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I Choose You: A Secret Billionaire Romance

Page 10

by Krista Lakes

  Jacob’s hands drifted down my thighs and landed on my rear. He pulled me upward, sliding me along his length once again. My body tingled with delight and heat started to surge .

  “Upstairs?” he asked.

  I nodded, unable to speak coherently.

  I wasn’t sure what in the heck had gotten into me. For the most part, I was a pretty shy girl. I’d have imagined that some boys would have even called me a prude, at least during the dates where I didn’t have sex. But Jacob was different. He had treated me like a princess in every encounter I had ever had with him.

  The connection we had was more than just sexual. I knew he was going to treat me right afterwards. I knew this wasn't going to be a one-night stand. This was just the beginning of a wonderful relationship. I felt safe with him.

  He sat up, and we crawled to our feet. Jacob placed on arm at my lower back and the other behind me knees, and then he lifted me from the ground in one swift movement. I giggled as I wrapped my arm around his neck to hang on for the ride.

  Jacob stepped through the patio doors to make our way back into his apartment and I almost commented on it. I felt like saying something about how this must be what it feels like to get married and carried over the threshold. I bit my tongue, though, fearing that a comment like that could easily ruin the moment.

  As he carried me across the living room, I playfully nibbled on his ear and neck. I breathed him in, too, letting his scent make its way into my nose. His musk, his stubble, his strength; it all had me going crazy.

  Once at the top of the stairs, we went straight to his bedroom. My lips still tingled from our kiss, but it wasn’t enough to satiate the desperate craving that I had going on inside of me. We approached the bed and he set me down so that I was standing on the floor next to him.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered reverently. His eyes moved up and down my body, giving me an obvious once over.

  Not even a second passed before we resumed our kiss. This time, there was more passion behind it than ever. Something about being in his bedroom, and what that insinuated, caused both of us to let go. Our walls dropped and with it, our lust for each other flooded out, raging through us.

  A soft moan crept into my throat as our lips pressed together. My hands drifted up and down his front, feeling his chest and abs under my fingertips. There was only a thin layer of clothing between us, and I wanted it removed. I was done waiting. So without breaking our kiss, I unbuttoned the top few buttons of his shirt and placed my hands onto his pectorals.

  The smell of his cologne continued to fill my nostrils and I breathed deeper, letting his scent soak into my senses. Without even realizing it, I had wrapped one of my legs behind his. I had pulled myself as close to him as possible. I couldn’t get enough. I had become greedy for his touch. I only wanted more.

  I broke the kiss just long enough to look him in the eyes.

  “Take me.” The words dripped off of my tongue without going through my mind’s filter. I didn’t care, though. It was exactly what I wanted and in that moment, I was certainly not afraid to say it.

  Jacob grunted in reply, a primal sound that perfectly fit the desire in his eyes. He just took a step closer, causing my butt to collide with the edge of the mattress. I laid back, falling into his soft comforter. Jacob crawled over me immediately, and brought his lips to the outside of my neck.

  “Oh, God,” I whispered.

  He nibbled the sensitive skin, sending chills of pleasure through my body. He bit just hard enough to invoke a little pain, but then would pull away and hit the same spot with a sensual kiss. It had me trembling below him, wanting more by the second.

  Jacob let out a sexual growl as he moved his face down my chest. He kissed the top of my cleavage as he undid the buttons of my blouse. I arched my back and pressed my tits toward his face, urging him on.

  He kissed between them, as he continued to unbutton my shirt all the way to the bottom. When he opened it up, my bra was revealed. Normally, I’d have felt a little shy. I didn’t have the biggest or most amazing breasts, but Jacob made me feel sexy and confident in a way that no other man had. So without any hesitation, I unclasped my bra, releasing my chest to him.

  “Alicia… you’re…” Jacob whispered, as he admired my front. “…So beautiful.”

  Leaning forward, he closed his mouth over my right nipple. I let out a low moan as he bombarded the sensitive nub with his tongue. A wave of pleasure pumped through me and the desperation growing between my legs began to throb. He licked circles around the nipple and clamped his lips over it before drawing away, creating a wet kissing noise.

  Immediately, he brought his face to the other breast and gave it equal attention. He was slow and attentive as he pleasured me. It seemed like each movement of his tongue was thought out and precise, with no other purpose in the world except to fill me with sensation.

  After a minute, he pushed himself up and looked me over. He eyed me with an expression of desperate lust. The beautiful blue-color of his eyes were now mostly black, dilated with adrenaline.

  The bulge underneath the front of his slacks had grown. As he undid his belt, he shot me a confident and sexy-as-hell smile. My mouth watered, anticipating what was underneath that clothing. I wanted it. I wanted every inch of him.

  Jacob pulled the belt off of the pants and tossed it across the room. Then he undid the button and zipper, before sliding them down. He was fully erect under his boxers and the head of his cock pressed out against the thin material.

  He paused, cocking his head and raising one eyebrow. I licked my lips and nodded. His confident smirk widened as he undid his shirt the rest of the way and let it drop to the floor at his feet.

  He crawled back over me, bringing his hands to my breasts before kissing me once more. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him closer. I could feel his hardness against me, even through my jeans. He was so firm and so turned on. It made me want him even more.

  My body craved him, and I didn’t want any more foreplay. I wanted him inside of me right then. No more flirtation, no more games.

  I reached down and undid the button on my jeans. Jacob slipped his finger into the waist and tugged downward. I lifted my butt from the bed to aid him in removing the pants. With a couple of gentle yet powerful jerks on the clothing, Jacob had me laying there in only my panties.

  He looked me over, and the expression of lust in his face became even more apparent. He clenched his jaw and swallowed, his eyes moving up and down my body, before resting on my panties. I slipped my thumbs into the waist strap of my underwear and began to pull them down. But before I could, Jacob grabbed them and slid them all the way down my legs.

  “I want you so bad,” he said, his voice gruff and his words trailing off at the end.

  My underwear was loosely hanging around my ankles and I kicked them off, watching them soar to the opposite side of the room. They landed on the top of his dresser, right next to a bottle of his cologne.

  Jacob stood in front of me. He was glorious in his nakedness. I laid there for a moment, just admiring the way he looked. I loved the way his chest and abs moved with his breathing. His hair was a little messy, too, which somehow made him look even sexier. In this moment, he seemed untamed and wild. The clean cut Jacob that most people probably knew was nowhere to be found in this room. He had left that Jacob in an office somewhere. The man that was currently in front of me was instinctual and masculine, exactly what I wanted.

  I teased him with my feet, dragging my toes over the front of his naked thighs. It was my way of beckoning him back toward me. He didn’t do exactly as I had expected, though. Instead, he draped one of my legs over each of his shoulders and then dropped to his knees. His face was now between my thighs and his beard stubble tickled my sensitive skin as he inched toward my pleasure center.

  Jacob kissed the crease between my thigh and my flower. His lips touched down ever so gently, before pulling away and moving to the other side. I trembled, await
ing his touch, wanting him to just give me that tongue in the right spot.

  He teased me until I couldn’t take it anymore. Using my legs, I pulled him closer.

  “Stop teasing me. Please, just do it,” I begged.

  Finally, he let out a soft growl and faced forward, lapping his tongue against my sex. I grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled his mouth toward me, squealing as pleasure took the place of the aching desire.

  “Yes…” I groaned, so quietly that the sound barely made it to the outside of my lips.

  He flicked his tongue against the top of my pussy, bombarding it in the same way as he had my nipples. It caused a chill of ecstasy to course through every inch of my body.

  “Just like that,” I whispered, as Jacob focused his attention on my clit.

  Jacob let out a soft groan and the vibration from it made the pleasure even more intense. I squeezed my thighs, pressing his head between them like a vice. My back arched and my breasts rose in the air. I began bucking my hips upward toward his mouth, wanting him to taste me deeper, wishing I could make the friction between us even more intense.

  He placed his hands onto the top of my thighs and spread my legs out a few inches. Then he began moving his tongue downward, pleasuring the length of my lips, before coming back up to dance around my clit once again. He did this over and over, causing my body to fill to the brim with sensation.

  “I’m coming,” I gasped, barely able to whisper the words before pleasure took over my senses.

  He lapped his tongue even more quickly against me. It sent me over the top. I couldn’t hold back any more. The dam had broken and the ecstasy that pumped into my body overcame my ability to slow it down. I let out a squeal that filled the apartment as I climaxed, squeezing my thighs over his head once more. The world dissolved around me and my body trembled as I gripped my hands into fists through Jacob’s hair. I rode out the orgasm until the pleasure finally tapered off. As soon as it faded, I relaxed into the bed. A contented smile was plastered across my face.

  Breathe, Alicia. Breathe, I thought, reminding myself that oxygen was still an important element to survival. Though, right at that moment, I certainly didn't feel like I needed it.

  I drew in a long breath and finally released my grip from his hair. I also relaxed my thighs so that he could pull his head away for the first time since he had dropped to his knees. When he stood up, he seemed even more eager than before and his dick showed it as well. It was twitching now, throbbing in rhythm to his increased heart rate.

  Never in my life had I wanted someone so badly. I physically needed him in that moment. He must have seen it in my eyes, because he didn’t hesitate to step close. He lifted my legs and pressed them toward my chest. The head of his cock hovered just outside of my opening, so close that I could feel the heat as it radiated off of it. He held there for a second. I could see that he wanted to plunge in, but there was a moment of hesitation.

  “Do you want me to use a condom?” he asked.

  I wanted to feel him, not rubber. Plus, I was on birth control anyway and I trusted him. So I didn’t even respond to his question. Instead, I bit my bottom lip as I dropped my legs and wrapped them around his waist. Then I pulled him toward me.

  His crown pressed into my flower and we both let out a deep groan. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back. Jacob bucked his hips forward, sliding further into me. I exploded with wetness, coating his length as he entered.

  My body trembled on the bed as Jacob slid all the way in. Our bodies were now entwined and the desperate throbbing that had been persuading me to make love to him had been replaced with a deep and content pleasure.

  Jacob held himself over me and began to rock his hips forward and back. His pace was slow at first. It seemed like he was savoring the sensation of being inside of me.

  “That feels so good,” I whispered, my words wavering.

  He grunted softly in response and then quickened his pace. Each thrust caused a surge of bliss to pump into me, deeper and deeper each time. I began to squeal out in pleasure. I couldn’t help it. It was just too much sensation to hold back.

  I dropped my hands and gripped the comforter below me. Jacob clenched his jaw. Then he began to pound into me. His body slammed against mine, and each time he entered me, a jolt of pleasure followed. My body overflowed with ecstasy and it poured out of my skin, electrifying the air surrounding us. Every cell in my body drowned in pleasure and breathing became something that I had to remind myself to do.

  “Yes, just like that,” I said, though I wasn’t sure if the words even made it out of my throat.

  Jacob kept pace and I felt myself rising toward orgasm for the second time that day. When it happened, I couldn’t even make a sound. I held my breath and closed my eyes, letting the feeling envelope me. My entire body clamped down around him as I rode the wave all the way up, becoming lost in the dizzying bliss.

  I gripped the comforter hard, feeling the material slide between my fingers, as the final swell of pleasure washed over me. When it passed, I opened my eyes and released my grip from the blanket. My hands were trembling now, and so were my legs. My entire body stammered on the bed beneath Jacob.

  Jacob’s skin was now covered in a light layer of sweat, accentuating the lines between his muscles. I watched as his face began to contort and his cheeks turned red. The pace of his thrusts increased and he let out an animalistic grunt.

  I knew what was coming. I nodded quickly, ready to take all of him inside of me. I watched as he held his breath and closed his eyes. The room was silent, but just for a fleeting instant.

  “Yes,” he grunted, his voice the only sound in the apartment.

  He broke apart within me, losing the control. It was the sexiest thing I had ever seen to watch him come apart, because of me- inside of me. He was always so careful, so in control, that to see him break at the seams was enough to nearly send me over the edge a third time.

  Finally, he breathed again and opened his eyes. He wore a dazed, yet content, expression on his face. He stayed inside of me and leaned forward to give me a sensual kiss. Our skin was slick with sweat and our fingers grazed smoothly over each other’s bodies as we lay entangled on his bed.

  “That was amazing,” I whispered, breaking our kiss.

  Jacob nodded in agreement. “You’re incredible.”

  He crawled up next to me on the bed and wrapped an arm over my belly, holding me close. He kissed my cheek and the top of my shoulder in a sweet way that made me smile. It made me feel safe and loved.

  That was by far the best sex I’ve ever had, I thought. Is there anything about Jacob that isn’t flawless?

  The question instantly caused a twinge of doubt to creep into my mind.

  This man is everything that I could ever want. What’s “the catch”? There’s always a catch. He’s too perfect, I thought. If something is too good to be true, then it probably is, right?

  I pushed the thought away. We had just shared something special and I wasn't about to let my wandering thoughts ruin this moment for me. I was happy. I was content and I wasn't going to start worrying about things that I had no control over.

  We laid there quietly on his bed. Despite the fact that my mind was churning, it still only took a few seconds for me to close my eyes, letting the sound of Jacob’s breathing lull me to sleep.

  Chapter 10

  The next morning, I sat at a table in the corner of the coffee shop while I waited for Caroline. Since I was on the opposite side of town, I’d called her only a few moments after getting home from Jacob’s apartment demanding we meet up soon. And she’d agreed without any hesitation.

  Besides, I knew she liked coffee shops and I knew she liked double shot espressos with caramel and almond milk. I’d already ordered her one and a vanilla mocha for myself. Her drink sat across the table and right in front of her chair in what I hoped would be an enticing sight, something like using a bone to call a dog. If nothing else I wanted to bring her mood to a level near
mine, and for Caroline, coffee was always the answer.

  The coffee shop was bustling at nine-thirty in the morning and I appreciated being able to sit and wait contentedly. It was the beginning of a warm day without any fog that sometimes accompanied California mornings.

  Even the sun is in a good mood, I thought.

  Caroline wore a tight red skirt and a black t-shirt. She didn’t take off her sunglasses until she’d found me sitting at the table. She dropped her purse on the table and removed her wallet before realizing that I’d already bought her drink.

  “Double shot espresso with caramel and milk?” she asked.

  “Yep,” I said.

  “Almond milk?” She raised an eyebrow.

  “Yep,” I said again. I nudged her drink a little closer.

  “You’re the best.” She used the straw to stir her drink as she grinned at me.

  “And I told them to go light on the ice,” I said, feeling rather proud of myself.

  “Wow, I was wondering if they’d finally caught on, but look at you.” She grinned and took a sip. “You must have good news.”

  I beamed back with something between a smile and long smirk. “Maybe.”

  She sipped at her drink after taking a seat in the chair across from me. “Are you going to make me beg?”

  I allowed my smile to grow even more, drawing out the moment as well as my excitement.

  “Fine,” she said. “I’ll let you sit with your hysteria for a sec. I’m actually going to go grab a breakfast burrito or something. You want anything?”

  “I’m good,” I said, still smiling.

  I watched Caroline order her burrito. She glanced over at me and narrowed her eyes and I knew she was mad I still had my secret. It wasn't often that I had anything good like this, so I was enjoying keeping her waiting. She returned with a burrito in hand, blowing on it viciously.


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