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The Demon King's Sex Kitten: Book One

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by Beth Wright

  The Demon King's Sex Kitten

  By: Beth Wright

  Published By: Beth Fullaway

  Copyright 2014 Beth Wright

  License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Thalmok laughed as he watched his son battle another demon warrior. His eyes never left his son’s battle moves, not even for a second. He bellowed out to Darmal, “Stop fighting like a woman!” Darmal cringed as he heard his father’s words. He jumped as the warrior swung the ax at his leg, missing him by only a few centimeters. Sweat drenched his body as his father’s voice filled the air once more, “Get him, Darmal! What the Hell are you waiting for…a missing limb?!” Misjudging his opponent’s next move caused him to be yelled at once again. Thalmok grumbled out to his son as he approached him. “Get off your ass and kill him!” His heavy booted steps echoed throughout the throne room. The stone walls prevented anyone from the outside hearing what was accruing within it. Darmal knew why and he dreaded the future event, that he knew his father was about to fulfill.

  Tears threatened to spill from his red eyes as he looked up to his father, “He is my best friend!”

  Thalmok grabbed Darmal’s throat and lifted him up into the air. His grip tightened as he yelled out, “You will kill him!”

  Darmal kept his eyes shut as he whispered, “No.” His heart raced as he held the tears back.

  His father cursed as he threw him across the room. His back hit the stone wall with force, knocking the air out of him. He gasped for air as he watched his father stand his ground. “A fucking piece of shit…that is all you are, Darmal!” His voice rose as he drawn his sword and turned towards the warrior who his son refused to kill. He kept his eyes trained on the warrior, “Now you will die!”

  The warrior had no time to even defend himself. Other warriors came out from the shadows within the large throne room. They circled their victim for only a second before stabbing him through multiple times. The young prince’s voice echoed around them, “No!”

  Darmal’s pain laced with anger as he stood to his feet gripping his sword tightly within his hands. He shed only a few tears before charging at his evil father. Just as his sword lifted up to send a death blow at his father’s head the air around the throne room became dense with the smell of ashes and death. The one sure sign that told all the demon kings were now present. His swing faltered as he swayed from the sudden shift within the room.

  Thalmok turned as Darmal’s sword slipped from his grasp and fell to the ground. He growled at him, “You thought you could kill me!” Slipping his hand into Darmal’s hair he pulled him to his feet. “You are nothing but a worthless piss of shit! You couldn’t even kill that young warrior! Yet, you believed you could kill me, your father and king?!” His grip tightened around the long black hair as his hissed out, “I should kill you!”

  Darmal’s bright red eyes closed as he waited for his death sentence. After a few silent minutes a voice spoke to him from somewhere far off in the distance, “You shall not die yet, Darmal.” The vision of a blue skin demon appeared within his mind as his father’s tight grip drifted from his hair. Darmal refused to open his eyes, seeing the evil king laugh at him, was the last thing he wanted right now.

  The memories of his past faded as Darren scanned the alley. Stopping dead in his tracks, he finally realized he had wondered off from his true destination. Stupid wizard, he could have asked for an invite to his castle instead of having him roam the bloody earth looking for his boring house. Out of all places for a wizard house, it had to be in a city filled with humans. He grumbled under his breath as he started to walk out of the damp, dark, clutter filled alley, “Stupid humans and their annoying trash,” He stumbled over his thoughts as he stepped onto another piece of trash, that just so happened to ooze some kind of molding food out of it, “God, can’t they even clean up after themselves?” Leaving the dark alley behind brought him out into a very brightly lit street and there just so happened to be an erotic club right in front of him. His mind danced with erotic ideas as he watched half-naked humans walk in and out of the club. One female in particular captured his eyes. Her beautiful long black hair was dancing over her back as she walked across the parking lot towards him.

  It had been centuries since Darren every desired to have a sex slave. This sexy woman turned him on more than words could say. Every sway of that hourglass figure made his mouth water. He watched her as she walked quietly to a car. While standing within the shadows of the alley, he could hear every movement she made as she pulled the keys out of her purse. His eyes brightened to a crimson red as she bent down into her front seat to pull out her fur jacket apparently she wasn’t leaving just yet. Her sweet ass taunted him as she reached back into the front seat once again. He coughed lightly as he approached her from behind. She stopped her search and looked back at him. After releasing an agitated sigh, she finally asked, “Can I help you?”

  He groaned a little as she stood up. His dick was not helping him think. Finally he spoke in a hushed, deep voice as the street light nearest them flickered on and off a few times, “My God, Woman, Heaven must be looking for you.”

  She laughed a little as she replied, “God, can’t you guys think of better lines then that one?”

  He stumbled over his thoughts for a few minutes before responding to her. Running his long fingers through his short black hair as his green eyes scanned her body he finally said, “Honestly, I have never had problems with that line before.”

  Grumbling under her breath for a few seconds, she finally stated, “Well…you do now, Princess Charming.”

  His grin brought a shiver down her body as he spoke in a deep voice, “Do you know what or who I am?”

  She giggled in an evil kind of way before answering him, “Frankly, My Dear Jackass, I don’t give a damn.”

  God help him. She turned him on more with her sassy, disobedient words. Was it even possible for his dick to grow larger than what is was? He reached down to adjust himself as she sashayed away. A groan admitted from him as he realized, his dick did get larger from that little scene and now his tight black leather pants had no more room left for comfort. He watched as she entered the club once again. Ever fibber within his body screamed at him to follow her, but he knew the owner of the club was a vampire, who he hated more than anyone in the world.

  Old memories started to resurface….

  “Darmal you know you love me.” Ginger swayed her hips with the club music while licking her lips. Blue eyes danced with joy as she continued to taunt him, “Remember…you said I am the best sex pet you have ever had.” Her long red hair clung to her sweaty bare back.

  They had been dancing for four hours straight; Darmal couldn’t take it anymore, “That’s enough, Ginger! I said no more dancing!” He ran his fingers through his long black hair as he sat back down in his chair. God, this woman is so annoying. Why the hell do I even continue to keep her…oh yeah…because of the great sex. He grumbled under his breath, “Damn sexy redhead.” His red eyes scanned the club for Stephen, the vampire that had giving this annoying redhead to him. After a few scans he finally found the vampire in question. Darmal had only been on the surface of Earth a few times and each time he came into contact with this asshole. As Stephen approached the table, he watched the blond male’s eyes trail over Ging
er’s dancing body. The vampire was only a few years younger than Darmal, yet he knew if the young demon king wished him death, he would die. Darmal chucked within his mind as he read some of Stephan’s fears. The blond male bowed his head slightly before taking the seat across from Darmal.

  “Good evening, Darmal, I see Ginger is being a nice little pet.”

  Darmal growled deep in his chest before speaking. “She could do better.”

  Stephan’s green eyes trailed over Ginger’s body once more before asking, “How so?”

  Grabbing his glass of wine as he spoke, Darmal glared over the rim at Stephen, “She is annoying as Hell.”

  The vampire chuckled slightly as he nodded in agreement. “I guess she is a little on the annoying side.”

  Darmal continued to glare at Stephen as Ginger approached them. He saw out of the corner of his eyes, she was staring at Stephen with hunger in her own eyes. Since he still was a young demon, he could not find everything out with his demon powers, yet he knew something was going on between the vampire and his pet. He growled under his breath, “Do you have something to tell me, Ginger?”

  She backed away slightly as he turned his full attention to her. The woman’s body language and fear spoke all he needed to know. Standing suddenly before she could even run off, he backhanded her. She gasped before asking, “What was that for?”

  His eyes directed to the frightened vampire before speaking, “So, you sent a spy into my castle in the form of a sex pet?”

  Stephan’s fear heightened as Darmal wrapped his claws around his throat, “Keep your slutty spy, Stephen, but if you EVER….EVER….cross my path again,” He rose up and walked off towards the door before finishing, “I will kill you.”

  The presents forcefully came back to him as he stood back in the darkness of the alley from earlier. His Demon abilities wavered as he tried to listen in to her conversations within the club. Suddenly her voice became clear. He heard her arguing with the one person he wished not to see.

  “Shut up, Stephen, you know I hate this job.”

  Stephan’s laughter made Darren’s rage build, but that wasn’t what took him over the edge of anger. What Stephan said next is what marked him for death.

  “Come on, Taby, you either play nicely with the customers…or you can become my sex toy for the night.”

  Like Hell was Stephan going to have this pet. He growled deeply as he approached the entrance to the club. The bouncers were both vampires and they knew who the Demon King was as he stepped up to them. His voice frightened them as he ordered them.

  “Open the door or die.”

  They both rushed to open the door. As he walked through it, he stated to them.

  “Don’t help Stephan in anyway…or you too will die.”

  Both of them nodded their heads before racing off into the darkness. Good, Stephan’s only bodyguards were now gone, all he needed to do now was find his pet before Stephan harmed her in anyway.

  The stench of sex and alcohol beverages assaulted his sense of smell. He shrugged off the smells as he scanned the packed night club for Taby. Off in a corner behind the bar area he saw Stephen grab Taby by the hair.

  Stephan growled as he grabbed Taby by the hair. He forced her to her knees in front of him upon the floor as he spoke again.

  “You will listen to me, Woman, or you will be my main meal for the night.”

  “You will not be eating my pet!”

  Stephan’s eyes glared at the Demon King as he stepped up to them. Finally the vampire decided to speak to him.

  “Go away, Demon, this pet is now mine.”

  Taby clawed at Stephan’s hands as they tightened around her silky long black hair. She hissed as he pulled her head backwards towards him.

  “Let go of me, Stephan! I am no one’s pet.”

  Darren watched as Stephan teased Taby’s neck with his fingertips. As he went down to kiss her neck, the Demon King intervened. He grabbed the vampire by the throat, as he started to change into his demon form. Long black wings formed behind him as his skin turned to a light shade of gray. His raven black hair grew to waist length. Bright fiery red eyes glistened as he spoke while his voice rocked the building’s walls, “Release her…or you will soon find out what it tastes like to die a thousand times over within five minutes!”

  Stephan’s voice strained as he spoke.

  “She does not have a Demon’s pet marking upon her, Darren, she is open game.”

  Darren’s roar shook the windows, and then he threw Stephan across the club. All of the club customers and workers scattered as they saw Darren by Taby’s side. Soon the building became empty, except for the three of them.

  Stephan swore under his breath as he watched Darren lean down and forcefully bite into Taby’s upper right arm.

  She screamed as the pain took over her. Her body and soul felt on fire. She was gasping for air as the pain turned to desire.

  The Demon King chuckled as he knelt down in front of her.

  “Now…you are my Hellish Kitten.”

  She grumbled under her breath as the desire took over her mind.

  “I’ll be your Kitten…if you promise to get down here and fuck me hard, while I am in heat.”

  Darren groaned as his dick throbbed to do just that. He turned just in time to catch Stephen by the throat, yet again. This time he did not throw the Vampire, instead he broke his neck, and then he called upon the fires of Hell to swallow the paralyzed Vampire up. Stephen screamed out in agony as the flames took over him. Just before vanishing into the depths of Hell, he threatened Taby.

  “I will find you…then you will be mine.”

  Within seconds he was gone. Taby groaned as her desire built to a whole new level. She cringed as thoughts of jumping the Demon king entered her mind. He stood within inches of her in nothing but a very tight pair of black leather pants. A soft gasp escaped her lips as she licked them slowly. His abs taunted her sexually enhanced mind as he knelt down on one knee. Dammit, why was she so horny?

  Darren chuckled as he answered her mental question, “You desire your master, Kitten, and since I am right here by your side…it makes your desire heighten.” She snarled as he gently took her arms and helped her off the ground. Her legs buckled beneath her as he crushed her body into his broad, muscle bond chest. His sex driven words came out in nothing but a hushed whisper, “Do you want to ride me, My Pet?”

  As his erection pressed against her stomach a shiver of need took over her. Her mind swirled in ecstasy as she breathlessly answered, “Yes…Oh God…yes.”

  His voice crackled a little as his own need built, “Then let’s get you home, Kitten.”

  A large swirl of smoke and fire consumed them, within seconds they were within a large dungeon cell, with a very large bed in one corner. He looked to his demon guards and ordered them to leave, as he placed Taby upon the red, silk sheets.

  She hissed as she took in her surroundings. The cell had a few candles lit on two small nightstands on each side of the bed. The walls were made of some kind of black stones that reminded her of black marble. The candle light bounced off the stones to enhance the romantic feel to the cell. The only thing that stood out of place was the solid wood door. It had different types of markings burned into it. She wondered if they were some kind of spell or curses placed there to keep the prisoners in. “So…I am now a prisoner?”

  He chuckled softly, as his long fingernails traced her cleavage, “Just until you learn to obey my every command…”

  He knew she would not like hearing those words. She bucked and clawed at him as he covered her body with his own. As he spoke, their clothes started to dematerialize, “See…My Pet…you still need a lot of training.”

  A moan consumed her as his erection pressed against her very tender clit. Just when she was about to buck yet again, he started to move himself over her very sensitive bud. She gasped as her body burned and yearned for more. Inwardly she cursed at herself for even enjoying the Demon’s touch, yet she could
not control her hands, they trailed up his chest. His large, black wings extended behind him, while he kept up his grinding against her now wet core. A small whimper escaped her lips as he pulled away, and laid himself down beside her. His erection was hard as a rock and bobbing within view, she looked over at it. Taby’s mouth watered as she watched it jolt, a small trail of pre-cum glistened in the candle light.

  He watched as her eyes stayed upon his erection, he started to wonder if she was changing her mind, but before he could say anything his pet did exactly what he was waiting on.

  She jumped up and straddled his waist. His hands rushed up and grabbed her waist as her wetness made him hiss. He wondered if he could even handle staying under her. Ever brush of her wet lips sent him closer to the edge. His hisses turned to growls of pleasure as her opening neared his throbbing head. A tingling sensation flowed through his mind, as he felt her hot opening take him in. With one fast thrust it went in all the way. A groan escaped her. She climbed higher and higher to the edge as she rode him. Never in his life had he ever enjoyed being ridden by a woman, but his new pet seemed to bring him beyond all boundaries. A loud, yet very rough growl came from deep within his chest as her riding increased. She rode him like he was a wild stallion trying to buck his rider off.

  Instantly she felt her climax as it claimed her, she felt his join hers. The room shook as they both cried out in ecstasy. Both sweating and panting as they came out of it. She lied her body down upon his. He chuckled as he tried to catch his breath.

  She couldn’t believe he was laughing, especially after the best sex she had ever experienced in her life. Her growl of displeasure shocked him slightly. He realized why she growled, then laughed some more. Taby hissed at him, “What is so funny?”

  After a few minutes of nothing but his laughter, he finally stated to her, “You are by far the most skilled rider I have ever met.”

  She moaned in displeasure as he removed himself from her still throbbing core. A sudden shock of awareness hit her when she felt something cold being placed upon her wrist. Looking up from the bed she came to find herself staring back at a very beautiful female demon. Her ice cold stare gave Taby the shivers, but more importantly, she was chaining Taby to the bed. Taby’s words echoed through the dungeon as she yelled out, “What the Hell are you doing?!”


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