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I Choose You: A Secret Billionaire Romance

Page 39

by Krista Lakes

  James knelt beside me, tenting his pajama pants like a circus tent. I loved looking up and knowing that he wanted me as much as I wanted him. He dropped his pants, kicking them to the side so he was naked in all his masculine glory. He was impressive and sexy as hell. If my panties hadn't already been soaked through with desire, just seeing him like that above me would have done it. There wasn't a straight woman in the world who wouldn't have responded the same.

  He moved to my feet, gazing up at me with dark, lust-filled eyes. I bit my lip and he grinned his trademarked cocky half-grin. Leaning forward, he kissed the tops of my feet and began working his way up, alternating legs as he kissed. I arched my back, loving the sensation yet fighting to remain still enough for him to continue up my to my knees, up to my thighs...

  My legs opened instinctively as he reached my hips. He kissed me through the fabric of my panties, smiling at what he found there. With his eyes glued to mine, he hooked his fingers around the sides of the scrap of fabric covering me and pulled. I lifted my hips and suddenly my panties were gone.

  He kissed my belly, laving his tongue against my bellybutton. Butterflies danced through me. Did he know? No, that was silly. I was barely even sure. Still, his lips so close to the life we created sent electricity shooting through every nerve with delight.

  His mouth continued his kisses up to my breasts, where he pushed the fabric down and latched onto one with his mouth. Teeth and tongue pulled and played with the pink flesh, teasing it into hardness as his hand searched south. His fingers spread the V at the top of my legs and I started to tremble. Nimble fingers began to strum me like a guitar.

  His calloused fingers felt amazing against the swollen and sensitive flesh. The beginnings of a climax crawled up my spine, heavy throb by heavy throb of pleasure, as white hot flames of ecstasy started to ripple across my skin. His every touch released a molten heat that could only be quenched by him.

  I barely noticed as he moved his body over mine, my mind so lost to the pleasure building to explosion. He placed the smooth head of his cock right at my entrance and pushed. His cock inside of me, strong and hard as steel but smooth as velvet drove me over the edge. My world dissolved into tiny pieces of light that flickered and shimmered in my mind as he slowly eased into my body against the contractions of my orgasm.

  “Allie,” he whispered reverently. I clung to him, fingers digging into the tight muscles of his back. Any harder and I would draw blood, but I didn't care. I wanted every inch of him as deep inside of me as I could possibly manage.

  He took me rough and hard as my body relaxed. He plowed into me, using my body for his pleasure. I loved it, and let him use me to his heart's content. For every stroke of pleasure I gave, I got one in return. Knowing that I was driving him crazy was more than enough to start me on a second climb to orgasm.

  Hard and fast, his hips bucked and slammed into my body. I cried out his name, my voice harsh in my own ears with guttural pleasure. My breath came hard and fast. Without warning, he pinned me to him and rolled, putting me on top.

  I grinned down at him, loving the way his eyes roved over my body and his pupils dilated at the sight. His hands went to my bra and deftly unfastened it before tossing it to the side. I vaguely heard it thunk against the guitar, but my mind was far from music.

  His fingers kneaded into my flesh, grabbing and desperate for more. He pinched at the nipples, making them hard and sending tiny lightning bolts of pleasure shooting down my spine. I concentrated on using my leg muscles to bounce and ride him like a wild stallion.

  I knew my dark hair was going wild as he bucked beneath me, thrusting upward and making me cry out with every stroke of pleasure. His eyes rolled back in his head and he relaxed back on the floor for a moment as he just enjoyed the sensation of my body pleasuring his. I loved being in control. My billionaire stepbrother was currently at my mercy.

  “Allie...” A whisper of warning, of need about to be fulfilled.

  “Yes,” I gasped, feeling him starting to swell. “Please...”

  I redoubled my efforts and increased my speed. Every muscle I possessed tightened and clenched, urging him to come inside of me. His thrusts became irregular and more urgent as his hands tightened on my hips in a desperate attempt to control me and give him release.

  His cock grew within me, almost to the point of pain. I was so close myself, that I just needed a little bit more and I would crash with him. Suddenly, he reached up to my neck and pulled me down closer to him. Black spots started to fill my vision as James roared out my name. My own voice cried out as I followed him into the abyss of pleasure we had created.

  My pussy clenched down as I matched him, thrust for thrust. As I felt his seed shoot into me, I practically screamed. I felt my face flush as he continued to pump within me, shooting his load all over my womb. I writhed on top of him, my body frantically trying to suck every cell he had to give me deeper and deeper. Even though I knew in my heart that I was already pregnant, my body ached to create as much life as he could give me.

  Slowly, I collapsed down, shaky and spent from the wild ride. James' chest heaved with effort and his muscles shone with sweat. I loved that I had done that to him. I had brought him to ecstasy. We laid like that for a while, breathing hard and writhing against each other a little bit. After a few minutes, I lifted my head and looked in his eyes.

  “Wow,” I said.

  “Yeah,” he said.

  We had already said it all. Nothing else needed to be said.

  Chapter 39

  I washed up in the bathroom. As I felt his warmness seep through my entire body, I realized with a smile that even if I wasn't pregnant already, I would be soon enough if we kept at it. My hand went to my belly and I felt a tingle run through me, realizing that I definitely wanted it.

  I took my time, and James was waiting for me when I came out. He was still naked, which was just fine by me.

  “Do you need to use it?” I asked.

  “I used the other bathroom,” he said. “Did you eat breakfast with Anne? I'm starving.”

  I shook my head. “We just had tea. Did you want to go out and get something?”

  He shrugged. “I can just order something and have it brought up here.”

  “Room service? But you live in an apartment building,” I said.

  He rolled his eyes. “Allie, I don't know if you knew this, but I'm really rich. This is a nice apartment building for rich people. We have what is called a 'concierge' which will take care of all of it for us.”

  I crossed my arms over my breasts. “Hey, jerk face, I'm not brand new to the lifestyle. Your step-dad was pretty well off before you ever were.”

  His mood seemed to darken a little. “I know. I also know that one thing we've got to talk about is how we're going to broach this topic to him eventually. I mean, whether you think of me as a brother or not-”

  “I don't,” I interjected quickly.

  He smiled. “I sure hope not. Regardless, I do think of your father as if he's my father. And I'm the son he never had. If he finds out about us in the wrong way...” He trailed off.

  “Look, we don't have to talk about this right now,” I said.

  “No, we don't. The thought of disappointing your father is upsetting enough to make my stomach sink, and I know I've got to get some food in me if I want to keep this weekend going smoothly.” He smiled. “What do you want? I'll call and order.”

  We went back and forth on what to get for a while, finally settling on a Thai pizza from a pizzeria nearby. I had never had it but James insisted it was delicious. He opened up his laptop on the kitchen table and looked over it “I've got a couple emails and stuff that I need to take care of, do you want to just hang out out here?”

  I gave him a naughty look. “Actually, I'll just get in that bed of yours again, if you don't mind.”

  “I certainly don't mind at all. Don't get started without me,” he said with a wink. I giggled and started down the hall to his bedroom. “Hey, you

  I turned back to him.

  “You know, I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you walk away,” he said, his eyes moving back down to my ass. I laughed and kept walking, this time put a little extra sway in my hips just for him. It made me happy to be seen as so sexy by James.

  I grabbed my phone and crawled under the 3000 count sheets on his bed. I quickly checked myFace for anything new. Nicole posted some pictures of her at a house party last night. Anne had some pictures up of last night's concert. Tessa hardly ever updated her status unless it was something important, but I wished that there was something that would explain her behavior on the phone earlier.

  I pushed the thought out of my mind and went to my emails. An email from my dad asking how I was doing, since we hadn't talked since Christmas. He asked about the shopping trip that I took a couple weeks ago and I laughed, knowing that he wasn't really mad about it and that I had nothing to worry about. Still, I'd have to write him back some time soon.

  Other than that, it was just junk. Without thinking, I went back to the picture I had taken on my phone earlier of the pregnancy test. Was it a line or wasn't it? I knew I wouldn't be happy until I took another test. I'd never be sure about this one. A few moments later, James walked in, and I quickly shut off my phone's screen and put it on the night stand. He was still naked, but now he was holding a pizza box.

  “I got a pizza here for 'Al'?” he said, his voice sounding like he was reading the name off the pizza box.

  I pulled the sheet up as I sat up in the bed. “Yes, I'm Al. You're awful cute for a pizza delivery man,” I said.

  “And you're awful cute for an 'Al'. The pizza comes to twenty-one dollars. Plus tip, of course.”

  “Oh my, twenty-one dollars? I'm not sure I have that much. I don't suppose you and I could come to some sort of... arrangement?” I asked, sounding as seductive as I could. I bit my lip and fluttered my eyelashes.

  “Ma'am, this is a sausage lovers pizza with extra meat. You sure you don't have that twenty-one dollars?” James asked, setting the pizza down on the dresser and advancing toward the bed.

  I let the sheet fall. James grinned as he continued toward me on the bed. He put his knee up on the edge and pulled the sheet off of my naked body, his eyes devouring me. I had never understood the appeal of the pizza-man porno until right now.

  “I'm sure you can find a way to pay off this pizza,” he said, his voice low and seductive as he looked me over. “I'll have you know, I'm the best pizza delivery man around.”

  “With a uniform like that, I have no doubt,” I replied, enjoying the view of his naked body myself. He was already getting hard again. I loved his stamina. “I do like sausage. Perhaps you could lay on the bed for me?”

  James grinned, obviously very pleased with himself. “Suddenly, I'm not quite so hungry. Besides, pizza is better served cold.”

  With that, he jumped onto the middle of the big, soft bed and took up as much space as possible. I rolled my eyes at him, and moved down between his legs. Kneeling directly in front of his growing erection, he knew what I was about to do and his grin widened. Luckily, James was into a little manscaping, which meant I didn't have to worry about any hair in my way.

  I leaned forward and kissed the very tip of his now very long cock. I was about to make it even longer and thicker. He made a small happy noise in the back of his throat at the gentle touch. I was going to do far more than just a gentle kiss though.

  I got into a comfortable position and licked from the base of his balls up to the tip of his cock. I then blew air on the now wet line running up his entire length. I knew the warm and cold sensation would flood his senses and get him primed for more.

  He groaned softly, obviously enjoying it as he rose up on his elbows to get a better view. I let him stay there for a moment as I looked up at him through my eyelashes and repeated the lick and blow. He was smooth and rock hard against the slippery glide of my tongue.

  I caressed the smooth head of his erection, paying careful attention to every centimeter of skin with my tongue. I wanted to know everything there is to know about his beautiful member. I wanted to be able to worship it in my dreams like it deserved.

  I gently cupped his balls in my hand, loving the delicate weight and the trust he is giving me. Using only my tongue, I tipped my head and licked carefully along the the thin line separating his two balls and then continued up to the tip of his cock. A small bead of pre-cum glistened like a jewel, waiting for me to taste him.

  “Delicious,” I whisper, letting my tongue lap up his essence.

  James reached his hand forward, wanting to put his fingers into my hair to control and guide me to his pleasure. I pulled back, shaking my head in a slow no motion. He reached again, but I pulled further back.

  He let his hand drop and gave me the saddest, most convincing puppy-dog eyes I had ever seen. They almost worked, but I wanted to be in control of this. James was always in control, and while I loved it- craved it even- right now, I wanted to be the master of his pleasure. I waited, my own smug grin on my face until he sighed and relaxed back.

  “Good boy,” I murmured, giving him a small lick as a reward.

  “It's a damn good thing I like what you're doing,” he growled. “I don't like people telling me what to do.”

  “It's okay, pizza boy. One day, you'll move up in the world and then you can tell everyone what to do.” I grinned at him. He lifted his head just enough to let me see his eye roll before lowering himself back down.

  I loved this view. He was spread out before me, all mine for the taking. He was so perfectly proportioned and built like an athlete. He was all muscles and sinew, hard and strong. Just looking at him and all his glory was making me wet. I gave very serious thought to sliding a hand down to my own pleasure center, but decided not to. This was about paying the pizza man for his delivery.

  I wrapped my fingers around his hot, silky shaft and then put my mouth just above the head of his cock. James' muscles tensed for the sweet arrival of pleasure. Slowly, knowing it would be beautiful torture for him, I lowered my mouth and unhurriedly began sucking. I pressed my tongue against the super sensitive head and then circled the tip before switching to a broad figure eight stroke.

  “Fuck, Allie...” James groaned. He gripped the headboard, his knuckles going white. I was doing a good job, but I wasn't done yet.

  I sucked harder, varying the pressure to his responses and swirling my tongue up against him. I loved the small noises of pleasure that he didn't even realize he was making. His hips rocked upward in a primal need for more and the muscles of his legs were drawn and tight.

  His balls still in my hand were creeping closer to his body, preparing to release the unrelenting desire I was growing with my tongue. He wasn't at orgasm yet, but it wouldn't be long before I got him there.

  I applied my signature move, pressing the entire length of my tongue against him and using my mouth to suction. James responded with a low groan of lust that made my own knees knock and want him. His hips thrust up into the air and he clawed at the sheet with his fingers in a desperate attempt to keep them away from my hair.

  I very seriously considered moving my body up and sliding down on his wet length. My pussy contracted at just the thought of having him so hard and wet, sliding up and down and filling me completely. But that wasn't what I was trying to do. While that would certainly please a pizza guy, I wanted to wow James.

  “Fuck my mouth,” I whispered as I released him for just a moment. He froze, his hips in mid thrust, and looked down at me. His pupils dilated and his breathing intensified.

  I didn't have to ask twice.

  The next moment, his hand was tangled in my dark hair and guiding my mouth to exactly where it felt good for him. I wrapped my palm around his shaft, giving me a buffer to his thrusts and allowing me to focus my attention to the most sensitive spots of his cock. I ran my tongue along the edge of his head as he forced my mouth down, but the groan of pleasure told me i
t was fantastic for him.

  His hips flexed and strained as he pushed to fill my mouth with his cock. I could count his ab muscles as the flexed and writhed for just a few more inches of wet heat. I was definitely struggling to take him and not gag, but it was hot as hell.

  He was using my body, but I was still in control. I had his balls in my hand and his cock in my mouth. One wrong move from me would end it all, but still he continued to thrust like there was no danger. My own pussy was contracting with his every thrust, wanting to be filled and fertilized.

  “Allie... I'm going to come...” he whispered. It came out so low and rough I nearly came myself.

  I pushed my mouth onto him, sucking and pulling him into me with everything I had. I felt his balls contract, and his hands tightened reflexively in my hair.

  Salty, slippery liquid shot into my mouth and I swallowed automatically. I wanted to take him into myself anyway possible. His cum was a drug to me and I'd take it any way I could get it. I loved it when he came in my pussy, but this was the next best thing.

  I continued to suck on him, even as he emptied the entire contents of his balls into me. Every muscle in his legs and abdomen was tight. He shook with effort and orgasm.

  “That feels amazing...” he gasped, barely aware that he was speaking at all. I knew men were extra sensitive after an orgasm, so I was gentle yet steady. Just because he had come didn't mean he didn't deserve a little extra pleasure.

  I continued for a few more minutes, relishing the complete submission of his body. Finally, I pulled back and looked up at him. He was completely dead to the world and lost to his own pleasure. I smiled proudly.

  I had definitely earned some pizza.

  I stood up and went to the dresser where the pizza was. The box was still warm and I brought it over to the bed and took out a slice. I sat next to James, stuffing my face full of cheesy goodness. Thankfully, it was not a sausage pizza as we had joked about. It was much, much better, even if it covered the taste of him.


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