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I Choose You: A Secret Billionaire Romance

Page 19

by Krista Lakes

  And I knew in that moment he was going to kiss me like that for the rest of my life.


  “Are you sure?” Jacob frowned, holding up two nearly identical baby onesies.

  “Yes, I'm sure. We only need one,” I told him. “Babies grow fast. He'll be out of them before he's worn them twice.”

  “I don't know,” Jacob said, shaking his head slowly. “We can't be too prepared.”

  I chuckled. “We already have fifteen of them at home. Maybe we could let my mom buy a couple of things for the baby, too?”

  “I'm getting both,” Jacob announced, putting both items in the basket.

  I sighed. It was a good thing that Jacob was a billionaire. I was fairly sure that he'd already spent several million on this kid already.

  A sharp pain started in my stomach and radiated around to my back. It wasn't awful, but it was enough to make me stop and gasp. Luckily, it didn't last long.

  “Are you okay?” Jacob asked, coming to my side quickly. His blue eyes were big with concern. “Is it starting? Do we need to go to the hospital? I can leave all this stuff here, or I can have someone come buy it and meet us there or--”

  “I'm fine,” I interrupted him. “I think we're close. The doctor did say any day now, but I'm not going to pop this kid out right in the middle of the baby store.”

  “We should get you to the hospital anyway,” Jacob informed me, taking my hand and abandoning his cart full of baby clothes and the size three diapers we apparently need right this minute.

  I gently shook him off. “The contractions are still over ten minutes apart. I don't want to go to the hospital and get poked and pinched until we're actually sure they'll let us stay.”

  “They'll let us stay,” Jacob assured me. “I made sure of that.”

  I rolled my eyes at him and laughed. Of course he did. He was more excited about meeting our baby boy than I could have imagined. It was all he talked about. Well, that and our business.

  “Let's pay for our things and head home,” I told him. “I'd like to shower in my own shower and get a couple more things put together. Then, when we're at the doctor recommended contraction level, we will head to the hospital.”

  Jacob frowned. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” I crossed my arms and glared at him.

  He grabbed the cart and we quickly paid. Only one more contraction happened in the store, but I knew that it was starting.

  We were going to have a baby in the next twenty-four hours.

  I still couldn't believe it was happening.

  The last eight months had flown by, yet they were the happiest eight months of my life. They were also the busiest of my life, getting ready for this baby to come.

  Then there was my new job.

  He made sure I got full credit for all my update ideas and that I was settled in my new job at his company. I loved my job, and I loved the fact that I could do it from wherever I wanted.

  Which happened to be our home. Jacob asked me to move in with him as soon as I told him about the baby. We decided that just moving in together wasn't enough. We wanted to be married when the baby came, so we had a simple ceremony with just our parents at the courthouse.

  We had plans to do a full billionaire-style wedding once I had the baby and could pick out the dress of my dreams, but there was no hurry. I wasn't even sure that I really wanted a big wedding since the small one was so perfect.

  Another contraction brought me back to the present. They were still far enough apart that I wasn't concerned yet. It was a process and I knew it wasn't going to be anything like the movies.

  “Alicia,” Jacob said, pulling the car to a stop. He turned and looked at me. “I love you. I just want you to know that. I love you so, so much.”

  I grinned and leaned over to kiss him. “I love you, too.”

  “I know that I've been a little nervous with the baby coming,” he admitted. “But, it's just that I love you. That you chose me.”

  I grinned at him. “I choose you,” I said. “Every day, I choose you.”

  Thank you!

  Thank you for reading “I Choose You”! It was a bit of an experiment but I hope you really enjoyed it. If you did like it, consider leaving a review!

  Included in this book is another book. It’s a little different, a little more sexually charged, but it’s still fundamentally similar. There’s a billionaire, a baby, and spoiler alert, a Happily Ever After. I hope you enjoy it!

  Stepbrother’s Gift

  About Stepbrother’s Gift

  My billionaire stepbrother owes me.

  Years ago, James thoughtlessly gave me an IOU instead of a Christmas present.

  I thought I had pushed him out of my mind, but years later, I found myself sharing a home with him again.

  Just like before, he teased me at every turn. And just like before, it only made me want him more.

  In one moment, our relationship changed forever. I found out firsthand what had made all those girls moan while we had shared a wall years ago.

  Now it’s time to collect on that jerk’s IOU. Even though he's a billionaire, the thing that I want from him isn't money. I want a gift that will last me a lifetime...

  A baby.

  His eyes stared at me, and for the first time they strayed from my face. As he looked over my figure, I saw a flicker of the darker desire I recognized from his car. It was something.

  I knew just what to do. I pulled my purse around and opened it, digging for the card.

  “Are you all right, Allie?” he asked.

  “Just give me one second,” I said. I found it. I took out the card, rubbed it between my fingers for luck and courage, and set it on his desk. “Here.”

  He picked it up. A grin spread across his handsome face as he recognized it. “You still have this?” He laughed. “I always figured you would have thrown it away as soon as you passed a trash can.”

  “I still have it.”

  He looked up at me, then checked both sides of the card. “No expiration date. That was foolish of me.” He looked every bit the professional businessman while looking over this contract, and it turned me on even more. “Okay, well I’m a man of my word. What do I owe you?”

  I tried different ways of saying it in my mind, all of them sounding strange, artificial, wrong. But as the silence drew out I gave up, and just said what I felt. “You,” I squeaked.

  “Me?” he said.

  “I want you,” I said again. “That’s why I came here.”

  It sounded silly, like some over-wrought scene from a badly directed movie. I waited for him to laugh, but he didn’t. He played with the card in his fingers and stared at me. Finally he stood up and walked around his desk. He handed me the card.

  “You want to tell me what’s really going on here?”

  “What happened in the car…”

  “That was a stupid mistake,” he said, his voice darkening. “And I’m sorry for it. I crossed a line with you I had no right to cross.”

  I shook my head. “That’s not what I meant.”

  “There’s nothing else to say about it.”

  “Of course there is. I know you’re my…”

  “Your brother,” he finished for me, his mouth forming a cruel hard line.


  “Does that really make any difference?”

  “It does for me,” I said, standing up a little straighter. I was getting angry, and it was giving me a little courage to stand on. “It’s not like it's incest.”

  James seemed to flinch at the word, then laughed. “Are you listening to yourself?”

  “Stop it,” I snapped. I pushed his chest. It was hard under the oxford shirt he was wearing. He didn’t move. “Don’t try to make this a joke.”

  “I’m not,” he said, seriously. “But you’ve gone off the deep end, Allie.”

  “So what was it, then?”

  “What was what?”

  “The kiss, you jerk,” I said,
swatting his chest.

  “I already told you what it was. It was a mistake.”

  “It didn’t mean anything? You don’t feel anything?”

  “Jesus, Allie. Are you listening to yourself? And besides, aren’t I the guy who ruined your life?”

  “Just tell me, then. If you tell me that it was really just some mistake and you don’t feel anything for me, I’ll leave right now.”

  I swallowed, cursing myself for being so direct. I was practically forcing him to reject me.

  Something inside of him broke. He crossed the distance between us in a heartbeat. Before I could say anything further he grabbed me, one hand turning my face up to his and the other seizing my hip. He pulled my trembling body tight against his.

  But before he could swoop down and kiss me, I stood up on the balls of my feet, pressing my breasts against his chest and running my arms around him as I reached for his lips with mine.

  It was too violent to call it a kiss.

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  Chapter 1

  I'm in bed with Danny, I thought to myself.

  Logically, I knew that it was Danny, my boyfriend. And as I looked at the sweaty body thrusting above me, it was clearly Danny.

  I wanted it to be Danny.

  However, as the desire increased, I could feel him getting closer to orgasm. I closed my eyes, allowing the pleasure to wash over me. Danny's cock was big, and it filled me nicely. So big, that...

  Suddenly, my thoughts turned elsewhere. There was someone else fucking me now. Someone I had always dreamed of, but could never be with.


  My eyes shot open. No, I thought. I wanted to stay here, with Danny.

  Danny grinned as we locked eyes, and I did my best to smile back at him. He picked up his pace, plowing into me, spreading me open. I began to moan, just as I heard girls moan through that thin wall I had shared with him...

  I could feel Danny swell even bigger and tense up, his jaw opening in a wordless cry. His “O” face looked funny, but I knew it was sincere, and it turned me on that I was able to do that to him. He pounded deeper and deeper, until he froze. His hips spasmed twice and that was the end of our lovemaking.

  As soon as he was done, he pulled out of my body. He ripped the condom off quickly, tying it in a knot and throwing it toward the trash can, but not making it in. I knew that he wouldn't even try to pick it up later. That would be something nice, and he never did anything nice.

  The condom was by his insistence, of course. He knew I wasn't on the pill and refused to do any kind of withdrawal method with me. I was actually kind of glad. Danny was alright, but he was hardly father material. Still, I thought, as I looked down at my tummy, I would love to see it filled with a baby someday. Maybe someday soon. Maybe even with Danny, if he would grow up a little bit.

  Danny laid his head on the pillow next to me. “That felt good.”

  I smiled. I knew it felt good for him, but of course I hadn't come yet. He never finished me off, so I knew I'd have to break out my vibrator later. Again, I'd have to fend off thoughts of him.

  “I'm glad. It felt good for me, too,” I lied. It was important to his ego for me to say that.

  He grunted with pleasure, then immediately got up. He started to pull his pants on with no underwear. “So, I'll see you tomorrow, then?”

  I paused. “Of course I'll see you tomorrow. You promised you'd drive me home, remember?”

  He stopped. “Oh, right. Look, I won't be able to take you home. I have a lot of things to catch up on.”

  I couldn't believe this. “Things” was probably just playing video games or jerking off to Internet pornography. “What? But I have to get home for Christmas!”

  He shrugged his shoulders and didn't say another word. He just kept putting his clothes on.

  I stood up “Hey, I'm talking to you, asshole,” I said, my breasts jiggling all over the place.

  “I don't know what to tell you, but I can't take you,” he said, refusing to look me in the eye.

  “You promised! How am I supposed to get home?”

  “That's your problem,” he said. He put on his shoes and walked toward the door.

  “Stop!” I cried. He kept going. “If you don't drive me home tomorrow, we are done.”

  “Then I guess we're done,” he said, opening the door and slamming it behind him.

  I stood there, naked in my dorm room, my mouth hanging open. That asshole was supposed to be my ride home. It was supposed to be a nice, four-hour drive, and I probably would have given him head or something to make up for it.

  He wouldn't have left me high-and-dry like this, I thought. I shook my head. Stop thinking about him, you idiot. You'll never be with him.

  I just needed to find a way home now. With a sigh, I flopped back into the bed and stared up at the ceiling, searching for a plan. Still, I was excited for this coming Christmas. Not only because I'd see my parents. Not just because I'd get to see my best friend from high school, Tessa. But because I'd get to see him.

  My billionaire stepbrother.

  Chapter 2

  My evening was spent frantically looking for a ride home from several of my friends. Springfield was fairly close to the campus, but still over a four-hour drive. I tried several ex-boyfriends, promising them the world if they'd be my hero. None of them were willing to help out. With every rejection, I sighed a little louder. That was the problem with dating nothing but assholes.

  My roommate, Nicole, kept looking over at me and glaring. I knew that she thought that sleep was the key to her beauty, and since she spent every weekend staying out all night partying, she had to get her beauty sleep every chance she could get. Considering how beautiful she was, and considering how many guys she brought home, I wasn't all that sympathetic.

  In the end, I ended up falling asleep at 2 am, exhausted and no closer to home than I had been before. I was down to my backup plan of public transportation Dad's credit card. Not exactly the way I had intended to start my Christmas vacation.

  I set an alarm for 4:30 am, which when it went off, made Nicole glare at me again. Her gorgeous blonde curls had a serious case of bedhead going on, which at least got me to giggle.

  “Are you seriously awake at this hour?” she asked.

  I groaned and turned on the light, slowly getting dressed. Luckily, I had already packed in anticipation of Danny driving me home, but I still felt like today was going to be a really long day.

  I knew it would be impossible for me to get a cab at this hour, so I walked the three blocks to the nearest bus station, dragging my rolling suitcase behind me. This was where my life had brought me to: the rich girl reduced to walking in her expensive tennis shoes in order to take a bus trip that would likely take an hour, to hopefully take a plane trip home that would probably take just as long.

  I grimaced when I thought about what my dad would think. I wasn't the rich one, of course. He was. I'd be using my emergency credit card to pay for this flight, which meant that he'd be the one paying for my last-minute mistake.

  My dad had worked hard all his life and knew the value of money. After working his way up the corporate ladder in the financial industry, he had taken a big leap in his late 30s to start his own advertisement business. It had been a lot of hard work, so much work that my mother had divorced him, but he had eventually pulled through and was now a very successful millionaire.

  With that kind of success came the ability to buy everything that one could want, but my dad never seemed to want material possessions. And even though he could have any woman that he wanted, at the age of 45 he fell for a widower that worked in middle management at a firm that he was contracted to do market research for.

  Nancy was a strong woman. Still vibrant and young-at-heart, I knew that she would be a great companion for my dad. And even though I didn't think that
I needed a mom, Nancy made me feel like she could be a friend while still being in charge of the house. I liked her.

  Unfortunately, she came with baggage.

  The first time I met James was the last day of summer before I started high school. He was definitely a troubled teen, but I didn't see that at the time. All I saw was the dark hair, the green eyes, the body that was way too muscular to be a high schooler. He was everything a freshmen girl could dream of.

  And, even though his mother insisted that we have a conversation, he had ignored me.

  He had sat out on our deck, sitting under an umbrella and sipping a lemonade. His arms had been crossed and he basically pouted the entire time, acting like a spoiled little brat. I tried to talk to him, but I was fourteen years old and probably not very interesting. His mother had prodded him, but he ignored her too.

  Then, my dad had offered him a beer. He perked up immediately. He drank it while my dad grilled him about his studies, his ambitions. I remembered him being very engaged with my dad, but also defensive about the fact that he didn't know what to do, even though he was doing well in his computer classes. “All that tech stuff is for nerds,” he had said.

  My dad had just smiled. “You know what they say about nerds. One day you'll be calling one 'sir'.”

  James had scoffed at that. “I'll never call anyone 'sir'.”

  “You will if you're working for someone else,” my dad replied. He knew- he had worked for someone else for the first twenty years of his adult life.

  “Then I guess I'll just have to work for myself,” James decided, as if it were just that easy.

  My dad had just chuckled. “I think you and I are gonna get along just fine. Come on in the kitchen with me. Let's get another beer.” He turned to me. “We'll be right back, sweetie.”

  James quickly chugged the rest of the beer in front of him, and the two disappeared into the house. I let the sun's rays hit me and just kind of laid back and drank it in. I had just gone through another growth spurt recently, and all my hormones were telling me that I had a crush on every boy I saw. I at least recognized that, but I also thought James was incredibly hot. I wished he would talk to me.


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