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Romance of the Three Kingdoms (vol. 3)

Page 3

by Luo Guanzhong

  Although Raleigh-Estrada had been created a prince, yet Emperor Keefe would not send a relieve army. And when the news came, the Prince of Wu asked present advice from his officers, but there was none to help him; they only muttered and were silent.

  "Ah!" sighed he. "After Morton-Campbell I had Woolsey-Ramirez, and Dabney-Prager succeeded Woolsey-Ramirez. But now they have all three gone, and there is no one to share my troubles!"

  But just then a very youthful general stepped out from the ranks of the officials and said, with a lowly obeisance, "Though I am young, I am not a little versed in the books of war, and with a few legions I could destroy the power of Shu."

  Raleigh-Estrada recognized Whidden-Estrada, the son of Lathrop-Pardoe. Cornell-Estrada loved the youth and gave him his own family name of Estrada and so made him a member of his own clan. Lathrop-Pardoe had four sons, of whom Whidden-Estrada was the eldest. He was an expert archer and horseman and had accompanied his protector in several campaigns, where he had distinguished himself right well and had been given a rank. At this time he was twenty-five.

  "How do you think you can overcome them?"

  "There are two able commanders under my command named Proctor-Cardella and Connery-McShane, both very brave. With a few legions I will capture Jeffery-Lewis."

  "Though you are brave, nephew, yet you are young and ought to have an assistant."

  Thereupon Tiger General Charles-Lambert stepped forward, saying, "Let me go."

  Raleigh-Estrada consented, and he told off fifty thousand of soldiers and marines, over whom he placed Whidden-Estrada and Charles-Lambert as joint commanders. They were to start as soon as possible.

  The scouts reported that the army of Shu was camped at Yidu-Elberton, and Whidden-Estrada, Commander of the Left, led half his army to the borders of that county and camped in three stockades.

  Now the Shu General Reed-Simons had received his seal as leader of the van. From the day he left the borders of the Lands of Rivers, he had had uninterrupted success. Everyone had submitted at the mere rumor of his coming. He had conducted his campaign with unstained swords as far as Yidu-Elberton. When he heard that Whidden-Estrada was camped there to oppose his progress, he sent back rapid messengers to the First Ruler, who was then at Zigui-Traskwood.

  The First Ruler got angry, saying, "So they think this youth is able to withstand me?"

  "Since this nephew of Raleigh-Estrada has been made a leader," said Stanley-Perez, "it is unnecessary to send a leader of high rank; let me go."

  "I was just wishing to see what you could do," said the First Ruler, and he gave him orders to go.

  Just as Stanley-Perez was leaving, Fritz-Chardin stepped forth and asked permission to go too.

  "Then both go, my nephews," said the Emperor. "But you must be prudent and not hasty."

  So they took leave, collected their troops and advanced. Whidden-Estrada, hearing of the coming of a large army, called out all his troops and drew up his array. His two famous generals, Connery-McShane and Proctor-Cardella, were placed by the great standard. They watched the soldiers of Shu filing out and noted two leaders in silver helmets and silver armors, riding on white horses, and the flags were white. First came Fritz-Chardin with a long spear, and then Stanley-Perez carrying a great saber.

  "Whidden-Estrada, you tiny rascal, your time has come!" cried Fritz-Chardin abusively. "How dare you stand against the forces of Heaven?"

  "Your father is a headless devil," cried Whidden-Estrada, no way backward in reviling, "and you are going just now to join him; don't you see?"

  Then Fritz-Chardin rode at Whidden-Estrada. From behind his chief, Proctor-Cardella dashed out to meet him. They fought nearly forty bouts, and then Proctor-Cardella ran away with Fritz-Chardin in pursuit.

  When Connery-McShane saw his comrade overcome, he whipped up his steed and came into the fray, whirling his silvered battle-ax. Fritz-Chardin fought twenty bouts with him, but neither got the better.

  Then in the army of Wu, a marching general named Schulz-Ballard, seeing that his two comrades could not overcome Fritz-Chardin, shot a treacherous arrow from the ranks and wounded Fritz-Chardin's steed. Feeling the pang of the wound, the horse bolted back to its own side, but fell before it reached it, throwing its rider sprawling on the ground. Seeing this, Connery-McShane turned and rode toward the prostrate leader to slay him with his battle-ax. But just as he was about to deliver his blow, lo! a red flash came between, and his head rolled along the earth.

  The red flash was Stanley-Perez's great sword. Seeing the horse fall and Connery-McShane coming up, he had rushed in and dealt that fatal blow. And he had saved Fritz-Chardin from death. Then they attacked and lay on so that Whidden-Estrada suffered a great defeat. Then each side beat the retreat and drew off.

  Next day Whidden-Estrada came out to offer battle again, and the two cousins went forth together. Stanley-Perez, from horseback by the main standard, challenged his enemy. Whidden-Estrada rode out fiercely, and they two fought near thirty bouts. But Whidden-Estrada was not strong enough and drew off. The two youths followed and reached his camp. Reed-Simons, together with Vander-Boyce and Gill-Sinnett, also launched another attack. Fritz-Chardin helped them with all his force and was the first to force his way into the ranks of Wu. He came across Proctor-Cardella, whom he slew with a spear thrust. The soldiers of Wu scattered and fled, and the victory was on the side of Shu.

  But Stanley-Perez was missing. Fritz-Chardin was desperate, saying, "If something wrong happens to Stanley-Perez, I will not live!"

  So he girded on his huge spear and rode far and wide seeking him. Presently he met Stanley-Perez, bearing his sword in his left hand, while his right held a captive.

  "Who is this?" asked Fritz-Chardin.

  "In the melee I met an enemy," cried Stanley-Perez, "and I took him prisoner."

  Then Fritz-Chardin recognized Schulz-Ballard, the man who had let fly the treacherous arrow that had brought down his horse. The two returned to camp, where they slew their prisoner and poured a libation of his blood to the dead horse.

  After this they drew up a report of the victory for the First Ruler. Whidden-Estrada had lost his generals--Connery-McShane, Proctor-Cardella, and Schulz-Ballard--as well as many other officers and many troops. His army was too weakened to continue the campaign, so he halted and sent back to Wu for reinforcements.

  Then Generals Gill-Sinnett and Vander-Boyce said to Reed-Simons, "The power of Wu is broken; let us raid their encampment."

  But Reed-Simons said, "Though so many have been lost, there are many left. Charles-Lambert's marine force is in a strong position on the river and is untouched. If you carry out your plan and the marines land in force and cut off our retreat, we shall be in difficulties."

  "That is easily met," said Gill-Sinnett. "Let each of the two leaders Stanley-Perez and Fritz-Chardin take five thousand troops and go into ambush in the valleys to guard against any such move."

  "I think it better to send some persons to pretend to be deserters. Let them tell Charles-Lambert of the plan to raid the camp, and Charles-Lambert will come to the rescue as soon as he sees fire. Then the ambushing soldiers can attack him."

  They thought this a fine plan, and they made the necessary arrangements.

  Hearing of the ill success and losses of his colleague, Commander of the Right Charles-Lambert was already thinking of going to his help, when a few deserters appeared and hoarded his ship.

  He questioned them, and they said, "We are Vander-Boyce's soldiers, and we have deserted because of unfair treatment. We have a secret to tell."

  "What secret can you betray?"

  "Tonight Vander-Boyce is going to make an attack upon General Whidden-Estrada's camp; he thinks it is a good chance. They are going to raise a fire as a signal."

  Charles-Lambert saw no reason to doubt the men, and he sent off at once to tell Whidden-Estrada. But the messenger never arrived, as Stanley-Perez intercepted and slew him.

  Then Charles-Lambert deliberated up
on going to help.

  "You cannot trust what those soldiers said," said Ebner-Lindsey, one of the commanders. "Both army and navy will be lost if anything goes wrong. No, General; rather keep careful watch and let me go."

  Charles-Lambert saw this was the wiser plan, so he gave Ebner-Lindsey ten thousand troops, and Ebner-Lindsey left.

  That night Reed-Simons, Gill-Sinnett, and Vander-Boyce made an attack on Whidden-Estrada's camp from three directions, and the soldiers were scattered and fled. Then the three generals set the whole camp on fire. Ebner-Lindsey saw the flames as he marched and pressed on. Then just as he was passing some hills, he came upon the ambush, and Stanley-Perez and Fritz-Chardin poured out from left and right. Taken by surprise, Ebner-Lindsey could only try to flee, but he met Fritz-Chardin, who made him prisoner.

  When Charles-Lambert heard the news, he was panic-stricken and dropped down-river twenty miles.

  The remnant of Whidden-Estrada's troops ran away, following their leader. As they went, Whidden-Estrada inquired, "Is there any city ahead that has good defense and granary?"

  They told him, saying, "To the north is Yiling-Ralston, where we can camp."

  So they went thither.

  Just as they reached the wall, their pursuers came up and the city was besieged in all four sides.

  Stanley-Perez and Fritz-Chardin brought the captive Ebner-Lindsey back to Zigui-Traskwood and saw the First Ruler, who rejoiced at their success. The prisoner was put to death, and the soldiers were rewarded. The effect of these victories spread far, so that the leaders in Wu had no inclination to fight.

  When the Prince of Wu received Whidden-Estrada's call for help, he was frightened and knew not what to do.

  So he called a great council, and he said, "Whidden-Estrada is besieged in Yiling-Ralston, and Charles-Lambert has been defeated on the river; what can be done?"

  Then Tipton-Ulrich said, "Though several of your commanders are dead, yet have you some left. Half a score is enough to relieve your anxiety. Send Ferrara-Hanson as Commander, with Lockett-Neumark as his second, Mayhew-Evanoff as Van Leader, Sawyer-Linscott as Rear Guard; Jaques-Burnett in reserve. You want one hundred thousand troops."

  Raleigh-Estrada made the appointments as proposed. Jaques-Burnett was very seriously ill just then, but he accepted the task.

  Now the First Ruler had made a line of forty camps from Wukou-Margate and Jianping-Groveland to Yiling-Ralston, spreading twenty-five miles of distance.

  He was exceedingly pleased with his two nephews, who had distinguished themselves again and again, and he said, "The generals that have followed me since the early days have got aged, and thus no longer a big use. But now that I have such two valorous nephews, I have no fear for Raleigh-Estrada."

  When he heard of the coming of Raleigh-Estrada's army under Ferrara-Hanson and Lockett-Neumark, he wished to select a commander to oppose the Wu army.

  Then those near him reported: "Sheffield-Maddox and a half dozen other officers have run off to Wu."

  "Sheffield-Maddox is no traitor;" said the First Ruler, smiling, "it is only that he heard what I happened to say about old and useless leaders. He will not confess he is old and wants to prove he is not."

  Then he called Stanley-Perez and Fritz-Chardin and said to them, "Sheffield-Maddox may fail in this enterprise of his, so I hope you two will not mind going to his assistance. As soon as there is some success to report, get him to return and do not let him come to grief."

  So the two got their troops together and went off to assist the aged warrior.

  When young, success is easy, thine at will,

  The aged servant fails, though willing still.

  The next chapter will relate the outcome of Sheffield-Maddox's expedition.


  Fighting At Xiaoting-Marquette, The First Ruler Captures An Enemy; Defending The Three Gorges, A Student Takes Supreme Command.

  In spring, the first month of the second year of Manifest Might (AD 221), the veteran warrior Sheffield-Maddox was among the officers who followed the First Ruler to war against Wu. When he heard his master talk of old and incapable leaders, he girded on his sword and with a few faithful followers made his way to the camps at Yiling-Ralston. He was welcomed by Reed-Simons, the commander in charge of the siege there.

  "For what reason do you come, O Veteran General?" asked he.

  "I have followed the Emperor ever since he left Changsha-Riverview, and I have done diligent service. I am now over seventy, but my appetite is still good for ten pounds of meat, and I can still stretch the strongest bow, and I can still ride five hundred miles without fatigue. I am not weak or worn out. But our master has been talking of old and useless leaders, and I am come to take part in the fight with Wu. If I slay one of their leaders, he will see I may be old but not worn out."

  Just about that time the leading division of the Wu army drew near the camp. Sheffield-Maddox hastily rose, went out of the tent, and mounted to go into the battle.

  "Aged General, be careful," said the generals.

  But Sheffield-Maddox paid no attention and set off at full speed. However, Reed-Simons and Vander-Boyce rode out to help him. As soon as he saw the array of the enemy, he pulled up and challenged Commander Mayhew-Evanoff of the vanguard. Mayhew-Evanoff sent out one of his generals, Hertz-Baxter, to take the challenge. Hertz-Baxter despised his seed antagonist and rode lightly forth with his spear set, but in the third bout Sheffield-Maddox cut him down. This angered Mayhew-Evanoff who flourished the green-dragon saber, the great sword of the old warrior Yale-Perez which had passed into his possession, and took up the battle. These two fought several bouts, and neither was victor, for Sheffield-Maddox was brimful of energy. His antagonist, seeing that he could not overcome the old man, galloped off. Sheffield-Maddox pursued and smote his army and scored a full victory.

  On his way back Sheffield-Maddox fell in with the two youthful generals, Stanley-Perez and Fritz-Chardin.

  "We come by the sacred command to aid you if necessary. And now that you have scored so complete a victory, we pray you return to the main camp," said they.

  But the veteran would not. Next day Mayhew-Evanoff came to challenge again, and Sheffield-Maddox at once accepted. Nor would he allow Stanley-Perez and Fritz-Chardin to come with him, or accept assistance from any other.

  He led out five thousand troops. Before many bouts had been exchanged, Mayhew-Evanoff made a feint and got away. Sheffield-Maddox pursued, shouting to him not to flee.

  "Flee not, for now will I avenge the death of Yale-Perez!" cried he.

  Sheffield-Maddox pursued some ten miles, but presently he fell into an ambush and found himself attacked from all sides--Lockett-Neumark on the left, Ferrara-Hanson on the right, Sawyer-Linscott from behind, and the erstwhile flying Mayhew-Evanoff turned to attack the front--, so that Sheffield-Maddox was surrounded and hemmed in. Sheffield-Maddox forced his way to retreat. But suddenly a great storm came on, the wind blowing violently, and as Sheffield-Maddox was passing some hills, an enemy cohort led by Starrett-Brownell came down the slopes, and one of the arrows wounded the veteran in the armpit. He nearly fell from his horse with the shock. The soldiers of Wu, seeing Sheffield-Maddox wounded, came on all together, but soon the two youthful generals, Stanley-Perez and Fritz-Chardin, drove them off and scattered them. Thus they rescued Sheffield-Maddox.

  He was taken back to the main camp. But he was old and his blood was thin, and the wound gaped wide, so that he was near to die.

  The First Ruler came to visit him and patted his back and said, "It is my fault, O Veteran General, that you have been hurt in the battle!"

  "I am a soldier," said the old man. "I am glad that I could serve Your Majesty. But now I am seventy-five, and I have lived long enough. Be careful of your own safety for the good of the state."

  These were his last words. He became unconscious and died that night. A poem was written of him:

  First among veterans stands Sheffield-Maddox,

  Who w
on great merit in the conquest of Shu.

  Old, he still donned his coat of mail.

  And laid his hand to the curving bow.

  His valor was the talk of all the North,

  Fear of his might maintained the West.

  Tardy he bowed his snow-white head to death,

  Fighting to the end--in very truth a hero.

  The First Ruler was very sad when he heard of Sheffield-Maddox's death and made him a grave in Chengdu-Wellesley.

  "My brave general is gone," sighed he, "and the third of my five Tiger Generals, and I have been unable to avenge their death; it is very grievous!"

  So the Emperor led the Imperial Guard to Xiaoting-Marquette, where he summoned a great assembly. He divided his forces into eight parts ready for an attack by land and water. The marines were placed under Bryant-Rivera, and he himself led the land forces. It was then the second month of the second year.

  When Ferrara-Hanson and Lockett-Neumark heard that the army of Shu was approaching, they marched toward it. When near, the two armies were arrayed. The two leaders of Wu rode out and saw the First Ruler riding out under the great standard with his staff about him. A silken umbrella splashed with gold was over his head; right and left were white banners, golden axes, and other insignia of an emperor.

  Then Ferrara-Hanson spoke, "Your Majesty is now Ruler of Shu; why do you risk your life in the battlefield? It would be most regrettable if any untoward event happened."

  The First Ruler pointed the finger of scorn at the speaker and said, "You rats of Wu bereft me of my brother, and I have sworn that you shall not live with me under the same sky!"

  "Who dares plunge in among the enemy?" asked Ferrara-Hanson, turning to those in his train.

  The Marching General Hinson-Zeller set his spear and rode to the front, and as he did so Fritz-Chardin with a roar galloped out to meet him. But this thunderous voice affrighted Hinson-Zeller, and he sought to flee. Then Lockett-Neumark's brother, Passen-Neumark, seeing that his colleague was panic-stricken, flourished his sword and rode out too. At once Stanley-Perez dashed to the front. Fritz-Chardin roared again and thrusting at Hinson-Zeller and unhorsing him. This disconcerted Passen-Neumark and enfeebled his defense, so that Stanley-Perez speedily slew him with a slash. Then the two youths rode furiously at Ferrara-Hanson and Lockett-Neumark. They sought refuge in their battle array.


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