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Celestial Beauty

Page 5

by Angela Castle

  Remembering a trick she’d seen on the internet, she pulled her arms out of the sleeves so the neck of the shirt sat just above her breast. Then she pulled tight the sleeves and tucked it around her body before tying it at the back. She smiled down at her handiwork. Now it looked just like a little black cotton dress, and it also made her feel more comfortable, more human.

  With only her fingers for a comb she ran them through her hair before approaching the door. She had to reach up to hit the little lit up knobs with her hand, but she was pleased it opened with a small hiss. At this point in time her stomach was now controlling her actions. Salivating at the mere thought of food, with a left turn or right to choose from, she chose right and followed it down passing other doors until she hit a dead end.

  Okay, I should have gone left. Turning around she went to head back when another door opened. She froze at the sight of one of the quads. He didn’t seem to see her, and his hand held some kind of flat square device. From his shorter hair and scowl she realized it was the commander.

  “Uh, Commander Zeb?”

  His head whipped up, and she stumbled back slightly at his hard glare. It softened, his golden gaze sweeping her from head to toe, only to turn back into a frown.

  “Where did you get those clothes?”

  “I … I think Kue left the shirt for me,” she stammered, feeling very uncertain around the big tall male. He was like a big hawk and she a little mouse. It was an odd sensation, never had she felt like this around human men before, but then never had she come across a six foot five, muscle bound human with sex appeal so dangerous it put her brain into a tailspin. Here the commander stood, muscular arms bunched, staring down at her, and it was very intimidating. She took another step back, feeling like he took up all the air around her, so she struggled to simply breathe.

  “That’s one of our shirts?” His tone suggested he didn’t believe her.

  “I uh, changed it, see?” She turned to show him where the arms were tied around her back, glancing over her shoulder at him.


  She turned back, as more heat rose into her cheeks. “Thank you, I really am sorry for what I did earlier.”

  He waved his hand. “Forget it. What are you doing out here in the corridors? I thought Kue was taking care of you?”

  Okay, so clearly Commander Zeb didn’t want her wandering around his ship. She shifted awkwardly from foot to foot.

  “Oh, he did. I’m sorry I just woke up and am kind of hungry. I’m sorry for bothering you. If just point me in the right direction, I’ll find my way.” Her stomach growled again, and she winced in pain.

  “I’ll take you to the meal room, this way.” He turned and marched down the corridor. She had to jog just to keep up with his wide strides.

  “I was wondering, Commander, uh, what are you going to do with me? You said there were other humans?”

  “There are a few human females on Galafrax. Don’t worry. We will deposit you at the next Demos outpost, once we get our ship repaired, and they will take you to Galafrax.”

  Yes, it was becoming clearer. He wanted her off his ship.

  “I can’t go home?”

  He stopped so suddenly she almost slammed into his back. Inches from him, she breathed in his spicy male aroma. She hastily took a few more steps back. “Galafrax and the Demos people will welcome you. There are new laws that all human females are granted automatic citizenship. You may never be able to return to Earth, but my people will make sure you have a good life there.”

  She had kind of figured there would be no going back to Earth, but it still hurt to hear it. She clamped her lips tight, but was puffing from Zeb’s fast pace by the time he opened the door to a huge room, fit with black metallic tables and chairs, as well as other things that looked like computerized pinball machines.

  “I have work to do, excuse me.”

  She watched Zeb’s powerful strides as he walked back down the corridor.

  “Celeste, my lovely, you’re awake!” The enthusiastic greeting of Raz startled her. It wasn’t hard to spot the quad’s differences. Raz’s hair was roguishly swept back, as if he raked his fingers through it. Raz’s handsome smile was a complete opposite to Zeb’s scowling face. Raz’s grin lit his face, taking him from handsome to drool-worthy. He bounded up from the chair walking over to her. He took both her hands and drawing her into the room.

  “Now this is breathtaking…” He pulled her into a kind of a dance spin as he inspected her customized outfit. “Is it one of our shirts? It is far better on you than Kue.” Her vision wobbled as he turned her back to face him. “But enough of this, you must be starving. Kue did say you were so tired from your ordeal that he neglected to feed you.”

  Heat infused her cheeks, at his flattery and at hunger. “I, uh, could eat.” A whole horse, then chase the jockey, if she could lay her hands on one. She gasped as he bent, gripped her hips and lifted her onto the chair. The height of it made for six foot five red man, would have made it awkward for her to climb on.

  “Have my drink. It’s called purrt. I’ll go modulate you some food. What do you like, sweet, salty, something which burns the tongue?”

  “Nothing burning please, salty is good.” She couldn’t help but be infected by Raz’s vibrant personality. He grinned wide. “As my lovely Celeste commands.” He bowed with a majestic sweep of his arm. Unable to help it, a giggle bubbled up with his cheeky display. It was the first time she smiled, let alone laughed in … she’d forgotten how long.

  She picked up the large cup and sniffed at the contents. It smelt sweet, and when she took a sip, oh wow. She quickly let the rest of the creamy caramel flavour slide over her tongue and swallowed it down, letting out a low moan of pleasure. All too quickly the rest vanished into her stomach.

  Wafting mouth-watering smells assaulted her as Raz set down a large plate piled high with different foods she didn’t recognize, but didn’t care. Her hand shaking, she picked up the five pronged fork type utensil.

  “Thank you,” she managed, spearing something long, fleshy, and yellow. Lifting it to her lips, she took a dainty bite, moaning at the full salty bacon banana flavour. All hope of acting like a lady and eating with more delicacy, so Raz wouldn’t think her a pig, was abandoned. She tore in to the meat, chewing and swallowing as fast as she could manage, trying to appease the burning hunger.

  “Easy, you’ll make yourself sick. Take a drink between bites.” He placed a tall cup, clearly made for their larger hands, in front of her.

  Celeste forced herself to take his advice and slow down, but trying to wrap a single hand around the cup, she almost dropped it.

  “No, this won’t do.” Raz place himself down next to her. She would have gasped if her mouth wasn’t still full of food, when he lifted her into his lap and pulled the fork from her hand. “Better if I help you, Kue will tear strips from my skin if I let you become ill.”

  She was too stunned from shock to protest, and he cut up her food and fed her from the fork he’d taken from her hand. Before she knew it, she’d finished half the plate before her stomach was finally appeased.

  She pushed his hand away when he tried to feed her more. “I’m full, thank you.” Unaccustomed to sitting in a man’s lap, let alone a sexy alien man, she didn’t quite know what to do. “Um, you can put me down now. I’m sure I can manage from here on in.”

  “Are you uncomfortable?”

  She assessed it, his arm gently stroking up and down in a comforting manner. She wasn’t uncomfortable. It just felt weird.

  “No, but I’m not used to sitting like this?”

  “Would it help to say I like you just as you are? Soft and sweet in my arms?”

  The statement again startled her, and she glanced up to study his face, suspicion creeping in. “Why would you say that?”

  “Why wouldn’t I? Not once have I not spoken what is not true. I like you here, I like the way you feel, and I like the way I feel when I’m with you.”

�But you don’t know me, and I don’t know you.”

  “What would you like to know about my brothers and me? Ask anything, and we’ll answer in all truth. We would really like to get to know you, Celeste.”

  Still confused she wiggled off his lap, finding her own ground from which to face him, her mind a tornado of confusion.

  “I am grateful you rescued me, and I know I’ll probably never see my home again, but be honest, what is it you really want from me?” She opened her arms. “I’m just a plain human and no one of any consequence. I’ve done things I’m not proud of, I’m sure Kue already told you that. Anyway, Commander Zeb told me you were going to hand me over to the nearest Demos outpost.”

  He lost his smile, and his gaze met hers. She could see his mind ticking over, processing all she’d told him.

  “First, don’t listen to anything the commander says.” Celeste swallowed at the hard edge of his tone and wrapped her arms around herself. “Second, is that what you believe about yourself, that you are no one?” He shook his head.

  “Human females are rare and more treasured on our planet than even our own females. It makes you the most valuable person in all of the Hellious Galaxy.”

  “No, I … they…” Emotions and memories swamped her. I am worthless, nothing but a fat slut, someone to be used. I should have died on this planet, alone. Stinging tears pricked the back of her eyes. “I am just a commodity to you.”

  “Lovely, no.” He snatched her hands before she could put any further distance between them.

  “The moment I saw your lovely face I was lost. You have captivated my brothers and me. We want you to stay with us, get to know us, and give us a chance to get to know you.”

  The warmth of his hand covering hers, the utter sincerity on his face baffled her and made her defensive. “Stop saying crap like that. I’m not beautiful or lovely. I’m just—”

  “Enough!” The growl from his throat startled her as much as his sudden tug on her arm, sending her tumbling against him, her hands on his biceps, and his hand spearing into her hair holding her tight as he took possession of her mouth.

  Her mouth opened in utter shock, which allowed his lips to mould over her, easing off the pressure as he touched and tested, lifting, and pressing, his tongue sliding smoothly, along her bottom lip as he tasted her.

  Oh, sweet mercy! Celeste’s mind spun at the decadent heat of his mouth, and everything melted away but the touch and feel of his mouth gliding against hers. Her hands seemed to have their own mind, as her fingers curled into the hot skin of his bare arms.

  His big hands threaded in her hair, angling her head to give him better access, and with a low rumble, Raz deepened the kiss, his big arms wrapping around her to pull her tighter against him. His tongue swept inside, and the masculine taste of him sent her spiralling further down the rabbit hole. Wild fire of heat swept through her body, unlike anything she’d ever experienced, instantly addictive. All too quickly she wanted and craved more of this rushing racing through her. She was so swept away by Raz, she scarcely heard the door open or the low rumble of voices.


  “I knew we couldn’t trust him to keep his hands off her.” Loc folded his arms, staring at Raz and Celeste as Raz plundered her mouth. Loc’s rod was already so stiff and aching it had pulled his focus from his job, and he found he’d had to re-wire the same circuit twice. It would take a lot longer than a week to get off this rock of a planet if he didn’t find some relief soon. But the sex droid now stuffed in the maintenance locker held no appeal. The soft female in Raz’s arms was all he could think about.

  Kue nodded towards the table. “At least from the half empty plate he’s been feeding her properly.”

  Loc groaned seeing Celeste press her soft, large breast mounds against Raz’s chest. “I want the next kiss. You both have gotten to feel her softness. I haven’t yet, and I want my turn.”

  Celeste gasped as Raz let her up for breath, her eyes wide and utterly dazed as she stared at him. The plump sheen of her lips made Loc lick his own ready for a taste. Damn the Ice Plains! He wanted her to look at him like that, too!

  “Brother, my turn.” Loc shoved at Raz’s shoulder at the same time reaching for Celeste. Snatching her from Raz’s lap, in a calculated move, into his arms, Loc grinned at his stolen prize. “I’ve got you now, beauty.”

  “What? Oh!” Celeste gasped. She was so light and easy to hold, with the feel of her chest mounds pressed against his chest, her fingers gripping at his shirt, her eyes wide in confusion, but she didn’t struggle. Loc swooped the distance taking up where Raz left off.

  “Damn it, Loc, wait. She doesn’t—”

  Kue’s protest fell on deaf ears as the heat of her mouth swamped him. She tasted oh so sweet, very different from the last female he’d actually kissed. There was no cold detachment here, only sweet warmth and soft human female. Oh yes, they’d done the right thing in deciding to make her theirs.

  Some annoying thing was tapping at his shoulders, and Loc broke the kiss to scowl in irritation. Raz’s fist suddenly planted in his face sending him reeling backwards. Celeste was snatched from his arms by Kue.

  “You idiot!” Raz raged at him. Loc steadied his feet while rubbing his jaw, his eyes focused on his lost prize, then an angry faced Raz. Celeste’s eyes were wide, in clear shock, staring back at him, while being cradled in Kue’s arms.

  “There was a good reason I kissed her! It didn’t mean you had to blunder in and act like a primordial bottom feeder!”


  Shock rolled through her like a bucket of cold water. What the hell was going on? What on earth was she thinking to let this Raz kiss her like that? Not that she had been expecting it, or could have protested at his strength and the utter intoxication of his kiss. Being snatched from his arms into his brother’s arms, and his having an even worse effect on her senses, left her utterly bemused.

  Yes, that was the problem right there. She hadn’t been thinking at all, and her body had taken over.

  “It’s okay, sweetness. Are you all right? Did one of those idiots hurt you?” It took a moment to register she was now nestled into Kue’s arms again, his golden eyes studying her.

  Slowly, she shook her head, unable to find any words but, “Are you going to kiss me, too?”

  His gaze fell to her lips. She could still feel them tingling from the aftermath of Raz’s exploration and Loc’s full passionate assault. “It’s not that I don’t want to, but I won’t kiss you, sweetness, until you ask me to.”

  “Oh, okay.” But the question she couldn’t keep from blurting out. “Why did they?”

  “Oh I know why.” Kue’s voice dipped into a low growl, which sent renewed shudders down her spine.

  “I had damn good reason.” Raz shoved Loc off him, stalking towards her, making the hand resting on Kue’s lapel of his top tighten. “My brothers and I are many things, and have done many things in our time, but one thing we never do is tell lies.”

  Her jaw dropped at Raz’s fierce words.

  “I am sorry for losing my temper, but when you said you weren’t lovely, I needed to show you the truth, even if you didn’t believe it yourself.”

  “I just wanted my turn.” Loc grinned roguishly. “How can I resist a female so beautiful?”

  Ice slid through her veins as it suddenly became very clear what they wanted. Three large males, no doubt highly sexual, too. She was nothing but a piece of meat to be used for their pleasure. “Put me down.” She needed space between her and these men. Alien or not, they were still male, walking around looking for the nearest thing to stick their dicks. As far as she could tell she was the only available skirt on this ship of theirs.

  Kue obeyed her command, setting her carefully on her feet, his brow still dipped in concern, as he continued to study her.

  Anger boiled through her veins, and her temper rose. She’d had enough of people in her life using her as if she was nothing, and no way did she believe Raz’s pretty speech o
f him kissing her because she didn’t believe herself to be lovely.

  “I see very clearly, all you boys want is to fuck anything female and available. Well you can all go fuck yourselves! I’m not that kind of female, so go find someone else to stick your dicks into!”

  With a huff she stomped towards the door and passed through it when it automatically opened for her.

  “Damn the fucking Ice Demon, Raz! This is how you go about our big plan to win her?” She knew it was Kue who growled at Raz. She heard that much before the door hissed closed.

  Celeste stood in the corridor, barefooted, staring at the long corridor, not knowing what to do or where to go. Her whole body trembled as a new kind of fear swamped her senses, those feelings of being hopeless. It was even worse than being on this planet by herself. The kind of dark stomach gnawing feeling, of being in a crowd of people, but still utterly alone. The urge to break down as her emotions hung by a thin thread. She balled her fist and huffed out. No, I’m not going to cry again. I am sick of crying all the time, sick of being the victim!

  The door opened. “Lovely, we are sorry. Please, come back in. We don’t just want you for pleasure. Even if Raz has it on his mind more than the rest of us.”

  She spun on Kue, her anger and frustration boiling over. “I am not here for your or anyone’s amusement or fuck toy. Get that into your big heads right now!”

  His eyes widened at her outburst. He opened his mouth, but Raz suddenly shoved him out the way. “You’re not a toy, Celeste. Please let us explain. Yes, we want to fuck you, but there is a lot more to it than that. We want you to be our sheraz.”


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