Ellowyn Found: An MM Vampire Trilogy Omnibus Edition Books 1 - 3
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So this is the foundation of it all, lol. I hope you enjoy it!
Character Sketches
Name: Anin Hadil
Age: 20
Place of birth: Palm Desert
Current location: Dinallah Manor
Nationality: Ellowyn
Education: Public school
Occupation: Enforcer
Income: Good
Eye color: Brown
Hair style: Long and braided
Build: Big and muscular
Preferred outfit: Leather or khakis, T-shirts or sweatshirts
Accessories that are ALWAYS associated with them: A weapon
Level of grooming: Clean and tidy
Health: Good
Handwriting: A scrawl
Walk: Easy, measured strides
Speech: Slow, careful
Posture: Casual and alert
Eye contact: It depends on whom they’re talking to. If it’s the king or a superior, eyes down. Otherwise direct.
Preferred curse word: He doesn’t swear very often.
What's their laugh like?: Soft and discreet
What do they tend to find funny?: They like slap stick, silly, good-natured stuff.
Smile: Warm. He smiles with his whole face and eyes.
How emotive are they?: He’s emotional, and he can be circumspect and withhold his emotions in situations where he is at a much lower rank, but in general he doesn’t hide his emotions.
Hometown: Palm Desert
Childhood: It was chaotic at first because of the war. He lived in camps behind the lines and then in an abandoned house that scared him because he wasn’t used to such open spaces. He was ashamed of being afraid and worked hard not to be, which made being an enforcer a natural pursuit for him. It became a way to prove himself.
Education: It was a combination of typical schooling and training for a life of service as a guard and enforcer, so he learned to fight and obey.
Dream job as a child: A police officer. At first, Anin didn’t think there would be many opportunities for enforcer in the new world, but he was too young for that. But some of the families still used enforcers and the Nezzarams wanted to protect themselves, so Anin found a position with them. Being either a police officer is physical and important and he likes feeling important and capable and in control of his fear.
Role models growing up: Other enforcers. They would tell him stories of the old days.
Greatest regret: That he couldn’t do more during the war. That he was too young and it fell to other people to protect him.
Hobbies growing up: Physical activity. Games with other vampires.
Favorite place to be as a child: In the park during Ellowyn gatherings.
Earliest memory: Being led to drink from a human who was being held down.
Saddest memory: The human dying because too many vampires drank from him.
Happiest memory: A celebration that lasted all night when the war ended. They placed games and the adults drank. It was fun and exciting, but he didn’t know why they were celebrating at the time.
Clearest memory: Dead people lying the streets.
Skeletons in the closet: Two of his friends once chased a human down and drank from her until she died and he was too afraid to stop them.
If they could change one thing from their past, what would it be?: It wasn’t anything he could control, but he’d never have contributed to the death of the human he drank from.
Major turning points or “life beats” in childhood: They are images of the war mostly and the destruction of the Upheaval. Rubble and bodies. Vampires chasing humans down. Dirty water. Hunger. And then open spaces, clean beds, normalcy. The change was so dramatic, he keeps waiting for it to suddenly disappear again. It makes him feel unstable, which is why being an enforcer is so important to him. He believes it’s important to enforce rules and standards and keep with tradition.
Three adjectives to describe them as a child: Skittish. Gentle. Serious.
Advice they would give to their younger self: Be braver.
Father: Munson Halil
Age (if living): 43
Occupation: Owns a clothing store
Relationship with your character: Proud of his son in general but disapproving of the Nezzarams.
Mother: Xoe Halil
Age (if living): 44
Occupation: Works in the clothing store
Relationship with your character: Warm and loving relationship.
Siblings: None. Because of the war his parents didn’t have any others. By the time they felt comfortable in their new lives and tried again, it just didn’t happen.
Closest friends: Camiel.
Other significant friends: He had casual friends growing up, but became distant from them after the death of the human.
Enemies: None
How are they perceived by:
Strangers in the street: Some people ignore him. Some are curious and interested. He’s good looking, but very serious.
Authority figures: They respect him and feel his dependability
How would they fill out an online dating profile for themselves?: He wouldn’t. He’s in love with someone. He doesn’t think anything will happen with that, but even if he were ready, he’s far too busy to think of romance.
Role in a group dynamic: Supporter.
Who do they depend on for:
Practical advice: Parents
Mentoring: Zev
A wingman: No one
Emotional support: Mother
Moral support: Oddly, Camiel
What do they want from a relationship?: Support. Friendship. Sex. Deep, constant love.
Ideal partner?: Camiel
Significant other: He doesn’t have one currently, but it would be Camiel.
How many people would attend their funeral: A fair number.
What do they do on rainy days?: Work.
Are they:
Street-smart or book-smart: Book
Optimist or pessimist: Optimist
Introverted or Extroverted: A little of both
Favorite sound: Laughter
Favorite place in the world: Anywhere with Camiel
What secrets do they keep?: That he’s glad he can’t drink from humans.
Greatest desire: A stable partner and a job that makes him proud.
Biggest flaw: He can be too trusting.
Biggest strength: He isn’t afraid to speak his mind and even at twenty he is becoming good council.
Biggest fear: That the peace will fail.
Biggest accomplishment: Becoming an enforcer for the King
Idea of perfect happiness: A job he loves and Camiel as his lover.
Do they want to be remembered?: Not especially
How do they approach:
Power: With respect
Ambition: With a watchful eye
Love: As unattainable
Change: As opportunity
What (or who) bores them?: Very little. He finds interest in most things and most people
What makes them angry?: He is slow to anger, but cruelty does it
Qualities they look for in a person: Integrity. Industry. Morals.
How strong is their moral compass?: Very strong and he can’t imagine a situation in which he’d be willing to compromise his morals—not after the human girl’s death.
Best compliment that someone ever paid them: That he was trustworthy.
In an elevator, do they push the elevator button more than once?: No
What would they want their tombstone to say?: He will be missed
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What is their story goal: To keep Isaac safe because that’s what Zev ordered him to do.
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Story motivation: To prove his worth, both as a friend to Isaac and an enforcer.
Name: Bronwen Wrythin
Age: 34
Place of birth: Onoppiel
Current location: Comity
ity: Ellowyn
Education: Formal
Occupation: New administrator of Comity House
Income: Substantial
Eye color: Brown
Hair style: Short
Build: Average for a vampire, but trim and compact for a human
Preferred outfit: Slacks and dress shirts
Level of grooming: Smart, very put together
Any distinguishing features: He always frowns and looks like he just smelled something bad
Health: Good
Handwriting: Careful and precise
Walk: Fast. At a clip
Talk: Rapid
Style of their speech: Educated
Posture: Stiff
Gestures: Only when agitated or eager
Eye contact: Shifty
What's their laugh like?: A huff.
What do they tend to find funny?: Has no sense of humor, but might laugh in response to something contradictory.
Smile: A flash. Quick and gone. Uncomfortable and for effect only.
How emotive are they?: Not emotive, but easy to read because his perpetual state is one of offense and suspicion.
They have a resting bitch face.
Hometown: Onoppiel
Childhood: Protected, rigid, and sheltered
Education: College educated in a human university that adapted to vampires
Organizations and clubs at school: Debate
Named Most Likely To Become human in the yearbook.
Dream job as a child: Being a prince in a higher ranking family. He has a strong sense of superiority.
Role models growing up: His brother. Wen was a go-getter determined to better his position.
Greatest regret: He doesn’t have any. He’s too arrogant for that.
If they could change one thing from their past, what would it be?: He’d bring his brother back. There’s nothing from his past he would change, but he would change the past itself.
Major turning points or “life beats” in childhood: Learning the rank of the families and realizing the Wrythins were last. The Upheaval. School and driving himself to excel.
Three adjectives to describe them as a child: Driven, angry, sullen
What advice would they give to their younger self? Make better quality friends.
Father: March Wrythin
Age (if living): 62
Occupation: Lesser prince, now head administrator of Comity House
Relationship with your character: Exacting but proud
Mother: Renna Wrythin
Age (if living): 60
Occupation: Wife and mother
Relationship with your character: Distant. The boys don’t interact with her much.
Siblings: Prydwen
What are their ages: Deceased
Family's economic status: Good. Social status not good.
How often do they see their family in a year?: He lives in the family home
Closest friends: His father, March
Enemies: He has neither friends nor enemies, but doesn’t realize this. He just isn’t the player in the world he imagines he should be.
Role in a group dynamic: Hype man
Who do they depend on for:
Practical advice: March
Mentoring: March
A wingman: No one
Emotional support: No one
Moral support: No one
What do they want from a relationship?: Shared values and goals
Ideal partner?: Someone with no morals from a good family.
How many people would attend their funeral: 2 or 3, plus family staff because they had to.
What do they do on rainy days?: Read, study, work
Are they:
Street-smart or book-smart: Book
Optimist or pessimist: Pessimist
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted
Favorite sound: Silence
Favorite place in the world: A study or office.
What secrets do they keep? What are they most afraid of people finding out? That he’s involved in poisoning vampires, so they’ll be afraid to drink Synelix. He believes that when vampires can drink from humans again, he’ll have the advantage of a center that can convert to a confined center.
Greatest desire: Money and status
Biggest flaw: A lack of imagination
Biggest strength: Focus
Biggest fear: Obscurity
Biggest accomplishment: None
Idea of perfect happiness: Having the respect of others
How do they approach:
Power: Jealously
Ambition: Passionately
Love: Practically
Change: It depends on if it’s good for him.
What is the one object or possession that they would rescue from their burning home?: Money
What (or who) bores them?: Pretty much everybody and everything but making money
What makes them angry?: Everybody, because he’s always certain they’re looking down on him.
What do they look for in a person?: Respect and admiration
How strong is their moral compass?: Very weak. In a New York minute.
In an elevator, do they push the elevator button more than once? Multiple times.
What would they want their tombstone to say?: He was rewarded for his loyalty to the true king and tireless work ethic by seeing his family elevated above all the others.
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What is their story goal: Bronwen’s goal is to do even better than his brother with Comity House. He wants more donors in the event they become his prisoners when the true king returns and conquers the humans. He is willing to do anything to make that happen and was an easy convert by Solomon. Now he is poisoning vampires with tainted Synelix and will attempt to follow Rune to the treasure and steal it from him.
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Story motivation: Status and respect. The Wrythin family are the lowest, which was bad enough, but when the Seneras fell, the Wrythins still didn’t rise. Bronwen has inherited his father’s ire and wants what he perceives is his due. If he does well with the center and stops Rune from reaching the treasure, he believes he will be elevated in status and have the respect from others whom he has to grudging respect now. He doesn’t want to respect others; he wants other to respect him. He wants to feel important and answer to no one but the king.
Name: Camiel Nezzaram
Age: 30
Place of birth: Kolnadia
Current location: Twentynine Palms
Nationality: Ellowyn
Education: Some formal, the rest tutored
Occupation: Witch
Income: He does well for himself
Eye color: Brown
Hair style: Long hair with many thin braids
Build: Swimmer’s build, long legs
Preferred outfit: Leather pants and loose sleeveless tops
Level of grooming: Smart, very put together
Health: Good
Handwriting: Neat
Walk: Lazy stroll
Talk: Drawl
Speech: Educated
Posture: Casual and relaxed
Eye contact: Direct
Catchphrase: And fun was had by all.
Laugh: Soft and musical, but almost under his breath.
Smile: Beaming, friendly, and a little sarcastic
How emotive are they?: They seem emotional, but the only emotion he typically shows is amusement. He hides a great deal behind his smiles.
They have a resting detached and cynical face.
Hometown: Kolnadia
Childhood: Sheltered and confined.
Education: He apprenticed as a witch
Role models growing up: Abadi, the most powerful witch of the time. She was also secretive and mysterious, although she pretended not to be.
Greatest regret: Letting Anin get away.
Hobbies growing up: Sorcery and fortune-telling
Favorite place to be as a child: In the gathering hall
arliest memory: Watching a lesser witch flipping and coins and being able to see exactly how they’d land.
Saddest memory: Watching Anin walk away.
Happiest memory: I don’t think he has a happiest, which makes me realize he’s not a happy person. He’s always smiling and laughing, but inside he’s searching for something. I’m wondering if it has something to do with the Upheaval. He liked apprenticing with Abadi. He enjoyed it, but his obvious talent put some distance between him and others. His parents were formal, retiring people, but they loved him and his older sister. His father never recovered from losing the war against Qudim. He was vocal about Qudim’s instability. He thought him out of control and the war was bloodthirsty. He saw all his brothers die. He saw their home city destroyed. His depression overlapped onto Camiel. Camiel lost his entire family in the Upheaval. Abadi whispered, “I must keep the treasure for Rune. Let no one know.” Then she gave him her cards and a distant uncle carried him away. He saw her look back at him and smile with a finger to her lips, then she disappeared into a tunnel. Her body was later recovered, so he knew that she had died. The Upheaval had a great effect on his and he works hard to banish that darkness from him. He is positive because he chooses to be. But his happiness was more forced. Only Anin got close to him and then he pushed Anin away because he was afraid of losing him, although he didn’t admit that to himself.
Clearest memory: The coins. The minute he understood that he could see. They fell in slow motion and their glow was almost liquid.
Skeletons in the closet: That he knows about the treasure, although he doesn’t know where it is. It’s protected from his sight.
If they could change one thing from their past, what would it be?: He thinks he should have followed Abadi.
Three adjectives to describe them as a child: Inquisitive. Intelligent. Quiet.
Advice would they give to their younger self: Be bolder.
Family's economic status: The Nezzarams survive on tithes, but they live in exile.
Closest friends: Anin. He’s courageous and comfortable in his skin. He also knows that Camiel is much deeper than he pretends to be, but doesn’t force him to talk. Anin is the most secure and reliable thing in Camiel’s life and that scares him.