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The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire Series Boxed Set

Page 21

by A. K. Michaels

  Tania pulled Peri in for another hug before moving to the door. She turned and stared at Gabe again. “Oh, and by the way, make sure you and Josef treat her right, or you’ll have me to answer to!”

  Gabe almost laughed, almost, but he held it in check. The girl was serious.

  “You don’t need to worry about that, Tania, trust me.” Gabe gave her one of his large smiles, and she returned it on reflex alone.

  “Right, Peri, you take care, and I’ll see you soon.”

  Tania smiled and opened the door, her thoughts on the young Witch and what she knew Peri was going to have to do in the coming days.

  She wished and hoped with all her heart that everything turned out okay and Peri wasn’t hurt. It would be so wrong, if someone as nice and good as Peri suffered any more. She only wished she was a Witch, or something, so she could help.

  Tania was hoping to have Peri as a close friend, just as much as Peri was hoping to have Tania.

  It was a friendship that would last for years. One that would end only on Tania’s death.

  Chapter 7

  As Tania left, Peri’s nerves picked up, knowing what was coming. Her excitement grew, too, her body full of anticipation of what was in store for them all in the next few days.

  “Come and sit down, relax, Peri,” Gabe said, as he motioned for her to come and sit next to him on the sofa.

  Peri moved towards the Wolf, and she saw his eyes raking over her. She knew she looked quite good, what with the hair and the makeup, but the smile Gabe was giving her made her think he thought she was more than ‘quite good.’

  “Indeed you are, little Witch.” Josef’s words startled her and Gabe, neither having seen him standing at the entrance to the corridor that his office was in.

  “You are magnificent, Peri. A beauty that I am lost for a suitable word to describe.” Josef’s breath had been taken away, when he saw her leave her room. She was exquisitely beautiful, and his need to bond with her was strong. His blood was rushing in his system, and he fought to control it.

  Peri blushed at the compliment, still not used to anybody talking to her in such a manner. She sat down next to Gabe, and he put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. She loved the feeling she had in either of their embraces. Loved and safe.

  “The food will be here shortly, you need to eat to keep your strength up, I’ve also ordered some more of the wine you like. We will have a nice leisurely meal, or rather you two will, then we will have our bonding. Is that okay, Peri?” Josef watched for any sense that Peri was reluctant to go ahead with this, it would kill him, but if she was then they would not do it. Simple as that.

  “Yes, Josef, I’m just nervous is all. I think the wine will come in handy,” Peri said quietly, and Gabe laughed, a good hearty laugh, and soon Peri joined in, with Josef smiling at the two of them.

  “Oh, Peri, everything’s going to be just fine, trust us. I can’t wait baby, really. My bloody Wolf has been giving me a sore head with all its howling!” Gabe said with a smile. It was true, his Wolf was desperate to mark her as theirs.

  “That reminds me, when do I get to meet your Wolf? I’ve never met one before.” Peri was more than a little curious as to what Gabe’s Wolf looked like, wondered how big it was, how powerful.

  “After the mating, too dangerous to do it now, baby, he’s still prowling about and all worked up. Once we’re mated, he will quieten down, then you can meet him. He’s a big bugger, though, so don’t be scared. My Wolf will never hurt you, his first priority is to protect you.” Gabe knew Peri would probably be shocked when they first met. After all, his Wolf was enormous, nothing like a ‘normal’ Wolf. In fact, he was so far from that it was staggering, even for him sometimes.

  “I don’t think your Wolf will scare me, Gabe, no matter what. You’re good inside, I can feel it.” Peri smiled up into his handsome face, and she could see the lust in his eyes, the guy was insatiable.

  “I hope he won’t scare you, baby, and I can’t wait to show him to you.” Gabe moved his head forward and down, so his lips could reach her skin, kissing gently on her forehead. He steered clear of her lips, knowing if he touched those, he would carry her through to the bedroom.

  “Gabe!” Josef’s reproach was clear, and Gabe gave a cheeky smile and a shrug of his shoulders.

  “I can’t help it, Jo! She’s so fucking gorgeous, and now we know she’s bare! Christ, I can’t wait to see her!” Gabe had a naughty little boy expression on his face and even Peri laughed a little, even if she was embarrassed.

  “So you two know?!” she got out, and both nodded their heads.

  “Come on, guys! I need some things secret! I wanted to surprise you both.”

  “Let’s see your hands,” Gabe said, reaching for one of her small and delicate hands.

  Josef moved closer and had a good look at her hands, her feet, her face, and hair. Dear lord, she was perfect.

  “Very nice, Peri, that color suits you.” Josef was referring to the nail polish and Peri smiled, wondering if he knew why she had picked the color.

  “I do, little Witch, I do,” Josef said with an eyebrow raised.

  “Josef!” Peri exclaimed and giggled. Bugger, she was never going to have any secrets with him.

  “No, you will not,” Josef replied, and Gabe looked between the two.

  “Hey guys, that’s not fair, you two using that mind thingy. Josef, could you call and hurry along the food, I’m hungry.” Gabe wanted the food earlier, so they could get on to the main event, the mating.

  “You are always hungry, Wolf,” Josef said, and then heard Peri’s stomach rumble.

  “I’ll phone now.” He moved to make the call. He wouldn’t have his little Witch hungry, and if it brought the bonding nearer, then so much the better.

  Peri stayed on the sofa with Gabe until the food arrived then moved to her place at the table, her men flanking her as usual.

  She sat, as the two waiters that brought the food set it up, her eyes widening at the vast quantity of food set out. Just how much did Josef want her to eat?

  “You need to regain your strength after what’s happened,” Josef said.

  Peri frowned. Thinking about Daiki always making her sad and angry in equal parts. She couldn’t wait until Liam trained her, made her strong with her magic, showed her just how strong she was. A strength that she wasn’t sure she had, but which Liam was just as sure she did. She hoped Liam was right, that she was stronger than her father, that she could destroy the sick fuck!

  “Indeed, my little one, I am sure of Liam’s assessment, I can feel it inside of you. You will be more than strong enough, but you needn’t worry, because Gabe and I will be right at your side to ensure no harm comes to you.” Josef moved a hand to clasp one of hers, gave it a comforting squeeze, then let it go, she would need both hands to eat.

  She put more on her plate than she thought she ever had eaten before. She would try hard to build up her strength, knew she would need it, both for the mating and her father.

  She ate and drank more than a few glasses of wine, all three talking, joking, laughing. Peri was so happy she thought she would burst, never having experienced anything like this before she met these two amazing men.

  Or Wolf and Vampire, she corrected herself, jeez that was just weird. Here she was with not one but two guys and neither was human. She shook her head, as if to clear her thoughts, and realized the wine was taking effect. She was more than a little bit buzzed.

  Gabe finished his mammoth portion of food and sat waiting on Peri, his desire to progress the mating strong in him. He fought to restrain himself, not wishing to scare his little mate.

  Josef was coiled tight like a spring, watching as Peri ate and drank, his need to bond with her so immense, he found himself imagining how it would be.

  Those thoughts only ignited his arousal, and he found himself sitting with a very hard erection in his trou
sers. He moved around in his chair, trying to ease the uncomfortable feeling, but failed miserably. His need was great, but he would not hurry his little Witch.

  They would start this when, and only when, she was ready, not a second before. His mind was betraying his commands and wandered to her recent pampering, or rather, her recent waxing. He couldn’t wait to see what she was like bare, couldn’t wait to use his tongue on her bare mound.

  Christ, would the two of them never stop eating?

  Josef noticed Gabe had stopped, and the Wolf was now watching Peri. His lust was plain to see and for Josef to sense, which only pushed his own up even further.

  Another few minutes passed as Peri ate the last of the food on her plate and then picked up her wine glass, she downed the contents and looked up at the two of them.

  “I’m ready,” Peri said quietly, with more than a slight blush on her face.

  Josef was up in a flash and holding his hand out to her, she took it and stood up, Gabe at her back. Josef led them all towards the bedroom, and Peri’s heart was beating way too fast.

  Chapter 8

  As they entered the bedroom, Peri had a moment of panic. Was she ready for this? Would it hurt? Could she bite them?

  She had never bitten anyone before, far less people she loved. Shit, she had never loved anyone before this either. The feelings she now had for these two was sometimes overwhelming, and she wasn't sure she could hurt either by sinking her teeth into their flesh. It seemed a bit strange to her, and she worried that she wouldn’t be able to do it.

  “Take a deep breath, Peri, and try not to worry, you’ll be fine.” Josef tried to allay the fears that he felt coursing through her body, and he felt a slight relaxation in her...good. He led her towards the large bed and stopped at the bottom, turning to watch his little Witch.

  “Are you sure, Peri? We won’t force this on you, no matter how bad we wish it.” Josef was making absolutely certain she wanted this, there was no going back afterward.

  Gabe stood at her back and had moved her hair to the side, gently placing small kisses along the back of her neck. Josef could see her reacting to the Wolf’s touch and saw her smile up at him. Christ, she was stunning.

  “I’m sure, Josef, I’m just nervous.” Peri could feel her body reacting to Gabe, his lips eliciting a response deep down inside her. She didn’t want him to stop.

  “Okay, Peri, then we shall proceed. It is more important that you bite Gabe than you bite me. The Wolf mating is slightly different to a Vampire bonding. I can add my blood to your food from now on, if you find it distasteful to take from me. However, for a Wolf mating to be properly cemented, you must bite him and break the skin, take some of his blood inside, that will seal the two of you together. I will also bite you, feed from you, and our bond will start, also. Is that fine with you, Peri?”

  Josef was desperate to get his clothes off, his skin felt as if it was burning, and he wanted to feel Peri’s skin against his. So bad did he want this that he knew he wouldn’t last much longer.

  “Okay, Josef, as long as the two of you talk me through it at the time, I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Peri was now breathing quicker, Gabe was still kissing her neck.

  Josef moved closer, untied the belt on her robe, and pulled it from her body, letting it fall to the floor. His breath literally stopped, as he looked down at her, standing in the small, red, silk, nightie.

  “Dear God!” Gabe gasped, as he saw her standing before them, the sight inflaming both him and his Wolf to heights they had never been to before.

  “You like it?” Peri asked shyly, as she stood in only the tiny piece of red silk.

  “You are a vision of beauty, Peri. Absolutely beautiful.” Josef only just managed to get the words out before he used his immense Vampire speed and tore his clothes from his body, Gabe doing the same at Peri’s back.

  Josef was first to lay his hands on her skin, and she let out a sigh, as if she had been holding her breath for days. The feeling was so intense that her body quivered under his touch, his hand slowly moving up her arm to cup the side of her face.

  “Ah my little Witch, you are so beguiling, so bewitching, I am truly under your spell.” Josef moved closer on each word, and his lips finally took hers, the kiss demanding and sensual, making his little Witch moan into his mouth.

  “Bed, Josef, now!” Gabe almost growled, fighting to control himself, as he only wished to pick her up and bury himself deep inside her body.

  “Yes,” Peri moaned. She wanted to be on the bed, between her two men, their bodies completely covering her body all around.

  Josef gently picked her up and moved to the bed, placing Peri in the middle and lying down next to her, Gabe joining them on Peri’s other side.

  The Wolf and the Vampire started to worship her body, kissing, caressing, kneading, licking, and soon Peri was squirming and saying “More,” over and over.

  Gabe and Josef’s eyes were drawn time and again to her sex, the bareness there for them to see clearly. “Christ, Jo, look at her, she’s perfection, utter perfection. Look at that, she’s all bare!” Gabe’s voice was full of wonder and awe at the vision that lay between himself and his friend.

  Josef’s hand was caressing that bareness now, and he had to admit, it was the most beautiful sight he had seen in a very long time. “Yes, young Wolf, I agree. Though I think we need to move this mating along. Gabe, lie on your back. Peri, on top of Gabe, please.”

  Gabe moved quickly, desperate to be inside his mate and finally mark her as his. His eyes were already changing, becoming Wolf, and his sight was enhanced tenfold, as he looked up into the face of his mate. Peri smiled down at him with her eyes hooded, her own lust plain on her face.

  Gabe released the hold on his Wolf, slightly, letting his canines grow, lengthen, in readiness for his bite. The bite that would bind him together with Peri forever.

  Peri’s eyes widened slightly at the large teeth now visible in Gabe’s mouth, but she wasn’t scared. No, she was, if anything, excited. She moved herself, so she was astride her Wolf. They positioned themselves, so his hardness entered her extremely wet folds.

  Gabe entered slowly, letting Peri’s body get used to his girth before starting to move. He watched, as he saw Josef move behind Peri and knew they would both have her this time, the thought bringing his excitement higher than ever.

  Josef moved to the edge of the bed for just a second, retrieved some lubrication from the drawer in the bedside cabinet, and moved behind Peri. Placing a hand on her back, as she straddled Gabe, he gently rubbed up and down, landing on her buttocks and kneading gently.

  “Do you trust me?” Josef whispered into Peri’s ear, and she could only nod her head, the sensations Gabe was giving her making her more than a little breathless.

  “Are you sure, Peri? Really sure?” Josef asked, this time letting his fingers linger on her ass, her tight little entrance to her ass.

  Peri realized what Josef meant, and her heart rate rocketed up. He was going to take her there while Gabe took her, too?! Peri nodded her head, knowing Josef would never hurt her, knowing he only wished to give her pleasure. The ultimate pleasure of having both her mates at the same time.

  Peri wondered if she would survive.

  “Come to me, Peri.” Gabe moaned, reached up and pulled her down, so that she lay over his body and her neck was near his huge canines. It also put her into the optimum position for Josef, which they were used to, both having shared many women in the past.

  They would always treat their women with the utmost respect, making sure they gave far more than they took. Reveling in giving pleasure before receiving their own.

  With Peri it would be far more than that, they would literally idolize her and make sure they pleasured her in the extreme. Never would it enter either of their heads to take before giving.

  Gabe slowed his hips, finally laying still. Peri moaned at the loss of his movement
s, but he moved her head, so that he could kiss those luscious lips of hers. The kiss was deep, passionate, and Peri now moaned with pleasure as Gabe continued.

  Josef was between Gabe’s thighs and right up close to his little Witch, his hands caressing her scarred back softly before moving to her tight behind. Moving the lubrication to above her tightness, he placed some on and around, working it with his other hand to cover the tight hole and push some inside with his finger, then two fingers.

  The moans from Peri were testament to the pleasure she was feeling, and Josef smiled knowingly. He covered his own hardness with more than enough of the lubrication before positioning himself at her entrance. Slowly, very slowly, he pressed inwards and he moved inside her tightness. The feeling was so exquisite, he doubted this first round of the mating bond would last long.

  Josef continued and finally he was fully inserted inside. He stilled his movements, letting her body adjust to the double invasion. Josef’s own fangs descended quickly, in preparation of his own bite, and he looked forward to tasting her blood. The blood that would now sustain him for eternity.

  Gabe started to move again, and as he did so, he felt Josef join him, each moving in sync, as they had many times before. Peri was slathered in sweat and panting, as if she couldn’t get enough oxygen into her lungs. Gabe moved her head slightly to cradle it in his hands, her teeth at his neck, his at hers.

  As they neared their peaks, Gabe spoke into her ear. “Nearly time, baby. Peri, I take you as my mate, as my Wolf’s mate, forever. I love you and will protect you always. You are now mine for all time.”

  Peri had tears in her eyes at his words and she murmured quietly “I love you Gabe, my Wolf, I am yours.”

  Peri jumped at the pain, as Gabe bit down hard, between her neck and shoulder, her own teeth biting down on his neck in retaliation. Blood entered her mouth and she swallowed twice, letting the blood enter her system, as Gabe lapped at her wound, growls erupting from his throat.

  Josef leaned over, completely covering Peri’s back, as he thrust inside her tight body, his fangs desperate to puncture that point he saw throbbing in her neck.


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