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I Choose You: A Secret Billionaire Romance

Page 31

by Krista Lakes

  She turned back at me. Her eyes were still closed but she was smiling. “You have no idea how good that feels,” she said, then turned back to the toilet and threw up again. I sighed and held her hair with one hand while looking at my emails with the other hand. Two emails from James.

  We're leaving now. Sorry it took so long.

  I just dropped Nicole off, but I didn't trust myself to come in with her. Let me know that she made it in alright or I'll be knocking on your door at 5 am.

  Showing concern for the girl he just dropped off was a major plus in my book, even if it was Nicole. Even if he was a complete jerk, he was a good guy. Typing with one hand, I emailed him back.

  She's just fine. She did tell me what a big dick you have, though. Don't worry, she also told me she didn't get laid, despite throwing herself at you.

  Almost immediately after hitting send, my phone chirped at me.

  She's right on both counts. See you for breakfast, 8:30 am.

  I could just imagine his cocky look as he wrote that. It made me smile. He was so damn sure of himself.

  Suddenly, Nicole perked up. “I think I'm done,” she said, wiping her mouth with her hand. I got her some tissue to clean her face up, then helped her out of her dress. She pulled off her bra and panties without even thinking to check if it was cool with me. It was the first time that I saw her completely naked, and again I was jealous of her fuller breasts and fit body.

  It was a sight I was glad that James never got a chance to see.

  Chapter 21

  At 8:30 am on a Saturday morning, there was never anyone at the university's breakfast nook. I immediately picked James out as the only person there, even with the aviator sunglasses on his face.

  When he saw me, he smiled. “Good morning. I got you some breakfast.” He was wearing some nice khaki slacks with a button up shirt. On anyone else it would have looked formal, but it was the most casual I had seem him dressed since Christmas.

  I sat down and looked at the delicious-looking bagel sandwich and coffee in front of me. “Good morning to you. I'm shocked you're up this early. You should see the state Nicole is in.” I had left her with a bucket last night and had to empty it when I woke up this morning. At least she got it all in the bucket.

  He put on that panty-melting, cocky grin of his. “In my profession, a lot of business meetings take place over cocktails. A lot of business meetings also take place over breakfast. You learn to get over hangovers fast.”

  I laughed. “I guess I got a lot to learn. Between you and Nicole, I guess you drank the bottle of vodka and two bottles of champagne.”

  He chuckled. “No way. I mean I think Nicole drank almost half that bottle of vodka, but I had a lot less.”

  “Weren't those bottles kind of expensive? Did you bring them home?” I asked.

  He pulled the sunglasses down to look me in the eye. “You're joking, right? Even though I paid a thousand dollars for it, it was still a forty dollar bottle of vodka. Besides,” he said, leaning back. “I'm Mr. Millionaire, remember?”

  I giggled at the memory. “Nicole said she had a good time with you. She told me that she didn't see your dick, but she estimated that it was about sixteen inches long.” I made the same “this big” gesture that Nicole had.

  He laughed. “Maybe I did stuff one of those bottles down my pants to sneak it out.” He looked at me seriously. “I did turn her down, though.”

  I grinned. “Bet that was hard.”

  He shrugged. “I don't think I'm telling you anything you don't already know, but I've fucked hotter.” He pulled his sunglasses down again, looking at me with a cocky grin.

  I knew that he was both talking about me and talking about girls other than me. I didn't really care. It still made me feel wanted. I was wearing just a jacket and jeans, but I felt like I was wearing my sexy outfit from last night. “Have you ever had to turn down hotter girls, though?”

  He made a hissing sound. “That's a hard one. And Nicole did know every trick in the book, you were right. A week ago I would have slammed her right in that club, but...”

  “But what?”

  “But I met someone better a few days ago,” he said. I felt a warm glow spread through my body as he continued. “Or rather, I got to know someone better that I knew for a long time. I was telling the truth last night, Allie. I didn't come here to pick up tail at a club. I didn't come out here to go to a club at all.”

  I suddenly remembered that I had insisted that we go out when I was still mad. “Oops. Sorry your night turned into a disaster.”

  He kept his hard expression on for a few moments longer. “Well, I guess it's payback for the hell I put you through for the last few days.”

  My jaw dropped a little. “Who says you put me through hell?”

  “Nicole did, of course. For a little while there, she wouldn't shut up about how much of a Debbie Downer you had been over the last few days. She even blamed me for you leaving the club early at one point, saying that it was supposed to be a girl's night.” He smiled that confident grin again. My panties were in definite danger of melting if he kept doing that. “Then she grabbed at my sixteen inch dick and told me she knew a way I could make it up to her.”

  I rolled my eyes one last time. “So how bad did shee give you blue balls?” I asked.

  “I humped the bed all night. When I woke up, there was a hole drilled in the bed, sixteen inches deep,” he said. Then he mirrored the gesture I had shown him earlier, mouthing “this big”.

  “Stop it!” I said, laughing. When I was done laughing, I looked over at him as he watched me eat my breakfast. He just sat across from me, smiling. Normally I might have called this an awkward silence, but I felt perfectly comfortable with him looking at me.

  A few moments later, his phone started ringing. He looked at the screen, then said, “I have to take this, sorry.”

  I made a “go ahead” gesture, my mouth full of bagel sandwich. He turned on his phone and walked away. From the tone of his voice, I could tell he was all business.

  As I watched him pace the outside of the breakfast nook, my fingers crept involuntarily toward my belly. I knew he was strong, knew he was rich, and knew he was caring. However, this was one area where I knew he would be lacking. His children would always play second fiddle to his business. He would probably never admit it, but if it came down to an important meeting or his son's baseball game, a seminar or his daughter's recital, business was going to win every time.

  I smiled and closed my eyes as I pressed deeper into my skin. Of course, that just meant that I'd have to be an even more dedicated mother, which was no problem for me.

  He came up behind me while I had my eyes closed. “Done with breakfast?”

  I gasped as my eyes shot open. “Yes.”

  “I'd love to talk to you here, but the matter that we'll be discussing is a little sensitive. I'd prefer to discuss it in private.”

  I giggled. “I assume you mean in your hotel room.”

  “I see we're on the same page.”

  I shifted in my seat a little bit, his deep voice already getting me going. “I could show you some of the sights first, show you some of my favorite spots.”

  He sighed and backed up. He crossed back over to his side of the table and picked up his coffee. “I'm afraid that's not possible. I have a social engagement this evening in Los Angeles. My plane leaves at 2 o'clock.”

  “Do you need a date?” I asked with a laugh.

  He pulled his sunglasses down and gave me a glare. “I don't think that it would be wise to have my stepsister on my arm for this. Besides, I already have a date.” I felt my stomach sink. “Relax, she's older than Mom. She's the mother of one of my business contacts in Silicon Valley.”

  I laughed. “I don't know, maybe having a cougar is one of your fantasies.”

  He held out his hand. “Maybe one day I'll tell you my fantasies.” I felt a shiver run through my body as I grabbed his hand and let him help me to my feet. “But for re
al, they're from a real blue collar family and this will make her night. Besides, I made this date weeks ago, and it would be rude to break it now.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Just like it would have been rude to leave Nicole hanging when she wanted to dance, right?”

  “See, now you're getting it!”

  Chapter 22

  The taxi ride over was spent with him on his phone, tapping away furiously. I felt somewhat ignored, but then again, maybe he didn't want the taxi driver to realize anything was going on between us. Not that it would have mattered to the taxi driver.

  We got to his hotel, a beautiful older high rise right in Manhattan. I knew that it probably cost him a fortune to stay here, but that he could afford it. The doorman let us in without a word, and we went straight to the elevator. James was staying in one of the top floors in the building. As the elevator climbed, he pressed his hand into mine. I could practically feel his heart beating faster as we got closer and closer to his room.

  When we got to his floor, he pulled me down the hall. At his door, he opened it quickly and pushed me inside. Before I even got a look at the room, he closed the door and pressed me up against it, lifting my chin and kissing me deeply. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't what I had been expecting.

  “James!” I cried out as I broke the kiss. “Didn't you want to talk?”

  His kisses went to my neck, immediately making me weak in the knees. Before I could push him off again, he raised his lips to my ear. “I have thought about nothing but your body for the past three days. Last night was torture for me. I won't be able to think until I have release.”

  His deep voice resonated all the way to my core. I thought about his release, and it was all I could do to make an “mmm hmm” sound as I kissed him back. He practically growled as he unzipped my jacket, pulling it down off my arms. As soon as my arms were free, I went for his slacks, unbuttoning them and pulling them down. They were already caught on his cock, hard and practically throbbing in his underwear.

  My t-shirt was gone in an instant, and in one deft movement, he had my bra off and on the floor. He moved in, kissing down my neck to my tits. I moaned softly as he tongued one nipple and then the other, moving back and forth. As he kept moving down, I felt a little weak in the knees as he kissed my belly. In a moment, he was sliding my jeans down off my ass, kissing me on top of my panties.

  I stepped out of my pants and he kissed his way back up, unbuttoning his own shirt as he went. The last button seemed to be giving him some trouble, and in frustration he tore his shirt open. I heard the single button skitter across the floor.

  “Aren't those kind of expensive?” I asked breathlessly. The rate he went through shirts would make Clark Kent jealous.

  “It's just one button, I'll get it sewn back on,” he said as he pulled the shirt the rest of the way off. He had nothing but his boxers on, and I had nothing but my panties on. I reached in through the front entrance to his underwear and grabbed his cock. It was harder than I had ever felt before, straining against the fabric.

  I pulled it out as we kissed, jerking it off a little bit as I did so. He thrust at me, rubbing the head of his cock against my panties. I wanted him inside me so badly. I looked down at it rubbing against me. He was pressing against my opening through my panties, and a perfect camel-toe was being formed. I could see a damp spot where either he or I was already starting to leak fluids.

  I sank to my knees and took him inside of my mouth without a single thought. He began to work his hips, thrusting that huge cock deeper down my throat. I relaxed, letting him use my mouth, use my body. I looked up at him, hoping he'd be looking down at me. Even better, he had his arm braced against the wall, his eyes closed and his face a picture of pure ecstasy. I kept sucking even harder.

  Suddenly, his fingers were in my hair. He pulled me to my feet. There was pain, but also pleasure, and for a moment I could see what Nicole found so alluring about it. He brought me in for another kiss, his cock pressing into my panties at the same place. His fingers ran along the inside of my panties, and for a moment I thought he was going to start fingering me. I wanted it. However, in a moment I felt him break the kiss and pull with his fingers, tearing a hole in my panties and ruining them.

  His loss of control was scary but, at the same time, exciting. I wanted him to lose all his control sexually and give me everything he had. I just dove right back in for another kiss. When he lifted my leg in his hand, I didn't try to fight it at all. His wet cock pressed against my pussy, searching for a way in. Every fiber in my body ached for him to fill me. I couldn't breath I needed it so badly. I angled my body to give it the least resistance, and practically screamed as he slid all the way into me.

  My shocked squeak didn't slow him down at all. Immediately, he began to piston within me, spreading me open further and further. I wrapped one hand around the back of his neck and the other went to his shoulder for balance. He pounded into me without stopping.

  I felt the leg that I was balancing on begin to shake. I moved to put my other foot back on the floor, but instead he just put his hands on my ass and lifted me up, pressing me into the wall. I had both my hands behind his neck now, letting him drive me into the wall with all his strength. I threw my head back and began to moan as loud as I could. I needed some way to release the tension building inside of me. I wondered if anyone in the hall could hear me and what they would think if they knew what was going on.

  He moved my feet back to the floor and pulled out of me. I teetered on my feet, but without a moment of hesitation, he grabbed my arm and whirled me around. His strong hands then lifted mine up above my head and pressed them against the door. I was pinned and at his mercy. He then moved his hands to what was left of my panties. He pulled them down so that they were around my knees, but left them there.

  I could feel him spreading my ass cheeks as he pressed me into the door. I whimpered into the door, needing to be filled again. My face, tits, belly were against the wall as his cock slid deep into my pussy. I immediately went up on my tiptoes to take more of him inside of me, and he pushed all the way in. His long, thick cock curved in a way that I knew only his could, hitting just the right spot over and over.

  His hands went to my hips, moving me back and forth as he stayed still. “Dance for me,” he growled. I began to move my hips in time with him, dancing to some unheard rhythm. One hand stayed on my hip, but the other strayed up my body. I felt him touch my sides, pressing into my skin. His fingertips were calloused against my soft skin and it made me shiver with want. He brought his fingers to the underside of my breast, then kept moving.

  Suddenly, his fingers were in my hair. He scrunched them up, and my hips stopped moving as I froze. His thrusts seemed to grow even more frantic. “Every time that slut had me pull her hair last night, I was fantasizing about doing this to you,” he said through clenched teeth.

  His cock grew even larger as he pulled even harder. I loved the thought of him wanting me out on the dance floor. Craving me like I craved him. The pain accentuated the pleasure, and I found my cheeks start to glow red. I was moaning loud enough that my voice was starting to get hoarse, and I felt my eyes roll back into my head.

  “Come for me, Allie,” I heard him say. It was a demand.

  I squeezed my eyes shut and began to babble incoherently as my own fantasy came true. Every muscle in my body went tight as my orgasm began to wash over my body. It was even better than the one I had in the shower. My legs spasmed and knew that they wouldn't hold out for much longer. I needed him. Now. “Come in me,” I begged. “Come in me, quick!”

  James' hand left my hair and moved back to my hip. He began thrusting deep and fast, using my body for his maximum pleasure. His cock grew even more, almost to the point of pain as a growl came from him. A rush of liquid hit my body, hot and fast, as his first spurt entered my body. I cried out “Yes!” as I felt more and more of him spill out into me.

  My knees went wobbly, partly from my pleasure and partly from exertion. I ar
ched my back, milking his cock and giving him all I had. My legs quivering, I grabbed onto the doorknob for support as I moved some weight from my legs. “Don't you dare stop,” I moaned.

  He grunted and kept pumping into me. I could already feel his seed completely coating me, filling every nook and cranny. My ears were ringing, but I could still hear the wet sound of him pushing into me and pulling fluid out, which was now already beginning to drip down my leg. I knew he was done with his orgasm, but I kept bucking my hips, still feeling his hard cock fill my body.

  Our tempo slowed, but he didn't pull out. We just rested there, braced against the door and breathing hard. I squeezed my pussy down on him and felt a little more liquid flow out, causing me a little aftershock of an orgasm.

  Finally, his cock slid out of me, bringing what felt like several gallons of liquid with it. He staggered back into the hotel room, taking a seat in the first chair he could find and throwing himself into it, breathing hard. I turned around and smiled at him. My own legs were quite wobbly, so I just made it over to his chair before collapsing into his lap. I felt his cock twitch once underneath me as his arms wrapped around my body. We sat like this for a few minutes, not looking at each other, but relaxed against each other.

  Finally, he said, “Well, I'm ready to talk if you are.”

  Chapter 23

  “What do you want to talk about?” I asked coyly. I put my nose against his throat. He smelled so amazingly good. Masculine, yet clean and sexy as hell. I could smell him forever and never get tired of the scent.

  He shook his head. “Well, for one, no other woman has ever had that effect on me.”

  I blushed. Even here, cradled in his arms and naked, he could somehow make me feel even more beautiful. One of his hands remained behind my back to support me while, with the other, he began to run his fingertips up and down my skin. It sent shivers and smiles through my entire body.


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