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The Intern: Vol. 3

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by Brooke Cumberland

  The Intern

  Volume Three

  Brooke Cumberland

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  Copyright © 2014 Brooke Cumberland

  The Intern, Volume Three

  Photography by K Keeton Designs

  Cover design by Perfect Pear Creative Covers

  Literary Editor Rogena Mitchell-Jones, Manuscript Service

  All rights reserved. No parts of the book may be used or reproduced in any matter without written permission from the author, except for inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, establishments, organizations, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously to give a sense of authenticity. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to another person except when loaned out per Amazon’s lending program. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then it was pirated illegally. Please purchase a copy of your own and respect the hard work of this author.

  ISBN: 978-0-9960811-5-3


  I should’ve known.

  I should’ve listened to my gut.

  But I didn’t.

  I listened with the wrong head.

  And where did it get me?




  She embodied them all.

  Deceived her way into my company.

  Lied about who she was.

  Kept secrets from me after convincing me I could trust her.

  Those walls she tore down are back up in full force.




  She was no longer my intern.

  She was no longer mine.

  *The Intern is a three-part romantic suspense serial.*

  Not suitable for readers under 18.

  Table of Contents

  -Part One-

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  -Part Two-

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  -Part Three-

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Other Books

  About the Author



  Thank you for always entertaining me with your love life.

  I love you :-)


  Part One

  Chapter One


  Make sure she isn’t another Hannah.

  Why did my mother have to be right? Right about her. Ceci. That isn’t even her goddamn name.

  Emotions flood my mind the moment I get back behind the wheel. Hearing her sister as she says her name—her name—is like a knife slicing right down my spine. Rage, lust, and confusion all ripple through me.

  How? Why…

  So many questions, but no answers.

  I slam my fourth shot and sit back in my office chair as I think about how to deal with this situation. How did this become my life? How did I let one girl consume me so much that I fucking missed what was right in front of me?


  I should’ve known.

  I flip the file in front of me: West, #178376.

  Brock West (36). Male. Insurance broker.

  Husband to Claire West.

  Father to Casey (14), Cecilia (11), and Nathan (2).


  Cecilia West. Ceci.

  How did I miss this? I look down at my cock and know. She consumed me. Took every rational thought and made me give her the benefit of the doubt.

  I curse and slam another shot as I read over my father’s old case notes. I haven’t looked into this case before. It was filed under cold cases long before I arrived. But knowing what it did to my father at the time, I thought if I could come up with any new information, he’d be proud. Or at least it’d give him some closure on the whole thing.

  Case notes in the file that have been sitting on my desk when she was here last week. Wasn’t it obvious? She got what she wanted and fucking bailed.

  I’m onto her little scheme.

  I’m not about to let her win. Not again. Not like Hannah.

  I’m still hung over by the time I arrive to work early Saturday morning. But it doesn’t matter. I won’t be here long today. Just long enough to watch Ceci leave.

  Or rather…escorted.

  “Erika, I need security on standby.” I beep through to my assistant who’s just down the hallway. “Please let me know when Miss West arrives.”

  “Of course, Mr. Leighton.”

  Forget pissed off. I’m raging with steam coming out of both ears. I’ve cracked my damn knuckles so many times, they’ve turned white. My face feels flush and my whole body is heated with anger. I don’t think I’ve ever been this mad before in my entire life—not when my father told me to quit modeling, not when Hannah dug her dirty, scheming little fingers under my skin, and not even when some asshole drove drunk into my brand new Lexus. Nope. This tops everything.

  “She’s walking in, sir.”

  “Thank you. Have security ready in exactly five minutes.”

  Show time.

  “Good morning, Mr. Leighton.” She walks in with a bright, wide smile holding my bold, dark coffee. She struts over in her off-white pencil skirt and navy blue top. Her hair is wildly wrapped into a top bun. She looks more disheveled than she’s ever been.

  “Rough night?” I raise an eyebrow, eyeing over her outfit.

  “Just woke up late. My apologies. My alarm didn’t go off.” She sets the coffee down in front of me and steps back, her hands laying flat in front of her as she waits for her itinerary.

  I should make her do something awful, something mind-numbingly degrading—the same way she’s made me feel. She’s degraded my entire company, treated it as a playground for her to use as she pleases.

  “I guess that’s what happens when you stay at someone else’s house the night before you have to be to work the next morning.” I grab my coffee and bring it to my lips. I notice her shocked expression as she takes in my words.

  “What are you talking about?” She swallows hard, trying to remain calm.

  “Simon, is it? That’s where you were last night,” I say matter-of-factly.

  “Are you stalking me now? You have no right—”

  I raise my hand, cutting her off. I stand up and quickly round my desk. She stares at me intently as I walk behind her. I press her back to my chest, gripping her shoulders and securing her in place.

  I lower my lips and whisper against her ear, “You’re just like the rest.” I keep my hold on her, feeling her body shiver against me. I rub both hands down her arms and grip her wrists. “It’s a shame.”

  “Bentley, please. You’re freaking me out,” she pleads, her chest pumping up and down. “What are you talking about?”

  I spin her bo
dy around so we’re facing each other. I cup her jaw firmly in my hand and grip her hip firmly with my other hand.

  I lower my face to hers, just grazing her lips. Her breath hitches.

  “You’re a goddamn liar. Whoever the fuck you are.” I clench my hand around her hip tighter. “At least I found out now before you took my company to the cleaners.”

  “I-Is this about last week—”

  I force a finger over her lips as she stumbles backward. I don’t want to hear anymore fucking lies. I don’t care anymore. She’s taken that ability from me.

  “You’re eighteen.” She gasps loudly, taking another step backward. Her eyes widen as disbelief flushes through her face. I step forward into her space, not letting her get away just yet. “EIGHTEEN!” I yell, making her jump. I can feel the veins popping out of my skin as I yell, my face heating with anger the longer I look at her. I get as close to her as I can without actually touching her.

  “Bentley, I can explain.”

  “I don’t need an explanation, Cecilia. It’s pretty fucking clear, don’t you think?” I ask sardonically. I turn away so I’m no longer facing her. The longer I look at her, the more pissed off I get. “You’ve been lying since the moment you walked in here. You used me to get what you wanted and now that you have it, you were planning to throw me out like yesterday’s garbage.”

  “No, it was never about—”

  Her pleading voice is like nails on a chalkboard. I can’t fucking stand it. No more fucking lies.

  I turn around and stride toward her, pushing myself right in her face. “Eighteen…” It comes out more like a pathetic plea—begging her to tell me it’s not true. But I know it is. I can do the math. It’s why she had to use her sister’s ID and college information in the first place. She lowers her head, clearly guilty of everything she’s done. “Goddamn liar,” I growl.

  Tears begin falling down her pink-tinted cheeks. She’s upset she’s been caught, but perhaps more upset about losing me. Losing us? It didn’t matter anymore—this is unforgivable.

  I take a step backward as I see the two security guards at the door behind her. I lick my lips and lean in to kiss her, but I stop just before our lips meet.

  “Let’s make this quick and painless, shall we?” Her face tilts up, her watery eyes looking up at me is pitiful. “Cecilia West, you’re fired. Get the fuck out of my office.”

  “Wait, what?” She frantically looks around, noticing the guards before screaming, “NO!” Both guards grab an arm and start pulling her to the door. “Bentley, you have to let me explain! Please!”

  “The police will be in contact, Miss West. I wouldn’t go far.” I grin selfishly at her.

  Her face turns red as more tears stream down her guilty face. “Please, no! I swear I’ll tell you everything!” She begins kicking as the guards exit my office and shut the door behind them. I can hear her screaming and fighting them all the way down the hall.

  I’ve turned off every emotional outlet inside—or at least the alcohol is assisting in making sure it stays that way. That’s what got me in this problem in the first place. I couldn’t let that control my actions anymore.

  Now is damage control.

  I need to figure out what information she got away with. What information she got from her dad’s case and anything else she found while scanning in transcripts.

  My father is going to kill me.

  Not a tinge of guilt ripples through my body as I imagine the guards kicking her off Leighton Enterprises property. I only wish I could’ve witnessed it myself. The look on her face when I revealed her real name was priceless. She knew her lies were now exposed.

  I grab the West file and pack it into my briefcase. I need to examine everything before the press gets ahold of anything. Either she has a buyer on standby already or it’s for her own personal investigation—either way, charges will be made.

  “How the hell did this happen? What the fuck were you thinking? Have you lost your damn mind?” My father’s been screaming at me for the last twenty minutes. I’ve basically tuned him out now. Of course, I know he’s be pissed. I’m pissed. But he’s beyond anything I’ve ever seen him before.



  I surrendered to my dad’s screaming match. Basically, he’d been yelling to hear himself yell by this time. I wasn’t even fighting back. There was nothing I could say to defend myself. I fucked up.

  “Ashton!” my mother scolded, breaking him out of his rage. “That’s enough.”

  “It’s fine, Mom. Let him get it out.”

  “Is that what this is to you? A little game that’s just going to go away?”

  “No, not at all. I’m going to do everything in my power to keep anything from being leaked. I’m already on it. You don’t need to worry. I don’t think she was looking to sell anything. She’s West’s daughter. She wanted information for herself or her family. I don’t know for sure, but I’m on alert.”

  “You better be. This could cost you big time.”

  “That’s enough now.” My mother grabbed his arm and forced his body to jerk toward her. “Yelling at him isn’t going to change anything now.”

  “Perhaps you’re in the wrong business, son,” he mutters just before my mother drags him toward the door.

  “Perhaps you’re right,” I mumble.

  Chapter Two


  I deserve everything Bentley is handing to me right now, but fuck if it still doesn’t hurt. The look on his face—empty and distant—makes me want to run up to him and beg him to give me another chance. I want to wrap my arms around him and remind him of what we have—how we feel for each other. I want to go back in time and fix this.

  But I can’t.

  And truthfully, I’m not even sure I would. I came in with the intention of finding information out on my dad, and although I was able to get his file, I’m not sure it’s going to help me much, but I had to at least try. I couldn’t let the opportunity pass without at least knowing I did what I could.

  I sit in my car and sob. I cry for the pain I’ve caused Bentley, for the lies and secrets I’ve held, and for the loss of him. I cry because I’m going to miss him and there’s nothing I can do to win him back. I know that what I’ve done is inexcusable.

  I don’t even know what he knows, or how he knows it, but it doesn’t matter anymore. It was only a matter of time. Had I not ignored him all week, perhaps he wouldn’t have found out, but the truth would’ve came out eventually. It was just a matter of time before the bomb went off.

  I realize this.

  I should’ve known better. But the way I feel for him…falling for him, clouded all my better judgment.

  Usually, I’d be on the phone with Cora planning something to keep my mind off Bentley, but what was the point? I hadn’t told her much about him and nothing would ever get my mind off him. He was the first guy I’ve ever connected to, the first guy I’ve ever really given myself all to—the first one I wanted to be around, to have more.

  I feel completely helpless. Everything taken from me at once, everything I never deserved in the first place. I wish I could feel sorry for myself and cry about how unfair it is, but I can’t. I’m not that girl. And rationally, I know this isn’t unfair. It’s everything deserve.

  I drive home in a haze, still in shock and filled with questions of what Bentley knows or how he found out. Answers I’ll never find out, but that doesn’t stop me from wanting to know. My dad’s file is completely confusing to me, but at least it’ll answer some of my questions—but first, I need to get home and tell Casey.

  * * *

  I knock softly on Casey’s door with his file under my arm. I know she’s going to freak out, but she’s the only one that can understand my frustration and how I’m feeling. I have nothing to lose at this point.

  “Case, can I come in?” I hear light sobs so I cautiously enter. She’s lying down on her bed with her hands covering h
er face. “Why are you crying? What happened?”

  I sit next to her and wrap my arms around her. I’ve never seen her like this before. Casey is always so strong and hardly shows emotion. This wasn’t usual for her.

  “Go away, Celia.”

  I hug her tighter. “No, just tell me what’s wrong.”

  “I caught Elliot cheating on me. And yet, he denies it! Who does that?” she sobs, yelling into her hands.

  I look at her in confusion—she’s dating someone?

  “Asshole,” I mutter. “H-How long were you guys dating?”

  “Like six months…”

  “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

  Her head pops up, she wipes under her eyes that are bright red and watered with tears.

  “You tell me about every guy you date?”

  “We never talk about guys, Casey.”

  “Exactly.” She sniffs and sits up next to me.

  “You’ve never brought a guy home before,” I remind her. “I was starting to think you didn’t swing that way,” I tease, hoping to make her smile.

  She scowls at me before replying, “There’s nothing to take a guy home to. Mom’s never home. You’re never home. And really, what’s going to happen? Not like Mom would take time out of her work schedule to cook dinner for us all. I guess it worked out for the best though since he’s apparently a cheating bastard.”

  I hadn’t thought much about bringing home guys to meet Mom or Casey. When Bentley introduced me to his mom as Emily, I knew he’d never be able to meet my mom. Not without some kind of explanation at least.

  “Well, either way, I’m sorry you got hurt. Guys can be unpredictable douchebags.”

  She turns toward me with a small smile on her face. “Oh yeah? Care to share anything?”

  “Uh, no. Trust me. You don’t want to know.”

  “C’mon. It might make me feel better.” She grins widely, waggling her eyebrows at me like a cat in heat.


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