the coffee, Josef beat her to it and poured her a cup. “Thank you,” she said, still with a slight blush on her features.

  Christ, she looked so adorable, and Josef felt a tug down in his pants. He couldn’t wait for later. Couldn’t wait to mark her as his. Couldn’t wait to have her utterly and completely under his protection.

  He knew she was strong. Knew that Liam was going to teach her to control that strength. He had already set that up for three days from now. However, he couldn’t help the feeling inside him, the one to keep her safe, the one that pulled at him to keep any and all harm far from her.

  He also knew he would have to try and curb that. Both he and Gabe knew that Peri had to deal with her psychopath of a father herself. Josef was under no illusions as to how difficult that was going to be, but he would do it. For her, for his Peri’s sanity.

  “The girls will be here soon, Peri,” Josef said, as she finished her food. Gabe was still eating. Christ, that Wolf could put away some amount of food.

  “Oh, yeah, I nearly forgot.” Peri realized she had butterflies in her stomach, having never even set foot inside any kind of spa, or anything even close. She hoped Tania would get there before the others.

  As that thought was in her head, Josef smiled and got up, just before there was a knock on the door. He must’ve heard someone approach with his acute hearing, Peri thought.

  Josef opened the door and Tania bounced in. “Hi!” she said to everyone and Peri relaxed. Good, she was glad Tania had arrived. Her nerves lessened substantially knowing her friend would be with her.

  “Josef, I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve also asked for a hairdresser to come up. I’m pretty sure Peri’s never had a proper haircut.” Tania was smiling, but perhaps a little scared she had overstepped.


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