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Celestial Beauty

Page 8

by Angela Castle

  Raz grinned at her, mischief in his eyes as he glanced at Zeb. “If not for our choice, lovely, then I wouldn’t have had the pleasure of seeing Zeb finally knocked down to size.”

  Zeb grunted, rolling his eyes.

  “Those two,” Loc put in pointing between Raz and Zeb, “have been trying to better each other in combat since we entered Galafraxian military training, while we were young.”

  Curiosity filled her gaze as she glanced up at him, making his gut clench. Keeping his composure he shoved at Raz to make him slide along the bench.


  “We all have different skills. We are evaluated in our strengths in training, and we work on those strengths until we become the best. It was unfortunate that both Zeb and Raz excelled in hand to hand combat.”

  “That can’t be all you excelled in? What about you, Loc and Kue? What did you excel in?”

  “Um, well weapons technology, and spatial engineering,” Loc offered first.

  “Not a ship in the galaxy I can’t fly, and I majored in biology,” Kue said.

  “Hand to hand combat and interspecies relations.” Raz shrugged.

  “Combat tactics and leadership,” Zeb rounded off.

  Her brow dipped in a little cute frown. “Are you some kind of crack SWAT team or something?”

  “SWAT?” They all asked at once

  “Special Weapons and Tactics. They do things like confronting heavily armed criminals, perform hostage rescues, breaking into armoured or barricaded buildings and arresting the worst of worst human criminals.”

  Raz grinned, lowering his drink. “Glad to know we’re not the only race who does such things.”

  “I don’t doubt they only deal with their own. From what I hear Earth doesn’t have space travel,” Zeb added. “And foolish to allow their precious females to be stolen from under their noses.”

  Celeste stared at him, yet he couldn’t pick her expression or feelings, and it made him uncomfortable. “You’re right about them not having space travel, and humanity has many flaws. I’m willing to bet every species in the whole known galaxy has problems, too.”

  “Very true, Celeste.” Kue patted her hand. “It is unfortunate that we’ve seen some of the worst the Hellious Galaxy has. Be at ease, even though we’re retired, we will always protect you.”

  Her sweet smile stole, no doubt, all their breaths. Zeb noted how Raz shifted in discomfort beside him, no doubt trying to make his rod behave.

  “I think I like having my very own alien SWAT team.” They all froze at her words. Were they hers? They wanted it more than anything. Her eyes widened as she realized what she’d said, and her smile fell. “I … I mean…”

  “Hey you forgotten we’re also handsome, strong, and sexy? Of course I’m far better looking than any of my brothers.” Raz wiggled his eyebrows, breaking the tension and bringing back her smile. Zeb silently sighed in relief, but he couldn’t stay silent. He saw the opportunity and was going to grab it, praying to the Fire Gods it didn’t scare her.

  “You are right, beautiful.” Zeb met her gaze, which lifted to meet his when he spoke. “We all speak the truth here. We are yours. All you need to do is take, but only when you’re ready.”

  Chapter Eight

  Celeste sighed for the millionth time and turned in her bed. Her skin was hot, so she removed her clothes to cool down, but it did nothing to relieve the ache, the heaviness in her breasts, or the dampness between her legs. Arousal simply refused to leave.

  Her mind turned towards tomorrow, a whole day with Zeb. Big strong, in charge, Zeb. The eldest, so he would be the first one to make love to her.

  “Auugh!” She turned over grabbing the pillow, shoving it over her head. My men, my men, my red, sexy, protective men.

  Touch and pleasure yourself.

  All her life she’d never been able to do that, though not for lack of trying. She’d wanted to experience what it was like to have an orgasm, even if it was self-induced. She’d start, only to get nowhere, leaving her feeling frustrated and disappointed in herself. Never had she been this aroused by any man, so it had to mean something, didn’t it?

  It grew increasingly clear she’d never make it through another day. Hell, she doubted she’d even make it through tonight.

  Go to him.

  I can’t, can I?

  Zeb’s words haunted her. “We are yours. All you need to do is take, but only when you’re ready.”

  “I’m more than ready.” Celeste sat up and swung her legs off the bed and stood, reaching for the first shirt Kue had given her, the one she’d turned into a dress.

  Her hand shook as she again modified it. With no mirror she hoped to look pretty enough.

  “I can do this. They want me, and I want them. This is a way to give something back for their generous kindness.” It was a solid argument, and she nodded and moved to the door. Why was this harder than when she’d found the door open on her cage? She’d had courage fuelled by anger.

  This was … was what? Securing a future and trying to find some happiness. I need to start listening to them instead of myself. They see me as beautiful, desirable, so I will be as they say.

  The corridor was dark as she stepped into it. She squinted, trying to remember which direction to Zeb’s room. She was in Kue’s quarters, and Kue had said he’d take other quarters as there were many on this level. She remembered he’d pointed out where each of them was, in case she wanted anything during their rest cycle. Zeb, so Kue had grumbled, inhabited the old commander’s quarters, the largest and best on the ship. As if her feet already knew where to go, it wasn’t long before she found herself standing before Zeb’s door. Why did it appear larger and more imposing in the dimmed lighting than during Kue’s tour?

  Because I’m here for sex and it’s scaring the crap out of me. It would be more than just sex. She was laying more than just her body on the line.

  “This is stupid. I’m being stupid!” Her courage fled, and she turned to leave at the same time the door slid open.

  “Is there anything you need, Celeste?” Zeb’s deep, velvety voice sent a shiver down her spine, renewing the dying embers of her arousal.

  “I uh…” She turned to face him only to have her jaw drop. Holy cow! He was almost naked, except for the black towel wrapped around his waist. Water droplets still slid down over the rippled contours of his sculptured chest. As her eyes scanned down she saw several raised lines, and what looked appeared to have once been vicious wounds. His scars didn’t detract at all from his sexiness. No, it added a deeper layer of lethalness to this alien man. He’d fought, been hurt and survived, many times, from the multiple scarring just on his front. She had no doubt of their conviction of being able to protect her.

  The towel just hooked on his hip, and she could easily see the V leading down, disappearing under his towel. He utterly oozed sexy, from even the way he leaned against the door frame, his glittering golden eyes regarding her.

  Talk about zero to one hundred in less than a second. She’d never get through tomorrow envisioning all this, under his clothes. “Ah, you’re … wet?”

  She mentally hit herself over the head. Very glib, Celeste.

  His lips curved up into a grin. “It’s what happens when you wash.”

  “Uh, yes, you’re right … I think I need … to uh, go.”

  She squeaked in surprise when he suddenly gripped her arms, pulling her into his room, the door sliding shut behind them. “You can go once you’ve told me truthfully why you came to my door, beautiful.”

  Truth, there was that word again. She sighed as he let her go and stepped back, regarding her with heated curiosity. It was hard to think with so much raw masculine power before her. Her fingers were itching to touch, wondering if she’d get burned if she tried.

  “Truth?” Damn, she squeaked out the word like a mouse.

  “Yes, truth.” He folded his arms making his muscles bunch. She gulped.

  I can do this, I can do this! “I want
you!” she blurted out squeezing her eyes shut, feeling her cheeks flame red.

  “Celeste.” A gentle finger under her chin, lifting her head, and she opened her eyes to meet his golden gaze.

  “How do you want me?”

  “Y-you’re the oldest. Loc said y-you have to go first—” Had she been wrong all this time? Maybe he didn’t want her after all. Her heart sank as a sudden pain speared though her.

  “Hey, now, no sad face.” His voice gentled, and he ran his hand down her arm, capturing her hand to hold it in his warmer one. “You are not wrong. Loc informed you correctly. Trust me, I want you more than I’ve ever wanted any female, and not just to pleasure.”

  Her heart pounded against her chest, making her feel dizzy as he moved in closer, and the air round them felt superheated. “You told me to come you when I was ready. I am as ready as I’ll ever be. I wouldn’t be able to stand another day of looking at all you without being able to touch. But I’m also frightened.”

  He nodded. “You need never fear me or my brothers, but know if you accept me, Celeste, I will take charge. I will do what I want to pleasure you, and you will accept everything I say and do.” He dropped to his knees, bringing her chest straight into his eye level. He looked up, and she almost gasped at their swirling golden intensity, the want—the need burning within them.

  “Always know, harm is never my object. You are safe with me, always. I need you to trust that in my hands, in our care…” He ran his large right hand down the length of her arm, making her skin prickle and her breath quicken at the contact, like scorching lava through her already heated veins. “You will be protected and treasured. The only screams will be those of ecstasy, never pain. This is no passing fancy. We want you as our sheraz, our wife. We will do our best to give you everything you need and want for the rest of our lives.”

  Celeste was torn between wanting to cry over his heart-melting words and throwing herself into his arms screaming, yes, yes, yes! Where in the universe would she ever find not one, but four men so wonderful and devoted?

  She swallowed and nodded. Somehow she already knew there was no going back, the moment she stepped out of her quarters. “I accept, and I will trust. It’s not easy for me to trust anyone, so I ask for patience.”

  He moved in closer, his deep voice like silk over her skin. “Of course, we’re not going anywhere. We’re here for you, always, beautiful.”

  “I … I have no one, nothing on Earth, and I want my new life to be with you, Raz, Loc, and Kue.”

  He rose to his feet. His height and the intensity of his stare making her tremble, she took a step back, trapping herself against the wall. He rested one arm above her. Then, he dipped his head low, his lips close to her neck, and as she felt the heat of his breath and body so close, he inhaled deeply.

  She fought not to moan as erotic chills ran down her spine, and he hadn’t really touched her yet. Her body responded like a bitch in heat. God, she wanted him, but she was still desperately shy, scared to reach out and touch him.

  “You are…” He pushed himself closer, his fingertips brushing against the inside of her leg, making her shudder. “So beautiful. I need one thing more from you, Celeste. Can you, will you, give me what I desire?”

  She glance up, confused at what he meant. She had nothing to give, yet she had everything. “I … yes, if I can give it.”

  His handsome face was breathtaking when his lips curved up into a sensual smile. “Will you give me full control over you?”

  Full control, he’d already promised never to hurt her … but surrender to him in every way, trust him fully? His hand skimmed higher, and his other hand took her wrist slowly raising it above her head, as if giving her a chance to say no. But she let him pin it to the bulkhead, feeling the power in his commanding strength. It melted her even more, making her want everything he had to give, so why shouldn’t she give everything in return?


  His head dipped, and she couldn’t hold back the soft moan as his lips brushed against her neck in a soft kiss. She felt his lips open, and his teeth scraped against her skin as he tongue flicked out tasting her. “You taste delicious.” His voice was now low and growly.

  Good God, she was going to combust, it was so damn hot in here. When he had captured her other hand, holding them both against the bulkhead, she didn’t know, but her fingers clenched in a tight fist as he continued his assault on her throat, leaving a hot trail of stinging nips and soothing kisses.

  “You will not deny me, will you, beautiful?”

  Her head moved from side to side, and he lifted his head, showing his wicked smile.

  “Please, touch me.” Her voice was a desperate whisper.

  When he touched her skin it was like electricity being released, and it rippled through her, making her skin pebble. Her erect nipples on her ample breasts pushed against the fabric of the shirt. He released her hands to cup her head.

  “I’ll always touch you, our beautiful Celeste.” His lips met hers, in a deep, drugging kiss. Just like when Raz and Loc had kissed her, her head spun at the utter decadence of his spicy masculine flavour and heat. Through the barrier of the black towel she felt his hard erection poking into her soft belly. She pushed into him pouring all her days of lust and need into kissing him back. Hands pulled and tugged at her clothing until it vanished from her body, and he lifted her against the wall, kissing her deeper, pushing his tongue in to explore her mouth.

  He was so close, but still didn’t feel close enough, so she whimpered, clawing at his hot skin, her body aching, begging for him. He suddenly pulled from the wall making her squeak in surprise. But he held her firmly, keeping her drugged and lightheaded from his kisses, and her fingers ran along the contours of his muscular shoulders. It felt so damn good, nothing like she’d ever experienced before. Her last lover had been flabby, and her ex-husband, who was overweight, was nothing compared to Zeb. How she loved his rippling abs and the strength in his arm as he held her easily, before lowering her down on to his massive bed. He pushed her flat, his hands skimming up her legs and over her stomach. His hands seemed to explore and worship her body, awe and desire swirling in his golden depths.

  “I had no idea you were this soft, so pale … your majestic peaks.” His hands reached for her breast. She gasped and moaned as he squeezed. “Your skin is so sensitive.”

  Through her lust-drunk haze she realized he had never been with a human woman before. When he pushed her legs wide to gaze between her legs, heat scalded her cheeks. She’d never been this exposed or on display for someone. Fear took sudden hold and she tried to close her legs, but his low grow made her freeze.

  “Zeb, I—”

  “Do not be afraid. Let me explore your beauty, Celeste. Your body is now ours, and I want to know everything about you. There is nothing here that I do not already love. See how much I burn for you.” He grabbed her hand guiding it down to his long, thick cock. She wrapped her smaller fingers around his hot, flexing shaft. Soft yet so hard, and all for her. He groaned when she tightened her fingers.

  “Yes, beauty, see the power you have over us.” He gently removed her hand. “It’s best if you limit your touch, as I need you too badly and it may end before it starts.”

  Her fear melted, and she couldn’t help the small giggle.

  “Now keep your hands here.” He gripped her wrists and placed them above her head. “You will allow my exploration.”

  “Yes, commander.” She smiled up at him.

  He growled low, and his head fell to her right breast, making her back arch, but he kept one hand on her chest, pinning her down as he suckled and tasted, before moving to the other.

  His attention shifted lower, moving between her thighs. He stared at her open pussy, his hands carefully peeling back her outer labia, running his hand down over her clit making her gasp and buck as pure pleasure shot through her.

  “I have heard of this. Your klei so readily accessible and extremely sensitive.” He grinned th
en lowered his mouth to her pussy. He played with his tongue flicking all over her slit before dipping into her hole, lapping at her freely flowing juices.

  Celeste’s head thrashed, and she reached up to grip onto the sheets, moaning loudly as the pressure built in her body.

  She knew this, had felt this before … but it had always faded.

  Not this time.

  He kept her pinned as he continued to suck and fuck her with his tongue until that pressure exploded, making her whole body jerk. She cried out as pure pleasure washed through her. “Zeb, oh Zeb, ooh God!” It was all too much, but still not enough. More, more.

  She groaned as he lifted his head, licking the wetness from his lips and chin. “Feasting upon you, I find you taste beautiful, so addictive. How easily you were brought to the peak.”

  She groaned, her muscles utterly relaxed as he crawled up over her, and for the first time she saw worry in his eyes.

  “Are you pleased?”

  She swallowed down her laugh, reaching up to caress his face. “Yes, but you’re not done yet, handsome.”

  He released a breath, and grinned, “You are right. I need you badly, so with your wetness and my lubrication, I pray by the Fire Gods you shall be able to take me.”

  “Then what are you waiting for?” She slid her hands up over his hips. Her challenge relit the carnal fire in his eyes. Too easily he pushed her back down with one hand.

  “Oh, no, beauty, I’m in the pilot’s seat here. I need you to relax and let me command.”

  “With pleasure, commander.” She giggled, attempting to salute. He grinned wide, leaning in to steal a kiss. Who’d ever thought sex would be pleasurable as well as fun? She guessed she’d never been with the right man, one who was willing and wanting to please her instead of just finding something to stick his dick in until he got off.

  Her smile fell when he pushed her legs wide, his swollen member between her legs and pressing against her hole. Crap on a stick. He was big, and she swallowed hard trying to relax as her pussy burned, stretching to accommodate his girth.


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