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The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire Series Boxed Set

Page 36

by A. K. Michaels

  She moved a hand to the side of his face, running her thumb gently over the lines at the side of his eyes as he frowned in worry. “I’ll be fine, and we don’t even know for certain I’m pregnant yet.”

  “Oh, I think we do,” Josef smiled and moved his head slightly into her touch.

  She thought he was going to move forward to kiss her, her lips parting in anticipation, but the doctor walked briskly back into the room, his face not showing one way or the other the result of the urine test. She moved her hand back onto her lap, and instantly her men took one each in theirs as the doctor moved to sit back down in his chair.

  “So, I’ve done the first test and I’m very pleased to say that it is positive. You are indeed pregnant, Peri...”

  Gabe’s shouts drowned out the rest of what the doctor was saying, and she found herself pulled up from her seat and into his arms. Picking her up, he swirled her around, kissing her, laughing like an idiot.

  Josef stood and smiled at them, as soon as Gabe stopped, her Vampire embraced them both, placing a kiss on the top of her head as her mind whirled around at a hundred miles an hour. A baby – Gabe’s baby – was inside her and she was excited and scared at the same time.

  “You will be fine, little Witch, we are both here with you.” Josef’s quiet words reached her and she nodded, knowing if she had her men at her sides, she would indeed be fine. More than fine – she would be on top of the world, even if she was a little apprehensive at becoming a mom so young.

  Doctor Allen was patient, sitting quietly until they sat back down again, a smile on his face. “I see that the news is welcome – always lovely to see, and I have to say I love this part of my job. Anyway, I would like to do a routine scan, and if I don’t see anything, we can do a transvaginal scan...”

  At those words Gabe growled low in his throat. The doctor looked over at him and placed his hands out in front of him, palms forward, in a placating gesture. “I understand your feelings, however, if the normal scan doesn’t show anything, then the other scan is the only way to be one hundred percent certain that all is as it should be. That will be only if the ultrasound doesn’t show anything. So, Peri, as you have a dress on all you need to do is get up on the table behind those dividers there and I can get started.”

  Gabe helped her up, both of her mates coming with her into the back area of the room. There was the normal doctor’s table with lots of equipment, and her heart rate sped up. She had never seen a doctor in her life, and now she was going to let him near her ‘nether regions.’ It was quite nerve-wracking, and she was glad Gabe and Josef stayed with her.

  Josef picked her up and placed her onto the table. She was about to complain – she was quite capable of getting up on a table – when she saw those lines around his eyes again. He was worried for her, so she kept quiet and lay down. Gabe pulled a sheet up and over her body before moving to the other side, holding one of her hands.

  The doctor entered the area and sat down to fiddle with a piece of machinery and a monitor. “Okay, now this is fairly simple and the only discomfort is the coldness of the gel I’ll put on your stomach. Right, we’re all set.” Doctor Allen winced ever so slightly at the snarl that escaped her Wolf’s throat.

  She knew he was trying to stop himself, but he just didn’t seem able to. She squeezed his hand and his focus moved to her face and not the least he didn’t look as if he was going to rip his throat out, which was a good thing.

  The sheet was moved downwards and Josef spoke immediately, “Stay calm, Wolf, do not make me restrain you.”

  Josef’s words were quiet, barely a whisper, but the tone was hard as steel, and she saw Gabe’s body tighten slightly. “Gabe, behave, really, if you don’t, I’ll make you sleep on the couch tonight!”

  Her words had the desired effect, his attention was on her completely, and the look of shock was quite comical. “You wouldn’t!” he exclaimed, and she tried hard not to laugh.

  “Indeed I would, as it seems I’m carrying your child, I’ll be seeing the doctor a lot. He can’t do his job properly if he thinks you’re gonna rip him apart. You need to behave, and if you don’t, Josef and I will have that lovely huge bed to ourselves tonight! So enough already.” She lessened the blow of her words with a smile, her Wolf smiled before bending down and kissing her quickly.

  “Okay, I’ll behave, sorry Doc,” Gabe said, but didn’t look at the doctor, only into her eyes.

  “The cold gel now, Peri.” The doctor’s words were only a few seconds before she felt the cold and sticky substance on her skin.

  She looked to what the man was doing, saw him holding a piece of equipment, which he now used to spread the gel across her lower abdomen. Then he pressed it against her skin firmly and started moving it around slowly. At the same time his eyes were on the monitor and soon he seemed to hone in on a particular spot, low down in her belly. He pressed a couple of buttons, then stared intently at the screen before removing the metal from her stomach.

  “Okay, now we know, you’re approximately six to seven weeks pregnant. That there is your child.” He pointed to the screen, but all she could see was a kind of blob – definitely didn’t resemble a baby to her.

  “Shit!” Gabe said, and she could feel the excitement rolling off him.

  “Amazing,” Josef said as he squeezed her hand, and she looked between them and back at the screen.

  “I can’t make anything out?” she said quietly, wondering if the others could see something she couldn’t.

  “I know, you will soon, but if you look right there…” he pointed to a little blip on the screen that seemed to be blinking on and off. “That there, that’s the heartbeat of the baby, and everything looks as it should.”

  “What? Did you just say heartbeat?” Her breathing was coming quicker, looking intently at the little blip on the screen.”

  “Yes, that’s the heartbeat, Peri.”

  “Damn!” Gabe exhaled and his hand tightened on hers.

  “So that’s our baby...right there?” Her voice was barely a whisper as the enormity of it began to sink in. A baby, Gabe’s baby, was growing inside her and already its heart was beating strongly. With Gabe as the father, she knew the child would be strong, but seeing the heartbeats on the screen brought feelings to her that she couldn’t even begin to describe. Tears filled her eyes as she kept staring at the screen.

  “Are you okay, my mate?” Josef’s words were quiet and very near her ear, she looked to find him leaning down next to her. One of his fingers wiped several tears away as he stared into her eyes.

  “Uhm, yes, it’s just a bit overwhelming, that’s all. I’m going to be a mother, and I have no idea how to do that.” Her fear of turning out like her own mother ran rampant through her system.

  Reading her mind easily, Josef soothed: “Do not worry, you are nothing like her, you have Gabe and me – we will always be at your side.” Josef leaned in further and placed a very gentle kiss onto her lips.

  “I’m gonna be a father! A pup of my own, shit, if that doesn’t feel so damn good!” Gabe’s exuberance interrupted her, turning to see a look of wonder on her Wolf’s face.

  “Yes, we’re going to be a family – the four of us.” Peri was smiling up at Gabe, she thought she saw a tear in his eye…no, not her Wolf, he wasn’t the teary type of guy. Though, if she ever was going to see tears in his eyes, this would be the time for it.

  Doctor Allen nodded. “Yes, we now know you are definitely pregnant and how far along you are. I’ll give you some vitamins to take for the meantime, and I’ll also give you something for the sickness.”

  “Won’t that harm the baby?” she asked, sure she had read somewhere that medication wasn’t normally prescribed for sickness in early pregnancy.

  “Years ago that was the consensus, but it’s long been disproven. It’s better that you are able to eat a well-balanced diet and stay healthy.” Doctor Allen was already u
p and opening a tall metal cupboard, pulling a couple of bottles out. “These are the vitamins and I’ll get your escribe sent for the anti-sickness pills, all I need is your details and what pharmacy you normally use?”

  Peri panicked, she had none of the normal paperwork, and no official ID. Luckily, Josef took care of things.

  “Peri doesn’t have the normal paperwork and is not registered anywhere, a normal script will be sufficient. We came to you as you are known not only for your skills with pregnancies, but also for your discretion. If it is required, I will pay for any inconvenience caused.” Josef’s tone had gone to the cold, businesslike one that she didn’t like, but it had the desired effect on the doctor.

  “I see, that’s not a problem, and I don’t require anything extra. I’ll give you a script for the medication, any pharmacy will be able to fill it for you. I want you to start taking them immediately and make an appointment for four weeks. I can do a check-up and monitor how the sickness is...okay?” Doctor Allen’s words didn’t skip a beat at being told she had no official paperwork, and she was glad Josef had taken care of things.

  “Yes,” she whispered, her face red with embarrassment.

  “I also have quite a few forms I need you to fill in. Nothing to do with anything official, but I do need a health history, family history…as much information as you can.” He moved to his desk and picked up a pile of paperwork, and as he did she used the sheet to clean the gel and get off the table.

  “Okay, though I don’t have a lot of information, I’ll fill in as much as I can and bring it with us when we come back.” She took the paperwork and held it in front of her as he went back to his desk, writing on a pad and holding it out towards them.

  Gabe moved quickly and took it from the doctor’s hand. “Thanks, see you soon.” Her Wolf was already opening the door for them to leave.

  Josef held her elbow with one hand and placed the vitamins in his jacket pocket as they left the room. “Thanks,” she called over her shoulder as they left.

  Josef stopped at the reception desk to make an appointment for four weeks. The lady behind the desk looked a little perturbed, checking and rechecking the date – it was obvious there were no appointments available.

  “Young lady, I suggest you contact whoever is booked for ten a.m. and reschedule, we’ll arrive for our appointment on that day at ten. I do not expect to be kept waiting.” Josef turned and walked off with her beside him and Gabe trying not to laugh.

  “Josef, that was rather rude,” she whispered and looked up at him.

  “Sorry – what’s your point? The doctor told us to come back in four weeks, so we’ll be back in four weeks. It’s not my problem if they have to reschedule because of that.” Josef had a frown on his face, as if he truly didn’t get that he had been either rude or that he had done anything wrong.

  She wasn’t sure how to tackle it and truth be told, she was too excited to try. She was pregnant with her Wolf’s baby, and she found the thought scary and exhilarating at the same time. Their child would want for nothing, the love she knew would be lavished on it, far removed from her own childhood.

  As soon as they were outside Gabe started again, fist in the air and shouting, “YES!” She watched with a smile on her face, waiting for him to calm down.

  After a few minutes she was beginning to think he wasn’t going to calm down, and Josef started walking again, leading her towards their vehicle. “Hey! Wait up!” her Wolf shouted and ran after them.

  Chapter 5

  Steve stayed in the doorway next to the doctor’s office, watching as the three figures exited. Dressed in nondescript dark clothing, he tried to stay hidden, desperate to stay undiscovered. Steve was well aware of what would happen to him if they saw him...or if they guessed what he was and why he was there. He wished it was one of the others that had been sent on this particular mission, even if it did get him away from him for a while.

  His eyes stayed glued to the three as they walked very near to where he was, one of the males seeming extremely excited and pumping his fist in the air, then shouting ‘Yes.’ He frowned, wondering what was going on. A couple of minutes later the other man led the Witch towards their vehicle, and even at this distance, he could feel the power inside the Vampire, so strong it made him feel physically sick.

  Steve knew he was a Vampire, would’ve known as soon as he saw him, even if he hadn’t been told one would be a Vampire and the other a Wolf. The raw power that was around the man was more than a little daunting. He held his breath, hoping he didn’t come onto the Vampire’s radar. He knew if he did, the man would obliterate him without even thinking.

  He relaxed slightly as he realized that all three seemed to have something to celebrate, their attention was completely taken over with whatever it was. He needed to find out and let ‘the boss’ know. Steve always thought of him as ‘the boss,’ even though he wanted everyone to call him Master…who the hell called themselves Master?

  He did and whatever he wanted he got – or else. It hadn’t taken him long to completely take over their group after the death of their leader. If they thought the previous leader was bad, they soon found out how much worse he was. Within hours of returning and proclaiming his leadership, he had already killed two members and tortured another for them objecting to his treatment of their daughters. They were all now terrified of him, and nobody would ever stand up to him again. Shit, life was gonna be even worse than it had been before. Although this mission was dangerous, what with the powerful Vamp and all, he was probably safer here than back there.

  Taking a deep breath in to calm himself...his heart rate had shot up as the Vampire had passed nearby...Steve waited and watched. The Vamp helped the Witch into the front of the large vehicle as the Wolf ran to catch up, getting in back, still with a huge smile on his face. What could make him so damn happy, he thought?

  He kept a close eye on them as they drove away, knowing where they lived, so not feeling as if he had to immediately follow. Although he was tasked with keeping tabs on the Witch, he felt it more important to find out about the doctor’s office and why she had been there. Steve knew it was her that had seen the doctor, after all, a Vampire wouldn’t need one, ever. A Wolf was also a very hardy being, could heal all but the most severe of wounds or illnesses. Seeing as the Wolf had been so excited and jumping around, he guessed he wasn’t ill or in need of a doctor.

  No, it was the Witch that had seen the doctor and Steve needed to find out why.

  As the three disappeared from his view, he stepped out from the doorway and walked towards the doctor’s office, standing straight and having his usual arrogance showing clearly. Now that the danger of the Vampire had passed, he reverted to his usual demeanor. Stopping outside, he checked the signage. Doctor Allen, and going by the information on the door, he specialized in OB/GYN. Steve thought on the excitement the Wolf had exhibited on leaving the doctor’s office and the smile that was on the Witch’s face...she was goddamn pregnant! To the Wolf, as obviously Vampires can’t sire children. So the Witch was having the Wolf’s baby.

  He needed to let ‘the boss’ know ASAP.

  Steve dreaded this next part, wishing that the boss would let him have a phone. That wasn’t allowed, however, in case they were ever caught doing his work. Oh no, the boss took no chances that his own number would fall into the wrong hands. So he prepared himself for the ordeal ahead as he ducked into a doorway for some privacy. He steeled himself and started to utter the words of the spell the boss had made him say time and again until he got it right.

  A mind link with him wasn’t something Steve ever liked participating in and hoped this one went quickly. Closing his eyes, he concentrated and then he heard his voice.


  Shit, he didn’t sound in a good mood...fuck, he was never in a good mood. He hated having his voice inside his head. His heart rate sped up as he tried to control his breathing.

m, it’s me, I followed them to an airport, where I think they dropped some folks off, then they came to a doctor’s office...”

  “What?! A doctor? Is she ill?”

  His boss sounded quite pleased at the thought of the Witch being ill, and he didn’t want to have to tell him the truth, “Uhm, no, she’s not ill, she’s...uhm...”


  Pain lanced his head with the bellow that entered his mind, he jerked in agony before stammering, “She’s pregnant, the doctor she went to see is an OB/GYN, and she seemed real happy when they left and the Wolf was jumping around and shouting ‘Yes’.”

  There, he had said it, at least he wasn’t anywhere near enough for the boss to take out any of his moods on him – good or bad. Didn’t matter, he could be in a seemingly good mood, for him anyway, but still punish someone for next to nothing. Giving the news that the Witch was pregnant was definitely not next to nothing.

  “Pregnant? Hmm, interesting, I’ll have to think on this before deciding what we do next. Just keep her in your sights and let me know if they leave Vegas, or if anything else important happens. Other than that, I don’t want to hear from you. I need to think.”

  Steve sighed in relief and wasn’t surprised when his mind emptied of him without the courtesy of a ‘goodbye.’ He was just glad he wasn’t the focus of any anger the news may have aroused. He shook his head to clear it of any lingering feelings of him and went to get his ancient car, not looking forward to yet another boring day sitting in it, watching the exit from the underground parking area where they lived. He had no choice though, if he didn’t do as ordered, he knew the consequences would be extremely painful, if he was lucky. If he wasn’t, he would suffer a horrendously horrific death. Having seen it before done to others, he certainly didn’t want the same fate.

  For the hundredth time, he cursed his stupidity for getting involved with the sect a few years ago. He had thought it sounded exciting and even fun – that was the way it had been pitched to him. Perfecting his witchcraft and being allowed to ‘use’ the females in the group…he had so looked forward to that part. The reality was so far from that, it sickened him each and every day, but he had seen what happened to others who tried to leave, and he sure as hell wasn’t having that happen to him.


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