From Out Of The Shadows
Page 24
“And what if someone decides to move in? Take up where the baron left off? Maybe build another castle?”
“I must prevent that from happening.”
“You?â�� Tora nearly stopped in her tracks, but Croat’s urging kept her going.
“Yes, me. Now that the villagers have accepted us, Blowran and Tremond have sworn to help us by going with me to the other surrounding villages. We need to convince the other towns that we can live together in peace. That, by banding together, we can prevent another Baron Agrino from coming in with his bloodthirsty army and forcibly taking whatever he wants.”
“And when you go to these other places, you honestly believe they’ll listen to you?”
Croat gave a slight shrug. â��I don’t know. I can only hope.”
“Will you tell them you’re Lupan?”
He paused slightly. â��Only when I have to. If I feel I have no other choice.”
Tora nodded, and they proceeded on. Overhead the wind picked up, brushing the treetops. An occasional drop of rain fell on them, but the forest kept most of the swiftly passing storm from soaking them.
At some point Tora lost track of everything. She didn’t protest when Croat lifted her into his arms to carry her the rest of the way. The last thing she was aware of was of him tucking her head underneath his chin, and sending a tendril of love curling around her heart.
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Chapter 39
“Ouch! That burns.”
The cold lotion Croat was applying to the puncture wounds in her waist and hip had dragged her out of the deep sleep she’d fallen into. Bleary-eyed, Tora looked around at their unfamiliar surroundings. â��Where are we?”
“In Neabush. Lie back down and let me tend to you.”
She obediently stretched across the bed where he had laid her. He had stripped off the remnants of her clothing and was taking care of the areas where splinters had embedded in her flesh when the chair exploded. Behind him a fresh fire crackled in the fireplace. Although small, but it was enough to chase away the morning chill.
Tora watched as he gently extracted the wood with his Lupan nails. Blinking, she realized the rest of him was human. At some time he must have washed, as all traces of blood were gone and his hair was slicked down on his scalp. Every so often she could see droplets fall from the hair at his neck.
The curtain had been drawn over the single window in the room, but it was evident the sun was up. Another glance around told her someone must have offered up a room to them where they could rest before journeying back to the Lupan village.
If she was allowed to go back.
“Yes, you’re going back with me,â�� he murmured, keeping his concentration on taking out the shards.
“Why doesn’t it hurt?”
This time he gave her a small smile. â��The lotion numbs the area. I’m almost done.â�� His smile broadened. â��I’ve already checked you thoroughly to see if you had any other wounds.”
Ah. That explained her nakedness.
And speaking of naked…Tora let her eyes roam downward. He still wore the tiny loincloth that barely covered his genitals. Except, in this case, with him turned sideways and bending over her, she could see everything, including the fact that he was growing sexually excited. She could also see lines of weariness in his profile.
“You haven’t slept,â�� she softly accused.
“I will sleep later.”
“Oh? Is that another Lupan trait? Going without rest?â�� she teased, but underneath her tone she was serious. By the pause in his ministrations, she knew he was aware of her concern.
“I could not rest until I was certain you were taken care of first.”
She couldn’t help but smile. â��Thank you.”
Croat paused to give her a puzzled look. â��For…”
Silently, he returned to her hip, paying close scrutiny to the last fragments still in her skin. Tora watched him pull out the final piece then wash his hands in a nearby bowl of water. She watched the Lupan claws become human. That done, he extracted a poultice of some kind from a leather bag to smear over the wounds.
Tora wrinkled her nose. â��Why do healing medicants always smell so awful?”
“If they didn’t, you wouldn’t know they were medicants.â�� He cast her a playful grin. â��You might accidentally eat it instead.”
“I bet you learned that from Deelaht.”
Croat snorted in answer.
She continued to watch until he finished applying the yellowish poultice and his attention shifted. He began to stroke the backs of her knees and thighs. Light strokes. Teasing strokes.
“What are you doing?”
“Thinking of a way for you to thank me properly,â�� he responded.
Tora opened her mouth to tell him she meant the stuff in the leather bag when his fingers trailed over her buttocks. His touch was mesmerizing. It also sent little surges of heat into her core, and her body responded with increasing wetness in a vain attempt to put out the embers verging on combustion.
He gave her a little nudge, and she rolled onto her back. Croat untied the lacing on his loincloth, letting it fall to the floor as he climbed onto the bed to join her.
He moved into her embrace, and began to place soft kisses on her shoulder and in the curve of her neck. For every kiss he slowly licked the same place before moving to another patch of skin. Sighing, Tora closed her eyes. She was floating, held to the ground by the strength of his arms.
His body settled on top of hers. The tip of his erection pressed against her entrance, persistent and eager, burrowing between the folds of her lips. Unaware of her actions, Tora lifted her knees to give him better access.
My Tora. My beautiful Tora.
His mental caresses filled her mind, flooding her soul with his love. Clutching the back of his head, she guided his face down to where she could kiss him.
“Take me,â�� she breathed into his mouth.
Instead of replying, Croat began to press into her, sliding thickly into her velvety center. Tora immediately clenched her inner muscles, and he paused, opening his eyes to gaze questioningly at her.
“No. As Lupan.”
She felt him tremble slightly as his eyes opened wider with surprise.
“I…I want to accept all of you and who you are.”
“Are you sureâ��”
“Shhhhhhh.â�� She shut him up with another kiss. A deeper kiss. One filled with trust. Gently, she released her grip on him and watched as he propped himself up on his elbows. He was still inside her as his features gradually shifted. His skin darkened, and thick fur sprouted from his pores. His face lengthened, forming a muzzle with its mouthful of dangerous teeth. The arms and legs grew bulkier, more muscular. His hands and feet grew claws as he slowly became his Lupan self.
But the eyes never changed. His brown eyes that were more orange in color. His pumpkin eyes.
Croat moved within her, gently forcing his engorged member into her. Tora gasped and clutched his arms.
He chuckled throatily. â��Everything changes, Tora. Everything.”
He was thicker, bigger, stretching her channel with his invasion. She felt as if a warm, quivering pole was being shoved inside her. She was unaware that her nails were digging into his biceps until Croat whispered, â��Am I too much?”
Tora swallowed hard. â��Let me…get used to it.”
Croat lowered his face as he moved an inch at a time into her. Pushing past tissue unused to such exquisite torment. She felt him holding his breath as he finally planted himself all the way inside her.
Closing her eyes, Tora threaded her fingers through his coarse fur and concentrated on the sweet vibrations emanating from her womb, all throughout her body.
She didn’t have to ask him to move. They were one now.
One mind, one thought, one being made of two halves melding together.
Croat moved his hips, pulling out gently. A slight pause, and he carefully shoved back into her, not stopping until he was fully engulfed within her. Immediately, he began to love her. Out, in, out, in, gradually increasing speed as her body lubricated his hard, unbending shaft. In, out, in, out. With each stroke, his breath puffed moist and hot on her skin.
She could feel his Lupan snout nuzzling her neck. When his rough, sandpapery tongue dragged across her collarbone, lapping at her sweat, it drew a low moan out of her.
“Do that again,â�� he whispered.
“Moan for me. I want to feel you moan when I’m inside you. I want to feel it all the way to my balls. All the way, down to my toes.”
Croat shifted position, getting up on his knees and bending over. He pulled her closer, lifting her legs to let her heels rest on his shoulders. Tora opened her eyes to see him poised above her. The bulbous head of his massive erection was already buried past her lower lips.
Reaching out, he let the tips of his sharp claws scrape over her skin, over her breasts, and lightly flick her aching nipples. The intense surge of lust flooding her made her gasp, and at that same moment Croat lunged into her with one massive thrust.
Tora screamed as her orgasm rose from unseen depths, raging like a trapped beast suddenly set free, and devoured her whole. Her whole body went rigid in the throes, yet Croat continued to hammer into her as he sought his own release. He was so close…so damn close…
It was as if a giant hand reached under his skin, grabbed his scrotum, and literally squeezed him dry. He struggled to breathe and fought to control the wild, almost animalistic reaction of his body. Still, he pounded into her as Tora’s hips danced underneath him, matching his rhythm and intensity.
Without warning, he opened his eyes, and freezing cold shock washed over him.
He wasn’t staring down at Tora.
He was looking up.
At himself.
It wasn’t his voice. It was a more feminine timbre, but it sounded as fearful as he felt.
Pumpkin eyes widened. For the first time in his life, Croat saw himself as others did as Tora gazed down at him.
He/Tora thrust twice more into her/him. Undulating waves of her orgasm lifted him back up, nearly to her first plateau. He lost all sense of touch, of smell, of hearing. At the same moment, he was aware of Tora crying out in a low, Lupan howl.
What he did next was purely instinctive. Clutching her/himself around the shoulders, Croat pulled her/him down on top of him/her and rolled onto his/her side. In that position, he panted heavily and waited for the world to right itself.
After a long while, the only sounds he could hear was the snapping sounds made by the fire as it ate away the logs on the grate. At last he could breathe freely. Filling his lungs, he prepared himself and slowly opened his eyes.
Tora was watching him with a worried yet loving smile on her face. �How do you feel?� she whispered.
“Strange.â�� A glance down between them confirmed what he already knew. He was still inside her, albeit a bit deflated. He looked back up when she reached over to stroke his muzzle. â��Will it always be like that?â�� he asked.
“You mean the sharing of bodies?”
Tora gave a little shrug. â��I don’t know. I think so. Does it matter?”
Did it matter? Given the fact that it felt so strange to be inside her body and feeling himself making love to her…not to mention sharing orgasms…
“No.â�� He shook his head, knowing he was being completely truthful. â��No, it doesn’t. In factâ��”
“You want to do it again?â�� Her smile widened until it became mischievous. To tempt him, she gave her hips a wiggle. Croat felt his erection start to thicken, aching to bury itself back into her hot body.
Rather than answer her, he started to bend to kiss her when Tora held up a hand to stop him. â��Before I forget, when were you planning on us heading back to the village?”
“Not now, woman. I have more important things to think about at the moment,â�� he growled playfully, pushing her hand down to where she could grasp his length where it lay between them.
Laughing, she managed to keep him from penetrating her again until he finally pounced on her from above and wrestled her into the sheets. He began laughing with her as she playfully tried to fight him. He knew it was a token gesture, meant more to entice and excite him in loving foreplay.
As he found her warm, waiting channel and slid impatiently into it, Croat heard her giggle, then give a loud howl, like the calling of a Lupan claiming her mate. He answered her, letting go with an equally loud cry. The effect reduced them both into fits of laughter even while their bodies strained for another peak of completion.
It would be a very long time before either of them would get any decent amount of rest. And even longer before Croat would declare it time for all Lupan to head back to their village.
They had reason to celebrate when they did. With the baron gone, and a tentative truce established between Lupan and humans, they could look forward to a future free of shame and fear.
But more importantly, they would have to make room in their celebration to prepare for a wedding.
Their new king was taking a wife.
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The sun sent blades of light through the thick brush, making it difficult for him to remain hidden from sight. The woods loomed in his vision. Branches and limbs swooped down from overhead to brush against his body with the gentleness of a lover’s hand. Leaves caressed his fur as he ran through the forest. Running. Running. Seeking the destination he prayed still existed. Hoping it would be there for him, looking the way it had when he’d left. Untouched by the hate and blood he’d been forced to endure these past few months.
The sunlight threw dappled patterns over the rich greenery. He could feel his lungs filling with fresh air like sweet, pure perfume. His heart pounded steadily, regularly, keeping perfect rhythm with each step. His legs seemed to move of their own volition through the brush and grasses, for unlike normal animals, Lupan walked upright.
Colors swirled past. He was aware of the new spring growth, but he didn’t have the time to stop and appreciate it. What he was seeking, what he was needing, lay just ahead, not too far away. And it was imperative he get there as soon as he could.
His energy was inexhaustible. His vision had a clarity that stunned him. Even more astounding, he felt an inner strength he had never experienced before.
He was getting closer. Much closer. Any moment now…
He burst through the last barrier of prickly ivy, into the wide, almost circular clearing surrounded by enormous prayer trees. The thick foliage made it easy to believe he was inside some remote, sacred place.
She was waiting for him, sitting on the grass with her legs folded underneath her. She was Lupan, but wearing a short dress. He could tell she had not been waiting long; she was still breathing heavily from her own run.
She smiled to see him, and got to her feet, holding out her arms in welcome. Bright brown eyes shone with tears as she nuzzled him in the waist. Gods, she seemed to have grown another inch since he’d last seen her.
As they stood, wrapped in each other’s embrace, they both changed into their human form. Her light brown hair turned lighter, until it matched her mother’s. Her features were a smattering of both her parents, but to him she was almost the epitome of the woman who was waiting for them both to arrive home.
Looking lovingly up at him, she asked, â��Are you staying this time, Papa? Please tell me you’ll never have to go away again!”
“Never again, Sheria.â�� He planted a kiss where her hair was parted, and inhaled her beloved fragrance. â��Never ever again.”
His mission was over. Their future was
secure. By the end of the day the rest of his men would return to the village, and then the celebration would begin. But he couldn’t wait for them, which was why he had run ahead, leaving the others behind. He couldn’t wait to be back and in the arms of those he loved.
“I’m glad,â�� the little girl sighed, cuddling again. And in the next moment Croat began receiving feelings of the most perfect happiness as it centered into his stomach before reaching outward throughout the rest of his body.
As he opened his mouth to inquire about her mother’s whereabouts, his answer came in the form of a soft mental kiss. In his head Tora’s loving voice whispered, Welcome home, my husband. Welcome home.
I have missed you, beloved.
No more than I have, she replied. Never leave me again. No more. Promise me.
It was with truth and great happiness that he was able to give her his promise.
With this last pact solidified, the combined forces between the Lupan and every village within five days� distance was assured. Never again would anyone have to fear that another man like Agrino would be able to come in and take over�to use, abuse, and waste humanity.
For the first time in many, many years, the villages would prosper. And the Lupan would finally be able to come out of hiding and live openly in peace.
The years to come would, indeed, prove fruitful.
Fruitful, and abundant with love.
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Linda loves to write romance with a fantasy or science fiction flair. Her technique is often described as being as visual as a motion picture or graphic novel. By day she is a kindergarten teacher, wife, and mother of two who lives in a small south Texas town near the Gulf Coast. But at night she delves into alternate worlds filled with daring exploits and sensual, erotic romance.