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I Choose You: A Secret Billionaire Romance

Page 25

by Krista Lakes

  I took my phone out of my purse and opened my inbox. James was much too “plugged in” to have left me a pen-and-paper note, but this one was just fine by me.”

  Head downstairs to the parking lot. My driver will be waiting in a limo for you and will drive you to my apartment now. Just hang out there. I’ll try to get out of here as early as I can. We can talk about this then.

  I nodded, as if I were talking to the email. He wanted to see me again. I looked up to see if Lauren was looking, but she seemed to be fixated on her computer screen, almost as if she'd rather look anywhere but at me.

  I got out of there as quickly as possible. Sure enough, there was a limo waiting outside, and the driver seemed to recognize me as soon as I left the building, opening the door for me. I thanked him and went inside.

  As soon as I relaxed into the seat, I lifted my sweater up. I had no idea where this relationship would lead, but some part of me knew. I was pregnant already. I was going to have my billionaire stepbrother's baby. And that was alright by me.

  Chapter 10

  I relaxed into the leather seats of the limo, knowing that I was encased in the lap of luxury. As I looked out the window, I noticed the remnants of snow lining the edges of the sidewalks and scattered across shadowy building fronts. It was cold outside, but warm inside the limo, and even warmer inside my body.

  I didn't know if it was just my imagination, but I could still feel my him inside of me. I tingled at just the thought of James bending me over his office desk, spreading me open, and fucking me until he came. I closed my eyes and smiled.

  But, the thought that made the most horny was the one that I had to keep a secret, even from him. I wasn't on birth control, and he hadn't been wearing a condom. I thought about his sperm swimming toward my eggs, hoping to find a fertile field to sow new life into. In my brain, I knew it was too early to even hope. The sperm couldn't even have met the egg yet if my high school biology class was correct, but somehow, I knew.

  I knew I was pregnant.

  Tessa would have laughed. She was my best friend, and she had called me baby crazy before, especially when I commented on how beautiful Audrey Lipman had become. The more I thought about it, the more I knew she was right. I wanted a baby. Audrey, the catty girl from my high school, had made my life miserable. However, once she had become pregnant, I couldn't help but notice how happy she looked, how full of life she seemed. And that big pregnant belly really suited her. I wanted one, and not just any pregnant belly. One with James.

  I put my own hands on my stomach, looking down at the flat surface. In just a few months, I knew that my belly would be full of James' baby. I shook my head, trying to ignore the small voice of reason telling me that this was a bad idea. That I really should have thought this through better. But I wanted it. I wanted it more than I had ever wanted anything else my whole life. I wanted my belly to grow with James' and my child. I wondered how long I'd be able to conceal it from him. I wondered if I should.

  I tried to replay the events that just happened in my head, to try and gauge whether or not he really wanted me as badly as I had wanted him. The sex had been so violent, so passionate, that my brain was fuzzy about the whole experience. One thing he said stood out to me, though:

  “I've been waiting to claim you for a long time.”

  Even thinking about his deep voice saying those words sent another shiver through my body. He had wanted me for as long as I wanted him, I knew it. He just couldn't get away with it while we lived under the same roof, and had never had a chance since then. Society would frown on our relationship, but he didn't care. He wanted me.

  Or did he? As a billionaire, his life was under a lot of journalistic scrutiny. He could decide that he couldn't handle being with me, no matter how badly he wanted it. I had always just been the unwanted, younger sister. I wasn't anything special. It wouldn't be that hard for him to turn his back on me yet again.

  Stop it, I told myself. I knew I was just going to worry myself sick if I kept thinking like that. The fact that he had revealed how much he wanted me, and the fact that he had fucked me on his work desk, was supposed to make things simpler. I had hoped that it would quench the need I had for him, that it would satisfy the craving deep inside of me. Except, it hadn't. If anything, it seemed to make things more complicated.

  I had no idea how long the trip to his apartment was, so I decided to look at the email he sent me to see if I could figure out what he was thinking from that. I pulled out my phone and looked at the screen, squinting at the letters to try and discern something new.

  Head downstairs to the parking lot. My driver will be waiting in a limo for you and will drive you to my apartment now. Just hang out there. I’ll try to get out of here as early as I can. We can talk about this then.

  Demanding. Assertive. Discrete. I imagined his voice reading this email to me, and again it just made me want him even more. Still, there didn't seem to be anything there about how he felt, just that he wanted to talk about what happened and soon. That could be good or it could be bad. He hadn't outright said it was a mistake, but he also didn't say that it wasn't.

  I sighed. I guess I'd have no choice but to entertain myself at a billionaire's apartment. As I looked around at his limo again, I knew that things could be much worse.

  Chapter 11

  The limo drove me through the darkening streets of the city, finally stopping at a brick building with a green awning and a doorman. It didn't scream wealth, yet I knew that he probably paid a fortune for his apartment. There was a simple beauty to it that I appreciated.

  The doorman helped me out of the limo, took my bag, and escorted me up to James' penthouse without a word of explanation on my part. Once there, he showed me how to call him downstairs if I needed anything before disappearing as only I imagined servants could do.

  When he left, I pulled off my boots and set my coat, hat and scarf on the back of the couch and walked through the apartment. It was basically exactly how I imagined a billionaire's apartment to be. It was a loft, with high ceilings and tall windows that looked out across all of Boston. I could see the skyline lit against dark clouds and twinkling with a thousand different lights.

  I wandered around, peaking in his refrigerator, examining his things. Snooping. But there wasn’t much to snoop. I had the distinct impression that he spent most of his time back at his office and very little of it here.

  My socks slipped quietly on the beautiful wooden floors as I wandered, looking at James' simple, yet elegant decorations. Everything was utilitarian. It was obvious he didn't spend much time here, and I could understand that given his business. There was a white couch in front of a fireplace and a television hanging on the wall. The kitchen was full of all-new appliances, granite counter tops, and an assortment of fancy wines.

  I explored further. Really, all I was doing was making sure he didn't have some kinky dungeon room, like I had recently read about. Still, I thought, I'd have to baby proof this place at some point. I giggled at the thought, telling myself that I would make sure not to say such things around James. My stomach did a flip flop, unsure if it was excited, turned on, or nervous about telling James about a baby.

  A side room contained two guitars, a bass guitar, and a drum set, along with a full set of microphones. Two huge amps were set up in the two far corners, and a rack of folding chairs was in the corner. That was interesting, I thought. I couldn't recall James mentioning music, not since that one day before our parents were even married, but he had been gone a lot while I was in high school. Maybe there were some things I didn't know about James.

  Next, there was a weight room with a treadmill, a bench, and plenty of dumbbells. All top of the line stuff. I thought about his abs and pecs, how fit they had felt under my fingertips, and realized he must do a daily workout in here at the minimum to maintain his perfect form.

  In the bedroom, there was a huge bed, with messy white sheets thrown everywhere. It was the only place that looked particularly live
d in. A couple of dressers stood like silent, white sentinels against the wall. Only the bed was messy. Everything else was immaculately clean.

  The bathroom was my favorite part of his place. A giant bathtub took up the corner and wonderfully naughty thoughts of using it with James filled my head. But it was the shower, with dual shower heads and more space than my entire bathroom at home, that caught my attention. I thought of when I had walked in on him in his bedroom the other day. The water dripping down his muscled chest, running off his cock. He hadn't even bothered to cover himself. I was suddenly very hot and bothered.

  After I had examined everything that I could, I sprawled on the couch, staring at the sky through the tall windows until it turned entirely dark and night fell. I figured I was too nervous to nap, though I needed one. I thought about getting naked for him, though I didn't think I could handle the embarrassment if he rejected me now. The image of him laughing at me made me go cold. I needed him to look at me like he had today. I craved it. I kept lifting my sweater up just a little bit, feeling my tummy, though I knew I'd have to stop doing that.

  The idea that I could be pregnant with James' baby was glorious and terrifying. I loved, and was turned on by the idea of having his offspring growing within me. I touched my stomach, wondering if our child would have his eyes, ignoring the little voice inside my head telling me it was way more complicated than that. I didn't want to listen to that little voice tell me that James might not be so excited or how our parents would react.

  I fished around in my pocket for the slip of paper that he had handed back to me. The IOU that had brought me here. The words seemed to take on new meaning now.



  Merry Christmas!

  IOU one present

  The present that he had just given me was a present for both of us. I was sure I was pregnant, and that I was going to give him the greatest gift of all. A new family for a billionaire, and I couldn't think of anyone better to start it with him than the girl he lived with.

  At least that was what I kept telling myself.

  This was a mistake, I thought to myself. A mistake to let him talk me into coming here. He's going to have all the time he needs to talk himself into thinking this was a terrible idea, or will just never come home tonight, or...

  Then I heard him at the door.

  I stood up. The room had grown dark, and aside from a light in the entrance way and the orange light from the streetlamp out the windows, everything was shadows. I walked towards the door as it opened, nervously swallowing down my worries.

  James came in, kicked the door shut behind him, and started pulling off his coat as he walked towards me in long, purposeful strides. The violence of his entrance started me.

  “James, I-”

  He cut me off with his kiss, still as harsh as it had been in his office. Any thoughts that things were anything but perfect between us melted away as I parted my lips and returned his kiss. His hands immediately went for the bottom of my sweater. I lifted my arms up and let him pull it off, mostly because I was afraid he'd literally tear it off me if I didn't.

  When I was free of my sweater, I looked at his face. His eyes were fixed on my body, with an uncontrollable and insatiable hunger behind them. In another moment, one hand moved to my side, grasping me as the other hand undid my bra. With a practiced skill, he undid the clasps with a single motion, letting my breasts fall free. His pupils dilated.

  In a moment, our lips met again, his mouth hungry for mine. My fingers went to the buttons of his shirt but, just as he had done in the office, he tore the shirt off of himself. He's going to have to buy more shirts if he keeps that up, I thought. It was sexy as hell.

  Almost immediately, his ruined shirt was on the floor. He didn't break the kiss as he loosened his belt, sliding quickly out of his pants and boxers. I found the button to my own pants, wishing that they weren't so tight on my body as I tried to squeeze my way out of them. Somehow they managed to come off faster than I could ever remember them coming off, and I found myself naked in front of him.

  His hands went to my ass, and I jumped up into his arms. As I wrapped my legs around his body, I felt him support my weight completely, those strong arms keeping me snugly against him. I flattened my body against his, drinking in his kisses and begging for more. I could feel his cock questing toward my pussy, and I thought he might take me right there, but then he began walking. I didn't know where we were going, but I didn't care. With his dick so close to my entrance, it was hard to think about anything else.

  Eventually, he came to a stop. As he leaned forward, the soft sheets of his bed enveloped me. They must have been those fancy three thousand count Egyptian fiber sheets for me to have noticed how soft they were, because all I really wanted to feel was James inside of me.

  He gave me one last sweet kiss, biting my lower lip and leaving it smarting before breaking contact with me. “I thought about this for the rest of the day, Allie.”

  I smiled up at him. I loved the way he said my name. “Really?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” he said. He walked over to his nightstand and opened a drawer. He pulled out a condom. “It was all I could think about during all of my meetings. You were a distraction.”

  My heart seemed to sink into my stomach as I looked at that condom. Even though I thought I was pregnant, knew I was, I didn't want that stupid piece of latex anywhere near me. I had to salvage the situation. I propped myself up on one elbow and smiled at him confidently. “I think it's a little late for that, don't you think?”

  He smiled over his shoulder at me like he couldn't believe his ears, then turned his body toward me. His cock was fully hard now, springing from his body. My mouth watered and my pussy quivered. “You think you can handle all of this, hard and unprotected?” That last bit was practically mocking me. Just like that, the old James was back.

  I bit my lip and nodded.

  He moved closer to me. “You haven't been able to get enough of this ever since you saw me after I got out of the shower, have you?”

  My lip still firmly between my teeth, I smiled and shook my head no. This was the man I remembered. This was the asshole that I grew up with, the one that I fantasized about every time I had been with another man.

  He moved to the edge of the bed, still standing proudly in front of me. “Then feast your eyes.”

  I sat up, then moved to laying on my stomach. “I'll do more than feast my eyes,” I said, as I opened my mouth and took him in.

  He gasped with the sudden pleasure as I wrapped my hand around him and started to stroke. I wasted no time, putting every sexual experience I had into practice. I watched his eyes dilate with pleasure as I stroked his thick shaft. He was velvet over steel in my fingers. Hard, yet so silky soft. I wanted to feel him inside of me again. I wanted him to slide in on the wetness I could feel leaking out of me this very moment. The ache to have him was so strong, I could barely breathe. I didn't know it was possible to want someone this badly. Especially when I had him in my hands and ready to go.

  Suddenly, he lifted me up my arms and threw me back on the bed. As soon as my back hit the soft mattress, he pulled me to the edge. My legs were up in the air and spread apart as he knelt on the floor next to the bed, burying his face in my pussy and tasting me without remorse.

  His tongue went to work, touching my clit like it had never been touched before. As my eyes shot open and my hands moved to his hair, I knew why all those girls had moaned so loudly during our high school years. He had a magic tongue. No, make that a magic tongue, teeth, and lips. The sounds I made moved from moans to some sort of squeak far more quickly than I could have imagined. Within moments, I could feel a desperate heat rising within me.

  “Don't stop,” I said begged.

  He groaned, sending little vibrations of ecstasy straight onto my clit, then settled into a rhythm that put my pleasure on overdrive. Without realizing I had done it, I found my fingers moving to grab my nipples, twisting
and playing with them as if I had no control over my body. With James touching me, I really did have no control. The wave of my orgasm moved higher and higher, and I squeezed my eyes shut when I thought I couldn't take any more.

  “Come for me,” he growled. Just like earlier, it was a command, not a request. James was in control.

  The sound of his voice drove me over the edge. My eyes shot open as the biggest orgasm of my life rolled through my body. I felt my legs tighten, my thighs closing in around James' head, but he didn't seem to care. He kept the same pressure and tempo up, sending me further and further toward madness. I was lost to light and pleasure as James kept making sure I came and came.

  As my wild bucking and thrashing calmed down, I felt my body open up for whatever came next. I was ready for more. So much more. “James,” I whispered.

  He stopped licking me and began tenderly kissing his way up my body. I was paralyzed as his hungry kisses touched my all over my skin. I had dreamed of this so many times. When he passed my breasts, he worked his way up the right side of my neck, then touched his lips to my ear. “You have no idea how long I've wanted to taste your cum. You're fucking delicious.”

  I moaned involuntarily. “Fuck me, James,” I gasped.

  “Gladly,” he said. “After I have another taste.” He was down between my legs in an instant, licking at my clit again. I managed a giggle before I became overwhelmed by pleasure again.

  I put my fingers in his hair and pulled, making eye contact with him. “Fuck me now, James.”

  One eyebrow raised and the corners of his mouth twitched up in a cocky smile. He was in control and we both knew it. He stood up, positioning himself at my entrance. I felt myself spread open as he began to push into me. I saw him begin to thrust very slightly, slowly pushing his way in.


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