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Becoming Ruby (Soul Twins Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Brandi Bell

  “Interesting, most of your generation doesn’t have a clue.”

  “Well, I’m obviously not most of my generation.”

  We continued to eat the rest of our meal in silence, then he brought out dessert. It was a beautiful chocolate cake. I couldn’t remember the last time I had chocolate.

  It was difficult to eat the cake politely, I just wanted to dig in, but I managed not to inhale it.

  Once dinner was over I went and changed into some yoga pants and laid on the soft bed to read until Ruby’s turn came.

  I was still laying in the cozy soft bed when the sun rose. I was debating staying there, but then I remembered there was a chance to call my Mom today. I jumped up and headed to the shower to get ready.

  I ended up wearing jeans and a t-shirt for a change. I went downstairs for breakfast and Seamus was there cooking. “Can I call my mom today?”

  “I don’t see why not, but wait until after you have eaten lass.”

  “I can do that.”

  I ate quickly wanting to talk to my mother so badly. Then I headed to his office. He was waiting for me with the phone in his hand. “Are you ready to make your phone call lass?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “Here you are, I’ll leave you to it.”

  My hands shook as I dialed my Mom’s number. “Hello? Who is this.”

  It was so nice to hear her voice. “It’s me Jade.”

  “Jade, it’s really you? Where are you baby? We’ll come get you. We’ve been so scared!”

  “Um, all I know is I'm in a mansion with an Incubus named Seamus, his sister supposedly created the spell that made Ruby and me. I was kidnapped by a crazy human stalker that had help from Seamus, then Seamus took me.”

  “Oh Goddess, Jade are you hurt? Did they…”

  “No Mom, I’m physically untouched, I don’t know about Ruby though. He has this collar on my neck that only he can take off that cuts me off from my magic and eats my emotions though. I don’t know how to escape. He let me call you because he’s sure you can’t find me.”

  “I’ll find a way to rescue you, Jade Stone. That is a promise. Just give me some time and we’ll be together again.”

  “I love you Mom.”

  “I love you too sweetie.”

  I cried after I hung up the phone. It was so good to hear her voice, but it gave me an intense wave of homesickness. All I wanted to do was hug my mom and let her tell me everything was going to be fine. I knew it wasn’t going to happen anytime soon, so I wiped my tears away and walked out of the office.

  “Do you feel better, lass?”

  “Yes, thank you for letting me talk to my Mom.”

  “Anytime, all you have to do is ask.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  I went back up to my room and decided to sulk in the tub and watch a funny movie. I hoped that would take my mind off of how I felt.

  An hour and a half later I stepped out of the tub pruney and feeling a little better. I got dressed and laid on the bed to read the Kindle again. I dozed off, which never happens. I woke up when Seamus was removing the collar from my neck.

  “I may have fed too deeply off of those last emotions lass. It wasn’t my intention to hurt you.”

  “Huh?” I was confused and just so tired.

  “It’ll all be right tomorrow, sleep now.”

  I drifted back off to dreamland without a care in the world.

  When I woke up again in the morning my entire body was stiff and I was starving. I made my way down to the kitchen before I realized the collar wasn’t on my neck anymore. I no longer felt empty. I tried to reach for my magic but it was still blocked.

  I grabbed a plate of food and scarfed it down and went back for seconds. I don’t remember being this hungry even when Ruby wasn’t eating.

  “Slow down, lass, you can have as much as you want but don’t make yourself sick.”

  “You took the collar off?”

  “Aye, with you in the house I don’t need it to feed from you now.”

  “Why did you leave it on for so long then?”

  “It didn’t occur to me until yesterday it would be too much for you. You and Ruby both slept until you awakened today.”

  “You son of a bitch,” I glared at him.

  “Leave my mother out of it. Yes, she may be a bitch but you don’t know her.”

  I gave him a puzzled look, he defused the situation with humor. I hadn’t expected it.

  “On any account we'll going out today, you won’t be able to run or tell anyone what’s going on so don’t get that in your head. I tried a spell this morning that I'm positive worked.”

  “Sure I can’t scream for …” I couldn’t even say the word I wanted to say I choked on it. “ I’ve been …”

  “I tried to warn you.”

  I got up to head up the stairs and made it to the kitchen door before a tug happened in my middle and I wasn’t able to go any further away.

  “Are you done testing my limits?” he asked.

  “Do I have a choice?”

  “Not really, I have shoes for you in the sitting room, then we shall go.”

  I followed him to the sitting room and put on the boots he thought I needed to wear. They were knee high black leather with a chunky heel. Thankfully my jeans were boot leg so I was able to pull my jeans down over them.

  “Just remember you'll only look crazy if you don’t play along. Be on your best behavior and your life will be more than just sitting in this house.”

  I followed him quietly to his car, and my eyes got wide when I noticed what he drove. He had a bright yellow Aston Martin.

  “It’s a Vantage.”

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “Thank you.”

  We got in the car and headed out to wherever he thought we needed to go so badly. I looked out the window and daydreamed about the places I was able to go with Grady during our short time together. Walking the Freedom Trail, the museums, and the upside down house. It brought a small smile to my face, then made me really sad that I couldn’t be with him.

  After a while we pulled up to a huge house, even bigger than Seamus’s. He turned and gave me a pointed look, “Behave here and we can leave the house more often. Disobey me and you’ll look crazy, then I won’t let you out of the house again. This is a gathering of my people, we can bring what we call pets, that is what you are. But for some reason you are immune to us so you need to pretend to be a pet. Stay quiet and follow me around like I’m your world and you’ll be fine.”

  I just nodded my head. I didn’t like the idea of being anyone's pet, but I didn’t have much choice in the matter at the moment.

  I followed him in the house with a blank expression on my face. It was easy to stay mute. He wandered from room to room in this place. He mingled and made small talk as he went. I noticed several “pets” following various incubus and succubi around. I felt bad for them, they looked so lost, like they were living in a dream haze. That was probably a pretty accurate description of their lives.

  There was a succubus that starred at Seamus and I. I had to work really hard not to look back at her, I just kept catching glances out of the corner of my eye. I caught a good glimpse of her and had to try not to gasp. She was my mom’s friend, Fiona. Eventually she approached Seamus, “Hello little brother, that is a beautiful pet you have there. Can I taste her?”

  “I don’t plan on sharing tonight sister. But she is an exquisite addition to my house.”

  “Shame, she looks delicious.”

  “Maybe next time, she is new enough I don’t want to break her too fast.”

  As Fiona walked away, she grabbed my hand and left a small piece of paper in it. I discreetly slid it in my pocket to read when we got back to Seamus’s.

  The party seemed to drag on forever, as sundown approached I was worried what would happen when Ruby took over in the middle of all this. I kicked the back of Seamus’s leg, and I hoped it was a small enough movement not to be n
oticed. “Excuse me, I think I need to take care of my pet. I have been neglecting her.”

  He led me outside to his car and once we got in, “What the hell do you think you were doing kicking me.”

  “We have about two minutes until Ruby shows up, did you want that to happen in there?”

  “Good point, and I guess kicking me like you were lost was probably for the best. No one would suspect. Let’s head home.”

  I was gone before he pulled out of the driveway.

  When I woke up I looked for the jeans I wore last night. Thankful for Ruby’s slob nature, they were on the floor in the closet. I took out the paper and it was a note.


  I know you haven’t seen me in a long time, but I hope you remember that I’m a friend of your Mother’s. We’re working on getting you out of Seamus’s hands. I just have to find the spells he used to bind you to him before I can set you free. Don’t give up hope, we know where you are, so it won’t be long.


  The letter gave me a hope I hadn’t had since I came into this house. I was a little too happy, but I couldn’t contain it. I went down to breakfast.

  “I see leaving the house agreed with you,” Seamus remarked.

  “Uh yeah. It was nice to get out of here even if it was boring for me.”

  “Next time we'll go to the opera, or theatre.”

  “That would be amazing.”

  I finished my breakfast and headed back up to my room. I started pacing, restless to get out again knowing that they would be coming for me eventually. I wish I could let them know that he lifted the bonding spell she felt last night. Then I got the idea to call my Mom again.

  I ran down the stairs and knocked on the office door. “Come in.”

  “Can I call my mom again?”

  “Tomorrow, I have much to do today.”

  “Ok, thanks...”

  I was frustrated that I couldn’t talk to her yet, but hoped that she could get a message to Fiona tomorrow and they could come get me. I had so much anxious energy I headed out to the maze to walk some of it off. I spent a good portion of the day just wandering around in the hedge maze, and finally my energy calmed down.

  I went back inside to wash up for dinner, Seamus stopped me on the way up the stairs. “We are having company for dinner so you must be on you best behavior, do you understand?”

  “Perfectly, if you'll excuse me I have to get cleaned up and dressed or I won’t be prompt.”

  “Jade’s finding her kitten claws, just remember what happened to Ruby when she wouldn’t listen, if you are thinking of causing a scene.”

  He let me go and I hurried to get ready for his silly formal dinner.

  I made it to the dining room with three minutes to spare. There were three places set, and Seamus and his sister sat at two of them. I waited until he told me to sit, like I had noticed pets at the party do, to keep him happy.

  “Can the crap, Seamus, I know who she is, and I know she can’t become a pet.”

  “Of course, Fiona, what do you want?”

  “I want to take my girl home.”

  “There is no way I’m giving her up.”

  “It’s not really up to you baby brother, do you want me to get Mother involved?”

  Fear flashed across his eyes, then he schooled his face. “Mother will side with me, finders keepers.”

  “Oh, you think she will agree that you should keep someone who was famous and kidnapped?” Fiona questioned. “Also if she’s seen in public could alert human authorities?”

  “Who said I would take her in public?”

  “You did,” I replied.

  He shot me a dirty look, “On any account, you aren’t leaving with her today, so you can just enjoy your meal and leave.”

  “Just remember little brother, I have tricks you could only dream of, you don’t want to cross me. Call me when you reconsider. I'll be talking to Mother about this.”

  “Be my guest.”

  We all ate the rest of our meal in awkward silence. Fiona and Seamus starred daggers at each other. Finally, after everyone ate Seamus promptly escorted Fiona to the door before she had a chance to speak with me. I was disappointed in the way the evening had played out, but hopeful that she would find a way to get me away from here.

  I ran upstairs and changed out of the dress and laid on the bed and read on the Kindle until Ruby took over.

  Chapter 18

  I felt tape on my head and when I opened my eyes I found a piece of paper. It had been so long since Ruby and I exchanged notes, I hadn’t even thought of it.


  I finally found some paper and a pen, so there is that. You aren’t nosy enough. I’m sick of sitting back and doing nothing. Both of these psychos have told me how well behaved Jade is and how I should be more like Jade. Grow a vagina girl and fight back. I took many beatings and torture and you don’t see me giving in. I’m only waiting to find a way to escape and we'll be out of here you chicken shit. You need to let me know what is going on during the day so I can finish my plan, and you better not leave anything out.


  Damn, we really did need to communicate again. Of course she had to insult me, it wouldn’t be Ruby if she didn’t. I rolled my eyes and crumpled up her note and threw it in the bedside table drawer.

  I wasn’t hungry at all so I stayed upstairs and read for a while. When it was close to lunch time I went downstairs to rummage for food. “Where were you this morning?”

  I jumped. “Oh you snuck up on me again. I need to tie a bell around your neck. I stayed in bed reading, I wasn’t all that hungry.”

  “Interesting, and I’m not a cat, I’ll not wear a bell.”

  “It was just a suggestion.”

  I found stuff to make sandwiches and went ahead and ate at the counter. When I finished eating I headed outside to go jog in the maze. I had figured out where most of the paths lead now, so I was confident enough to really stretch my legs. I was getting way out of shape. Seamus should really invest in a home gym.

  Once I was good and tired I headed back to the house. It was five thirty so I ran up the stairs and took a quick shower and dressed for dinner. I made it to the dining room with a minute to spare. “We aren’t having dinner tonight, go eat in the kitchen.”

  “You couldn’t have told me that before I rushed around to follow your stupid dinner rules?”

  “You didn’t ask.”

  “You’re an ass.”

  “And you are stuck with this ass, so deal with it.”

  I stomped off to the kitchen to get dinner. At least it smelled good. He made a roast with potatoes and carrots. I sat and ate and grumbled about having to dress up for no reason while I ate. When I finished I was on my way back up the stairs and I noticed Seamus in the front sitting room looking nervous.

  “You’re mom is coming and you don’t want her to see me.”

  “You’re too perceptive lass, now make yourself scarce.”

  “Fine by me, if you are scared of her I don’t want to meet her,” I said as I climbed up the stairs.

  I found the paper and pen and wrote out everything that had happened. It was a long letter, but at least Ruby knew now that people were working on getting us out of here and hopefully wouldn’t do something stupid. I made sure to tell her not to do anything stupid, like she’d listen to me. I was still sat at the desk when we switched places.

  I came to with a note taped to my forehead again. It looked like Ruby loved this method of delivery again.


  Thank you for the information. It pains me to admit but you are right, we’ll give them a chance to rescue us, but I still have plan B. Seamus’s mom was a hoot. She puts him in his place like you wouldn’t believe. I loved her! She didn’t want to make up her mind until she talked to Fiona more. Hopefully she will decide we'll too good for her son to keep us locked up.


  Wow, Ruby has no fear. I wondered how Seamus took Ruby and his mother
bonding. Seamus rarely mentioned what happened when it was him and Ruby. Obviously, the truth wasn’t the same for Ruby. Sometimes I couldn’t believe the stuff Ruby was willing to get into.

  As I came downstairs, I smelled french toast before I even made it to the kitchen. A smile formed on my face, it was one of my favorite breakfast foods. I grabbed a big stack and dug in.

  “Is it so bad living here, lass?”

  “You want an honest answer?”


  “Because it isn’t my choice and I’m separated from those I love, yes it’s torturous. Yes, you have provided comforts that in another situation would make this wonderful, but when you take someone's choices away they’re never going to enjoy living where you keep them.”

  “I’ve tried to treat you as a peer instead of a pet, that should count for something.”

  “Should it really, Seamus? What if I helped someone trap you in a cage in a basement. Then I knocked you out and kept you prisoner somewhere. Would you really think that I was treating you like a peer?”

  “You don’t understand, Jade, in my culture we treat pets as objects. We remind them to use the bathroom, eat, and sleep. That’s their life. They have no free will.”

  “That is deplorable,” I growled.

  “Not all of us keep pets,”he explained, “My mother never agreed. She raised us to feed in other ways. You seemed like the perfect solution. A food source that wasn’t a pet but could be an equal.”

  “Ewww I don’t want to be your banana sundae.”

  He bent over laughing, “Only you would decide you were a banana sundae, I would say you were more like filet mignon, but whatever works for you.”

  “Why’re you having such a guilty conscience. Your mother get to you?”

  “Aye, lass she did, but I don’t know that I’m ready to give you up. I care about you more than I should.”

  “If you actually cared about me you’d let me go.”

  “Aye, but I don’t think you would come back. I’d even share you with the boy in the band, the bald one.”


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