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The Dare

Page 4

by Kendall Ryan

  Days of the week? Damn, picturing her in her panties was doing nothing to tame my overactive libido.

  “Well forget that! I’m doing this.” Alexa straightened her shoulders, which pushed her tits out. That little tank top she was wearing left very little to the imagination. And fuck it to hell, her nipples were hard. That protective surge I’d felt earlier was back, nagging at me more insistently. I would not stand back and let just anyone touch that pretty little pussy of hers. I’d kick Tyson’s ass to keep him away from her if I had to. Which wouldn’t be difficult, considering I was ready to knock his teeth in if he looked at her like that again.

  “Lex?” Tyson asked, his voice soft and pleading.

  Alexa’s eyes were back on mine, drinking me in. She just sat there blinking up at me, waiting expectantly. Oh fuck, I was going to hell.

  “I can’t fuck you, sweetheart,” I murmured, instantly both proud and disappointed in myself at once. “You’ve had too much to drink and losing your virginity is something you should remember.”

  Her mouth dropped open in surprise and her swift intake of breath at my words made the hair on the back of my neck stand. “Do you have a pen?” I motioned to MacKenzie’s giant purse sitting on the table. She jumped into action, rooting around inside and seconds later, thrust a pen toward me. I reached across the table and turned over Alexa’s arm, brushing the soft flesh with my thumb. Her skin was as soft as I’d imagined, and the sensation stopped me in my tracks for a second. “If you still want to tomorrow, and I doubt you will, meet me here.”

  I scribbled the address along her inner arm, tossed some bills on the table and left.

  And instead of the pills making my cock throb, it was now all because of a pretty nurse who had looked at me like I could change her world.

  I was in so much fucking trouble.


  * * *


  “Alexa.” My mother’s disapproving tone demanded my attention. She tapped a red lacquered nail against the table and pulled me from my hungover thoughts. “You look an absolute mess. I hope your night out with your so-called friends was worth it.”

  I straightened the sundress around my knees, and shifted in my seat. Though my memories of the night before were somewhat foggy, a slow smile spread across my lips. Last night was everything a twenty-first birthday was supposed to be. Too much alcohol? Check. Bad decisions? Oh yeah. Embarrassing things I’d never do or say when I was sober? Ding, ding, ding. And this morning, I’d had the hangover from hell to prove it and absolutely no regrets.

  She dug through her purse and with an overzealous huff, she offered me a compact. “You need some concealer.”

  The only thing my mother criticized more than my poor manners were my looks and though applying makeup in public would have typically earned me an exasperated sigh, apparently my appearance was dreadful enough that immediate intervention was warranted. That and I guess being tucked back in the tall booth of a dim restaurant wasn’t exactly public.

  I took her compact and flipped it open, inspecting my appearance. There were dark circles under my eyes, and my hair hung limply around my face since I hadn’t had time this morning to dry it. I looked like a girl who’d had a damn good night out on the town. Quickly, I twisted my hair into a low, loose bun and secured it with a few pins dug from the bottom of my purse. Then I swiped some of the concealer under my eyes until I was satisfied it was the best I could do.

  “That’s better,” my mother said, holding out her hand to retrieve the compact.

  We were waiting for my father to arrive, and so far he was an entire seven minutes late. I was sure he’d get an earful about it later from Mom because not only did she have no tolerance for bad appearances, she also did not tolerate lateness. While waiting and to avoid having the what are you doing with your life conversation with Mom, I scanned the menu. My mother had chosen the restaurant—a high-end steakhouse. I was never much of a meat eater, but she and my dad were on a high-protein diet. I scanned the menu for something that didn’t make me want to hurl. I decided on a Caesar salad with grilled shrimp.

  My father arrived, slipping into the booth beside my mother and offering her a chaste peck on the cheek in apology. “Sorry I’m late. Business meeting ran over.” He reached across the table and gave my hand a squeeze.

  I nodded with a smile. “It’s okay, Daddy.”

  I knew my dad had a stressful job. He was a partner at an accounting firm and worked hard to give me and my mother everything and then some. I couldn’t be mad at him for being a few minutes late to a lunch I didn’t want to be at either.

  My stomach was still queasy from last night, and I nibbled on bread and sipped my water while my parents discussed the upgrades they had planned to our vacation home in Aspen. My mind wandered to last night’s events. Oh, all right, directly back to Cade. This morning while I’d stood under the steaming hot spray of the shower, scrubbing his address from my forearm, I couldn’t help but remember his sexy, challenging smile and those eyes that demanded my attention.

  Heat swam over my cheeks as I remembered the conversation about my virginity. Seriously, who in the hell arranges a meeting to lose their virginity with a complete stranger who also happens to be a porn star? It wasn’t like I was actually going to go through with it. God, was that insane or what? I really needed to keep MacKenzie on a tighter leash because this was all her doing.

  And Tyson offering to be my first? Um, no thanks. Not only was there zero attraction there, it would also be like having sex with my brother. Gross.

  But it was the look on Cade’s face at hearing Ty wanting to step up to the plate and be my first that I kept seeing in my hazy memories. It was a look of pure hunger, and when his eyes flashed to mine they were filled with something else… Was it longing? No. Nope. No way. I couldn’t think about the possibility of seeing desire in Cade’s expression because that that had me shuddering for an entirely different reason.

  But what was etched most deeply into my memory was the smug look on his face, the certainty that I wouldn’t have the guts to show up today.

  That, coupled with my mother’s disapproving glances and not-so-subtle hints about setting me up with Peter Wyndham III were enough to convince me to do exactly what he assumed I wouldn’t. And even though I’d scrubbed away every trace of his writing from my skin, I’d memorized his address. 715 Evergreen Terrace.

  The thought of ditching lunch made me smirk. Sorry, Mom and Dad, I have to cut this horrendous lunch short to go meet a porn star so I can lose my virginity. Ha! I choked on my water at the absurdity and gained the attention of both of my parents.

  “Are you okay sweetie?” Dad asked, worriedly.

  “Yes, sorry Daddy. I’m fine.” I took a few bites of food and downed multiple glasses of iced water and somehow I slowly returned to my former self while my parents went back to talking about the next society ball they were planning on attending.

  As Mom mentioned a donation they would make I decided that I would go to Cade—but only to tell him off. Who the hell did he think he was? Offering his services like it was a total inconvenience for him, but still agreeing to take my virginity? I shuddered. He was about to get an earful.

  My parents insisted on dessert, since it was my birthday after all, so I forced down a couple bites of cheesecake before the three of us said our goodbyes. Once they were gone, I made my way to the restaurants restroom and scanned my appearance in the full-length mirror. I adjusted the spaghetti straps of the form-fitting, cream-colored sundress and smoothed the fabric over my hips. Everything about my look, from the coral gloss on my lips to my French-pedicured feet encased in gold designer sandals ensured Cade would understand I was way out of his league. Satisfied I looked as good as I could manage on a hangover, I straightened my shoulders and grabbed my handbag. This had nothing to do with seeing Cade again, and everything to do with letting him see what he’d never have.

  When I pulled up in front of 715 Evergreen Terrace,
I figured there had to be some sort of mistake. He’d probably given me a fake address, since I doubted Cade, the porn-star hottie lived in this suburban, middle-class neighborhood. An elderly man mowed his lawn across the street and a couple of little kids on bikes zoomed past me on the sidewalk.

  I put my car into park and switched off the engine. The house itself was small, but neat and tidy, its white siding freshly painted. A row of trimmed hedges bordered the small yard.

  A black pick-up truck was parked in the driveway, but other than that, there was no telling if anyone was home. I checked my appearance in the rearview mirror one last time, took a deep breath and left the safety of my car before I chickened out completely.

  I didn’t get very far. A school bus had stopped on the corner, letting off a small army of children. The noisy kids scattered in different directions, parading home along the streets and sidewalks, but my attention was momentarily captured by a bright-eyed little girl, smaller than all the rest, who hobbled her way past me with the help of a tiny walker. She spared me a curious glance, but continued on, her eyes shining with determination.

  “Caden!” she called, struggling to make her legs carry her in the direction of the house, where Cade had appeared on the front lawn. He crossed the last few feet separating them and lifted her easily from the ground, the walker momentarily left aside.

  “How was school, baby girl?” He planted a kiss in her blonde curls before lowering her to the ground.

  “It was good. I colored a picture of a butterfly for you today.”

  “Yeah? That sounds real nice. Is it in your backpack?”

  She nodded with excitement, causing her curls to bounce. Her pink backpack was nearly as big as she was. I thought maybe Cade would take the bag from her shoulders, or help her up the ramp that led up to the porch, but he just looked on proudly as determination covered her face and she slowly shuffled forward, pushing the walker out in front of her with each slow step.

  The little girl had captured Cade’s complete attention and he’d yet to even notice me standing there gawking at them.

  “Cade?” My voice sounded shaky and uneven even to my own ears.

  He spun around and looked at me, still waiting by my car at the curb. “Alexa?” Confusion etched into his features, creasing his brow.

  Shit. I so should not have come. All my earlier venom about wanting to tell him off had evaporated at watching him with the little girl.

  I watched as he connected the dots in his head. Then his surprised expression disappeared and a slow smile curved his lips. “So you really want to go through with it, do you?”

  And the venom was back. I marched across the yard, stopping just in front of him, and jabbed my finger into his chest. “I’m not here to have sex with you, you sleazebag. You didn’t think I’d show, so I only came here to prove you wrong.”

  The front door opened and the little girl peeked out. “Caden?” Her voice was full of questions and her eyes widened at the sight of me so close to Cade. I dropped my hand from his chest and stepped back. It was hard to be mad at him when such a sweet little girl obviously adored him.

  “It’s okay, Lily. Go on back in the house. I’ll be in to help you with your stretches in just a minute.”

  She scratched her belly and sighed. “Can you make me a peanut butter and jelly?”

  He chuckled, his features softening at the gorgeous little girls request. “Sure will. Go turn on your show for a minute and I’ll be in to make you the best peanut butter and jelly you’ve ever had real soon.”

  “M’kay!” she called back happily, closing the door behind her as she disappeared inside.

  “Is she…yours?”

  He scratched his stubble covered jaw and blew out a frustrated breath. “Lily’s my sister, but I’ve had full custody of her since she was three.”

  “Oh.” He’s raising his little sister? I took a step back at the weight of this new information. The strong bond between them was undeniable.

  “Is it scoliosis?” I asked softly.

  “Spina bifida,” he said, his eyes far away.

  “Oh,” I said again, finding it difficult to find my words. I knew it was a crippling childhood disease that left the spine twisted and often affected the legs, but I wasn’t very educated in it. “I’m sorry.”

  “We manage,” he bit out, bringing his full attention back to me.

  “I can see that. Look, I’m sorry. Why don’t we just forget I ever came here?” I wanted to take another step back, to disappear entirely, but I remained where I was, fighting the urge to run.

  “Why did you come here?” His gaze sparked with curiosity, the challenge in his tone unmistakable.

  His eyes raked over my skin, and sent a brief chill skittering down my spine. I cursed myself for wearing this damn sundress and for how much skin was showing. My breasts pressed against the thin cotton fabric, reminding me this dress didn’t accommodate for a bra and left me feeling a little too on display. I hated how his mere presence left me off balance and reeling.

  “At least a little part of you was curious. You wouldn’t have shown up otherwise.” He touched my shoulder, his thumb brushing along the exposed flesh next to the strap of my dress.

  My eyes shut briefly at the intensity in his caress, and I uselessly opened and closed my mouth, unable to respond. Heck yeah, I was curious. I was curious what his stubble-covered jaw would feel like against my skin and what his mouth would feel like pressing against mine. Were his lips as soft as they looked? Would he be a gentle lover who took his time, or rough and hard?

  He dropped his hand, seemingly unaware of the panty-melting effect he was having on me. “Just so you know, I wasn’t trying to embarrass you, or take advantage. I was trying to preserve some of your dignity. Your one friend was practically auctioning you off, and your other friend was ready to whip out his dick and take you right there. You should be thanking me.”

  Thanking him? Yeah, right. But I guess it had put him in an awkward situation, too. “Well, I only came here to tell you never mind. That I wasn’t interested.”

  “Really? That’s why you drove all the way over here?” One of his eyebrows quirked up in disbelief.

  My cheeks reddened. I supposed curiosity had more than a little to do with it… Well, that, and I’d have done just about anything to get away from my mother’s afternoon shopping plans for us.

  “We both know there’s more to it than that. A small part of you wants this, but I can be patient. I’ve got all the time in the world.”

  He was right that I was curious, but I wasn’t about to tell him that. His cockiness was really beginning to get on my nerves. “Get over yourself. It’ll be a cold day in hell when I come asking you for sex.”

  He laughed at my sudden outburst, the sound full and throaty. “Whatever you say, cupcake.” He glanced back at the house where I knew his sister was waiting for him.

  Hearing him mention about helping her with her stretches sent my mind tumbling in the direction of nursing school, and trying to remember what I knew about issues with the spine. “Does she go to physical therapy?”

  “Not anymore. I couldn’t afford to keep it up, so I had the therapist teach me the exercises I could do with her at home.”

  “Oh.” I seemed to keep saying that, increasingly finding myself at a loss for words. Over the past few minutes he’d transformed from an ultra-sexy, bad-for-you porn star into a loving, caring human being. He clearly loved his sister and worried over her condition. I didn’t know what to do with this new information. “I have to go. Besides, you have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to make.” I held my face impassive, trying like hell not to let him see just how confused I was becoming.

  “Yeah, okay.” He stuffed his hands into his pockets, his forearms flexing with movement, a smug smile still on his lips.

  I turned and headed for my car, his chuckle grating over my skin for what I assumed would be the last time.

  Oh how wrong I was.


  * * *


  I stalked inside to find Lily planted in front of the TV, happily watching her favorite cartoon show. I headed back to the kitchen to fix her snack and as I smeared peanut butter on the bread, I shook my head in disbelief over the realization that Alexa had actually shown up. And I strongly doubted it was to tell me off, like she’d implied. I could read the curiosity on her face as clear as day. My cock had immediately started hardening against my thigh and my heart rate climbed.

  But I knew her type—diamond-studded earrings, an expensive watch, and too-high expectations. Girls like that didn’t go for guys like me. Never had. No, they wanted some douche bag named Scott who was well-mannered and sat behind a desk all day, doing fuck knows what, but pulling in a nice fat paycheck every week.

  I wasn’t good enough for her.

  It was as simple as that.

  • • •

  “Mollie’s arrived. You’re going to fucking love her,” Rick assured me.

  A tall, thin girl entered the room. She was built for sin, dressed in a black garter belt, stockings, black lace bra and sky-high heels. Long red hair cascaded over her shoulders and down her back.

  “Sebastian?” she asked as she approached.

  “Nice to meet you.” I offered her my hand. I couldn’t believe I was actually going through with it. But I had to—for my own stubborn male pride, not to mention the money that Lily and I so desperately needed.

  She looked wryly at my offered hand and stepped in closer, separating any distance between us and patted my naked chest. “Oh, you are fucking gorgeous, honey. This is going to be fun.”

  I chuckled as a wave of unexpected shyness crept through me. I didn’t even know this girl’s real name—assuming it wasn’t Mollie—and I was about to fuck her on camera for thousands, if not millions of strangers to watch and do god only knows what to. But I figured it wasn’t much different than the few times I’d taken girls home from the bar without even knowing their last names. Maybe it felt different because I was sober. Oh, and because there was a room full of people watching us.


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