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The Immortal Affliction

Page 20

by M. K. Dawn

  Evie laughed, grabbing him by the rim of his pants and hauling him close. “Sorry. Permission to ravage me.”

  Darrien was out of his pants and had Evie on the bed in an instant. Nestled between her legs, he crushed his lips to hers and kissed with a ferocity he hadn’t experienced in a hundred years.

  She writhed beneath him, dragging her nails down his back, pulling him closer.

  He couldn’t get enough of her touch, her taste. Even as he moved inside her, he wanted more.

  It wasn’t until the sun peeked under the curtain that they closed their eyes, wrapped in each other’s embrace. Evie fell asleep almost instantly, but Darrien lay there and tried to stop the fear from taking control. Every woman he’d ever loved, he had lost. Even though it hadn’t been until just recently he could remember their faces, the pain had encased his heart and keep any other potential love at bay.

  After the last, he vowed never to love like that again. Still here he was, in the arms of a woman he couldn’t picture a future without.

  That kind of love, he feared, would be the death of him.


  “Ethan,” Samantha rubbed the back of his neck as dozens of suppressed emotions came flooding back, “Darrien’s going to make sure Evie’s okay. Can I get you anything?”

  “No,” was all he could mutter, afraid if he started talking he would break.

  Samantha continued to rub his back. “Are you still in a lot of pain?”

  He shook his head.

  They sat there in silence, which was a feat Ethan knew was difficult for Samantha. She always found a way to fill the silence.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” she pressed. “If you’re not in pain anymore, then what’s wrong? Is it me? If Evie’s emotions were heightened, then yours would have been suppressed. Oh God, you hate me, don’t you?”

  She jumped up, ready to flee, but Ethan grabbed her arm and hauled her back to the couch. “I…” he swallowed the building emotions, “I don’t hate you. I hate myself.”

  “What?” Samantha rested a hand on his knee. “Why in the world would you hate yourself?”

  “Because,” he choked on the words that would follow, “of my reaction to the loss of our child. How I wasn’t there for you.”

  Samantha removed her hand and scooted so she faced him. “What are you talking about? Tito wouldn’t let you visit me after it happened. That’s not your fault.”

  Ethan dropped his head, hot tears spilling from his eyes. “After I turned and found out what happened, I should have fought to see you; to have you released. I fought to have Tito save you and Darrien from the Immortal Institute. You and I, we had planned a life together. I loved you…” As soon as the word loved left his lips, he knew the tense was incorrect, but they would have to get back to that later.

  “You didn’t know they cursed you,” Samantha reasoned. “You thought it was the werewolf inside you taking control.”

  He lifted his head and stared at her flat belly. “What kind of man doesn’t grieve for the loss of his child? Turns his back on the woman he loves? I should have known something was wrong.”

  “It’s not your fault.” Samantha wrapped her arms around his head and pulled him to her chest. “It’s not your fault.”

  Ethan laid against her and sobbed, the loss of his child too much to bear. “If I hadn’t pushed you…”

  “Then the wolf would have attacked me and killed us both. You saved me.”

  “But killed our child. Our baby girl.”

  Samantha’s body trembled. “She’s at peace, in a better place. She will never know pain or sorrow; will never be scared or lonely.”

  Ethan lifted his head and gazed into Samantha’s eyes. “You truly believe that, don’t you?”

  She wiped away the tears hanging from her chin. “I have to. Otherwise I would never get out of bed.”

  “Religion was important to my father, despite the ugliness of the world. He would have said she is now an angel of God.”

  Samantha cupped Ethan’s cheek. “Sounds like she’s in good hands.”

  His heart swelled at the kindness of her words. After everything the werewolves had done to her and her race, Samantha still believed they deserved to find peace.

  “He would have loved being a grandfather.” Ethan choked back the tears. “Would have loved to see his children become parents.”

  “It’s not too late, Ethan.” Samantha brushed away his tears with her thumb. “You can have as many children as you wish.”

  He searched her eyes and saw nothing but the pain he had caused. “The curse—”

  “How do you think it happened?” she interrupted. “Do you remember anything? Were there witches at Tito’s compound?”

  “Not that I know of. Though I’m not sure if I could tell a witch from a human.”

  Samantha jumped from the couch. “We should ask Evie if she remembers anything. Maybe it will jog your memory.”

  “My guess would be that it happened at her apartment? She didn’t act that way towards you until after she turned.”

  “Yeah, but the transformation probably triggered the curse. That way, she would be an out of control werewolf with deadly claws.” Samantha lifted her hand to knock and paused. “Um…I don’t think it’s a good time.”

  “Why not? Are they fighting?”

  Samantha spun around, her bottom lip between her teeth. Whatever it was, it made her nervous.

  “What’s going on in there?” Ethan rose from the couch. “Do I need to go in?”

  Samantha moved in front of him and pushed him back towards to the couch. “Yeah, you don’t want to see what’s going on in there.”

  Ethan opened his mouth but no words would come out.

  “Yep.” Samantha giggled. “It’s about time. Those two have been hot for each other for a while.”

  “How long is a while?”

  Samantha grabbed the remote from the end table and switched on the TV. “I’m not sure if it’s my imagination or if I really hear them.”

  “That’s it.” Ethan tried to stand but Samantha held on to him.

  “What are you doing? You’re not going in there. They’re two consenting adults. Let them have their moment.”

  “She’s my sister,” he crossed his arm in a huff, “and he’s my…my…”

  “Your best friend? The male who has on several occasions saved your life and hers?” Samantha patted him on the thigh before grabbing a blanket and pillow and snuggling up on the couch. “I think she could do a lot worse.”

  In the back of his mind, Ethan knew Evie and Darrien getting together wasn’t the problem, just a distraction to the real issue weighing on his mind.


  “Yeah.” The word was barely comprehensible through the heavy yawn, but he pressed forward.

  “About what I said earlier. I used the word loved…that’s not what I meant. I meant it, but not in the past tense. I’m so sorry I couldn’t see through the curse and be there to hold you in my arms though all the pain.”

  He waited, but she didn’t respond. Leaning over her curled up body, Ethan found her fast asleep. Flipping off the TV, he scooped her in his arms and carried her to her room. She didn’t stir as he laid her on the bed and tucked her under the comforter.

  As he went to leave the room, Samantha called out for him. “Will you stay with me tonight? I don’t want to be alone.”

  “Sure.” Ethan kicked off his shoes and climbed into bed, unsure exactly how to position himself without making the situation uncomfortable.

  She moved closer and nestled into his chest. He folded his arms around her and closed his eyes, remembering how good this always felt; how right.

  Just as he drifted off to sleep, he heard her breathe, “I love you, too.”


  Samantha suppressed a laugh as Darrien emerged from Evie’s room, no shirt, hair disheveled and lips swollen. “What were you and Evie up to last night?”

sp; “Coffee.”

  She poured him a cup and refilled her own. “Long night?”

  He took the mug from her and breathed in the rich aroma before sitting at the kitchen table. “Is it me or do they have the best damn coffee?”

  Samantha joined him at the table. “You should probably put a shirt on before Ethan comes out here.”

  “And where is our fearless pup now?”


  Darrien yawned. “Why would he care if I have a shirt on or not?”

  “Because you had sex with his sister.”

  A wave of coffee spilled over the side of his mug and splashed on the table. “Jesus, Samantha. Can you be any less tactful?”

  “I could have used another word.”

  Darrien glared. “You really need to stop hanging out with me. I’m a bad influence.”

  “So,” Samantha glanced over her shoulder, “spill. How did it happen? Is she still throwing herself at you even though the curse is gone?”

  “A gentleman never tells.”

  “Ugh,” Samantha groaned, “since when are you a gentleman?”

  “Since I realized I’m in lo—”

  The coffee cup slid from her fingers.

  Darrien caught it mid-air. “What are you doing? God knows what they’ll make us do if we start breaking shit around here. Probably use us as magical practice sheep. Turn us into all sorts of weird stuff.”

  “You love her?” Samantha’s heart fluttered.

  “I didn’t say that.”

  Samantha scooted her chair closer. “You almost did.”

  “But I didn’t.” He focused on his empty cup.

  “Darrien, how did this happen? When did it happen?”

  He got up and poured himself another cup of coffee. “This is not the time to talk about this. The walls aren’t exactly sound proof. I’m going to take this to Evie.”

  Turning to the row of doors, he stopped. “Um…weren’t there four doors that led to four rooms here yesterday?”

  “There were.” Samantha cocked her head. “I didn’t even notice when I walked out this morning.”

  “Interesting.” Darrien stalked towards her. “Want to tell me what happened between you and Ethan last night?”

  Samantha’s cheeks heated. “Nothing.”

  “Something must have happened if your rooms magically combined.”

  Damn him, always turning things back on her. “We slept in the same bed together. Neither of us wanted to be alone. We had an emotional night. Apparently, the curse dulled Ethan’s emotions towards me, so last night he kind of relived the loss of our baby.”

  “Shit.” Darrien settled back in his chair. “Sorry. I wouldn’t have pressed if I knew it was serious.”

  “It’s okay. Really.”

  Darrien studied her face. “What else happened?”

  “He…” Samantha tilted her head back and gazed at the ceiling. “In his own shy guy kind of way, he told me he stills loves me.” She lowered her voice, “And I kind of pretended that I was asleep when he said it.”

  Darrien leaned closer. “You don’t love him anymore?”

  “I do.” She rolled her eyes at how stupid she’d acted. “I actually said it back after he’d fallen asleep.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “Where should I start? The weeks he left me imprisoned at Tito’s compound? Or the fact that we’ve been ‘just friends’ since then? How about because he just now is starting to grieve for our child?”

  A door creaked and they both turned to find Evie standing in the doorway of her room dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. Samantha had chosen to wear her own clothes as well today. She didn’t care if the modern style would draw more attention to herself; there was no way she’d be caught in that barmaid dress again.

  “Sorry to interrupt.” Evie caught Darrien’s eyes. “I can go back in the room if you two need a few more minutes.”

  “You’re not interrupting.” Samantha welcomed the pause in conversation. “There’s fresh coffee.”

  Evie’s shoulders sagged as she made her way to the kitchen. “Good. I hope it’s strong. I’m exhausted.” Her face flushed when her eyes fell on Darrien. “Because…”

  Darrien laughed and strolled over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and giving her a quick kiss. “Apparently these walls aren’t as soundproof as one might have liked them to be.”

  Evie covered her face with her hands. “God.”

  He peeled her hands away and kissed her again with a gentleness that Darrien rarely showed.

  Upon entering the kitchen, Ethan shook his head. “Do I need to announce myself before entering a room from now on?”

  Darrien smirked as he twirled Evie around and pulled her back against his chest, his hands lingering on her hips. “I’m not saying you should, but…”

  He ran his hands down her butt and Samantha suppressed a laugh. The way Ethan’s nostrils flared at Darrien’s blatant display at affection was hilarious.

  Evie smacked his hand. “Stop screwing with my brother.”

  “Why?” Darrien released Evie with a pat on the butt and strolled by Ethan. “It’s so easy.”

  “Darrien,” Ethan warned, “I swear to God if this is some kind of—”

  “Let me stop you right there.” Darrien stuck his finger in Ethan's face. “There are a lot of things in this world I don’t take seriously. Love ain’t one of them.”

  Even from behind, Samantha could see the heat inching up Evie’s neck. She peered over her shoulder with a shy smile and Darrien shot her a little wink before returning to the table.

  Samantha couldn’t help but smile at the male who, besides being a clown, never really showed any sort of lovey-dovey emotions.

  “Stop it.” Darrien tried his best to put on a serious front, but there was no hiding the giddiness that laced his voice.

  “You love her,” Samantha whispered.


  Samantha scooted closer to Darrien and rested her chin on the palm of her propped arm. “I think she loves you, too.”

  Darrien bumped his elbow into Samantha’s arm and the top half of her body jerked forward.

  “Hey!” Samantha laughed. “I almost fell face first into my coffee.”

  A knock at the door silenced the room. Though Laras didn’t give them a specific time Guinevere would come by, before eight a.m.—after what they witnessed at the celebration last night—seemed early.

  “Somebody going to get that?” Ethan whispered, still hovering close to Evie in the kitchen.

  Darrien started for the door, but Samantha grabbed his arm. “What if they know we went to Silvaria’s last night?”

  “Nobody forbade us from speaking to other witches.”

  “True.” Samantha bit at her bottom lip. “But the way Silvaria invited us over makes me think Guinevere wouldn’t be thrilled about it. Plus, Silvaria removed Ethan and Evie’s curses. What if she asks how that happened?”

  “I don’t know. True love’s kiss?” Darrien glanced at Samantha’s hand. “If you let me answer the door, we can find out.”

  Samantha let go of him. “Fine. I just thought we might want to get our story straight first.”

  “Keep it simple. We left the celebration, wandered around, and came back here.” Darrien looked to Ethan and Evie. “Questions? Concerns?”

  Both shook their heads. Even though Samantha knew they were twins, besides their raven hair, she’d never really seen the similarities between the two until now. Side by side, they both wore the same worried expression.

  “Everyone, just follow my lead,” Darrien reached for the door handle, “and try not to act like…well, how you’re acting right now.”

  Samantha shook out her arms and ran a trembling hand across her face. With a heavy exhale, she forced a smile and through her clenched teeth muttered, “Let’s get this over with.”


  “Hello, Darrien,” Guinevere said from the bottom step of the po
rch that led to the hut. “When no one answered, I thought maybe I had called on you too early.”

  Darrien leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms, careful to stay out of the sun. “I have to say, we’re a little surprised you’re here this time of morning. After the party last night…it’s been a long time since I’ve seen one so lively.”

  “That was tame compared to what happened after midnight when we shed our clothing and danced under the moon.” She climbed the stairs in a fluid way that made it seem like she was floating. “Too bad you didn’t stay. I think you would have enjoyed that very much.” She ran a finger down his still-bare chest. “I know we would have.”

  He didn’t even think about putting on a shirt before he answered the door, and her cold touch made him wish he had.

  As politely as he could, Darrien moved her finger away from his skin. “I prefer to shed my clothing in private, but thanks for the ego boost.”

  “Anytime.” Her sultry voice prickled his skin; it was an odd reaction considering her beauty.

  Darrien peered around her at the three men who waited with trays of food. Three men he was sure hadn’t been there a moment ago. “Whatcha got there?”

  “Breakfast. May we come in?”

  “Please.” He stepped aside.

  Guinevere directed the men to take the food to the kitchen and sent them on their way. “Do you mind if we dine in the living room? We have much to discuss.”

  “Like what?” Samantha asked, following Guinevere.

  “The reason you are here.” With a flick of her hand, Guinevere moved the corner chair to the center of the room and took a seat.

  Samantha sat on the couch closest to the witch and Ethan sat beside her. Evie stayed back in the kitchen, huddled close to Darrien.

  “Please, make yourself a plate and join us.”

  Darrien stared down at the trays of food, his stomach in knots. “I’ll just have coffee for now. Evie?”

  She shook her head. “I’m not hungry yet, but it looks amazing. Thank you.”

  “Guests are rare, so we tend to be overly hospitable. If we are being overbearing, please let us know. We want nothing more than for you to enjoy your stay.”


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