Whiskey & Honey

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Whiskey & Honey Page 23

by Andrea Johnston

  Now that I’ve managed to get her alone for a few minutes, I’m going to feel things out. Hopefully she’ll give me some sort of indication of where she stands after our talk this morning.

  “Hey, Princess.” She startles a little.

  “Oh, geez. You scared me. Hey.”

  “Sorry. What’re you up to?” I ask as she turns her back to me again, looking in the oven. I begin walking up behind her as she responds.

  “I’m just checking the rolls while your mom and Ash put the food out. You?” Her breath catches a little as I stand close to her back. I catch her reflection in the oven window and see she has her eyes closed. It’s as if she’s calming herself.

  “Just waiting to eat. I’m starving.”

  “Uh, yeah, well good thing there’s food. These are probably ready now.”

  “The timer says two minutes left.”

  “Oh, so it does.”

  “You look beautiful today, Piper. You know I love when you wear your boots,” I whisper close to her ear and watch as she shivers. Good. That’s the response I want.

  “Ben,” she sighs.

  I place a kiss to her shoulder and walk away. I’m almost out of the room when I hear her groan and rest her head on her forearm against the handle of the oven. I start to whistle as I walk. That was the confirmation I needed to move forward with this plan.

  Dinner is delicious as usual and the conversation is casual. Piper doesn’t seem to be upset by our encounter in the kitchen earlier. She’s sitting between Ashton and Jameson, which is enough to drive a person crazy, so each time she looks my way I try to reassure her it isn’t forever. A few eye rolls from her confirm she is ready for us to finish up our meal.

  While multiple conversations are occurring around us, Laurel catches my attention and raises her brows in question. I nod that it’s time.

  “So, what is the Sullivan after-Thanksgiving dinner tradition?” she inquires.

  “We have pie in front of the fire,” Ashton responds while reaching behind Piper to smack Jameson.

  “Watch it, brat!”

  “Kids, settle down. Ashton, stop being abusive,” my mom says, then shrieks in horror and covers her mouth and looks at Laurel.

  “Patty, it’s fine. Jameson is a bit of a pest; I think Ashton should swat him.”

  Everyone laughs, but I can see the regret in my mom’s eyes. Dad rises and walks over to her and pulls her into a hug while whispering reassurances. I glance at Piper, who has a confused look on her face. Laurel must recognize her expression, too.

  “That’s why I’m here, Piper. The man I was seeing recently had a bit of a violent side. The Sullivans offered me a place to regroup. I guess I didn’t tell you that before, did I?”

  “Oh, Laurel. I’m so sorry. That’s awful. It’s none of my business, please don’t feel you have to explain.”

  “It’s okay. This week has shown me what it’s like to be around a family and see true love,” she says, glancing at my parents, who are holding each other now.

  “Anyway, enough of that. Pie and fire? Is that it?”

  “What else did you have in mind, dear?” my mom asks.

  “Well, one of the things we’ve done after dinner the last few years with friends was play charades. Dinner is always so heavy and it’s a great way to avoid the nap everyone wanted to take.”

  I smile at her and turn to Jameson, Piper, and Ashton across the table. Jameson is smiling like the Cheshire Cat while both Piper and Ashton look confused. Ashton speaks for both of them, “Charades? Really?”

  “Yep, it’s fun. We don’t play the traditional version, though.”

  “Oh, is it strip Charades?” Jameson asks.

  “Uh, no. But nice try. We don’t limit the categories, anything is approved.” She hesitates and looks at Jameson and clarifies, “Within reason, of course.”

  “What do you all say?” I ask then. “Feel like playing a little game? Oh, and there’s one other rule, remember, Laurel?”

  “Oh yes, we play teams of two and the teams can keep going until they have a wrong answer.”

  “That could take forever, why would you do that?” Ashton asks.

  “You’d be surprised how entertaining it can be. Remember, there are no categories. Some answers are easy and others not so much.”

  “Sounds fun. Shall we move into the living room? All of this can wait until later,” my mom says while looking directly at me and smiling. Now she looks like the Cheshire Cat.

  Once we’re settled in the living room, Laurel suggests the teams should be based upon the closest relationships. My parents are obviously a team and Laurel suggests since Ashton and Piper are so close they should be one too. That leaves either Laurel and me or Jameson and me. Jameson bows out and offers to be the time and score keeper, leaving Laurel and me as partners. After explaining the rules, which have never existed before this afternoon, Laurel stands and pulls out the bowl of clues she had placed on a shelf earlier.

  “I guess you were prepared for us to play,” Ashton jokes.

  We rally back and forth between teams for the lead. After about thirty minutes everyone is having fun and laughing. I wonder if we should actually make this a tradition. Jameson announces to everyone that we are currently tied for the lead at three points each. Dad decides this is a great time for a break. His suggestion is perfect because it allows us to move our seats. I take the seat that puts me directly in Piper’s sightline. As everyone returns to the room, Ashton notices everyone has moved. When she starts to take the spot that should be Piper’s, my mom speaks up.

  “Ash, why don’t you sit next to me,” she says, patting the spot next to her.

  “Okay. Let’s do this. Ben and Laurel, you’re about to go down. Piper and I are going to wipe the floor with you.”

  “Ashton, hush up. It’s not even your turn. Let your brother and Laurel have their turn. I swear, Paul, I don’t know where she gets her sass.”

  Everyone laughs and I take a deep breath. Laurel steps up to me like she’s giving me a pep talk.

  “Ready for this?”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be. Did you pull the clues?” I ask.

  “Yeah as soon as the girls left the room. Those are random words if I’ve ever seen any. I assume they are not the standard Charades list. You know, if we had ever actually played this game before,” she laughs.

  “They’re random to you but they won’t be to her.”

  “Alrighty, Laurel, you’re up,” my dad says, winking.

  I have to admit, when Laurel suggested Charades I was a little uncertain. I don’t like being in front of a group of people acting like a fool. That’s what I assumed it would be like, how I thought it would feel, but with the ability to add basic words and topics to the clues, Ashton and I have racked up a few points of our own and I’m having fun.

  Now it’s Ben and Laurel’s turn. For people who have played this game a lot and as partners, they aren’t all that great. I expected them to run away with the lead right away, but they didn’t.

  “Okay, Benny boy, let’s do this. I feel good about this round,” Laurel shouts.

  Benny boy? That makes me cringe and Ashton looks at me and rolls her eyes. We both share a laugh before turning our attention back to Laurel.

  Laurel stands at the front of the room and grabs a piece of paper. She holds up one finger to indicate it’s one word. Laurel begins her movements and I have no clue what she’s doing. It’s almost like she’s tightening a rope.

  “Bar!” Ben shouts and she high fives him.

  I’m not sure how he got that, but whatever. This goes on for three more clues – whiskey, crying, phone. They are rolling through these clues when Ashton leans over and whispers to me. “I think they’ve been sandbagging; they’re doing too good now.”

  I nod in agreement. The fact that Ben and Laurel are so in sync makes those uneasy feelings reappear. I find it difficult to look at them; jealousy is a crap feeling. Then I hear the next few words and my attention
is drawn back to them. Selfie. Lake. Rocks. Running. I realize then that Ben is looking at me. He’s not looking at Laurel at all.

  “These are most random words ever,” Ashton declares, leaning back in a huff. I do the opposite and move to the edge of my seat.

  “Next word, Ben,” Jameson says, handing Laurel another slip of paper.

  Smiling and looking straight at me instead of at his partner, Ben says quietly, “Whiskey.” Jameson hands her another paper. “Honey.”

  I feel the lump forming in the throat. My heart is in in my stomach, palms wet, warmth spreading through every pore of my skin. Another slip of paper.


  I audibly take in air.

  “What’s happening?” Ashton asks, sitting up and realizing Ben isn’t looking at Laurel but is giving answers.

  Another clue.


  The first tear falls. I look at everyone in the room. Paul and Patty are holding hands and both have tears in their eyes. Jameson has a huge smile on his face and nods in my direction. I look to Laurel, who is freely crying and smiles at me. I look up to Ben as Jameson holds up another slip of paper and lets it fall to the ground.


  I turn to Ashton, who looks confused and, for a moment, I feel horrible for what is about to happen. I may be sacrificing the single most important relationship in my life to date.

  “Piper? Why are you crying? What the hell is happening around here?”

  “Ashton, remember what you told me at my house the other night?”

  “Uh, not really. We talk about all kinds of shit. You’re freaking me out. Oh my God, is someone dying?”

  “No, Ashton. I told you I would tell you before it happened. I didn’t do that before and I’m sorry. But, I’m doing it now.”

  “Okay seriously, what are you talking about?”

  “I’m going to kiss your brother,” I say before I stand to walk toward Ben. I don’t make it two steps before he’s in front of me.

  “Piper, I’m tired of being patient. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “Thank Jesus,” is all I hear before he scoops me up and kisses me. This isn’t a kiss with any doubt. This is a kiss of promises and forever. A kiss by the man I have loved all of my life and the only man I want to spend the rest of it with.

  I hear a gasp and commotion behind me, but I’m too wrapped up in this moment to even care. The kiss goes on for what feels like forever and equally not long enough. That’s how it is with him. Everything feels like it can go on forever and yet it’s never enough time.

  He puts me down and does his thing with my hair. Gosh, I’ve missed that. I lean into his hand and he places another chaste kiss to my lips.

  “Really?” he asks.

  “Really. I’m sorry it took me so long to come around.”

  “Don’t ever apologize for being true to yourself. I’m sorry I did it this way, but it was the only way I could guarantee you wouldn’t shut me out again. I do love you, baby.”

  “I know.” He raises a brow at me. “I do, Ben. I know you love me. I believe you. And I trust you.” He kisses me again when we hear a throat clear and turn to see Paul standing there.

  “Kids, while we couldn’t be happier for you and glad you’ve found one another, there seems to be a little issue in the kitchen.”

  I turn to Ben. “I’ll go. This is my mess to clean up.”

  “No, this isn’t a mess, and we’re in this together,” he replies and turns to his dad. “We’ll go talk to her.” Before we leave the room I turn to Laurel.

  “Thank you, Laurel.”

  She’s still crying a little and nods as Paul puts his arm around her in comfort.

  Ben and I enter the kitchen, where only Patty stands. She motions to the deck, and we see that Ashton is out there being consoled. By Jameson. Oh, this is worse than I thought it would be if she’s letting him be her solace. We walk out the door and she turns to us, eyes red and puffy.

  “Ash,” I begin.

  “How long?”

  “It’s not that simple, Ash. Please, can we go inside and talk?” Ben asks.

  Ashton stubbornly holds her ground. When Jameson begins to put his arm around her, she swats him away. “I had a moment of temporary insanity. Don’t get any ideas, man-whore.” Jameson backs away with his hands up in defense.

  “Whatever, Ashton. You don’t have to be such a bitch about it.”

  Ignoring Jameson as he moves to the other side of Ben, she looks at Ben and then me.

  “I’m fine here. Explain, if it’s not that simple.”

  I don’t even bother letting Ben attempt an explanation.

  “Ashton, look, I know you’re surprised and quite frankly I think we both are, too. We never meant to hurt you. If you want to be angry with someone, please be angry with me. Ben wanted to tell you and I asked him not to.”

  “Tell me what exactly, Piper? You’ve been seeing my brother long enough to make some sort of declaration in front of everyone and embarrass me. It’s obvious everyone else is in on this so guess the joke’s on me, isn’t it?”

  I begin to answer her, but she doesn’t give me the chance.

  “I thought we were like sisters? What changed? We tell each other everything, for shit’s sake, Piper! Instead you’re fooling around with my brother behind my back? That’s great.”

  “You’re right,” I begin as she arches a brow at me. “We are like sisters, but nothing changed. I just … I don’t even know. I was scared. This is so much more than I can explain right now. But, I want you to know that I wasn’t fooling around with your brother. I love him, Ash,” I say as I reach for Ben’s hand, her eyes following.

  “How long?”

  “Actually together?” Ben asks and she nods.

  “Since Halloween,” I answer.

  “That’s not even a month! How do you fall in love in less than a month?” Ashton huffs.

  “You don’t,” Ben answers, squeezing my hand and looking at me. “You do it in an instant.”

  “Jesus. You’re really something, big brother,” Ashton scoffs.

  Huffs and scoffs, I’m sensing a pattern and quite frankly it’s a little childish.

  “Ashton, I’m not going to apologize for falling in love. I love your brother,” I say, looking at Ben before I turn my attention back to Ash. “And crazy enough, he loves me. Did we plan this? Nope. Did I ever dream this would happen? No way. When this first started I tried to stop it. I tried to not like him or care about him. I did that because I never allowed myself to believe it would be reciprocated. There was no way in this world that Bentley Sullivan would have any kind of feelings for me. I’m Pathetic Piper, nowhere near his league.”

  “Baby,” Ben begins to respond, but I stop him and turn back to Ashton, who is crying again.

  “Why would you say that about yourself, Piper? You’re perfect and my idiot brother would be lucky to have you.”

  “That’s how I felt, I can’t explain it.” I release Ben’s hand and take a few tentative steps toward Ashton. “Then, we started spending time together. Just as friends. When it was becoming more, he wanted to tell you and get your blessing. I wouldn’t let him. I was convinced that it was short-lived and there was no need for us to create drama for something that was never going to last.”

  Wiping her tears, Ashton looks between us before responding. “You wanted my blessing, Ben?”

  “Of course, Ash,” he says, stepping up behind me and placing his hands on my shoulders. “You’re important to both of us and we know this is going to change things. I wanted you to know how I felt, but I respected Piper’s request to not tell you. I made her give the secrecy a deadline and everything. I knew this would be hard on you.”

  “You guys lied to me,” she says with a small amount of acceptance in her voice.

  “We did and I’m sorry for that. It was not with malice, I promise,” I reply as I take the final step toward her and put my arms ar
ound her in a hug. A hug she eventually reciprocates.

  “You are my very best friend in this world. I am so sorry I lied to you. I’ve never lied to you before. Well, not true. I did tell you that I like you in that sweater dress. I don’t. It’s awful. You should burn it.”

  Laughing a little, she sniffles and pulls away from me.

  “You don’t? But I love that dress.”

  I laugh too and hug her again, “Forgive me? Us? I really love him, Ashton. But if you can’t give us your blessing, I understand.”

  “Oh Jesus, shut up. I’m just caught off-guard and felt stupid. I was the only person in that room that didn’t know what was happening. I was just embarrassed and it’s a lot to take in. I mean, I thought you only had a crush on him growing up. I didn’t know you loved him.”

  Wiping her eyes and nose, she stands taller. “I’ll get used to it. Oh my God! Are you guys going to get married? We’ll be real sisters!”

  I shake my head at her. That’s Ashton, one extreme reaction to another. Ben walks up behind me and places his hands around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder. “Yes, you will be.”

  I gasp and look at him.

  “My, my, it appears I’m not the only one in the dark around here. I’m going inside now; it’s freezing out here.”

  She grabs Jameson by the arm and drags him in the house. I turn to watch them walk in, arguing the whole way, and find myself in Ben’s embrace now.

  “What do you mean, we will be?” I ask.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not proposing, too.”

  He must sense my relief because he laughs. “Don’t be so relieved. It’s going to happen, just not today.”

  “Oh you’re so sure of that, are you?”

  “Absolutely. This is it, Piper. You and me, baby. Always.”



  “Do your thing with my hair and kiss me.”

  He complies and I melt into him. Thanksgiving is now my favorite holiday.


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