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Celestial Beauty

Page 11

by Angela Castle

  “So it won’t be long until we can leave this horrible planet?”

  “Once the computers, which are now refreshed, run a full diagnostic, back into space and then on to Galafrax.” He stalked towards her, and she tilted her head, eagerly accepting his brief kiss. “About an hour to go, the others are finishing dragging the old Jorval ship into the salvage bay. The Galafraxian council is going to be pleased we have been able to salvage a very particular part of the Jorval ship, which brings me to something else I’ve been wanting to tell you about the ship you crashed on.”

  She sobered staring into Loc’s lovely eyes. Fresh memories of that time circled in her mind, but she shoved them down. Loc’s arms spanned her waist as he lifted her from the step, letting her body slide down his as he set her on her feet, their eyes never leaving each other’s. She reached up, stroking her hand over his jawline. She’d never get used to how handsome her men were. Loc leaned in touching his forehead to hers.

  “How did we get so lucky as to find you?”

  Her breath caught at his softly spoken words, in them utter awe and adoration.

  Here in his strong arms was the glimmer of something she’d never thought existed, and her heart began to warm, chasing away shadows, melting the cold walls of ice she’d held onto for so long. Along with it came an overwhelming fear making her whole body shudder. This new feeling scared the hell out of her. He pulled her tighter against her body, and she wrapped her arms around his neck as they stood there, simply embracing. It was nothing sexual, just a warm comforting hug, as if he sensed she needed it.

  Her chest moved in a deep sigh of contentment. Loc moved, gently setting her on her feet and stepping away. Her gaze remained fixed on his broad chest, and he tenderly touched her cheek as she had his a moment ago, his fingers trailing under her chin to lift her head, again meeting his concerned gaze.

  “Are you all right?”

  Digging deep, she summoned a smile. “Yes, I’m okay.”

  He didn’t look convinced, but he accepted her words.

  “You said you wanted to show me something about the Jorval ship?”

  “Ah, yes. This way.” Her hand captured in his, he pulled her along towards the main cargo bay. “Zeb and I both have examined the ship and all the previous logs. We discovered something I think you’ll find interesting.” He pressed the button on the side of the tall double doors, and they slid open, revealing the twisted and half burnt out wreckage of the Jorval ship. Even though she’d seen it many times before, still it brought forward fresh memoires of everything that had happened on this alien ship. It looked odd here, rather than embedded in the soil of the planet they’d left behind, as she’d remembered it.

  Instead of heading to the wreckage he tugged her to the computer panel along the bulkhead by the doors.

  Within a few seconds he’d brought up a schematic of the Jorval ship within gridlines, and three red glowing points highlighted something deep within what she knew was the engine room.

  “These, here,” Loc pointed out the glowing red blips, “are what are known as integrity dampeners. Every ship in the galaxy needs this. It connects to the Reisin coupling. They are a vital component to keep all the highly volatile power reactions contained in order to power a space engine. Without the containment the ship power leaks and basically explodes. It’s the reason we didn’t shake apart and explode when our couplings were too worn. We have eight of them on our engine, and I installed several others in case one or two may fail. The Jorval only had three, which is highly dangerous as it is the minimum needed to keep the power of the engines contained. Not one back-up. If any of these are damaged, it’s only a matter of time before everything, well, boom!” He expressed the explosion with an outward sweeping of his hands.

  She glanced from Loc to the screen. What was he getting at?

  “I looked over the logs of the Jorval ship, from before the time you escaped your cage and did damage to the engine. I noted that, due to the Jorvals using a secret device, which allows high velocity travel between the human galaxy and ours, it put a tremendous amount of strain on the dampeners, causing them to crack.”

  Confusion made her head throb slightly as she tried to figure out what this meant. Her heart picked up pace as the realization slowly sank in, and she stared at Loc her eyes wide.

  “Do you mean the ship was going to explode anyway? Even if I hadn’t…” Her throat dry, she couldn’t get the rest of the words out.

  “You along with everyone else would have died in a dampener failure explosion. Your actions, although didn’t save anyone else’s life, did save your own. Sweetness, you’re not responsible for anyone’s death, and in doing what you did to survive, saved your life. The Jorval were responsible for everyone’s deaths, even their own—not you.”

  He reached out and touched her nose with his index finger as if to drive the point home.

  Not responsible for their deaths, I would have died along with everyone else. Air seemed to be in suddenly short supply as a large weight lifted almost bodily from her chest, and she felt giddy and lightheaded. Loc was there, his supportive arms around her. He’d managed to pull a chair from somewhere, and picked her up to cradle her in his lap.

  “How … how did I survive? Why didn’t I die with the others?”

  “I’ve given that some thought, other than divine intervention delivering you to us.”

  His smile, heart-meltingly warm, was mixed with a touch of cockiness. “The only thing I can think of is you were thrown it the engine pit and the remaining working coupling put the barrier around you and the engine. So what should have killed you, actually saved your life. By the great Fire Gods, I’m grateful you did. My brothers and I would still be miserable wrecks without you.”

  Instant laughter burst from her at his words. They were miserable wrecks? It seemed hard to believe. Strong, mature, hardworking alien men, sexy as hell.

  “My life was no bed of roses before the Jorvals took me. It was hard, harsh. I … I was miserable. I was running away to start a new life when they took me. Guess I really did find a new life after all.” She swallowed down the lump in her throat, her emotions bouncing all over the place. She met his steady gaze. He—no, they all—deserved to know about her past, as much as she wanted to learn everything about them.

  “I don’t know what a bed of roses is, but I understand your meaning. Are you happier now, with us?”

  She twisted on his lap, to face him better, smiling at his words. “Yes, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.”

  “A human heart has four chambers. Which part of it do you mean?”

  She smiled, letting her hands smooth up over his well-defined chest, to his neck and mimicking his move of earlier of cupping his head between her hands and pressing her forehead to hers. “I mean it with all that I am. You and your brothers have saved me, in more ways than one. What do I have to give back but myself? I give willingly and freely. I want belong to all of you.”

  Unable to stand it any longer, she kissed him, her arms dropping to his broad shoulders, clawing at his clothes as the kiss deepened, hot and hungry. She wanted him.

  “I want you.”

  He groaned, “By the Fire Gods, I want you, too, pretty, but not here.”

  He scooped her up, just like a living doll, and carried her out of the scrap bay. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he navigated a flight of stairs and into the nearest, empty room. It was bare but for a Demos size single bunk, the equivalent to a double bed back on earth, only longer to accommodate their height. It didn’t matter. All the other brothers had made love to her, yet she still wanted Loc.


  Neither Loc nor his brothers wasted an opportunity when presented. He had their female, soft, warm, and willing in his arms, and at last it was his time with her.

  As soon as he set her down, ready to pounce and pleasure his female, and she pressed her hand against his chest. He paused. Was something wrong?

  “No, wait. I want to d
o this. This isn’t your turn, Loc, it’s my turn.”

  Her turn? He’d give her anything. She was theirs, and he would give her the whole damn galaxy if she wanted it.

  She smiled and licked her lips. “I … I want to be in charge.” She skimmed her hand down his between his legs, cupping his rod. Loc groaned, making him almost swallow his tongue. He was no young Demos male fresh from the academy. After years of missions with his brothers, he’d done many things, but this was one position he’d never been in before. She wasn’t demanding anything, only asking, in her soft, silky voice.

  It was a Demos male’s duty to take charge and pleasure the female, not the other way around. She is not Demos. She was even better, and he would do anything she asked, even this.

  “Take off your clothes please, Loc.” She nipped at his chin, planting little kisses along his jaw. Eager to comply he stripped everything off in record time.

  She licked her lips, lust shining in her gaze as it skimmed over his body. “Wow, your bodies are so amazing. So fit, so masculine and tasty.” She leaned in, licking his chest. “I am a very lucky woman.” He felt the weight of her gaze. Knowing she found him attractive, even with his battle scars, filled him with pride. He groaned reaching to grab her shoulders, suddenly needing her under him. He wanted to have their bodies sliding against each other. But he refrained, as she wanted to be in control. “Celeste, please, you’re killing me here.”

  “Lay down, handsome.” She tugged at him, and he turned and flopped onto his back. She crawled over him and settled between his thighs. “Your brothers are wonderful, being in charge, making me feel like I’ve never felt before. But this time I want to show you how I can please you as much as you do me.”

  “Yes, whatever you want.”

  “Thank you, Loc.” She kissed his chest, peeling back her work top, letting her breasts swing free. He licked his lips at the pale and pink flesh. She leaned over him, letting her breasts brush against his chest, and kissed him softly. Her hands cradled his face as she deepened the kiss, her tongue sliding along his mouth. He reached for her as their tongues danced and duelled for supremacy. He slid his hand down her back, pushing the rest of her suit down over her round, full arse. She sat up and wiggled the suit down over her legs and tossed it aside, before settling back over him, resuming their kiss. Unable to help himself, he grabbed a wonderful handful of her soft flesh, squeezing it tight. She gasped, breaking the kiss. Her beautiful smile was full of mischief.

  By the gods she is the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen.

  Her hand slid over his torso and down between his legs, when she took a hold of his aching rode he hissed in both pleasure and pain. Never in all his days had a female ever touched him like this. Demos females had no interest in exploring male bodies, Loc realised Demos females used their males much like sex droids, used then cast aside. How far their race had fallen, it wasn’t a wonder they were dying out. Here in his arms, their soft, kind female, was showing just what was wrong with the Galafraxian society, and if things didn’t change, they would become an extinct species.

  Their Celeste, their true marvel, mine, ours, forever!

  “Humm.” She purred, clear pleasure in the act of gripping him, stroking down his rod.

  “Your little boy is a big boy.” Her grin made his heart lurch, and he loved her, pure and true. He reached for her, wanting that sweet pouty mouth again on his.

  “Kiss me again, my beauty.”

  She licked her lips, her hand still tight on his rod as she leaned over him, pressing her lips to his, he quickly cupped the back of her head, gaining some control as he kissed her with explosive pent up passion. She tugged breaking the kiss, licking her wet lips. Her eyes glazed.

  “I… I want to do this, need to know I can do this, please, Loc.” The pleading in her voice startled him, moved him.

  “Anything you need, beauty. Do what you want, I trust you, so do my brothers.”

  Her smile stole his breath, as her body wiggled on top of his, sliding down, she kissed his chest in clear gratitude. “Thank you, Loc.”

  Hell fire, I should be the one with all the gratitude, not her.

  Loc lifted his head and watched as she examined his rod, her fingers sliding over the pre-lubricated, delicate skin, and he tensed for a moment.

  “After tasting your brother I know you’ll be just as tasty.” She licked her lips eagerly, and his whole body relaxed as she dipped her head to his groin. He couldn’t see through the curtain of her hair but felt her wet tongue slide over his rod, before being engulfed into the heat of her mouth.

  His eyes rolled back into his head, moaning loudly, his fingers gripping onto the bare mattress under him to stop from reaching for her, flipping them over and sinking into the heat between her thighs. Demos men were known for their endurance and stamina, but with her hot mouth suctioning on his rod, her tongue swirling around the sensitive tip, there was no way in this universe or the next he was going to last. The utter pleasure was more than he’d ever experienced.

  “Beauty!” he panted. “If you keep … oh, keep doing that I shall peak! I need to pleasure you first.”

  Her head lifted, and her blue eyes shone with lust. “Bull twaddle, there is no rule to say I can’t pleasure you first. Besides, you taste amazing.”

  “But I will stain your mouth with my seed.”

  The vibrations of her laughter sent peaks of erotic pleasure through his rod and his entire body. “I want to taste all of you, Loc. Don’t deny me now.” She went back to work on his rod, with stronger pulls, and where her mouth didn’t reach her hand slid up and down. Oh by the heavens, his blood boiled in his veins and his body trembled as she sucked him down and pushed him right over the edge. He groaned in ecstasy as he peaked, spilling his seed into her willing mouth, hearing her groans of pleasure as he finally surrendered to what she wanted.

  Loc was in a state of total awe and swimming in the bliss of an amazing peak, by one amazing female. The heat of her mouth left him, and he opened his eyes to peer at her. She was licking her lips with a satisfied smile on her face. “Do you know how yummy you and your brothers taste?”

  Unable to contain himself any longer, he reached for her, pulling her up over his body, pushing back her hair to stare into her eyes. “You amaze me, beauty, thank you.”

  “I heard from your older brothers none of you have had a blowjob before.”

  “Blowjob? You did not blow but sucked my rod. How is what you did blowing?” Her body jiggled on top of him as she broke out into a fit of giggles.

  “On Earth it’s called a blowjob, but you’re right, it’s a suck job. I’ve done it for Kue and will happily do it again and again. You boys taste like bitter dark chocolate.”

  He drew her close, rolling them so she now lay under him, and her laughter faded as she so trustingly stared up at him. He took her lips in a deep kiss, tasting his own essence on her lips and couldn’t care less. It was now a point of pride and honour that he pleasure her even more so than what she had done to him. After the talks with his brothers he had a very good idea of how to pleasure their human female.

  “You had your turn.” His mind plotted out what he wanted to do with her. “Now it’s mine.”

  He moved back, allowing full view of her soft pale body. His rod began to harden again at all her curves, dips, and hollows to explore. His hands moved possessively after his gaze. All this beauty belonged to them. He palmed her breasts, noting how her nipples hardened under his touch. How easy it was to please and pleasure her.


  Celeste trembled as his hands slid over her body in reverent exploration, just as the others had done, and she let him have his fill. She relaxed, enjoying the lust and delight in Loc’s eyes. His fingers slid lower, down across her thighs before traveling back up. Using his knees to push her legs wide, he dropped his gaze to the junction of her thighs. His fingers slid upward until his thumbs met over her slick pussy. She’d been highly aroused going down on Loc, but he
tasted so good, she didn’t want to stop. She shuddered as he pulled her folds apart and ran a finger along the length of her damp slit, gently examining her blood engorged clit.

  “So wet, soft, you have shadings of pink, some redness, like our skin, and this hardened bud.” He drew in a deep breath. She felt his warm breath on her sensitive flesh. “And the scent of your musk is so sweet and enticing, I could breathe this in for the rest of my life. I need to taste you.”

  She let out a long, deep sigh as his fingers held her folds apart as his tongue gently licked her little bud, making her gasp and shiver. Her eyes hooded, and her body surrendered to the sensation, her internal walls clamping down as she became wetter than before. Sparks of electricity ran through her body as his mouth suddenly claimed her pussy, nipped and sucked her clit. Her whole body was wild with need as his other hand moved up her body and deftly squeezed her breast, rolling his thumb over her nipple squeezing the taut peak until she squealed softly under her breath. He moaned against her clit as she arched her back gasping with shortness of breath. She felt her pussy spasm as more juices slipped from her yearning hole.

  She groaned, needing to feel his cock sliding deep within her. His answer for that moment was to dip his fingers into her wet entrance, with a long, deep stroke.

  Celeste squealed as he pushed in another thick digit alongside the first, twisting and prodding as he slowly pulled them out and bulged them back inside. The sensation was almost too much to bear, making her groan as she pulsed against his lips and tongue.

  “Oh, Loc,” she breathed, her voice heavy with lust. “You’re going to make me come,” she told him as she rocked her hips against his face, grinding her mound against his mouth.

  He moaned against her pussy, his fingers working her flesh in an experienced way, which surprised her. Then again all the brothers were quick studies, and they probably compared notes as well. The giggle bubbling up morphed into a moan, as her body climbed higher.


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