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Till the Last Breath

Page 26

by Alvin Atwater

  “You think I wanted him to live such a terrible life,” Conus wheezed out in anger. “My youngest son, my son—I have eyes watching me—I answer to an authority over me. If I defy the law, become Fallen, what will happen then? I certainly won’t be myself anymore. The time to even apologize to my own son, for being a failure of a father will be gone. What kind of a parent would want to throw their own flesh and blood in such a foul place. As the ruler, I’m bear a heavy responsibility, heavily monitored and inspected to prevent me from corrupting. But…it seems they were simply watching the wrong person. That is how members of our own House were able to pull it off. With no eyes on them, betrayed us all…My people…”

  Tears fell from the proud god’s face. His divine state intensified as he forced himself to stand. I took aim at the beast, ready to fight and end this too. Moses allowed lightning to ripple around him as he got into a fighting stance.

  “Even you were backed in the corner by your own failure of a system,” the Red Dragon said. “And to think your mind is clouded enough that you believe that you’re able to do what the King wasn’t able to do. You see me as the problem, yet I simply wish to correct it. This is why I must purge old minds.”

  “Enough!” I yelled then rushed him.

  The Red Dragon didn’t move as I swung at him. Conus did make sure he was out of range as the light flashed again. This was finally over.

  We’d only have to rebuild. And I’d….my eyes widened. In fact, I felt myself trembling inside as the cloaked man still stood, completely unharmed—impossibly unaffected, cloak including. This didn’t make sense!

  “Perhaps I should show you why your father’s wise advice to run shouldn’t have been wasted.”

  He showed no signs of moving—just appeared in front of me, pointed at Moses, and…deleted him.

  The barely visible dark of essence, or whatever he shot from his finger hit Moses so hard, the ex-elite burst into literal pieces. Blood, gore, everything splattered everywhere, except the Red Dragon. He turned that finger to Conus—but since I knew what was going to happen, I attempted to tackle the fucker. The strangest thing happened at that point—fuck—I fazed right through him. The bastard went intangible at the worst possible moment. The next thing I heard was Conus’s yelled before I turned around.

  “I’m going to force you away from here—”

  Colors of all kinds overtook my vision as I yelled, “no, I won’t be a coward, I can’t leave you there, Conus!”

  But it was too late.

  As I appeared in front of my friends, Conus’s presence and the lock on the realm vanished. Tears…For the first time in my life, I…this emotion hit me. Tears...I didn’t realize it until now, that I actually forgave my father.

  After hearing how the actions were out of his hands, almost decided for him to prevent the most powerful being in Universe Yetta from being corrupted, I considered the idea of the system being changed, shut down. But now…I only agree with Conus, that it’s there for a reason. To prevent those who want to take matters in their own hands to create an ideal. An ideal that would eventually turn into dystopia. My friends were silent, probably uncomprehending that someone like me would actually drop tears. Even I was surprised by this, perhaps confused. I forced the vision that would show me Conus’s death into a lock, sealed away. I took a deep breath, wiped the tears away, and stood tall.

  “Where’s Mother Nature?” I said, looking around.

  “She went to retrieve her daughters,” Elly said. “She wanted us to go ahead, to portal us to Karma’s realm.”

  “We had to decline,” Sin said. “As long as your presence was still in this realm, we weren’t going to leave without you.”

  “It took a lot of convincing to keep them all from going after you in a realm of hostile gods,” Layla said. “Those masked guys are searching everywhere. Bloody hell man, what is going on?”

  “You felt it, right?” I said.

  “I’m…truly sorry for your loss,” Elly said.

  “It’s fine,” I said. “I can mope later. Right now, we’ve got to get the fuck out of here. My…that idiot gave his life for us to escape. I’m not wasting it.”

  We grabbed hands and I ascended us back to Secure Corps. My eyes widened. The Red Dragon’s presence…I could still feel it. In fact, upon focusing hard enough, it extended throughout all of the realms. A part of me felt truly cold inside, realizing that everyone in Paradise Realm who hadn’t escape would die. I wasn’t sure if the beast would visit each and every city to continue his purge, but…if something wasn’t done, there would be no one left to stop him.


  I thought about Conus’s last wish. Awaken my full self, awaken the universe, go to the King’s realm. The other words that struck me belonged to the beast. The truth of what he really is. What the hell did he mean by that?

  We were all laid out in the comfy chairs of the conference room, beat. A few of Amony’s witches were tending to any wounds. I almost forgot mine existed, adrenaline allowing me to stay conscious. My phone beeped, signaling a text message. I glanced at it. Selina.

  It read: respond if you’re alive. I replied: no.

  A distortion appeared at the entrance to the conference room. In a brief flash, the death goddess appeared.

  “You and I need to talk, now,” she said, pointing at me. Before I could protest, she continued. “In private.”

  When were outside, I turned look at her with probably weary eyes. Given all that’s happened, at least this wasn’t a call for bullshit.

  “Please tell me you don’t have more bad news,” I said.

  “I don’t think it can get worse than feeling the damned Red Dragon across the universe,” she said then placed a hand on my face as if inspecting for wounds. “I can feel his essence on you. You saw him?”

  “A thing in a red cloak,” I said. “I won’t be forgetting the fucker any time.”

  “Are you…okay?” she said. “I mean after all of the crap you’ve been through only to have…you know.”

  “He’s dead, I get it,” I snapped. “Nothing I can do about that right now. And the last thing he’d won’t from me right now is to mope around.”

  “Good, real man talk, I like it,” she said then looked around. “Hmm, Amelia’s not smiting me for flirting. Weird. Where is she?”

  “I can only hope that she escaped with her family to Karma’s realm,” I said.

  “But knowing Amelia, she should be flocking here to check on you,” Selina finished. “Girl’s crazy about you. Makes me jealous.” She shrugged. “So why don’t you just ascend there.”

  “If I had the strength left, I would have,” I said. “We’ve only arrived like fifteen minutes ago to rest while we can. I’m not sure if the Red fuckface is going to go around Paradise Realm’s globe to kill everyone or come here to enslave the human race to those backstabbing traitors.”

  Selina sighed. “I need a drink.”

  “I second that,” I said. “So, why are you here? Your type never dropped in for social visits nor to worry about useless demigods.”

  “You’re not a useless demigod,” Selina said. “And I’m here because I’ve got nowhere else to go. No one to count on. You’ve got to take the throne, Epex, that is if we can deal with the beast. My clan’s leader is dead along with a chunk of my family.” Tears fell from her eyes. “The…so…many of us died. A massacre. I’m only alive because my clan gets off on sending me to gather souls, then…I go for a drink.” She her graze dropped, shoulders slumped. “I don’t know what to do…You’re the only one left I can look up to. You’ve defied all odds, escaped all forms of literal Hell. There was a strange rumor that you singlehandedly laid waste to six freaking royal devils. So, if you’re my best chance of getting through this, I’ll fight by your side. And your friends of course. As much as I’m not a fan of involving mortals, they know too much. This realm is perhaps in the greatest danger.”

  “No shit,” I said softly. “Well, Selina you’re welc
ome. We need as much help as possible.”

  Selina looked up, serious expression overtaking her face.

  “I can sense the stirring of Pantheons. They’re waiting to take their place into human lives again, eager for worship and fame. And to rub a victory in the King’s face. The Greek gods, Norse gods, the works. If we don’t put a stop to this, block it somehow, the human world will become a war zone.”

  I spat to the side as if bile hit my throat.

  “Let’s get to the others. No point in wasting time here.”

  When everyone was gathered, most with fresh clothes on and what not, we gathered hands and made the warp. It took a considerable amount of effort to focus on Karma’s far-away realm. At least it existed within the same universe, probably somewhere on the edge.

  I felt so much relief when I felt the presences of Amelia and her family. Someone nearly tackled me to the ground seconds after Karma’s servants let us in.

  Amelia was in tears, squeezing me tight enough to pop even a punching bag. I hugged her back, knowing damn well that I worried for nothing. I could imagine the worries were the other way around.

  “Get a room,” Devante said then proceeded forward with the others.

  I kissed my goddess before we proceed forward. As if reading what’s inside, Amelia did not bring up Conus. But I knew that she knew. At this point, who didn’t? His presence was completely gone. A sign of doom with his presence.

  Sadly, even out this far, I still felt the Red bastard. I silently promised myself that I’d avenge Conus and then some. There were a few other presences within Karma’s house, some that I recognized.

  All of my brothers, except Hialucus and Paul who were absent, stood with the stepmother, golden eyes on me, intense. The stepmother’s eyes were reddened of tears.

  I…really wasn’t ready for this, not now. Amelia, who held my hand, gave it a supportive squeeze.

  I stopped in front of them, feeling no attachment, but still recognized them as family. Well, not the stepmother, but that’s beside the point.

  “We’re in more than just a shit load of fuck,” I said, uncaring how they reacted to my human cursing. “Meet me at Karma’s dining hall tonight. I will explain Conus’s plan then.”

  I walked past them to Karma.

  “Mind pointing me toward the shower? I could use a good nap until dinner.”

  “Come,” she said. Amelia followed too. My friends, Amelia’s family survivors, and mine stood in silence. I heard Karma’s servants bug them to break the tension.

  After the shower and manifesting new clothing, I welcomed the softness of a bed.

  “Did…you see the Red Dragon?” Amelia asked.

  “Unfortunately,” I replied.

  “I’m really…sorry,” Amelia begin, but I cut her off.

  “Don’t,” I said. “You were worried about your family. And as for Conus, he gave his life for me to escape. No more word on this.”

  For some reason, I couldn’t hold in the tears. Amelia grabbed me in another tight hug. “We’ve got some dark days some ahead for us, Amelia.”

  “We’ll get through them, together,” she said.

  I pulled her away to look at her. “Damn right.” I kissed her, hoping the fear I felt inside would just melt.


  Realm of the Valkyries…

  Aether felt himself tremble. That presence…it was everywhere. It made itself known, its identity implanted in every mind it encountered. The vibe felt empty, a void of nothingness, and of eternity. This kind of power was just too much.

  The Valkyrie princess looked at the half angel, half god with eyes of fear.

  “What should we do?” she asked. “It’s no longer a matter of fixing the system.”

  “I know,” Aether said softly. “We have no choice. Have your transporters locate Him. We’ll have to combine forces and…” he paused. “I can’t believe I’m saying something this ridiculous, your highness.”

  Marin squeezed Aether’s hand. She still felt ecstatic at how much she’s gotten to know her bonded one since the day she was finally able to sense him. She used that as an anchor to despair to the massive, heartless presence that felt palpable like the air.

  “I know the fallen prince is alive,” Aether continued. “We’ll have to team up with him and his pack.”

  The Valkyrie princess nodded. “After this ordeal, the universe may need a ruler. Consider bringing up my offer to him.”

  “I told you that’s not going to work,” Aether said. “Anyone born in Paradise Realm is given a bonded one at birth. It’s where the human’s soulmate legend comes from.”

  The princess gave him a skeptical look then huffed.

  “Born of human and god, I think he’s different,” she said. “No need to think too much on it now, just keep it in mind. It’s a political marriage after all.”

  She walked off, intense beauty still giving Aether jolts inside. He shook his head, not wanting to burden the fallen prince with a piece of work like the Valkyrie princess. Besides, they had truly bigger problems to worry about. If they didn’t focus, that massive super presence would devour them all.

  End of Book two…

  About The Author

  Alvin Atwater is a fantasy enthusiast and master storyteller at heart.

  As a Florida-born voice, he wishes to bring upon his own writing style geared to action fantasy, development in romance, humor, and a reason to grow attached to his characters.

  Connect with Alvin Atwater:

  Other Books By Alvin Atwater


  Mind Control

  Mind Control 2

  The Destined

  The Destined 1.5

  Hell to Pay (Blood for Soul Book 1)




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