The Psychotic Husband (The Husband Series Book 3)
Page 7
The sudden need to shower gradually pushed him away from her. He sat there, gliding his hand just above her body, feeling her heat being forced back into her skin. He did it several times until the air was cool, then pulled the blanket over her, tucking it snugly. She gave a small moan that sent him hurrying off the bed to get away from the pull it created in him. It was so hard, he knew he’d be unable to stop, and he wasn’t wanting that, he was shower.
He wondered if there was such a thing as sleep/showering after he stood in the stream with his eyes closed for countless…minutes? He wasn’t sure how long it had been. After washing up, he rinsed off and wrapped his waist in a towel, then stood before the large mirror at the bathroom vanity feeling drunk. He reached out with his left finger and began moving it over the mirror, creating lines and mindless patterns in the condensation. He pulled his finger off and took a step back, angling his head. His mind slowly cleared, and he stared at the image of a couple laying in a bed. There was a man kissing at her earlobe and a giant question mark to the right of it.
“Oh fuck,” he shot out, looking left and right. “Who’s there?”
He felt the urge to write again and drew on the mirror. LUCAS.
“Frank? Irish?” Ben called. “Where the fuck are you? Somebody named Lucas is here, hello!”
He felt the need to write again. I MADE THEM SLEEP.
“You made them sleep.”
He nodded Ben’s head and he closed his eyes at that freaky feeling he had.
“Are you…stronger than them?”
Another nod.
“Are you good or bad,” he asked.
No answer. Great.
He remembered what he’d felt when he woke up. Irish was there. “I felt Irish earlier.”
NOT SLEEPING SO HARD, he wrote on the mirror.
“You can’t talk?”
No answer.
“You’re one of the fractured pieces?”
“When did you come? How?”
He pointed to the image he drew on the mirror.
“When we did that?”
Another nod.
“So it worked.”
Nod again.
“Do you know who is next? How many more?”
Another no answer.
“Is there another one coming?”
“Do you know why he’s bringing you all out and…” he realized he was basically making them all fuck, it seemed like. Which was kind of sick if you thought about it. “Forcing us to orgy together?”
One shoulder shrug this time.
“You’re not sure or you don’t care?”
Another single shoulder lift.
“What is your…gift?” Ben asked.
He pointed to his eyes.
“You can see? Duh,” Ben mumbled. “You have gifted sight?”
Single nod.
“How gifted?”
He stared at him and jutted his chin at the mirror. Ben looked and felt the urge to blink slowly. When he opened his eyes, a white haze floated around the outside of his vision as images began to appear. A man and Ben, talking. Ben realized the man was Lucas. Wow.
“Yes,” he said, making Ben jump.
“You’re talking?”
“Only in the images my mind produces. And since you’re in my mind, you can hear it too.”
Ben took in his black slacks and white dress shirt. Then the clothes were gone, leaving him nude.
“You wanted to know,” Lucas said in mild defense.
Ben was about to deny it, but then had a feeling he maybe had wanted to know. His clothes returned and Lucas thanked him, like Ben had put them back on.
“Is this the only way you can talk?”
“Did you always have to talk this way?”
“Not sure.”
“Do you know what you’re supposed to do to bring the next…person?” He didn’t want to insult them, but they weren’t actual people.
“I have to mesh with you.”
“Mesh? Aren’t we meshed already?”
“Not until the sex.”
“You fucking serious?” Ben asked, staring for many seconds. “Everybody has to fuck my wife?”
“It’s the only way to fully mesh. If it helps, none of us like the idea of it.”
Ben shot out a laugh. “Until they put their dick in her. Frank could hardly look at her and now he practically humps her in one form or another, non-stop.”
He gave a half grin, putting a huge crack in his blue-eyed college boy turned psychopath look. “Frank finally got laid,” he mused as if he’d been longing for the day.
For some reason, that one thing didn’t bother Ben. “I had to jack him off before he even considered touching. And then the deal was we didn’t touch.”
“And how long did that last?”
Ben didn’t like how perceptive he was with Frank. “How do you know him?”
He gave an odd, knowing smirk and Ben realized he was leaning casually on some invisible wall with his hands in his pockets. “He’s like that tiny, cute spider living in the corner of your mind. Obliviously and innocently sucking up everything he comes near. Adorable and yet deadly.”
“What do you mean?”
Lucas waved his hand in the air, producing a brilliant color. “Recognize that?”
“He sees colors like that.”
“He likes to slurp on everybody’s gifts.” He shrugged a little. “He doesn’t mean to, it just happens.”
“He’s… not bad.”
“Not at all,” Lucas said.
“That was loaded with double meaning,” Ben said.
“Nothing is one dimensional, Ben.”
“Can I only see you in the mirror?”
“Close your eyes.”
Ben did. “Whoa. You’re…closer.”
“The mirror bends perception. If I’m too close, I can step back.”
“By wanting to. Or I can step closer.”
Ben was feeling a little claustrophobic. “How close can you get?”
“Close your eyes again.”
Ben stared at him. “Does it work like one of those… View Master’s or something?”
“Kind of, yes. I have to blink when shifting between types of sight.”
Ben closed his eyes.
“Open them.”
“Shit, you’re in my head,” Ben whispered when he opened them. “Oh shit, I’m in your head?” He looked down at his black slacks and touched his torso. Definitely real.
“You can be in mine, or I can be in yours.” Everything switched back, but he still peered with his eyes. He looked around and up, blinking. “What the fuck?” he whispered when the ceiling gradually gave way to a starry night sky.
“My brain can convert things it sees and produce what I’m looking for. I wanted to see past the roof, so it moved it out of my way. Since I have absolute dimensional mapping ability and photographic memory, there’s nothing I can’t see when I need to see it if I’ve already seen it. And if I want to know something about what I’m seeing, I let it's colors tell me what I need to ask, and then my brain creates the answers either in images or pictures in my head. If I want to see it in dimensions, I draw it or paint it.”
“Wow.” Fucking insane. “When…do you live?”
“When he lets me,” he said.
“Are you allowed to say who he is?”
Ben waited then realized. “But?”
“But I choose not to.”
“Because it’s better that way.”
“Why didn’t Irish and Frank get that option?”
“They’re not strong enough to resist your persuasion.”
Ben considered that. “So I have persuasion over them.”
“Over all of us.”
“How many are you?”
“How many senses are there?”
; “Five.”
He gave a slow smile. “Are you sure?”
“Some say six.”
“Some would be correct.”
“So there’s six of you? Five senses and a sixth?”
“Plus one,” he added, moving to the vanity and having a seat, putting his smile even with Ben.
He put two feet between them, feeling itchy that close. “Never heard of a seventh sense.”
“It’s not really a sense. It’s another person entirely. One hint. He’s in the mirror.”
“No,” he said, with a weird smile/frown while swinging his legs. “Ben Rabinowski.”
“I’m the seventh?”
He smiled with raised bingo brows.
“Why do you look like that?” Ben wondered. “You don’t look like Frank.”
“I’m technically not. I’m me. Created to handle that amazing part of Frank he can’t manage.” He shrugged with his shoulders and mouth. “Guess this is what amazing looks like, I don’t remember having a say in it.”
Ben couldn’t stop his snort/laugh. “So, if you’re not the strongest, can I expect Zeus to show up in my head eventually?”
The laugh he gave was genuine and when Lucas looked at him, he glimpsed the fact that said he didn’t laugh often. “Humor.”
“What about it?” Ben wondered.
“Compassion, empathy, humor. Your gifts. Honestly, I argued that they were gifts at all, but I stand happily corrected.”
“So, what, I’m the jester in this fuck-a-thon circus?”
More laughter. Longer. Then another round of it. And yet more.
Ben stood there feeling like the ass of a joke, wondering if he could punch him in this form or if his face would crack if he punched it in the mirror. He grabbed a hand towel from the bar on his right and wiped all his artwork off, jumping at seeing Lucas as him in the mirror. “That’s creepy as fuck, get out of my eyeballs.”
He blinked and stood next to him again, smiling at Ben in the mirror.
“So, what now?” Ben asked. “You have to mesh with me and my wife. How is that supposed to work? What kind of neat tricks do you have to do it and not do it?”
He snapped and pointed. “I was thinking I could visualize it into a kind of alternate reality that is so real, you think it’s happening. Like a simulation that your body can’t distinguish from, and so produces the same physical results.”
Ben nodded a little at him. “So, you’re going to create like a…porn movie in our minds that we’ll think is real and we’ll…orgasm?”
“That’s the plan.”
“And are you a virgin too?”
“We all are. Were.”
Ben felt his mouth smirking. “Well…I wasn’t.”
“Except you and…whoever isn’t now.”
“Why do I feel like there’s always three other things you’re saying?”
He chuckled, lowering his head then peering up at him. “Because I’m a multi-dimensional person and hear multi-dimensional questions?”
Huh. Right. “And can you tell me why Mr. He is gathering us together like this?”
He leaned back on his calm palms. “I can. But can’t. And won’t.” He added a wince. “Three-dimensional question slash answer.”
What a cocksucker. “Can you match the answers with the dimensions?”
“It means I can tell you if I wanted to. But, if I want to live, I can’t. Since I want to live, I won’t.”
“Mr. He would kill you?”
“No but telling could kill me.”
“Because Mr. He set it up that way.”
“So, He is the one killing you technically.”
“No, He is making it so it saves my life.”
“Because Mr. He needs me.”
Ben eyed him then tossed out, “For what? Let me guess, you can say, can’t say and won’t say?”
“Wellll,” he winced, like that one might be a tad different. “I can say that it’s for a very good purpose.”
“Good for who?”
“For all of us. The world, even.”
Ben lowered his head, sighing. “If it turns out that your definition and my definition of good are not the same, I will put a bullet in all our collective heads.”
“Mr. He, knows you,” Lucas said. “He chose you for your definition of good.”
“What’s the timeline here, Lucas?” Ben wondered. “I mean, he’s got this plan, I don’t know what it is, everybody knows but me, but I’m supposed to trust it’s good, and why? Why should I trust anybody, why should I trust any-fucking-body?” he whispered. “Clearly I was chosen which makes me have to wonder what is true and what is false, what is good and what is not.” Ben chuckled and lowered his head before eyeing him. “I can tell you one thing,” he said, nodding. “Mr. He may have known me before but…I’m not so sure he knows me now.”
“He knew.”
Ben studied his face nice and good. “I think he made an uneducated guess.”
Lucas held his stare back. “He made a perfect and absolute educated guess.”
Ben gave a snort. “Yeah, yeah, Mr. Absolutely Perfect, I get it. You know what comes before the fall, Lucas?” Ben’s brows shot up with a grin at seeing the first inkling of curiosity. “Pride does. Yeah, you thinking you know you got shit all figured out, thinking you’re bigger than what you are, than what you’re designed to be?” Ben moved closer to him, wanting to stare him in the eye. “Thinking you’re like a god? Yeah? Is that what Mr. He is or thinks?”
“Use your gifts, Ben,” Lucas said with an unwavering gaze. “That’s all you have to do. And then you’ll know what you think good and bad is.”
“I already know what I think good and bad is. That’s not going to change.”
Lucas gave a shrug. “Good.”
Ben’s fist balled and Lucas seemed to sense it.
“You gonna hit me?” he asked, seeming almost hopeful. “Try it. No, seriously, try it.”
Ben stepped away and turned his back to him. “I don’t want any part of this shit.”
“I can give you one piece of advice,” Lucas said. “You’re already a part of it. As is Charlie and Alice. If you fuck or fiddle with the plan, the people you love, will die in every dimension of the term.”
“Yeah?” Ben spun to him. “Only you don’t have control over that sixth dimension, do you,” Ben said. “That’s God’s dimension and nobody runs that but Him.”
“Agreed. But He does have a rule book for it.”
“Oh, so now you’re all religious? Fucking saints? Literally?”
“Just informed.”
Ben paced, knowing. Knowing inside that he was telling the truth and hating him for it. There was nothing he could do but keep his family safe and he needed to keep his cool and do just that. “What’s next then? We need to go fuck, right.”
“I can wait—”
“Nah, why wait? Hell, why use tricks at all, I say we just do the old-fashion fucking, more organic, don’t you think?” Ben laughed in awe at seeing it in his gaze. “You’re terrified to do the mesh-fuck too, I see.” Ben paced, liking that he wasn’t the only one with a knife twisting in his side. “Now that’s good,” he assured. “I like that. I think it’s good we all have some icky feelings about all this.”
Ben made his way out the bathroom.
“Where are you going?” he asked, right behind him.
The concern in his tone came loud and clear, making Ben nod and know exactly where he was going. “Going wake my wife up.”
“For what?”
“Because I owe her a nice, long session of slow-burn-fucking. And she deserves every second of it.”
Look and See Lucas
Resistance hit his muscles the second he opened the bedroom door. He made the mistake of blinking and the room went sideways and he hit the floor.
Cheryl was there and Ben chuckled. “Yeah, good one
, thank you for bringing dessert to our door.”
Ben grabbed Cheryl’s face right as he felt Irish wake and plunged his tongue in her mouth, feeling like it was their dick.
“Ben, we’re doing it?” Frank gasped, waking.
“Yeah, we’re doing it,” he shuddered, letting Irish take over their mouth. He moved over her body like a whirlwind of perfection. At her tits, Ben forced the peeks tall and was treated to the most erotic dessert. Every perfect lick, suck, and bite felt like mini orgasms. But it did more than feel like an orgasm for Cheryl. Before he was done with her first nipple, she’d had one.
He realized Lucas had his eyes closed and Ben blinked, loading his thoughts like weapons and blasting the command to LOOK! SEE!
The moment he did, Ben sucked in a huge breath, reeling from the imprisoning power her nipples clobbered him with. Ben forced his gaze lower, ready to blow his mind to smithereens. He pushed her legs wide open, holding them down on the floor. Yeah, look at that, Lil Cocky Luke. I’ve got your trick right here, your little bypass orgasm.
“I want to touch it!” Frank begged.
“Do it, touch her pussy,” Ben whispered, drunk feeling and yet realizing it. His gift was empathy and compassion. But in that second it was all about feeling what they needed and felt, and they fucking needed and felt everything. Who’s stronger now?
“Right here?” Frank poked on her clit with his index finger and she cried out and squirmed. “Am I doing good?”
“Yes,” she gasped. “You’re doing so good. Ben, please,” she whispered, eyeing him. She didn’t realize who else she burned with that look, but oh Ben knew. Burn him good. They want to make us mesh? Well, let’s fucking mesh.
He looked down at her pussy and grabbed his cock, sliding the head all over her hot silk.
“Oh God,” Irish croaked, fighting to close his eyes and taste more. But there was no moving Lucas’s gaze from her pussy. He was locked on, perfectly learning everything about the vision. “Draw that,” Ben challenged, sliding his cock slowly into her while visually capturing the divine effects it had on her. “And draw this,” he seethed, grabbing her hips and jerking her onto his dick.”
The collective roar of ecstasy had Ben fighting a quadruple orgasm.