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Deadly Alpha

Page 16

by Brenda Sparks

  “Well, what are you waiting for?”

  Marcus fell to his knees before his mate. Taking her hips in his large hands, he pulled her creamy core toward his mouth. She moaned when he pressed his lips against her, and his tongue swirled circles on her most sensitive spot. He sucked her delicate nub into his mouth, causing her to arch back in a sensuous way that lifted her breasts in offering. In response, his hand trailed up her body to her breast.

  He palmed the soft globe, kneading it gently. Marcus rolled the nipple between his thumb and finger, making it tighten while he continued his oral ministration. He teased her nipples, first one then the other, until two hard and firm buds pebbled from his attention.

  Christina tossed her head back and forth with delight. She fisted her hands in his thick hair, holding him to her as she thrust against him in wanton abandonment. Marcus fed on her, suckling, driving her body higher until it tightened with need. He moaned against her when she rewarded his efforts by climaxing a heady rush of creamy heat.

  The Alpha crawled up her body, wrapping his arms around her back. He rolled their bodies and brought her to rest on top of him. With one thrust he surrounded his shaft with her amazing heat. It bathed him in its warmth. A fresh rush of passion pulsed through his veins, and flames licked over his skin.

  Christina sat up, bracing her palms on his chest, taking charge of their pace. She moved slowly, hips rocking against him. Marcus watched her breasts sway to the rhythm. Noticing where his attention lay, she took his hands, encouraging him to caress her breasts, and he readily complied.

  He loved watching her like this, licentious and unrestrained. Her body undulated in sinuous gyrations. Christina bit her lower lip as a look of pure ecstasy took her face while she rode him.

  The Alpha slid his hands around her back and pulled her down against him. Her hair surrounded his head, veiling them from the world. The pads of his fingers brushed down her back before they gripped her hips. He quickened their pace, pounding their flesh together. The slap of flesh aroused him further. He lost himself in the intoxicating sound, to the moment, the rhythm. His power moved within her, the friction nearly intolerable, the pleasure so intense he gave himself to her, losing himself completely.

  He tucked her hair around to one side and exposed her neck. His fangs lengthened in anticipation. Marcus bit into her vein, taking her blood down his throat, sending her over the edge, when the ecstasy of his bite coursed through her. Her orgasm tore a scream from her throat. She gripped him tightly with her sheath, milking him as he moved. His thrusts deepened, burying himself to the hilt in her moist heat. His own orgasm boiled up, and he quickly licked the small wounds closed, before he succumbed to the sensation and followed her lead, growling against her neck as he spilled his seed into her.

  They lay joined together, trying to catch their breath.

  “I feel lightheaded,” Christina muttered, as she trailed one finger over his shoulder and down his arm.

  “Probably the combination of heat and steam.” Marcus gave her a tight squeeze.

  “And passion.” Christina raised her head from his chest and placed her hand on her neck over the bite wound.

  Marcus gently pulled her hand away from her neck. No mark remained. His eyes softened at the look on his mate’s face. “I hope it’s okay that I drank from you. I couldn’t help myself.”

  Marcus feathered his thumb back and forth across the spot where he’d bitten her.

  Christina smiled down at him. “I thought my orgasm would have been answer enough.” She chuckled. “You can do that anytime.”

  He returned her smile, his chest swelling with male satisfaction, then sighed when reality pushed in on him. “I hate to say this, but I need to go. We are doing patrols again tonight.”

  “That’s why you were all hitting the gym. You were getting warmed up in case you have to fight tonight.” A look of apprehension crossed her face.

  “Yes.” He wouldn’t lie to her.

  “I don’t want you to go.”

  The beseeching look on her face nearly undid him. Her concern for his safety radiated through their link. Marcus tucked a strand of her auburn hair behind one ear.

  “I have to. It’s what I do. It’s what we do.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “I’ll be fine. I’ve spent centuries training with these guys. We’re tight, a good team. And we’re good at what we do. You have nothing to worry about, cara.”

  Famous last words, thought Christina as she dismounted his body and headed for the sauna door.

  “I heard that, babe.” Remember our mindlink. I can hear your thoughts. Marcus followed her out of the room.

  “I keep forgetting about that,” she muttered, holding the door for him.

  They exited the sauna together, and each grabbed a towel located just outside the door. After wrapping themselves in their towels, Marcus tucked Christina under his arm, drawing her to his chest. He leaned down and planted a kiss on the top of her head.

  “You really don’t have to worry, you know. I’ll be back before you know it.”

  “You'd better be.”

  They left the gym side by side through the double doors and headed for their suite so they could shower and change before Marcus went out on patrol.


  A short time later, Marcus joined the Alphas in the foyer of his mansion. Dressed in black from head to toe, he matched his fellow warriors. His leathers were tight and tucked into his boots. He’d donned a dark turtleneck covered by a black leather jacket.

  Nicholai shrugged into his leather coat and grinned at Marcus. “So, you get all your kinks worked out in the sauna there, my man?”

  “More like he got kinky in the sauna,” bantered Demetri.

  The Alphas all laughed with the exception of Marcus, who feigned a disgusted look. “What did or didn’t happen in the sauna is none of your damned business. Got it?” Marcus hauled off and punched Demetri in his bicep.

  “Got it. Point made,” Demetri growled, grabbing his shoulder and circling his arm to work out the sore muscle.

  “Where’s Michael?” Stephan smoothly changed the subject, before the jovial mood could become violent.

  “He told me he had something to do this evening. That’s why he didn’t join us to workout. He said he would be able to patrol his section of the grid tonight, though,” Alex informed the group.

  “He'd better,” said Stephan, putting on his coat. “He’s starting to get on my nerves, that one. He is increasingly unavailable. He acts like the Council is too much of an effort for him. Perhaps Michael and I need to have a little sit-down soon. He needs to get his priorities straight.”

  “Is it just me, or does he seem to be more of a recluse as of late?” Demetri asked.

  “I noticed that in Vegas,” Alex chimed in. “He seems to have a way of vanishing just when something needs to be done.”

  Nicholai zipped his jacket. “The male is in need of a serious altitude adjustment.”

  “You mean an attitude adjustment?” Marcus corrected, with a smile.

  “We could give him an attitude adjustment by sending him to a higher altitude with a few hard punches,” offered Demetri.

  The Alpha leader raked a hand through his hair, securing it in a thong before continuing. “We’ll deal with Michael later. Right now we have more important matters at hand, like finding the person responsible for those missing women. Marcus, you and Alexander will take quadrant one tonight. Demetri, you will go with your cousin, Nicholai, and patrol quadrant two. Vlad and I will take the third quadrant, leaving Michael to do the fourth with Tatiana, assuming Michael shows up.”

  “Speaking of, where is Tatiana?” Alex asked as he handed Stephan a knife.

  Stephan tucked the switchblade into his boot. “She said she had something to do and would hook up with Michael in Forsyth Park at ten.

  “If you find anything unusual, call in and we will rendezvous. This is strictly a recon mission. Do not engage, unless it is absolutely necessary.”
br />   The group of males turned to exit the house.

  “Whoa there, big fella,” Kat called, as she and Christina emerged from the living room. Kat stopped her mate in his tracks by grabbing the back of his jacket. “Where do you think you’re going without a good luck kiss?”

  Stephan turned toward her, and she jumped into his arms. “I don’t need luck, heartmate, but I’ll take the kiss anyway.” Kat’s toes dangled while they kissed. He lowered her to her feet, parting their lips. “I’ll see you soon. Be waiting for me in that little blue number I saw you pack.”

  Her eyes widened. “You saw that? I wanted it to be a surprise.”

  “Be waiting for me in that, and I’ll show you a surprise when I get back.” Stephan winked at Kat.

  “What about my kiss?” Marcus grabbed Christina around her waist and drew her to him.

  “I don’t think Stephan would appreciate me laying one on you, Marcus,” Kat teased, and Stephan growled a warning.

  Marcus shot her a look from the corner of his eye before turning his attention back on his love. “I wasn’t talking to you, Kitty Kat. I was talking to the gorgeous woman in my arms.”

  Christina rose on her tiptoes and kissed Marcus—a deep kiss that made him push into her mind to glean her thoughts.

  She had a bad feeling about tonight and didn’t want him to leave. His mate wanted him to stay with her where he would be out of harm’s way. That was sweet. She was concerned for his safety. It warmed his heart to know she felt that way.

  When he released her to leave, her bereavement came across their link.

  “You come back to me safe and sound,” she called after him as he turned from her to leave.

  “Will do,” said Marcus before he set the alarm code and closed the door behind him.

  Once outside and out of earshot of the women, Stephan motioned for his team to wait. “Hold up for a minute.” He waited for their full attention, then continued. “We’ve been at this for six nights with nothing to show for it. We need to find this vampire. He’s going to strike again if we can’t find him.”

  Marcus shifted his stance. “I know. I’m surprised there haven’t been any abductions this week. Maybe our patrols are keeping him away. Or maybe he moved on to a new city.”

  “According to Demetri, VES thinks he is still here in Savannah.” Demetri nodded before Stephan continued. “They think he is laying low, probably because he knows we are looking for him.”

  “Well, one thing’s for sure,” said Alexander. “We won’t find him standing around here.”

  Vladimir nodded once in agreement. A male of few words, he simply said, “I concur.”

  They headed for the three identical black SUV’s parked in the driveway. The teams loaded into the cars and brought the vehicles to life. Engines rumbling, the cars caravanned down the drive, spitting gravel behind them as they went.


  The vampire watched the procession drive away. He knew the routine, had it down. The patrols would be gone for six and a half hours. Once they returned, there would be a briefing, after which the Alphas would disperse. While the single males did whatever, the ones with heartmates would go to their females to mate. Fates above, how he wanted that.

  He wanted a female to call his own. Since meeting Christina, he’d tried to sate his appetite with other women, but they didn’t smell or taste like her.

  He wanted to possess Christina, and tonight he would finally have her. With the Alphas gone, the females would be unprotected. Of course, it would have been nice if Christina happened to be alone, but he’d take care of the other female easily enough. He had waited for the perfect time, and tonight was it.

  His scheme was perfect. No one could stop him. He had planned carefully. He’d thought of everything. He knew it wouldn’t be easy, but his plan would work. It must.

  He licked his lips in anticipation and smiled.

  Chapter 25

  Christina and Kat settled into their usual evening plan. Every night for the past six evenings, the women kissed their heartmates goodbye before going to the media room to pass the hours. As they watched TV, they talked, getting to know one another. The two were becoming good friends.

  Christina found she enjoyed Kat’s company. When she first met Kat, she had been jealous, mostly because Kat had a longer history with Marcus than she did. With Katrina looking so beautiful and perfect, Christina expected Marcus’ friend to be stuck up and snooty, but she couldn’t have been more wrong.

  Christina now genuinely liked the woman, found her to be caring and sweet. Kat turned out to be a wealth of information. Most conversations between the two consisted of Christina asking questions about either Marcus or life as a vampire, and tonight was no exception.

  Christina watched Kat pop a handful of popcorn into her mouth. “What was it like?” she inquired grabbing some of the kernels.

  “What was what like?”

  “The conversion. What was it like when you were turned into a vampire?”

  Kat stilled. She turned her gaze fully on Christina and asked, “What did Marcus tell you about it?”

  “He said it hurt like hell.” Christina ate another handful of the corn.

  Kat put her arm on the back of the couch and rested her head on her hand. “To say it hurts is an understatement. The pain is so great you start begging to die. And in a way, you kind of do.”

  Christina’s brows narrowed in concern over her emerald eyes. “Is it always that bad?”

  “Yeah, I think it is. Your human body does die in a way. Your muscles become longer, your bones denser. Your cells become depleted as your body literally eats itself for energy to complete the change. Your heart enlarges so your new body can have enough blood flowing through it. So yeah, it’s always bad.”

  “But you got through it.”

  “I did, but it wasn’t easy.”

  “Is it worth it?” Christina whispered in a soft voice. “Is it worth the pain to become a vampire?”

  Kat ran her fingers through her long blonde hair as she carefully considered her answer. “What choice did I have? I am the heartmate of a vampire. If I stayed human, I would age and die while he remained young and agile. There really is no other choice, when you think about it. For me, I’d endure anything to be with Stephan. The few moments of pain were definitely worth centuries with the love of my life.”

  Kat turned her attention back to the show as Christina sat silently, contemplating what her new friend had said.

  Centuries with Marcus.

  She couldn’t imagine it but definitely wanted to find out what that might be like.

  The doorbell rang, startling Christina from her musings.

  “I’ll get that.” Katrina offered. “I know Payton isn’t here tonight.”

  Christina stood and brushed the popcorn crumbs from her slacks. When she looked around, Kat was already gone.

  Making her way through the home, she reached the hall in time to see Kat disarm the system and open the door.

  “Hi.” Katrina moved aside to let the man enter. “I thought you were patrolling tonight. Is everything all right?”

  The vampire stepped inside, closing the door behind him. “Where’s Christina?” he asked, looking around.

  “She’s in the TV room.”

  Unease crept up Christina’s spine, freezing her steps. Did he come to be the bearer of bad news? Had something happened to Stephan? To Marcus? Christina’s stomach churned with apprehension.

  “Why are you here?” Kat’s tone of voice sounded shaky. “What’s wrong, Michael? Why aren’t you out patrolling with the other Alphas?”

  Christina’s eyes widened as Michael’s fingers wrapped around Katrina’s throat. His other hand gripped her shoulder. A quick jerk snapped her neck with a sickening crack.

  A bloodcurdling scream pushed from Christina’s lips.

  Michael’s hungry eyes met hers. A thick lump formed in her throat.

  “There you are.” Malice dripped from his voice.
  He took a step in her direction, and Christina’s fight-or-flight response kicked into gear. Knowing there was nothing she could do for Kat, Christina ran toward the safe room.

  As she turned and ran, she heard Michael call out behind her, “Nothing I like better than a good chase, Christina. I’m coming to get you, my pretty.”


  Michael leaned over Stephan’s mate, a look of abhorrence on his face. A broken spine would not kill her, but it would certainly keep her incapacitated while her body healed. Michael put two fingers to the female vampire’s throat, feeling a thready pulse.

  With Kat out of the way, there was no reason to rush. No reason at all. In fact, it was much more fun to stalk his prey. However, he’d need to make sure the prey couldn’t call for help.

  He sent his awareness through the home until he found Christina. Michael pushed into her mind, built a mental block between her and Marcus, then flooded her with the sensations of fear and dread before pulling back to himself.

  Michael strolled in the direction Christina had gone. He sniffed the air, inhaled the smell he craved so desperately. Fear. Delicious fear mixed with the sensual aroma of Christina. His nostrils flared as he caught the arousing scent. It took him down the hallway, through a door, and down some stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, a steady pulsing beat came to his ears. Her heartbeat. It called to him like a beacon on a dark ocean, guiding him.

  Michael increased his speed, rounded the corner, and discovered Christina.

  Her little feet pounded at a rather fast pace for a human. A predatory growl escaped his throat.

  Chapter 26

  The hairs on Christina’s neck rose. She sensed him behind her, a fierce predator seeking his prey. She was so close, just inches from the panic room. She put her hand on the door knob to the room as his hand closed around her ankle. Her momentum halted. Christina fell face first onto the carpet.

  She rolled over onto her back and kicked as hard as possible with her free leg. Her high-heeled shoe intuitively found Michael’s eye. The contact snapped his head back, and he screamed in pain when the heel punctured the orb. A clear liquid mixed with blood rolled down his face, and revulsion at the sight twisted her stomach. Michael covered his eye with both hands and rolled from side to side with pain. Her ankle freed, Christina scrambled backwards into the room and slammed the door shut.


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