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Forgiven - book 4 (Star Crossed MC Lovers)

Page 6

by Sierra Rose

  I struggled to get a grip on my fear. Whatever happened, I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing just how much he got to me, as if I had a chance.

  "Still not afraid?" Dante whispered, digging the blade in just a little bit harder.

  More mind games. Sick bastard.

  Just then, Dante swept the blade along my cheekbone, then ran the knife down my neck, stopping at my cleavage. I cringed as the knife sliced through the satin material of my silky blue top with a soft tearing sound. Coursing blood pounded in my ears.

  "Please don't do this. You don't want this here. You want it in my bed, with the door closed and the place made for making love." I reached up and touched the side of his handsome face, wondering what happened to him to turn him into the monster he'd become. I didn't know him as a child, but this kinda shit just didn't happen.

  "Shut the fuck up, Lena. I'm not falling for your lovey shit this time. I know you wear that Stone Wolf fucker's ring." He growled and rocked his hips back and forth, making sure I felt the thick press of his erection against my stomach.

  I cringed and closed my eyes as strong fingers slid down the opening in my shirt, brushing by the tops of my breasts. His breathing grew heavy and the growl that left him sickened me. I wasn't going to get out of the office, but he sure as fuck wasn't going to rape me. I might be without weapon, but I'd die before I let him decide what we were doing and what we weren't.

  He pulled my chin upward, forcing me to look into those evil, ominous orbs. "You belong to me, and I'm coming to collect you soon. You understand?"

  "Fuck you." I hated myself for saying it, but a battle raged inside of me. Bow to him and do anything necessary to survive or beat his ass and don't forget that you're a Delgado. I flipped back and forth between the two, unable to decide.

  He chuckled and pressed his lips to mine, forcing his tongue into my mouth and gripping my breasts tightly with his free hand.

  I cried out in pain, and he bit my lip, pulling blood from the fresh wound.

  "Payback is a bitch, little girl." He pressed the knife to my throat and moved down my body, his teeth brushing over my nipple as his fingers brushed up my thigh and rolled past my mound.

  "Stop," I panted due to fear. He mistook the signs of my terror and smiled up at me, pressing the blade in a little deeper.

  "Shut the fuck up. Pretty soon, you'll want nothing but me. It's a good thing too." He nipped at my pussy as a scream left me. "Because you're gonna be reminded daily that you're my whore."

  "Fuck you." I pushed at his head as the knife slipped a little and cut me, just nicking the skin.

  "Yeah. You'll like it too, Lena. I fuck hard and fast, taking what I want and wrecking pussies as I go." He pressed his mouth to me and flicked his tongue over me. The knife would have to cut a whole fucking lot deeper to keep me still against the wall while he took advantage of me.

  The fact that my hormones woke up sickened me, but I ignored it, not wanting to psychoanalyze myself in the middle of possibly dying.

  I kicked him in the nuts and he moaned. But I knew I didn’t get him good. But it gave me a head start as he fell back. I ran for the door only to have him reach out and grab me.

  "Lucky! Lucky! Help. Help me!" I hit the floor hard, the power of my fall knocking the air from my lungs.

  He climbed up on my back and growled as he pressed himself against me and bit my earlobe hard. "Is that all you have? What a pitiful escape!”

  “You’re the one that’s pitiful!”

  “I'm gonna take you to your daddy for a quick talk, but the next time you and I end up together, you're mine. I'm gonna fuck every hole you have and make a few new ones."

  "Get off of me. I'll kill you the next time you touch me." I jerked underneath him as anger burned through me. The last thing I wanted to do was see my father. Slitting Dante's throat? Yes. Getting the fuck outta of the house of horrors that I once called home? Yes. Seeing my father?

  Fuck no.

  "Keep it up, Lena." He pressed his cock against my rear and thrust hard. I cried out in pain as the force of his aggression pushed me across the aged carpet, tearing at my cheek.

  There was nothing I wouldn't do to watch him bleed. Knowing that he was going to take me to my dad and then let me go meant one thing... I would live to see another day, and that day would be used to hunt his ass down.

  His hand wrapped around my face, the white cloth he held strong and pungent with an astringent.

  I jerked frantically, but within seconds, the room faded.

  He could have taken completely advantage of my limp frame and I'd never have known it.

  Where was Lucky? Why hadn't he come back? I had to warn him. I had to...

  Chapter 6


  "Fuck, I hate creepy places like this," Dane grumbled behind me as we walked through the darkened shed.

  "Yeah. Everything about these damn Black Hearts screams creepy. I have no idea how Lena is part of the gene pool." I patted the walls, looking for a light switch, and yet trying to be careful not to impale my hand on something sharp.

  "There's always a diamond in the rough." The lights came on, and I turned to see Dane smiling and squinting. "I found it. Thank God."

  "Right?" I pushed any animosity I had toward him away for the time being. We needed evidence to put the rest of the Delgado crew in jail forever, and I wanted to be involved in finding it. I would work with Dane, but the rest of his crew could sit on a dick and fuck off.

  "We're looking for any evidence of murder or drugs." He moved away from me and knelt in the center of the room. "Do you think this is blood?"

  I walked over and brushed the tip of my boot against the darkened stains all over the floor. "Without a doubt."

  "I'll go back to the truck and get the sampling kit. I'll be right back." He got up and walked out, leaving me in the creepy ass warehouse with nothing but the flickering light behind me and the silence. I wasn't easily spooked, but a heaviness sat on the place, and I had no doubt it was because of the torture and violent murder of so many people.

  "These sick fucks aren't just drug dealers." I pushed at the ropes hanging above my head as I made my way to the back. "They're serial killers. Whether they know it or not. Disgusting."

  My MC stood for good and rightness. Our purpose was to keep the streets clean and the town safe. That meant standing against Rafael and his motley crew of idiot assholes when they brought drugs to our playgrounds. I wasn't so sure that Knife and Blade were aware just how far Rafael had taken his depravity, though.

  My phone buzzed, and I pulled it out to see a text from Lena. Oddly enough, she could have just walked out back and talked to me. Maybe she was upset by something in the house.

  Juliet: I'm out of here. See you later.

  Romeo: What? Why, baby? Where are going? Let me come with you.

  Juliet: No. Fuck off for now. I need some time.

  I growled and walked out of the warehouse in time to see Dane jogging from the back of the house, his eyes wide.

  "Lena's bike's gone!" He looked a little frantic, and sounded worse. Now that I realized that he had deeper feelings for my girl, I could understand his high emotion where she was concerned Where my anger should have burned brighter, it didn't. It dimmed. He had given up the chance to be with her by introducing me. I needed to recognize that.

  "She texted me. I'm not sure why, but she left. I guess she ran into something upstairs that upset her." I rolled my shoulders. "You know she can be a bitch when she wants to."

  "Yeah. It's the reason you love her as much as you do." He chuckled and walked back toward the shed. "As long as you know where she is, we're good, I guess."

  "I didn't say I know where she is, but I do know that she's upset. Let's wrap this shit up and then I probably should try and find her." I walked back into the shed and moved to the back, disappearing into the back room and finding a light. The number of weapons hanging from the walls was mind boggling. These bastards had the means to break i
nto anywhere, disarm anyone and torture anything.

  "Sick," I mumbled and jumped as Dane moved up behind me.

  "Just me." He pushed at my shoulder and walked into the room. "Wow. This is fucked up. I bet there is tons of DNA in this fucker. Look at all these tools and weapons. Did anyone realize just how sick Rafael was?"

  "No. None of us did." I pulled out my phone and dialed Blade's number. I wanted to tell him what I was seeing while I was still in the moment.

  "What's up, kid?" His voice was gruff, as if he'd just woken up.

  "You shouldn't sleep in this late. Old people get up at five and drink coffee. Stop fighting nature." I smirked as Dane chuckled beside me.

  "Fuck you. What do you want?"

  "I'm at Rafael's place again. Dane and I are searching in the back for evidence to put the rest of the crew away."

  "I told you not to go out there without us, Lucky. It's not safe."

  "I like 'not safe' things. I'm no different than you guys." I let out a short breath I hadn't realized I was holding. "There's a room in the back of this outbuilding that is laced with tools. Every tool in the world is in here. You guys need to set up a time to come over here and tear this fucking place down."

  Dane poked me in the chest, getting my attention quick. "Not until I get to pull DNA samples. No one is touching it until then." He lifted his eyebrow at me. The pretty boy thought he was capable of taking me up, which earned him an ass-whooping sometime soon. He was the pussy in the relationship, and I was going to remind him of it sooner rather than later.

  "I get that. Shut the fuck up. I'm on the phone, bitch." I pushed him in the chest and walked out of the storage room. "Hey... if Lena comes back to the clubhouse, be good to her. I don't think she will, but she left out of here in quite a hurry."

  "She's with you?" Blade asked.

  "Yeah. I didn't want to leave her by herself. I'm a little concerned about either her father, or that over-sized drug-dealer that's in love with her coming after her. This fight isn't over. Not by a long shot."

  "I couldn't agree more." Blade coughed, the sound muted as if he had turned his head away from the phone.

  "Anyway. This place as a darkness sitting over it. I can't imagine the horrible shit Rafael had his guys do out here." I shuddered and walked back into the overcast morning, breathing in deeply.

  "He's a sick fuck. I'll talk to Knife about it tonight. Come back to the clubhouse. We've got a situation that we need to deal with this afternoon."

  "What's that?" I pressed my hand to my face and dragged my fingers down. I'd dealt with far too many situations as of late. Getting on a bike with Lena and driving until we ran out of gas or money sounded like the perfect solution to all of it.

  "The Pike kids were found." By the sound of his voice, 'found' didn't sound like a good thing.

  "And? Stop with the foreplay and get to it," I growled into the phone as I started to pace.

  "And they're all dead. Shot in the face or the chest. The girl had been raped repeatedly. It's so sick, Lucky. So unbelievably sick. I'm heartbroken for old Johnny Pike. His wife left him right after she slapped him in the face and went ape shit in the house, throwing shit and breaking everything. It's a fucking mess." He let out a long sigh.

  "Shit." I turned to see Dane watching me from the opening in the warehouse.

  He nodded at me. "When you have a minute. I need your help."

  "Alright." I turned my back to him. "I'm so sorry to hear about those kids. I wouldn't have thought the Black Hearts to be capable of anything more than a bad drug deal, and a random murder here and there, but knocking off kids? Fuck."

  "Yeah. We're going to the woods in a little bit to look for clues. The cops aren't interested in helping out. I'm not sure what the hell has gotten into those boys, but if I had to guess--"

  "You think Rafael paid them off?" Shock rolled over me. How was Lena's dad still pulling strings in our town when he wasn't even here anymore?

  "Oh, I'm sure of it. You need to bring Dane with you. You said he's out at the Black Hearts clubhouse with you now?"

  "Yeah. I'll bring him." I pursed my lips and glanced up at the sky. I was worried about Lena, sick for Johnny and now concerned for Dane. No rest for the weary.

  "Be safe, kid." Blade dropped the call, and I turned my heel, walking back to the warehouse and tucking my phone in my back pocket.

  "Where you at?" I called out only to follow the sound of Dane's voice. There was another door in the far right corner that I didn't notice before. I walked in and stopped short.

  Dane was in the corner, his face white as a sheet, his expression pensive. "I hate him so much more now."

  The video camera to my left was on a stand, the bed in front of it huge and covered with white sheets that were soiled with blood.

  Turning, I pressed my hand to my mouth. "Fuck. I can't do this."

  I ran through the shed and stopped by the back of the warehouse, dropping to my knees and losing my breakfast. The idea of what was on the video tapes alone left my insides turning to mush. I vomited again as tears burned my eyes. How the hell had Lena lived in the middle of such sick fucks her whole life and not known the lengths they had gone to?

  "You okay?" Dane rubbed the top of my back, but I swatted him off.

  "Yeah. Fuck off." I got up and ran the back of my hand over my lips. "Lock that shit up and take the tapes. You have all the evidence you need for right now. We'll find the drugs later. I can't stay out here another minute."

  "You go. I'll take these into the station and have them processed." He gave me an earnest look, trying to spare my pride from the fact that I couldn't handle the gore.

  Now who was the pussy?

  "No. I just got off the phone with Blade. He wants you to come back to the lodge with me. They believe a good part of the police force has been bought off by Rafael." I wiped at my mouth again. "Lock up and let's go. I'll ride my bike, but you take your truck. I don't want any evidence that we've been out here. The sooner Rafael feels safe, he'll return. Then we can attack his ass with all we've got."

  Dane nodded. "Alright. I don't know if I agree with his conclusions on the force being tainted, but he's been good to you, so let's at least go talk to him."

  I pulled out my phone, checking for something from Lena as I walked around the side of the house and stopped by my bike. "Where are you, baby? You know this shit scares me. Fuck."

  "Wow." Dane pressed his fingers to his mouth, his complexion having drained of color as Blade walked us through the gruesome details of Knife and Animal finding the Pike kids. They were all over the age of fifteen, but it didn't matter. They were too young to die.

  Hell, Grandma was too young to die.

  Sadness rolled across me and I pressed my elbows to the table and cradled my face, taking a shaky breath.

  "Hey. You don't have to go out there with us. I know you hate this kind of shit." Blade's hand clamped down on my shoulder.

  I jerked my head up. "What? No. Fuck that. I'm going. I was just thinking how unfair all this shit has been. We lose Selene's grandmother, and Mr. Pike loses his whole family. What the fuck did Delgado lose? Nothing."

  "He will, Lucky. We'll get his ass this time." Blade got up and walked to the back of the lodge. "You guys can take Dane's truck if you want. We'll meet you over at the Pike place in an hour."

  "Alright. No sign of Lena, I guess?" I stood and pressed my hands to the table in front of me. Our three beer glasses were empty, and I'd hoped for a few more, but it wasn't going to happen.

  "No." Blade turned. "Have you not heard from her again?"

  "No. I need to go find her once we're done with this. It's very much like her to run from everyone when she's upset."

  "Including you?" Blade's eye lifted in question.

  "Yeah. Including me." I shrugged and turned to Dane. "You good with driving?"

  "No. You drive the old girl. I feel like it's my turn to throw up." He dug his keys from his pocket as he walked toward the door of th
e Stone Wolves’ lodge. "I had no idea the force was turning their back on helping Mr. Pike. He might have a record, but that doesn't deny him assistance. Those fucking kids didn’t have a record."

  "I know, dude. I told you that Rafael is dancing on graves while we're digging them." I moved to the driver's side of the truck and got in. "I'm not sure what you should do with those tapes or any of the DNA evidence you got."

  "Well, I'll tell you what I'm not doing. I'm not giving a bit of this to the local cops. Fuck them." I buckled up and let out a long sigh. Dane dropped his head to the seat behind him and closed his eyes. "I can trust a few members of my team, for sure. They might not be the best at execution of a plan, or delivery of a solid outcome, but they know what to do with evidence. I'll work with them and see what we need to do. I'll have to tell them about the conversation today."

  "Yeah. That's fine. I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't already aware of Rafael's bullshit." I pulled onto the old dirt road that would lead us to Johnny Pike's place. "If they aren't in the know, then we got a problem."

  "Right?" He pulled out his phone and flipped through something as I turned my attention to the road. Thoughts of making love to Lena the night before rushed by my mind's eye, accompanied with a healthy dose of worry. I needed to see her, to touch her and hold her. She was going to get a couple of types of tongue lashings from me, too. Some she would enjoy. Others, not so much.

  "You need to talk to Lena, Luck. I'm not trying to get in your shit, but things are dangerous right now. She can't be--"

  "I know, bro. I was just thinking the same thing. Save your breath. You're preaching to the choir right now. I'll talk to her tonight." I rolled my shoulders and rolled down the window.

  Dane chuckled, and I looked over at him.


  "You and the wind. I swear you should have been a fucking bird. That way you could just fly everywhere." He brushed his hands down his pants legs and nodded to the front window. "We're here."


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