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Darcy's Dark Desires

Page 6

by Lilly Granson

  Sarah entered the garden. Her senses were on high alert thanks to the adrenalin coursing through her veins, the greens and even the colors of the flowers seemed more vivid this evening than they ever had. She slowed her pace as she left the main path and started heading into the heart of Lady’s Retreat, she was suddenly full of trepidation, concerned about how the conversation would go.

  Finally the heart was in sight, the hedged that ringed it trimmed to absolute perfection. Her heart leapt into her throat as she climbed the slight rise and saw Hunter’s thick, dark hair visible over the top of it. He was sitting facing away from her, perhaps wondering if she would really come.

  He leapt to his feet when she passed through the opening in the hedge and immediately came to her, taking her by the hand as he looked down at her. Now her breath caught in her throat. Here was Fitzwilliam Darcy in front of her, dressed in his Sunday best, the black of his coat complimenting his eyes. If possible, he looked even more handsome than she had ever seen him, he appeared freshly bathed and shaven and looked every bit the lord himself.

  “You came,” he said simply. He raised her hand to his mouth, kissing it lightly and then paused when he saw the troubled look in her eyes.

  “My Lady…Sarah what is it?”

  She was unwilling to say a word. She didn’t trust herself to speak at all. He moved closer, his face concerned and she bit her lip and shook her head slightly as if coming out of a trance. Words now tumbled from her mouth.

  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have’s just that I …that I…” His face changed immediately, he smiled and brought his hand up to her chin and tilted it up towards his own. She looked at him and opened her mouth to speak but he silenced her words with his lips, not allowing her second thoughts a moment to propagate.

  Her lips were against his for a long moment and then she felt herself respond, her body moving to rest against his as her lips opened and began to meld with his. All thought went out of her head as the delicious sensation swamped her mind. After a few seconds nothing seemed to matter except Darcy.

  They kissed passionately for what seemed like an age and Sarah felt a deep desire burning within her. When his hands began to move over her body she returned the gesture in kind, she ached for him with every fiber of her being and it was all she could do not to drag him to the ground to continue their tryst in the most improper of ways. Eventually it was he, showing remarkable restraint, that separated from her.

  “We should get you back to the manor before you get a chill,” he said gently. Perhaps we can meet again, this time in town and away from here, to talk things through.”

  Looking up at him she was suddenly struck with the helplessness of their situation. “Oh Darcy, what are we to do, I am a married woman…and yet I love you.”

  “That is what we shall discuss my lady. Fear not, there is a solution to every problem, even one that seems so insurmountable. Please don’t be hopeless, let’s both think on it and speak then. A lunch at the Hog’s head Inn tomorrow at noon? It’s a nice walk and won’t raise any suspicions.”

  Uplifted by his optimism and the thought of sharing a meal with him she said yes enthusiastically, and being more forward than she ever had before she stood on tiptoes and kissed him again. “Until then my love.”

  He held her hand as she stepped away, their arms stretching, unwilling to let go before the outstretched fingers finally separated. She felt him watching her as she went, not realizing that Darcy’s weren’t the only eyes upon her.


  Sarah arrived back at the manor and told Laura that she didn’t wish to be disturbed and that if her husband arrived home before 10pm she was to tell him that Sarah had a headache. She went to sleep that night thinking only of Darcy, wracking her brain to try and find a way to be with him.

  Sarah was awakened by a soft knock at her door the next morning. It was Laura. “His lordship has requested that you breakfast with him at 9am this morning my lady.”

  “Very well, you may stay and help me dress.”

  Laura helped her out of bed and picked her clothes from the wardrobe. “Are you feeling well my lady?”

  Sarah knew that she was acting preoccupied but there was little she could do about it.

  “Yes, I’m well, just a little distracted.”

  She joined Robert in the breakfast room thirty minutes later. He was reading his newspaper and didn’t look up when she entered.

  “Good morning Husband,” she said as she seated herself opposite him. He lowered the paper and looked at her over the top of his looking glasses.

  “Good morning my darling, how are you?” His gaze was disturbingly intense and she thought it was the guilt she was feeling. He couldn’t suspect her of anything surely?

  “I’m fine,” she said, dropping her gaze to the food in front of her and she began to pick at her plate unenthusiastically. “How was your business in Spoonbury?” He raised an eyebrow at her.

  “It was business, nothing to concern you.” Sarah was taken aback at his answer, he clearly wasn’t in the best of moods.

  “How is your garden?” he asked, and she felt herself redden in embarrassment and guilt.

  “Wonderful, thank you for asking, husband.”

  This time she held his gaze somewhat defiantly and seemingly satisfied, he harrumphed and looked back down at his newspaper. The rest of their breakfast was in silence and he made no fuss when she excused herself. She stopped at the door and held the frame as she said to his back, “I will be going for a walk to town after eleven, I feel I need the exercise and it’s a nice day for a long walk.” He looked up into the distance thoughtfully but didn’t turn.

  “As you wish.”

  Sarah paused a moment before leaving, relieved but somehow disquieted at his reaction.

  The rest of the morning dragged and finally at 11am sharp she donned her shawl and bonnet and left the house. She was nearly skipping as she approached the gates of Acton and headed out onto the path to Spoonbury at a goodly pace. It was a pleasant walk, the path led along the river and today, the greens of the willows and the lush grass cheered her. She arrived at the town in less than twenty minutes and slowed her pace as she walked the cobbled streets. There were not too many people about and she slowly relaxed until she saw the sign of the Hog’s head, it was moving faintly in the breeze.

  Even though Sarah knew it was a risk to be seen with a strange man in one of the local inns, she didn’t think she was well known enough about town for anyone to recognize her as Lady Acton, but all the same she pulled her bonnet lower over her eyes as she pushed the door open.

  It took her eyes a moment to become accustomed to the dimness of the inn, and when they had she spotted Darcy sitting at a table under the far window. He waved her over and stood to allow her to slide onto the bench seat behind the rough table before sitting on the seat opposite her. They looked into each other’s eyes and Sara was pleased to see that he seemed to have lost none of the passion for her that he had displayed the night before.

  “Thank you for coming. I have thought of nothing but you since we met last night. I barely slept a minute, thinking about what we should do.”

  “Me neither Darcy, but I am at a loss. It is unfair to burden you with my circumstance. I am a married woman, I made vows…” she moved her hand away when he tried to take it. He looked crestfallen.

  “You made vows to a man you don’t love Sarah. What good are those vows now? All I know is that I love you and for what it’s worth I don’t give a devil about Lord Acton and his manor. It was a marriage of convenience, am I right? Well it’s not convenient anymore…”

  Sara, a little taken aback at his passion, opened her mouth to defend Robert when his very own voice boomed from behind her, “I wager there isn’t much at all that you give a devil about, you scoundrel.” They both looked up in shock as Lord Robert Acton approached the table. With him was one of the local constabulary, a stocky lad with a mean curl to his lips, and Johnson the gardener.

  Sarah stood, her face white. “Robert, what…I can explain…”

  “Hush my dear, you don’t need to explain a thing. This chap though,” he waved dismissively at Darcy, “he might have a bit of explaining to do.” Darcy, bristling at Robert’s tone now rose from his seat. The constable tensed a little, his hand falling to the truncheon on his belt, the look on his face saying clearly that he would welcome Darcy making a move.

  Darcy looked defiantly at Lord Acton, holding the lords gaze unwaveringly as he said, “we were having a private conversation. It’s none of your concern.”

  Johnson the gardener gasped in outrage at his helpers tone, but if Robert was surprised at the dismissive manner in which the Fitzwilliam Darcy spoke to him, he didn’t show it. He did respond in a menacingly quiet voice though.

  “A private conversation with another man’s wife, now that’s interesting.”

  Sarah again tried to speak but Robert gestured her silent. “Johnson has told me all about your conversations, and I must say that I am heartbroken that my wife would deign to even speak to one such as you.”

  “Robert!” Sarah gasped. “Please.”

  Darcy started to move out from behind the table, his face as dark as an oncoming storm and both the constable and Johnson took a step back. Robert stood his ground though, all arrogant confidence and spoke a sentence that stopped the bigger man in his tracks.

  “Has he told you that he killed his brother yet?”

  Sarah’s heart broke at the look of grief that flashed across Darcys face. “How dare you, you know nothing about my brother you bandy legged toff.”

  “Oh I know enough to know that you murdered him, and admitted it, even if you weren’t tried in court.” The grief on the younger man’s face was now replaced by rage and Robert only just managed to evade Hunter’s angry lunge, the constable’s truncheon saving Lord Acton from further danger as it cracked down on the gardener’s neck. He fell to the floor and lay unmoving and Sarah cried out attempting to go to his aid, but Robert grasped her firmly and whispered, “We are going home my love, please don’t make this any worse than it already is. See to him would you constable, pay for one night’s lodgings here at this very inn and charged it to the estate. Make sure he understands that he is to leave the district at dawn, if I see him again I’ll have him charged with common assault.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Lord Acton nearly had to drag Sarah out of the inn, but managed to keep his poise until they had her in the buggy and on the way back to the Manor.

  “You’ve brought great shame upon our house Sarah. A murderer of all things!” He yelled.

  Sarah knew right then and there that she couldn’t stay with Robert. He had probably not done anything that she wouldn’t have expected in the circumstances, but the fact was, she loved Darcy. She loved him more than life itself even though she’d only known him for a short time. And Robert had hurt him. Physically and emotionally, and for that she hated him.

  Sarah ran to her room as soon as they arrived back at the manor. She could not face Robert, or anyone. She felt sad at Laura’s hurt look when she bustled past her, but couldn’t help it. She locked her door from the inside and ignored all knocks at her door that afternoon and into the evening. She wasn’t hungry or thirsty, and she could think of nothing but her beautiful Fitzwilliam Darcy and hope that he was all right after being knocked out.


  It was during that night of solitude that she decided that she would leave and go to Darcy. She knew her parents, particularly her father, would be shamed by the scandal, but some things in life were more important than social standing and money. She wrote a short note to her husband, absolving him of all blame and hoping that he also understood that their marriage had been a mistake. She finished it with ‘Don’t try to find me. Please. Yours Sarah.’

  At midnight, when she knew the staff and Robert would be abed she packed up some clothes and a few precious things and placed them in a small suitcase. She dressed sensibly in warm clothes and took one last look around her room. It was Duchess she would miss most of course and Laura, but true love always had casualties. She left her room and locked the door from the outside, slipping the key into her pocket. She knew they wouldn’t find that she was missing until mid-morning and hoped that by then she and Darcy would be long gone.

  The walk to Spoonbury was different in the night and she was thankful of the light of the half moon. There was not a soul about and she arrived at the inn in good time. All the windows were darkened in front and she moved to the side looking up to the second floor and saw a candle ablaze in one window. She desperately hoped it was Darcy.

  She tried calling quietly several times but there was no response. She wrung her hands in frustration, knowing that she couldn’t just knock on the front door without raising hell. An idea sprang to mind and she placed her case on the ground and bent picking up three small pebbles. She moved as close to the window as she could and threw the first stone. It missed. The second one was closer and with her third shot she struck the pane of the window. It made a soft ping and she held her breath as a shadow moved across the candlelight. Her heart leapt in her chest when the curtain was drawn aside and the curious face of Darcy looked down upon her.

  She saw a smile transform his face and he disappeared immediately. She turned and picked up her suitcase and walked towards the front door of the inn. She smiled fondly as she heard his heavy footsteps approach the door in haste. The door was nearly wrenched off its hinges as he opened it eagerly and stood looking at her as if she was an apparition. He looked magnificent in his undershirt and breeches and she fell into his arms breaking the momentary standoff.

  Sarah laughed as he rained kisses upon her face, and when she enquired as to his health he answered by closing his mouth over hers and kissing her passionately. She responded, kissing him back and eventually broke away breathless and put her finger over his lips.

  “I love you Fitzwilliam Darcy and I want you to take me away from here… a long way so that we can make a life together.”

  “I thought you’d never ask.” She squeaked as he lifted her into his arms, suitcase and all as if she weighed no more than a child and carried her through the door, pushing it closed with his foot before bounding up the stairs. He carried her across the threshold and into the plainly furnished room before placing her gently on her feet and turning to close the door. When he turned back, he his face had taken on a serious look. He stepped close to her and took her shoulders in his hands.

  “Are you sure about this Sarah? I am just a common man; I won’t be able to keep you the way you’ve been accustomed to.”

  “Of course I’m sure,” she said earnestly as she looked into his eyes, “and I also know that being happy and being with the one that I love is more important than all the trappings of wealth in the world.”

  He looked unconvinced.

  “I want you to think hard for a minute before you give me your answer. The only money I have is in my pocket. I don’t have a home…I don’t have work. My plan was to travel to the next town in search of work and lodgings. I have perhaps enough for a week worth of accommodation Sarah. Are you sure you want to risk everything for me?”

  She looked deep into his eyes and didn’t reply, she just pulled him to her and kissed him again, more deeply this time. Was that his desire she felt awakening against her thigh? She broke away and looked at him again. “That is my answer; I will follow you to the ends of the earth Mr. Hunter…”

  Without waiting for him to answer, she kissed him urgently on the lips. There was no hesitancy on his part now and he began to return her kiss amorously. They engaged like that for a long time before, still kissing her, he guided her awkwardly towards the simple bed in the corner of the room. He turned her and eased her down onto the straw mattress. Half way down her foot slipped and she fell back laughing, both at the situation and his look of concern.

  This time it was he who silenced her with a kiss as he pulled her
into a sitting position. Passion ignited in both of them. Darcys hands began to explore her. She returned his kiss with a fiery desire, her own hands traveling over his firm body as her tongue danced with his.

  He pulled her backside to the edge of the bed until his groin was against hers. She now felt the undeniable evidence of his hard excitement pushing against her and encircled him with her arms, using him as leverage to pull herself even tighter into him.

  The wet, breathless excitement of their kisses was briefly interrupted as he rasped again, “You are sure Sarah? This is your last chance to escape my dastardly clutches.”

  She nodded, so aroused that she dared not speak. She reluctantly let him break away and he began to untie his breeches. Sarah followed suit beginning to unbutton her blouse as she watched his pants fall to the ground, his impressive manhood straining against the thin material of his drawers. Half undressed Darcy looked as vulnerable as she had ever seen him, but that impression faded immediately when he stripped his shirt from his impressive upper body. He was a man of heroic proportion and she felt herself swoon when he leaned over to help her out of her garments. His strong hands, tough and calloused from manual labor were surprisingly deft when it came to undressing her and in no time she found herself sitting in only her camisole and hose.

  His hands found their way to the base of her white camisole and he slowly pulled it up, revealing her supple belly and full, soft breasts before placing it at the foot of the bed. Sara felt her breathing quicken. She sat in the soft candlelight as naked as the day she was born and watching his eyes savoring her form.

  He stood and looked down upon her face as his hands disappeared behind her head and undid the clip holding her hair in place. He murmured in warm pleasure as it fell in raven bangs over her shoulders. His fingers played through her hair and he whispered, “You are so beautiful Sarah.”


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