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The Immortal Affliction

Page 23

by M. K. Dawn

  Samantha leaped up on her knees, pillow in hand. “You heard me say that? I thought you were asleep.”

  Ethan eyed the pillow. “You aren’t going to smother me with that, are you?”

  “No.” Samantha swung and hit him in the face. “Just knock some damn sense into you.”

  “Hey.” He stopped the pillow as she went in with another swing. “You ignored me first.”

  He was right, but Samantha didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

  “When? It hasn’t even been twenty-four hours. We haven’t had a second alone.”

  Another valid point. “I’ve spent all this time thinking when you told me you loved me, it had just been a reaction to the loss of our daughter. Like out of obligation or something. You could have pulled me aside. It would have only taken a second.”

  “No,” Ethan wrapped his arms around her waist and straddled her across his lap. “It would have taken much longer than a few seconds.”

  Samantha’s body went rigid at the unexpected closeness. “Um…”

  “Too presumptuous?”

  After everything they’d gone through—everything they were about to go through—this wasn’t the time for second guesses. She snaked her arms around his neck and pulled him into a deep, sensual kiss.

  Ethan groaned as she broke the connection, a lopsided grin tugging as his lips. “So that was a no on the presumptuous question?”

  Samantha ran her hand under his shirt, over abs that were more defined than she remembered.

  As if reading her mind, Ethan flexed. “Benefit of being a werewolf.”

  Desire urged her closer. “What other benefits come with being a werewolf?”

  In a sudden motion that left her breathless, Ethan had her on her back. He braced himself over her, his body too far away for them to touch.

  “I’m stronger, for one.” He lowered himself briefly to brush his lips across hers.

  “I see you’ve learned the art of seduction.”

  Ethan laughed, the seriousness of the moment fading. “I’m winging it here. Is it working? Unfortunately, being a werewolf doesn’t better your game.”

  “Game.” Samantha giggled. “What game?”


  Samantha rose to her elbows and stretched her neck until their lips were almost touching. “Don’t worry. It’s one of the many things I love about you.”

  Ethan's face softened as he pressed his body closer, lowering them back to the bed. He drove his hips into hers as he nuzzled her neck, her whole body engulfed in ecstasy. “Loved or love?”

  She tilted her head back, intoxicated by his earthy smell. Every ounce of her body yearned for him in a way she couldn’t understand. She needed to touch him, feel his skin against hers in the worst-best sort of way.

  Running her hands down his chest, her fingertips scraped past the hem of his jeans. She undid his button with a flick of her thumb. As she went to lower his jeans, he seized her hand. “You didn’t answer the question.”

  “What question?” Desire had overwhelmed her to the point she couldn’t think of anything else.

  “Loved or love?” The uncertainty in his voice melted her heart and broke it in the same beat. If this was the last time they made love, she wanted it to be full of life, love, and laughter; not tears and regret.

  “There’s no question to ask.” With her vampire speed, she removed their clothes until nothing separated their bodies.

  “I have to admit,” Ethan said with a grin that made her insides ache, “that was sexy as hell.”

  “I’m just getting started.” She lifted her hips and helped guide him inside her, clutching at his flushed skin.

  Each kiss, each touch, each time he moved deeper inside her, captivated Samantha’s senses. All her worries disappeared. They were just two lovers lost in their own little world.

  As they lay in bed, their bodies still pulsating, breath still ragged, drifting in and out of consciousness, Samantha planted a trail of light kisses up Ethan’s neck just under his ear and whispered, “Love. Always love.”


  “Took you long enough.” Darrien folded his arms across his chest and scowled. Well, he tried to scowl, but the grin on Samantha’s face told him he was failing miserably. “Do you know what time it is?”

  Samantha’s eyes found the window behind Darrien’s head. “The sun’s not up, which I believe is the definition of sunrise. Right?”

  Darrien clicked his tongue. “Nobody likes a smart-ass. To answer your question, yes we leave at sunrise, but we need to go over the plan. Make sure everyone is on the same page.”

  “Where’s Silvaria?” Ethan asked. “And Evie?”

  “Yeah,” Samantha planted an exaggerated hand on her hip, “I don’t see you giving Evie a hard time for being late.”

  “That’s because she gives good—”

  Ethan held up his hand and bared his teeth. “I swear to God if you finish that sentence…”

  Darrien wouldn’t disrespect Evie that way, but it was a hell of a lot of fun screwing with her brother. “Whatcha planning on doing there, little pup? Fighting for your sister’s honor?”

  “Enough.” Evie appeared from their room, her raven hair pulled up in a bun and accenting the sharp v-neck shirt he’d never seen her wear before. “Darrien, stop aggravating Ethan. And Ethan, you grew up with two brothers; you should know better than to take the bait Darrien’s tossing your way.”

  Ethan moved to the kitchen with Samantha on his heels. Darrien didn’t pay any attention to what he mumbled under his breath. If he did, he would have to defend himself and they’d find themselves right back where they started.

  Instead, he joined Evie in the living room, wanting nothing more than to enjoy the few quiet moments they had left. He didn’t know what they were getting themselves into, but chances were good they would have to fight just to stay alive.

  “Hey.” Evie looked up from the couch, not bothering to hide the fear in her eyes.

  Darrien sat beside her, placing a hand on her knee. “You doing okay?”

  “Not really.” She rested her head on his shoulder. “Tell me everything will be all right.”

  He tilted his head so it was on top of hers. “I didn’t think we were the sort of couple that lied to each other.”

  Evie glanced at him from under her lashes. “Couple?”

  “Too soon?” He chuckled. “Or never going to happen?”

  Her body relaxed and she nuzzled into his side. “Neither. As long as you’re not just saying it because we might be dead in a week.”

  A smile spread across his face. “The thought might have crossed my mind.”

  She elbowed him in the ribs before she stood. “Just don’t tell me you love me before we head off to war. That’s so cliché.”

  He mocked a two-finger salute. “As you wish.”

  From the kitchen, Ethan choked on his coffee before sputtering, “Seriously, Darrien? I thought you were done with the movie references?”

  Evie’s eyes twinkled. “Am I missing something?”

  “Not a damn thing.” Darrien held out his hands. “Help me up? I tend to sink into this pillow pile they call a couch.”

  She pressed her lips together but couldn’t hide her amusement. “You’re such a goof.”

  He wiggled his fingers. “Please?”

  “Fine.” She yanked on his arms and he tugged back, bringing her in for a quick kiss. She broke away before either were ready, a faint blush highlighting her cheeks. “If you wanted a kiss, you could have just asked.”

  “Where’s the fun in that?” As he jumped to his feet and rounded the couch, Silvaria appeared, scaring the living hell out of him. “What the fuck? Can’t you send a smoke signal before you do that?”

  “Where’s the fun in that?” she mocked.

  “Stop eavesdropping.” Darrien pushed past her. “It’s creepy.”

  Silvaria laughed. “But the secrets I lea

  Darrien poured half a cup of coffee and filled the rest with milk. He needed the caffeine for a quick pick me up, but he didn’t want to be jittery. Plus, the milk cooled it off so he could drain the contents in a couple of swallows.

  “Now that you’re here,” Ethan wrapped an arm around Samantha’s waist, “are you sure you don’t need anything else from us? Nikko is ready? You have our locations?”

  “Everything is in place, but first,” she waved over Darrien and Samantha, “the spell I promised which will allow you to go out in the sun. It will only take a second.” They stood before her as she waved her hands around. “Done.”

  Darrien’s brow furrowed. “That’s it? No magical words no one can understand?”

  “Have you ever heard me or any other witch utter any sort of words when casting a spell?” She lifted a flat palm, stopping his retort. Literally. “Never mind. Don’t answer that. The sun will be up soon. We need to get going.”

  Ethan pulled Samantha into a tight hug before cupping her cheeks and kissing her with a passion that he hadn’t seen between them in a long time. “I love you, Samantha. Please be careful.”

  “I will.” A tear trickled down her cheek. “You too. All of you.”

  Evie hugged Samantha next. “I wish you were going with us. I hate leaving you alone.”

  “I’ll be fine.” Samantha embraced her again. “Keep an eye on Darrien. Make sure he stays out of trouble.”


  Darrien hung back with Samantha as the others headed for the door. “Don’t forget what you truly are and the power that comes with that. You have magic—like your father, like the others here—but you also have immorality. Make sure they don’t forget.”

  “Darrien,” Silvaria called, “it’s time.”

  He kissed the top of Samantha’s head. “We’ll see you in a couple days.”

  Samantha swallowed. “I’m going to hold you to that.”


  As they bolted through the village, each step farther away from Samantha added another pound of anxiety to Ethan’s already weighted soul. It killed him leaving her alone in that place, but he knew there was nothing they could do for her here.

  If they were going to stop the witches, they needed help. A lot of help, which he wasn’t sure they would get. At least not from the werewolves they’d betrayed.

  “She’ll be fine,” Silvaria said from his left. “I’ll keep an eye on her. Plus, Guinevere needs her alive.”

  “Until all the heirs are together.”

  Silvaria placed a hand on his forearm. “And you’ll be there. Along with many others on our side.”

  They slowed their pace as they entered the northern woods, Darrien and Evie about twenty feet behind them. “You really believe I’ll be able to convince them to help us?”

  “Don’t you?”

  “I broke their trust. Freed Darrien and Samantha. Betrayal is the ultimate offense when it comes to the wolves. We’ll be lucky if they don’t kill Nikko and I on sight.”

  “Two hundred yards that way.” Silvaria pointed to the left. “You are bringing them their salvation. Shouldn’t that be enough to prove your loyalty?”

  “If they let me speak before ripping out my throat, it might be.”

  Silvaria cocked an eyebrow. “I will never understand the animosity of the werewolves.”

  Ethan thought on that for a moment. “Our anger runs deep, but after hearing how we were created, it makes sense. Being cursed because of the Primordials’ greed. Who wouldn’t hold a grudge?”

  “Here we are.” Silvaria stopped in a small clearing.

  Darrien spun around. “Where’s Nikko?”

  Silvaria sighed. “You are the most impatient man I have ever met in my life.”

  “For good reason.” Darrien scanned the tree line. “I think there’s someone out there. Not too close yet, but they’re heading this way.”

  “Then we must hurry.” Silvaria seized Darrien’s arm and closed her eyes.

  The wind picked up around them and Darrien fell to his knees. “Shit, this hurts.”

  “Hold on, Darrien.” Evie crouched beside him. “Not too much longer.”

  With a gasp, Silvaria released Darrien and fell to her knees as well. Ethan rushed to her side. “What happened? Are you all right?”

  Silvaria stuck out her chin behind him. “This distance…it takes a lot of magic. But it’s done.”

  Ethan whirled around to find a shaken Nikko not fifteen yards away. “That was not pleasant.”

  Darrien fell to his butt and smiled up at Nikko. “Where you been, brother?”

  “Working for a way home,” Nikko held out his hand to help Darrien off the ground, “though I see you have found another way.”

  Ethan patted his back. “Good to see you.”

  “Where is Samantha?”

  “Safe.” The crack of a branch caught Ethan’s attention. “I’m not sure I can say the same for us.”

  From the trees, an arrow flew past Ethan’s head and impaled the trunk behind him. “Get down!”

  “Son of a bitch.” Darrien huddled close, doing his best to shield Evie with his body. “Are those arrows from the Dire Fir?”

  Silvaria nodded, her voice hoarse and weak. “Yes. I have to get you out of here.”

  “Are you okay?” Ethan asked. “You don’t look well.”

  “I’m fine.” Another arrow whizzed by. “Those are only a warning.”

  “Warning for what?” Evie asked. “Do they think we’ll surrender?”

  Silvaria averted her eyes. “No, they’re just waiting until they can execute you all at once.”

  “Can you get us out of here? And to our separate locations?” Ethan checked behind him as the footsteps grew closer. “Should we hide?”

  An arrow sliced Darrien’s arm as he threw himself to the ground. “Fuck, that hurts. We can’t stay out in the open like this.”

  “I need you to group up by who’s going with who; Ethan, Nikko, Darrien, and Evie. Hurry.” Silvaria closed her eyes. “I’ll put a shield up that blocks the arrows. It won't hold for long, but it should give me enough time to transport you.”

  As they stood, arrows came at them from every direction.

  “No!” Silvaria screamed, raising her hands over her head.

  Ethan ducked, readying himself for the impending attack. It took him a second before he straightened, realizing Silvaria had put the shield up in time. “Thank God.”

  “Evie!” Darrien roared. “No, no, no.”

  Ethan whirled around to find Evie limp in Darrien’s arms, blood pouring from an arrow embedded in her torso. “Evie! Jesus! No!”

  “Don’t move,” Silvaria ordered, her voice cracking with every syllable. “Almost there.”

  “Evie!” The lifelessness of her body tore at his heart. This couldn’t be happening. Not after everything they’d been through. Everything they’d lost getting her back.

  Nikko grabbed Ethan and held him in place. “Stay still. The witch is not doing well.”

  Ethan tore his eyes from Evie to check on Silvaria. Her chocolate skin was pale and clammy. A thin stream of blood flowed from both nostrils and a wet cough caved in her chest as she fell to her knees.

  “Silvaria?” Ethan called but didn’t move. As much as they needed to get the hell out of there, he couldn’t allow her to die for them. “Stop. Do you hear me? We’ll find another way.”

  Her eyes found Ethan and with a ragged breath she whispered, “Go.”


  The air whooshed from Darrien’s lungs as he hit the ground. Eyes blurry and head spinning, he struggled to recall anything that had happened; how he got here.

  In his arms, a slight movement brought the world into focus.

  He was in a cemetery.

  The witches. Attacked.


  His eyes fell on the bloodied woman in his lap. The rise and fall of her chest gave him a little hope, but t
he arrow…he had to remove it. That was if it hadn’t already been in there too long.

  “Hold on, honey.” He laid her on her side. “I’m going to get this thing out and put some of my blood in the wound. It’ll help you heal.”

  She made no indication she’d heard him, no sound as he broke the tip of the arrow, the wood splintering at the end.

  “Fuck!” A single splinter had nearly killed Samantha. No telling how many would catch when he pulled the arrow out. But it couldn’t stay in; it was poisoning her from the inside. At least with it out, her body had a chance of healing.

  “Don’t pull that!” a man screamed from behind them.

  Darrien looked over his shoulder. “Oliver? How are you here?”

  Oliver kneeled beside Darrien. “The better question is how the hell did you get here?”

  Lost in the fear of Evie’s injury, he’d forgotten Silvaria had sent him to The Forsaken’s hideout.

  “A witch.”

  “What?” Oliver cocked his head.

  Darrien stood with Evie cradled in his arms. “Long story. We need to get her inside and remove the arrow as soon as possible. It’s killing her…if it hasn’t already.”

  “Come on.” Oliver led them into the catacombs, weaving through the passageways as fast as they could in the narrow space. “We saw you from outside. The doctor’s waiting.”

  The trek didn’t take more than fifteen minutes, but it felt like an eternity. Darrien’s heart skipped every time Evie’s breath changed, every time she made a noise or moved. She was fading fast and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do to help her.

  “In here.” Oliver held open the door. “On the table.”

  “Wait.” Darrien laid Evie on her side. “Isn’t he the shrink?”

  “Yeah, but he’s the only doctor we have left. He can handle it. The others…”

  Darrien looked at Oliver. “The others what?”

  The door swung open and Dr. Bernard rushed in dressed in scrubs. Two others followed dressed the same way, one pushing a metal cart. “Everyone out. Give us some space to let us work.”


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