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Cowboy Daddies_Two Western Romances

Page 14

by Amelia Smarts

  His instincts were strong. She was not a liar or a cheat, and deception did not come naturally. Deep down inside, she was a sweet girl who needed her daddy to make things right again.

  His jaw set in grim determination, he made his way up the stairs to where she waited for him.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Daisy?” His low drawl made her shiver as she waited on her bed.

  “Yes, Daddy? I’m in here.” Her voice shook a little, betraying her fear. She trusted Shane with all that she had, but she did not want him to punish her.

  He’s going to spank me. My daddy is going to punish me for the wrong that I’ve done.

  And somehow, as she sat in the growing darkness of her bedroom, the light shining from the bedside table, the idea of her big, strong, handsome man coming to correct her for what she’d done filled her with a certain warmth mixed with fear. The idea of a spanking embarrassed her, but this was the side of Shane that went hand in hand with his sweet, nurturing side. Her daddy was a stern, gentle man, who doted on her when she was good and punished her when she’d done wrong. His dedication to morality moved her in ways the bad boys of her youth never had, for with Shane she was safe. With that knowledge, she swallowed hard and waited with her head held high, the room swimming in front of her as her eyes filled with unshed tears.

  “Good girl waiting for Daddy,” he said, as he came into the room, filling the doorway and blocking the light from the hallway. “I’m proud of you for waiting for me like I asked you to. Do you have anything to say before I punish you?”

  She swallowed once, then twice, but even as she spoke her voice wavered. “I’m sorry, Daddy,” she said in a whisper.

  His serious blue eyes looked on her with kindness. “I’ll bet you are, darlin’. Because deep down inside, you’re a good girl, aren’t you, Daisy? If you knew that you were a good girl, who was loved and cared for, you never would have gone for that moonshine. And if you hadn’t gotten that moonshine, you never would’ve compromised your standards like that. And even after that happened, if you fully trusted me, I don’t think you’d have made the decision you did. Would you, baby?”

  She closed her eyes, fighting the lump that rose in her throat, swallowing the tears that threatened to spill. With her eyes still closed, she nodded and inside her mind she whispered, Yes. Yes, Daddy. I’ll be good. I’ll be good for you.

  “Daisy.” His voice had deepened, garnering her attention. Her eyes flew open and tears dampened her cheeks.

  “Come here and let’s get this over with, so that we can put this behind us and make it right. You deserve a spanking, young lady.”

  She could only nod and watch dumbfounded as he rolled up first one sleeve, then the other, revealing muscled, tanned forearms that were strong and sturdy. Her belly clenched as his eyes met hers and he quickly unfastened the sturdy buckle at his waist. With a firm tug, the belt flew through the loops on his jeans, and he doubled it in his fist.

  “Lay over the bed, please.”

  Suddenly the bed felt lonely without his lap beneath her belly, as if he had rejected her for what she’d done. She shook a little. “The bed?” she whispered.

  His eyes narrowed. “Little girls who do wrong don’t deserve the comfort of Daddy’s lap. After you take your spanking, you’ll get all the attention and cuddles you need.” His lips thinned, and he pointed with the folded-up leather. “Go, now.”

  Sniffling softly to herself, she walked to the bed and leaned over the edge.

  She heard his heavy footsteps before she felt his hand on the edge of her skirt. Swiftly, he lifted her skirt and she gasped as he pulled down her panties and they pooled around her feet. Her pussy clenched and she shut her eyes, both afraid of what he’d do and humbled by being bared to him.

  His words were a harsh release, seconds before the first strike landed. “You’ll do better, Daisy. I don’t want to have to do this again.”

  She gasped at the first thwap of leather on her naked skin, but it didn’t hurt as badly as she thought it would. It stung, then faded to a dull burn, but the second bite of the belt was harder than the first. The third and fourth smack fell, and by the sixth she was whimpering in pain. After the sixth, she lost count, bite after bite falling without a pause.

  “Daddy,” she whispered. “I won’t do it again,” she said, as he continued to deliver firm, measured smacks with his folded leather. Her tears fell from beneath closed eyelids, and after two more firm licks, he put his belt down.

  “You’re already sorry for what you did, aren’t you?” he asked, his large, rough hand soothing her stinging backside. With firm but gentle strokes, he rubbed out the sting, then pulled her panties back up. “Your punishment is over, Daisy. Come sit with Daddy now, baby.”

  He sat on the edge of the bed and drew her onto his lap, and she cried against his chest, feeling lighter and freer than she had in days, weeks, years even. She never had the protection of a man like him, and she didn’t know until Shane just how deep her desires ran, just how much she needed his firm but loving guidance. His sweet kiss of affirmation heated, then, and his tongue slipped into her mouth, gently touching hers as she moved even closer to him, needing to be held even tighter. His breath came in shallow pants as he kissed her with everything he had, and his hand traveled to the top of her dress. He smoothed a rough thumb over her chest, making her body rise to meet his as she breathed deeply.

  “Is that good, honey?” he whispered. “Daddy spanked you for being a naughty girl. Now Daddy wants to make it better.” Though she kept her head ducked against his chest, she welcomed his hand beneath the hem of her dress, drawing him even closer until his finger grazed the edge of her soft satin panties. “Does that feel nice, honey?”

  “Yessss,” she breathed, needing more. She pushed herself against his hand, and his response was immediate and instinctive. The tempo of his strokes increased, bringing her closer and closer to the edge of orgasm. She was going to climax, right on Shane’s lap, somehow more turned on after a spanking than she ever felt before.

  “Daddy,” she whispered. “Shane!”

  “That’s my very good girl,” Shane said, holding her close. “Will you climax for me, darlin’?”

  She could only pant and nod, opening her legs even wider as he moved the satin to the side and stroked her swollen clit. She clung to him, her breath coming in gasps as he brought her right to the edge. “Come for me, baby. Let it go, now. Climax for me, Daisy.”

  She shattered as the waves of pleasure overtook her, her whole body riding the orgasm, and then he held her as she trembled. “Ohhh,” she moaned. “I’ve never felt anything like that in my life.”

  He grinned. “Why, thank you.”

  She giggled, but he sobered, placing a finger under her chin. “This is all over now, Daisy, and we won’t speak of this again. We’ll find a way to replace what was lost, together. Will you sing for me if I do? An audience of one?”

  “I will,” she said, sniffling still but smiling through her tears. “I’ll sing anything you want me to, Daddy. You’ve made me free, and I don’t even know how or why, but my heart sings for you and for what you’ve done for me. I want to be your good girl, and I want to please you. I’ll sing day and night if it’ll bring a smile to your face.”

  “I’d like that, darlin’,” he said, pulling her close and kissing her cheek. “You’re my sweet Daisy, the pretty little girl that I love. Will you be mine?”

  “I will,” she whispered. “Please.”

  * * *

  Shane looked around the room, at the candles flickering by the window, and listened. He could hear the faintest sound of Daisy singing in the kitchen, and the clattering of dishes as she finished putting everything away. It had been a busy day preparing for the return of Clay and Abby. Daisy had wanted to make sure they had a hot meal on the table, and the house was in tip-top shape. Shane had made sure the ranch was in perfect order. Now, Abby and Clay had gone out for one last ho
neymoon excursion, to Abby’s favorite ice cream shop, leaving Shane and Daisy alone.

  Shane wanted Daisy to himself, grateful for a little more time together with her. The two weeks had gone by far too quickly.

  Her voice grew louder as she came up the stairs to their room, and something in him loosened, something he didn’t even know he was holding onto. He closed his eyes briefly and smiled. In such a short time, he knew his life would never been the same. When he opened his eyes, there she stood.

  “Hey, Daddy,” she said with a smile. “I didn’t know you’d be up here! What are you—ohhh!” Her voice softened as she took in the candles by the window, the dimmed lighting, and Shane, sitting at her chair waiting for her. “What’s going on?” she asked.

  He opened his arms for her. “We have one more night alone together,” he said. “So I thought we’d make the best of it.”

  A soft smile played at her lips and she cast her eyes down demurely. “Oh?” she whispered.

  “Oh,” he repeated, chuckling. He marveled at how being taken in hand had transformed Daisy from the brazen, brash girl of a few weeks ago to the nearly bashful little girl before him now… his girl. “Come here.”

  She made her way to him quickly, and when she was close enough to reach him, he pulled her in his tight embrace. “Daisy, I want to make you mine.” He kissed her temple, then her forehead and her jaw, making his way to her lips that parted for him. Inhaling, he cupped her jaw in his strong hand and kissed her softly, but firmly enough to make her lose her footing and fall into his lap. Having her here like this, knowing that time was of the essence, he kissed her while sliding his hand up her side, over the curve of her hips to where her waist narrowed before grazing his hand over the fullness of her breasts.

  He pulled his mouth off hers just long enough to stand with her in his arms and walk her to the bed, where he laid her down and continued to pick up where he left off, trailing kisses all over her beautiful, graceful neck, and sucking in the sweet skin at her collarbone, making her moan while he grew hard.

  “God, you’re beautiful, Daisy,” he said.

  “Thank you, Daddy,” she breathed. “You know, you and I have only been a couple for two weeks, though I’ve known you for a lot longer… and I have to say something that’s on my mind.”

  He pulled away from her and looked at her curiously. “Oh?” What was on her mind?

  She bit her lip before finally taking a deep breath and speaking. “Well. You know… it’s just that this is… something special. Nothing I’d have ever expected, I don’t think… but still…” She paused, as if afraid to go on.

  “Say it, honey. Don’t be afraid of telling Daddy what’s on your mind. I’m here to listen.”

  She smiled broadly, then. “I know,” she said, her voice wobbling a little. “I love that about you. In fact… that’s what I want to tell you. I love you, Shane.” Her face lit up and his heart swelled with pride, love, and tenderness.

  “And I love you, Daisy.”

  He leaned down then, needing to take her mouth in his, needing to seal their profession of love. She groaned as he lifted her top and tugged her breast free before flicking his thumb over her hardened nipple. He kissed her and fondled her breast, her soft sighs and moans making his cock lengthen in his trousers. God, he needed her.

  “I want to make love to you, Daisy,” he whispered in her ear, as he traced the curve of her breast with his fingertip. “And this will be a night we won’t ever forget.”

  “Please,” was all she said, and it seemed as though they both realized at the same time that their time was limited, that Clay and Abby might be home any minute, and one more minute apart was too much. Her hands fumbled at her jeans and his at his shirt as he nimbly unfastened his buttons at the same time she shimmied her jeans down her legs. Her eyes wandered greedily over his bare chest as he pulled out his wallet and removed a condom. She watched him, and grinned.

  He unbuckled his jeans and pushed them down, then fully undressed as he made his way over back to the bed.

  “Don’t have a lot of time,” he murmured. “If I did, I’d do all sorts of things to you, honey.”

  “Like what?” she whispered, and he nearly lost his mind when her hand traveled between her legs, lifting the edge of her panties and fingering her soft pussy. “Tell me, Daddy.”

  “I’d lick that sweet pussy of yours until you screamed my name,” he said, drawing closer to her. “I’d tie you up and have my way with you. Mark you with my mouth, my tongue, and my belt.”

  She moaned and her mouth parted open. “I want you so bad. Please?”

  How long did people need to know when something was so right? As he drew closer, she pulled her panties down. He reached for the edge of her top and pulled it clean off.

  “C’mere, baby,” he whispered, leaning down to pull her close. “But after this, there’s no turning back. You know that? If I make you mine, I mean it.”

  She looped her arms around his neck and nodded. “Yes. Yes, I know it, and that’s what makes being yours so special.”

  This woman undid him. Holding her close, he nudged his cock at her entrance, happy to find her warm and ready. Slowly, feeling the importance of this moment and the significance deep down inside him, he entered her. Her hips rose to meet him as he thrust into her.

  “Yesss,” she hissed in his ear. “Oh, God, yes.”

  He built a tempo of slow, steady thrusts, not wanting to hurt her but needing to claim her, needing to satisfy his own burning needs. In moments he was nearing release, and he could feel her tensing beneath him. There was no need to talk, no need to repeat what had already been said, nothing now but the silent communing of two lovers in the most intimate of ways.

  Her hips jerked and she gasped at the same time he reached his own pinnacle of pleasure. He groaned in her ear as he came, and she held him tightly as she climaxed her own release.

  “You’re mine, now, Daisy,” he said, his chest rising in time with hers as he held her close. “And I won’t ever let you go.”

  * * *

  Several months later, there was a second wedding at Turning Point Ranch.

  This time, Shane Weston winked at his pretty little wife, as he tucked the gifts under his own arm. These gifts would not leave his side, and neither would his Daisy.

  His forever.

  The End

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  More Stormy Night Books by Amelia Smarts

  Fetching Charlotte Rose

  As soon as she steps off the train into the hot western sun, Charlotte Rose wonders if she has made a mistake. Leaving Boston to take a job as the schoolmarm of the small town of Weston, Arizona had seemed like a good idea, but the man sent to fetch her from the station almost changes her mind. The handsome but uncivilized brute who introduces himself as Max Harrison not only calls Charlotte by her first name, he even demands that she change her outfit.

  Her humiliation is complete when, after ignoring his advice to put on something more suitable for the summer weather, she faints from the heat. To her utter shame, Charlotte is forced to endure being undressed down to her underthings to cool down, and worse still, Max warns her in no uncertain terms that any further foolishness will earn her a sound spanking on her bare bottom. Yet somehow, despite his threat to chastise her in such a barbaric fashio
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  Though she may be the feistiest woman he has ever laid eyes on, Max finds himself longing to see more of Charlotte—much more, in fact—and when he discovers that she feels the same way, he sets about courting her. But Weston is a very different place from Boston, and Max makes it clear to Charlotte that he will do whatever needs doing to keep his girl safe, even if that means taking her over his knee for a good, hard spanking as often as her behavior warrants it.

  Charlotte’s love for Max grows deeper with each passing day, but she cannot help wondering if he sees her as nothing more than a silly girl in need of his constant protection, and matters come to a head when a violent, hateful man with a grudge against Max seeks to disrupt their lives. Will Charlotte’s pride be her undoing, or will she finally get the chance to prove herself to Max?

  His Little Red Lily

  Lily has dreamed of performing on stage since she was a small child, and at the age of eighteen she approaches Jesse, the owner of the local saloon, to ask for a job singing and dancing for his customers. Lily has been secretly in love with Jesse ever since the day he took it upon himself to comfort her when she was in tears one day in town, and that only makes it more painful when he refuses to hire her, telling her that a saloon is no place for a sweet, innocent girl like her.

  Determined to convince him to change his mind, Lily returns the next day. Within moments of stepping through the doors of Jesse’s establishment, however, she finds herself pulled over his knee for a good, hard spanking followed by an embarrassing scolding and a stern warning never to set foot in the saloon again.

  Though Jesse tells her to forget about both him and the saloon and find herself a proper, respectable husband, he cannot keep Lily off his mind, even after she takes his advice to heart and begins courting the town’s self-righteous preacher. The situation comes to a head when Jesse catches the preacher in the midst of a vicious crime against one of the saloon girls.


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